1-19-101. Right to levy and sale.
Rightsand shares of stock in any corporation owned or held by any defendant in executionor attachment, or in trust for such person, may be levied upon under anyexecution or writ of attachment, and may be sold under any execution in themanner provided.
1-19-102. Duty to furnish statement of defendant's rights or shares.
Whenany execution or writ of attachment is issued against the owner of any rightsor shares in any corporation or for whom any rights or shares are held by anyperson other than the defendant, it is the duty of any officer of thecorporation, or if there is no officer in the state, then the resident manageror agent, upon the request of the officer having the execution or writ ofattachment, to furnish him a certificate under his hand stating the number ofrights or shares which the defendant holds, or which are held in trust fordefendant, or for his use, in the corporation.
1-19-103. Manner of making levy.
Tolevy execution or attachment on rights or shares in a corporation, the officermaking the levy shall leave a true copy of the writ, with any officer of thecorporation and if there is no officer, then with the resident manager or agentthereof, together with the officer's certificate stating that he levies uponand takes in execution or attachment the rights or shares to satisfy the writ.
1-19-104. Sale of rights or shares.
Rightsor shares in any corporation levied upon by writ of attachment shall be heldsubject to the judgment rendered in the action in which the writ is issued.Whenever execution is levied upon such rights or shares, they shall be sold aspersonal property as provided by law, at the front door of the courthouse inthe county in which the levy is made.
1-19-105. Certificate of sale; transfer on corporate books.
Everyofficer who sells any rights or shares of stock in any corporation under anexecution shall execute to the purchaser a certificate in writing reciting thesale and payment of the consideration, and conveying to the purchaser therights and shares. The officer shall also leave with an officer of thecorporation or the resident manager or agent, a true copy of the certificate.The person having charge of the books of the corporation shall make entries inthe books as necessary to vest the legal and equitable title to the rights orshares in the purchaser.
1-19-106. Rights and privileges of purchasers.
Apurchaser of rights or shares in a corporation at a sale made by an officer,upon receiving a certificate of the sale as provided in W.S. 1-19-105 is deemedto be the legal and equitable owner of the rights or shares and is entitled toall dividends and to the same rights and privileges as a shareholder of thecorporation as was the defendant in execution, even though the rights andshares of stock may not have been transferred upon the books of the company.
1-19-107. Effect of levy.
Rightsand shares of stock in a corporation levied upon as provided by W.S. 1-19-101through 1-19-107 shall be held and bound from the time of the levy.
1-19-108. Liability of shares pledged or used as collateral.
Whenshares of any corporation are pledged in good faith, or pledged as collateralsecurity for any loan or debt, and the certificate is delivered upon the pledgeor debt, the shares are not liable to be taken on execution against the pledgorexcept for the excess of their value over the sum for which they have beenpledged.