16-8-101. Removal of off-premise outdoor advertising prohibitedwithout compensation; definitions.
(a) No governmental entity, including the state, or anymunicipality, county or other political subdivision shall remove or cause to beremoved any legally placed off-premise outdoor advertising without paying duecompensation in cash or other method of payment mutually agreed upon, to theowner of the off-premise outdoor advertising based upon the fair market valueof the off-premise outdoor advertising removed or proposed to be removed.
(b) As used in this section:
(i) "Off-premise outdoor advertising" means anyoutdoor sign, display, light, device, figure, painting, drawing, message,plaque, poster, billboard or other thing which is designed, intended or used toadvertise or inform and which is situated in order to be visible from anystreet, road or highway and which is located on property which is separate fromthe premise or property on which the advertised activity is carried out;
(ii) "Fair market value of the off-premise outdooradvertising" means the value of the off-premise outdoor advertisingdetermined in the same manner as provided by W.S. 1-26-704.