11-48-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter:
(i) "Board" means the Wyoming livestock board;
(ii) "Director" means the director of the Wyominglivestock board;
(iii) "Feral" means a domestic animal that is not underthe control of nor cared for by a person and which has returned to a wild orsemi-wild state;
(iv) "Livestock" means as defined in W.S.11-6-302(a)(vi);
(v) "Disposal" means as defined in W.S.11-24-101(a)(iv);
(vi) "Livestock" means as defined in W.S.23-1-102(a)(xvi).
11-48-102. Disposition of feral livestock.
(a) Before any livestock can be declared feral, a reasonableattempt shall be made by the director or the state veterinarian to locate andidentify the owner of the livestock and to notify the owner to take possessionof the livestock.
(b) If the state veterinarian or the director are unable toidentify and notify the owner of the livestock or the owner refused to takepossession for the livestock within five (5) days after receiving notice, thelivestock may be declared to be feral livestock.
(c) If the director or the state veterinarian determines thatany feral livestock are damaging private or public property, including grass,cultivated crops or stored crops, or determines the feral livestock is onprivate or public property where the feral livestock are not authorized to beand that capturing the feral livestock is not feasible or is cost prohibitive,the director or the state veterinarian may order the disposal of the ferallivestock.
(d) If the state veterinarian determines or suspects any ferallivestock are likely to be infected with or able to spread any infectious orcontagious disease, the state veterinarian may order the destruction of theferal livestock.
(e) There shall be no right for any future indemnity or paymentto the owner for the disposition of any feral livestock disposed of inaccordance with this section. Should the owner of any feral livestock disposedof in accordance with this section be subsequently identified, the board mayseek reimbursement from the owner for all costs associated with the disposaland removal of the feral livestock.
(f) The Wyoming livestock board shall promulgate rulesnecessary for the administration of this section.