1-7-101. Liability for expenses in civil actions.
Whena change of venue is directed in a civil action in the district court, thecounty from which the change of venue is taken shall be liable to pay to thecounty to which the change is taken the fees paid to the jury trying the caseand any of the regular panel not engaged in the trial but held in waiting as anincident thereto, allowance to bailiffs, and all other jury expensesnecessarily incurred by such county because of the change of venue. Suchexpenses shall be audited and allowed by the court to which the action ischanged and the court shall certify such allowance to the county clerk of thecounty from which the change of venue was first taken. The allowance shall bepaid by the county from which the change of venue was first taken.
1-7-102. Venue in criminal cases generally.
(a) Every criminal case shall be tried in the county in whichthe indictment or offense charged is found, except as otherwise provided bylaw.
(b) When the location of a criminal offense cannot beestablished with certainty, venue may be placed in the county or district wherethe corpus delicti is found, or in any county or district in which the victimwas transported.