12-8-101. General penalty for violations.
Anyperson who violates any provision of this title for which no specific penaltyis provided is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more thanseven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), imprisonment for not more than six (6)months, or both.
12-8-102. Manufacturing, rectifying or sale without license or permit;penalties.
(a) Any person who manufactures or rectifies any alcoholicbeverage without holding a manufacturer's license or who possesses a stillwithout holding a manufacturer's license is guilty of a misdemeanor punishableby a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), imprisonment fornot more than one (1) year, or both. Any equipment possessed and used in anillegal manner shall be confiscated by the state and disposed of as directed bythe court. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit any person frommanufacturing fermented or malt beverages in limited quantities for his solepersonal consumption.
(b) Any person who sells any alcoholic liquor or malt beveragewithout holding a license or permit authorizing the sale is guilty of amisdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, or both.
12-8-201. Possession of federal tax stamp; admission in evidence.
Thepossession of a special tax stamp from the United States authorizing the saleor manufacture of any alcoholic liquor or malt beverage by a person notlicensed under this title, is prima facie evidence that the person holding thespecial tax stamp is manufacturing or selling in violation of W.S. 12-8-102. Acertified copy of the special tax stamp verified by the proper authoritiesshall be admitted in evidence and considered in all respects as the originalspecial tax stamp.
12-8-301. Limitation of liability.
(a) No person who has legally provided alcoholic liquor or maltbeverage to any other person is liable for damages caused by the intoxicationof the other person.
(b) This section does not affect the liability of theintoxicated person for damages.
(c) This section does not affect the liability of the licenseeor person if the alcoholic liquor or malt beverage was sold or provided inviolation of title 12 of the Wyoming statutes.
(d) For purposes of this section "licensee" is asdefined in W.S. 12-1-101(a)(viii) and includes the licensee's employee oremployees.