10-1-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Aircraft" means any contrivance used, ordesigned for navigation or flight in the air, except a parachute or othercontrivance designed for this navigation but used primarily as safetyequipment;
(ii) "Airman" means any individual, including theindividual in command and any pilot, mechanic or member of the crew, whoengages in the navigation of aircraft while under way, and any individual whois in charge of the inspection, overhauling or repairing of aircraft;
(iii) Repealed by Laws 2005, ch. 207, 2.
(iv) "Commission" means the Wyoming aeronauticscommission;
(v) "Department" means the department oftransportation;
(vi) "Aeronautics commission" means the aeronauticscommission created by W.S. 10-3-101;
(vii) "Division" means the division of aeronauticswithin the department of transportation;
(viii) "Person" means individuals, associations ofindividuals, firms, partnerships, companies, corporations and otherorganizations;
(ix) "This act" means W.S. 10-1-101 through 10-6-104.