CHAPTER 1 - Generally
18-1-101. Counties named, boundaries.
(a) Albany county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at a point on the south boundary ofWyoming, where a line projected south from the north one-quarter corner ofsection six (6), township twelve (12) north, range seventy (70) west, throughthe centers of sections and through one-quarter corners intersects saidboundary; thence north to the north one-quarter corner of section six (6),township twelve (12) north, range seventy (70) west; thence along the third(3rd) standard parallel to the south one-quarter corner of section thirty-one(31), township thirteen (13) north, range seventy (70) west; thence north, throughthe centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to the northone-quarter corner of section six (6), township sixteen (16) north, rangeseventy (70) west; thence along the fourth (4th) standard parallel to the southone-quarter of section thirty-one (31), township seventeen (17) north, rangeseventy (70) west; thence north through the centers of sections, and throughone-quarter corners, to the north one-quarter corner of section six (6),township twenty (20) north, range seventy (70) west; thence along the fifth(5th) standard parallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-one (31),township twenty-one (21) north, range seventy (70) west; thence north alongsection lines to the northeast corner of section six (6), township twenty-four(24) north, range seventy (70) west; thence along the sixth (6th) standardparallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-one (31), townshiptwenty-five (25) north, range seventy (70) west; thence north along sectionlines to the northeast corner of section six (6), township twenty-eight (28)north, range seventy (70) west; thence west along the township line betweentownships twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29) north, to the north quartercorner of section two (2), township twenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-one(71) west; thence south through the center of section two (2) to the southquarter corner of said section two (2); thence west along section line to thenorthwest corner of section eleven (11), township twenty-eight (28) north,range seventy-one (71) west; thence south along section line to the southwestcorner of section eleven (11), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-one (71) west; thence west along section line to the north quartercorner of section fifteen (15), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-one (71) west; thence south to the south quarter corner of sectiontwenty-two (22), township twenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-one (71) west;thence west along section line to northwest corner of section twenty-seven (27),township twenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence south onsection line to the southwest corner of section ten (10), township twenty-seven(27) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence west along section line to thenorthwest corner of section sixteen (16), township twenty-seven (27) north,range seventy-one (71) west; thence south along section lines to the southwestcorner of section twenty-one (21), township twenty-seven (27) north, rangeseventy-one (71) west; thence west along section lines to south quarter cornerof section nineteen (19), township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-two(72) west; thence north along center section line to the center of sectionnineteen (19), township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-two (72) west;thence west along center section lines to southeast corner of the southwestquarter (SW 1/4) of northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of section twenty-one (21),township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence northon subdivision line to northeast corner of northwest quarter (NW 1/4) of thenortheast quarter (NE 1/4) of section twenty-one (21), township twenty-seven(27) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence west along section line tosoutheast corner of section seventeen (17), township twenty-seven (27) north,range seventy-three (73) west; thence north along section line to northeastcorner of section twenty-nine (29), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-three (73) west; thence east along section line to southeast corner ofsection twenty-two (22), township twenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-three(73) west; thence north to northeast corner of section fifteen (15), townshiptwenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence east alongsection line to the southeast corner of section eleven (11), townshiptwenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence north alongsection lines to northeast corner of section two (2), township twenty-eight(28) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence west along the seventh (7th)standard parallel to the north quarter corner of section four (4), townshiptwenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence south throughthe centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to the south one-quartercorner of section thirty-three (33), township twenty-five (25) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence along the sixth (6th) standard parallel to thenortheast corner of section five (5), township twenty-four (24) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south along section lines to the southeastcorner of section thirty-two (32), township twenty-one (21) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence along the fifth (5th) standard parallel to thenorth one-quarter corner of section five (5), township twenty (20) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south through the centers of sections andthrough one-quarter corners to the south one-quarter corner of sectionthirty-two (32), township seventeen (17) north, range seventy-seven (77) west;thence west along the fourth (4th) standard parallel to the northwest corner ofsection six (6), township sixteen (16) north, range seventy-nine (79) west;thence south on the range line between ranges seventy-nine (79) and eighty (80)west, to the third (3rd) standard parallel; thence along the third (3rd)standard parallel to the northwest corner of section six (6), township twelve(12) north, range seventy-nine (79) west; thence south along the range linebetween ranges seventy-nine (79) and eighty (80) west, to the south boundary ofthe state of Wyoming; thence east along said south boundary of the state ofWyoming to the point of beginning.
