11-29-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this act:
(i) "Animal" means every living dumb creature;
(ii) "Owner" or "person" means anyindividual including the agents and employees of corporations;
(iii) "Torture," "torment" or"cruelty" means every act, omission or neglect whereby the willfuland malicious infliction of pain or suffering is caused, permitted or allowedto continue when there is a reasonable remedy or relief;
(iv) "Disposal" means as defined in W.S.11-24-101(a)(iv);
(v) "Livestock" means as defined in W.S.23-1-102(a)(xvi);
(vi) "This act" means W.S. 11-29-101 through11-29-113.
11-29-102. Repealed by Laws 1982, ch. 75, 5; 1983, ch. 171, 3.
11-29-103. Animals to be fed while impounded; penalties.
(a) Every person who impounds or causes to be impounded anyanimal in any pound or corral, under the laws of this state, shall supply tothe animal during confinement a sufficient quantity of wholesome food andwater.
(b) Any person convicted of violating this section shall beimprisoned not exceeding six (6) months, or fined not less than one hundreddollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00), or both.
11-29-104. Furnishing food to impounded animals.
When any animal impounded is without foodor water for more than twelve (12) successive hours, it is lawful for anyperson to enter into any pound or corral in which the animal is confined andsupply the animal with food and water as often as necessary so long as theanimal remains confined. Any person entering property to supply food and waterto an impounded animal is not liable in any action for the entry and thereasonable cost of the food and water may be collected by him from the owner ofthe animal.
11-29-105. Livestock board; certificates or badges to be provided.
Officers and agents of the Wyominglivestock board shall be provided with a certificate by the board that they areofficers and agents of the board, in such form as the board may choose, or witha badge bearing the name or seal of the board, and if requested, shall show thecertificate or badge when acting officially.
11-29-106. Livestock board; authority to prevent cruelty; penalty forinterference with officer.
Any peace officer, agent or officer of theboard may lawfully interfere to prevent the perpetration of any act of crueltyupon any animal in his presence. Any person who interferes with, obstructs orresists any peace officer or officer or agent of the board in the discharge ofhis duty shall be fined not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00) nor morethan one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500.00), or imprisoned not more thanone (1) year, or both.
11-29-107. Repealed by Laws 2006, Chapter 88, 3.
11-29-108. Livestock board; seized animals and vehicles; lien on seizedchattels; civil action for unpaid expenses.
Whenany person arrested under this act is in charge of any vehicle drawn by orcontaining any animal cruelly treated at the time of arrest, any peace officer,agent or officer of the board may take charge of the animal and vehicle and itscontents, and give notice thereof to the owner, if known, and shall provide forthem until their owner takes possession of them. The board or local governmentshall have a lien on the animals, the vehicle and its contents for the expenseof the care and provision. The expense or any part remaining unpaid may berecovered by the board or local government in a civil action.
11-29-109. Livestock board; care of abandoned animals; civil action forexpenses; lien.
Anypeace officer, agent or officer of the board may take charge of any animalfound abandoned, neglected or cruelly treated. He shall give notice to theowner, if known, and may care and provide for the animal until the owner takescharge of the animal. The expenses of care and provision is a charge againstthe owner of the animal and collectible from the owner by the board or by thelocal government employing the peace officer taking charge of the animal in acivil action. The board or local government may detain the animals until theexpense for food, shelter and care is paid and shall have a lien upon theanimals therefor.
11-29-110. Livestock board; enforcement of liens; notice to owner.
Any person entitled to a lien under thisact may enforce the lien by disposing of the animals and other personalproperty upon which the lien is given, at public auction, upon giving writtennotice to the owner, if he is known, of the time and place of the disposal, atleast five (5) days previous thereto, and by posting three (3) notices of thetime and place of the disposal in three (3) public places within the county atleast five (5) days previous thereto. If the owner is not known, the noticeshall be posted at least ten (10) days previous to the disposal.
11-29-111. Livestock board; destruction of diseased animals.
Any agent or officer of the board maydestroy or cause to be destroyed any animal in his charge when in his judgmentand by the written certificate of two (2) reputable citizens called to view theanimal in his presence, one (1) of whom may be selected by the owner of theanimal if he so requests, the animal appears to be injured, disabled, diseasedpast recovery or unfit for any useful purpose.
11-29-112. Repealed by Laws 1982, ch. 75, 5; 1983, ch. 171, 3.
11-29-113. Dehorning cattle permitted.
Nothing in this act prohibits the dehorningof cattle.
11-29-114. Impoundment of animals; cost of care for animals; providingfor bond.
(a) Any peace officer, agent or officer of the board may takepossession of any animal treated cruelly as determined by a licensedveterinarian or veterinarian employed by the board.
(b) The owner of the animal impounded under subsection (a) ofthis section, and who has been cited under W.S. 6-3-203, shall be required topost a bond with the circuit court in the county where the animal wasimpounded. The bond shall be:
(i) In an amount the circuit court determines is sufficient toprovide for the animal's board, nutritional care, veterinary care anddiagnostic testing for at least ninety (90) days including the day on which theanimal was impounded; and
(ii) Filed with the circuit court within ten (10) days after theanimal is impounded.
(c) When the bond expires, if the owner of the animal desiresto prevent disposition of the animal by the board, the owner shall post a newbond with the court as described in subsection (b) of this section.
(d) If a bond is not posted under subsection (b) or (c) of thissection, the board shall determine final disposition of the animal inaccordance with reasonable practices for the humane treatment of animals. Theowner of the animal shall be liable for all costs associated with the finaldisposition of the animal under this subsection.
(e) If a bond has been posted in accordance with subsection (b)or (c) of this section, the agency employing the officer, or the board, maydraw from the bond the actual costs as described in subsection (b) of thissection, from the date of initial impoundment to the date of final dispositionof the animal.