97.22 Milk producers.97.22(1)
(1) Definitions. In this section:97.22(1)(a)
(a) "Dairy farm" means any place where one or more cows, sheep or goats are kept for the production of milk.97.22(1)(b)
(b) "Dairy plant" has the meaning given under s. 97.20 (1) (a).97.22(1)(c)
(c) "Fluid milk product" has the meaning given under s. 97.24 (1) (ar).97.22(1)(d)
(d) "Grade A milk" has the meaning given under s. 97.24 (1) (b).97.22(1)(e)
(e) "Milk" means the lacteal secretion of cows, sheep or goats, and includes skim milk and cream.97.22(1)(f)
(f) "Milk producer" means any person who owns or operates a dairy farm, and sells or distributes milk produced on that farm.97.22(2)
(2) License.97.22(2)(a)
(a) License required. No person may operate a dairy farm as a milk producer without a valid license issued by the department for that dairy farm. A license expires on April 30 annually and is not transferable between persons or dairy farms. Every milk producer shall comply with standards applicable to the production of milk and fluid milk products under this chapter and rules promulgated under this chapter.97.22(2)(b)
(b) License fee. Unless otherwise established by department rule, the fee for a milk producer license under par. (a) is $20. The department also may establish by rule a reduced license fee for a producer who is properly inspected at least once annually by a special dairy farm inspector certified under sub. (7).97.22(2)(c)
(c) Dairy plant to pay license fee for milk producer. The operator of a dairy plant licensed under s. 97.20 shall pay the milk producer license fee under this subsection for every dairy farm from which the dairy plant receives milk at the time the fee payment is due. An applicant for a dairy plant license shall submit that fee with the applicant's dairy plant license application under s. 97.20. A dairy plant operator who pays a milk producer license fee may charge that fee back to the milk producer if the dairy plant operator notifies the milk producer in writing of the dairy plant operator's intent to charge the fee to the milk producer. A dairy plant operator may not discriminate between milk producers with respect to fee charges under this paragraph, but may charge back license fees to all milk producers who cease shipping milk to the dairy plant during the license year. A dairy plant operator who pays a milk producer license fee may not deduct the amount of the fee from any payment to the milk producer for milk that the dairy plant operator purchases from the milk producer.97.22(3)
(3) Grade A dairy farm permit.97.22(3)(a)
(a) Permit required. No milk producer may sell or distribute milk from his or her dairy farm as grade A milk without a valid grade A dairy farm permit issued by the department for that dairy farm. A grade A dairy farm permit expires on April 30 annually and is not transferable between persons or dairy farms. A grade A dairy farm permit may be issued in the form of an endorsement on a milk producer license under sub. (2). Every milk producer holding a grade A dairy farm permit shall comply with standards applicable to the production of grade A milk under this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter.97.22(4)
(4) Reinspection and reinstatement fees.97.22(4)(a)
(a) Fee required.97.22(4)(a)1.
1. If the department or a special dairy inspector has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, and if the department has not lowered the grade of the milk that may be sold or distributed from the dairy farm because of the violation, the department shall charge the reinspection fee specified under par. (am) to reinspect the dairy farm.97.22(4)(a)2.
2. If the department or a special dairy inspector has found a violation of this chapter or rules promulgated under this chapter, and if the department has lowered the grade of the milk that may be sold or distributed from the dairy farm because of the violation, the department shall charge the reinstatement fee specified under par. (am) to reinspect the dairy farm.97.22(4)(a)3.
3. A reinspection or reinstatement fee is payable when the reinspection is completed, and is due upon written demand from the department.97.22(4)(am)
(am) Fee amounts. The reinspection fee under par. (a) 1., unless otherwise established by department rule, is $20. The reinstatement fee under par. (a) 2., unless otherwise established by department rule, is $40.97.22(4)(b)
(b) Dairy plant to pay reinspection or reinstatement fee for milk producer. The operator of a dairy plant licensed under s. 97.20 shall pay the dairy farm reinspection or reinstatement fee under this subsection for every milk producer who was shipping milk from the reinspected dairy farm to that dairy plant at the time the dairy farm was reinspected. The department may issue an annual statement of reinspection or reinstatement fees payable by the dairy plant, and may demand payment from the dairy plant on an annual basis, when it issues an application form for the renewal of the dairy plant's license under s. 97.20. A dairy plant operator who pays a dairy farm reinspection or reinstatement fee shall charge that fee back to the milk producer.97.22(5)
(5) Fees payable by milk producer if not paid by dairy plant. If a milk producer ships milk to a dairy plant which is not subject to licensure under s. 97.20, the unlicensed dairy plant may voluntarily pay the fees required under this section on behalf of the milk producer if the dairy plant is authorized by the milk producer to pay the fees. If no dairy plant pays the fees required under this section on behalf of a milk producer, the milk producer shall pay the fees.97.22(6)
(6) Dairy farm inspection; frequency. The department shall inspect every dairy farm other than a grade A dairy farm at least once every 2 years, and shall inspect every grade A dairy farm at the frequency required by the department by rule under s.
(7) Special dairy farm inspectors. The department may certify a dairy plant employee or agent to inspect dairy farms on behalf of the department as a special dairy farm inspector. A special dairy farm inspector shall inspect dairy farms and make written reports to the department according to procedures prescribed by the department. The department may promulgate rules governing the certification of special dairy farm inspectors; defining the authority and responsibilities of those inspectors; establishing inspection and reporting requirements; and establishing procedures by which the department will review inspector performance.97.22(8)
(8) Rule making. The department may promulgate rules to establish the fees required under sub. (2) (b) or (4) (a) or to govern the operation of dairy farms by milk producers. The rules may include standards for any of the following:97.22(8)(a)
(a) The safety, wholesomeness and quality of milk.97.22(8)(b)
(b) The sanitary construction and maintenance of dairy farm facilities used in milk production.97.22(8)(c)
(c) The availability of safe and adequate water supplies for milk production.97.22(8)(d)
(d) The sanitary construction, maintenance and cleaning of equipment and utensils used in milk production.97.22(8)(e)
(e) Personnel sanitation related to milk production.97.22(8)(f)
(f) Sanitary procedures for the production of milk, including but not limited to the handling, transfer and storage of milk on a dairy farm.97.22(10)
(10) Confidentiality. Any information obtained and kept by the department under this section, under s. 97.24 or 97.52, or under rules promulgated under those sections, that pertains to individual milk producer production, milk fat and other component tests and quality records is not subject to inspection under s. 19.35 except as required under s. 126.70 or except as the department determines is necessary to protect the public health, safety or welfare.97.22 - ANNOT.
History: 1975 c. 39; 1987 a. 27, 399; 1989 a. 31; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 114; 2001 a. 16.97.22 - ANNOT.
Cross Reference: See also ch. ATCP 80, Wis. adm. code.