(b) Big Horn county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the southeast corner of sectionthirty-six (36), township forty-nine (49) north, range eighty-six (86) west;thence north along the range line between ranges eighty-five (85) andeighty-six (86) west to the intersection of the said range line with the linealong the divide between the Big Horn River and the streams flowing easterlyfrom the Big Horn Mountains; thence northerly and northwesterly along saiddivide to the northern boundary of the state of Wyoming; thence west along thenorthern boundary of the state of Wyoming to the point of intersection betweensaid boundary and the range line between ranges ninety-seven (97) andninety-eight (98) west; thence south along said range line to the fourteenth(14th) standard parallel; thence along said fourteenth (14th) standard parallelto the northwest corner of section six (6), township fifty-six (56) north,range ninety-seven (97) west; thence south along the range line between rangesninety-seven (97) and ninety-eight (98) west to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-one (31), township fifty-three (53) north, range ninety-seven (97) west;thence along the thirteenth (13th) standard parallel to the northwest corner ofsection six (6), township fifty-two (52) north, range ninety-seven (97) west;thence south along the range line between ranges ninety-seven (97) andninety-eight (98) west to the southwest corner of section thirty-one (31),township forty-nine (49) north, range ninety-seven (97) west; thence east alongthe twelfth (12th) standard parallel to the point of beginning.
(c) Campbell county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at a point on the northern boundaryof the state of Wyoming where the range line between ranges sixty-eight (68)and sixty-nine (69) west intersects said boundary; thence west along saidnorthern boundary of the state of Wyoming to a point where it is intersected bya line projected north, through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners, from the south one-quarter corner of section thirty-three (33),township fifty-seven (57) north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence souththrough centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to thesouth-one-quarter corner of section thirty-three (33), township fifty-seven (57)north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence along the fourteenth (14th) standardparallel to the north one-quarter corner of section four (4), townshipfifty-six (56) north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence south through thecenters of sections and through one-quarter corners to the south one-quartercorner of section thirty-three (33), township fifty-three (53) north, rangeseventy-six (76) west; thence along the thirteenth (13th) standard parallel tothe northwest corner of section four (4), township fifty-two (52) north, rangeseventy-six (76) west; thence south along section lines to the southwest cornerof section thirty-three (33), township forty-nine (49) north, range seventy-six(76) west; thence along the twelfth (12th) standard parallel to the northwestcorner of section four (4), township forty-eight (48) north, range seventy-six(76) west; thence south along section lines to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township forty-five (45) north, range seventy-six (76) west;thence along the eleventh (11th) standard parallel to the north one-quartercorner of section five (5), township forty-four (44) north, range seventy-six(76) west; thence south through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the center of section twenty-nine (29), township forty-one (41)north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence east through the centers of sectionsand through one-quarter corners to the east one-quarter corner of sectiontwenty-five (25), township forty-one (41) north, range sixty-nine (69) west;thence north along the range line between ranges sixty-eight (68) andsixty-nine (69) west to the northeast corner of section one (1), townshipforty-four (44) north, range sixty-nine (69) west; thence along the eleventh(11th) standard parallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36),township forty-five (45) north, range sixty-nine (69) west; thence north alongthe range line between ranges sixty-eight (68) and sixty-nine (69) west to thenortheast corner of section one (1), township forty-eight (48) north, rangesixty-nine (69) west; thence along the twelfth (12th) standard parallel to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-six (36), township forty-nine (49) north,range sixty-nine (69) west; thence north along the range line between rangessixty-eight (68) and sixty-nine (69) west to the northeast corner of sectionone (1), township fifty-two (52) north, range sixty-nine (69) west; thencealong the thirteenth (13th) standard parallel to the southeast corner ofsection thirty-six (36), township fifty-three (53) north, range sixty-nine (69)west; thence north along the range line between ranges sixty-eight (68) andsixty-nine (69) west to the northeast corner of section one (1), townshipfifty-six (56) north, range sixty-nine (69) west; thence along the fourteenth(14th) standard parallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36),township fifty-seven (57) north, range sixty-nine (69) west; thence north alongthe range line between ranges sixty-eight (68) and sixty-nine (69) west to thepoint of beginning.
(d) Carbon county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at a point on the south boundary ofthe state of Wyoming where the range line between ranges seventy-nine (79) andeighty (80) west intersects said boundary; thence north to the third (3rd)standard parallel; thence along said third (3rd) standard parallel to thesouthwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township thirteen (13) north,range seventy-nine (79) west; thence north on the range line between rangesseventy-nine (79) and eighty (80) west, to the northwest corner of section six(6), township sixteen (16) north, range seventy-nine (79) west; thence eastalong the fourth (4th) standard parallel to the south one-quarter corner ofsection thirty-two (32), township seventeen (17) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence north through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the north one-quarter corner of section five (5), township twenty (20)north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence along the fifth (5th) standardparallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-two (32), townshiptwenty-one (21) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence north alongsection lines to the northeast corner of section five (5), township twenty-four(24) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence along the sixth (6th)standard parallel to the south one-quarter corner of section thirty-three (33),township twenty-five (25) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence norththrough the centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to the northone-quarter corner of section four (4), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence west along the seventh (7th) standard parallelto the northwest corner of section six (6), township twenty-eight (28) north,range eighty-nine (89) west; thence; south on the line between rangeseighty-nine (89) and ninety (90) west to the southeast corner of sectionthirty-six (36), township twenty-five (25) north, range ninety (90) west;thence along the sixth (6th) standard parallel to the northwest corner ofsection six (6), township twenty-four (24) north, range eighty-nine (89) west;thence south along the range line between ranges eighty-nine (89) and ninety(90) west to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36), townshiptwenty-one (21) north, range ninety (90) west; thence along the fifth (5th)standard parallel to the northeast corner of section three (3), township twenty(20) north, range ninety (90) west; thence south along section lines to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-four (34), township twenty (20) north, rangeninety (90) west; thence west along the township line between townshipsnineteen (19) and twenty (20) north, to the northwest corner of section six(6), township nineteen (19) north, range ninety-three (93) west; thence southalong the range line between ranges ninety-three (93) and ninety-four (94) westto the southwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township seventeen (17)north, range ninety-three (93) west; thence along the fourth (4th) standardparallel to the northwest corner of section six (6), township sixteen (16)north, range ninety-three (93) west; thence south on the range line betweenranges ninety-three (93) and ninety-four (94) west to the third (3rd) standardparallel; thence along the third (3rd) standard parallel to the northwestcorner of section six (6), township twelve (12) north, range ninety-three (93)west; thence south on the range line between ranges ninety-three (93) andninety-four (94) west to the southern boundary of the state of Wyoming; thenceeast along the said southern boundary of the state of Wyoming to the point ofbeginning.
(e) Converse county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the east one-quarter corner ofsection twenty-eight (28), township forty-one (41) north, range sixty-seven(67) west; thence west through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the center of section twenty-six (26), township forty-one (41)north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence south to the south one-quartercorner of section thirty-five (35), township forty-one (41) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence along the tenth (10th) standard parallel to thenortheast corner of section three (3), township forty (40) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south along section lines to the southeastcorner of section thirty-four (34), township thirty-seven (37) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence along the ninth (9th) standard parallel to the northone-quarter corner of section three (3), township thirty-six (36) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south through the centers of sections andthrough one-quarter corners to the north one-quarter corner of sectionthirty-four (34), township thirty-three (33) north, range seventy-seven (77)west; thence south on center line of section thirty-four (34) to the southwestcorner of lot one (1), section thirty-four (34), thence west on the north lineof tract forty-four (44), section thirty-four (34), to the northwest cornerthereof, thence south on the west line of tract forty-four (44), sectionthirty-four (34), township thirty-three (33) north, range seventy-seven (77) west,to the southwest corner thereof; thence south along the east line of lotseleven (11), thirteen (13), fourteen (14), eighteen (18) and tract fifty-two(52), section four (4), township thirty-two (32) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence south along the east line of tract fifty-two (52), lots three(3), four (4), six (6), and tract fifty-nine (59), section nine (9); thencesouth along the east line of tract fifty-nine (59) and lot three (3) to thesouthwest corner of tract fifty-eight (58), thence east on south line of tractfifty-eight (58) to the northwest corner of lot four (4), thence south on theeast line of lot three (3), section sixteen (16); thence south along the eastline of lots one (1), two (2), three (3), four (4), section twenty-one (21);thence south along the east line of lot four (4) to the point of intersectionon the north boundary of lot "A", tract seventy-eight (78), thenceeast along the north boundary of lot "A" to the northeast cornerthereof, thence south along the east line of lot "A" to the southeastcorner thereof, thence west along the south line of lot "A" to thesouthwest corner of lot "A", tract seventy-eight (78); thence southalong the west line of lots three (3), four (4), five (5), section twenty-eight(28); thence south on the west line of lot one (1), section thirty-three (33)to the northeast corner of tract ninety-seven (97) "B", thence eastalong the north line of lot "A", tract ninety-seven (97) to thenortheast corner thereof, thence south on the east line of tract ninety-seven(97) to the southeast corner thereof, thence west on the south line of tractninety-seven (97) to the east line of lot six (6), thence south on the eastline lot six (6) to the township line, all being in township thirty-two (32) north,range seventy-seven (77) west; thence west on the township line to the northone-quarter corner of section four (4), township thirty-one (31) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south through the centers of sections andthrough one-quarter corners to the south one-quarter corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township twenty-nine (29) north, range seventy-seven (77)west; thence east on the township line between township twenty-eight (28) andtwenty-nine (29) north to the northwest corner of section one (1), townshiptwenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence south on sectionlines to southwest corner of section twelve (12), township twenty-eight (28)north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence west along section line to northwestcorner of section fourteen (14), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-three (73) west; thence south along section line to southwest corner ofsection twenty-three (23), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-three (73) west; thence west along section line to northwest corner ofsection twenty-eight (28) in township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-three (73) west; thence south along section lines to southwest cornerof section sixteen (16), township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-three(73) west; thence east along section line to northwest corner of northeastquarter (NE 1/4) of northeast quarter (NE 1/4) of section twenty-one (21),township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence southalong subdivision lines to southwest corner of southeast quarter (SE 1/4) ofnortheast quarter (NE 1/4) of section twenty-one (21), township twenty-seven(27) north, range seventy-three (73) west; thence east along center of sectionsto center of section nineteen (19), township twenty-seven (27) north, rangeseventy-two (72) west; thence south along center section line to south quartercorner of section nineteen (19), township twenty-seven (27) north, rangeseventy-two (72) west; thence east along section lines to southeast corner ofsection twenty (20), township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-one (71)west; thence north along section lines to southwest corner of section nine (9),township twenty-seven (27) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence east alongsection line to southeast corner of section nine (9), township twenty-seven(27) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence north along section lines tosouthwest corner of section twenty-two (22), township twenty-eight (28) north,range seventy-one (71) west; thence east along section line to south quartercorner of section twenty-two (22), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-one (71) west; thence north along center of sections to north quartercorner of section fifteen (15), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy-one (71) west; thence east along section lines to southeast corner ofsection ten (10), township twenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-one (71)west; thence north along section lines to northeast corner of section ten (10),township twenty-eight (28) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence east onsection lines to south quarter corner of section two (2), township twenty-eight(28) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence north through center ofsections to the north quarter corner of section two (2), township twenty-eight(28) north, range seventy-one (71) west; thence east along the seventh (7th)standard parallel between townships twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29)north, to the southeast corner of section thirty-one (31), township twenty-nine(29) north, range seventy (70) west; thence north along section lines to thenortheast corner of section six (6), township thirty (30) north, range seventy(70) west; thence east along the township line between townships thirty (30)and thirty-one (31) north, to the southeast corner of section thirty-three(33), township thirty-one (31) north, range sixty-seven (67) west; thence northalong section lines to the point of beginning.
(f) Crook county is that portion of the state of Wyoming withinthe following boundaries: commencing at a point on the eastern boundary of thestate of Wyoming where said boundary is intersected by the township linebetween townships forty-eight (48) and forty-nine (49) north; thence north tothe northeastern corner of the state of Wyoming; thence west along the northernboundary of the state of Wyoming to a point on said boundary where the same isintersected by a line between ranges sixty-eight (68) and sixty-nine (69) west;thence south along said range line to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-one (31), township fifty-seven (57) north, range sixty-eight (68) west;thence along the fourteenth (14th) standard parallel to the northwest corner ofsection six (6) township fifty-six (56) north, range sixty-eight (68) west;thence south along the range line between ranges sixty-eight (68) andsixty-nine (69) west to the southwest corner of section thirty-one (31),township fifty-three (53) north, range sixty-eight (68) west; thence along thethirteenth (13th) standard parallel to the northwest corner of section six (6),township fifty-two (52) north, range sixty-eight (68) west; thence south alongthe range line between ranges sixty-eight (68) and sixty-nine (69) west to thesouthwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township forty-nine (49) north,range sixty-eight (68) west; thence east along the twelfth (12th) standardparallel to the point of beginning.
(g) Fremont county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at the southeast corner of sectionthirty-six (36), township twenty-seven (27) north, range ninety (90) west;thence north along the range line between ranges eighty-nine (89) and ninety(90) west to the northeast corner of section one (1), township twenty-eight(28) north, range ninety (90) west; thence along the seventh (7th) standardparallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36), townshiptwenty-nine (29) north, range ninety (90) west; thence north along the rangeline between ranges eighty-nine (89) and ninety (90) west to the northeastcorner of section one (1), township thirty-two (32) north, range ninety (90)west; thence along the eighth (8th) standard parallel to the southwest cornerof section thirty-four (34), township thirty-three (33) north, rangeeighty-nine (89) west; thence north along section lines to the northwest cornerof section three (3), township thirty-six (36) north, range eighty-nine (89)west; thence along the ninth (9th) standard parallel to the southwest corner ofsection thirty-four (34), township thirty-seven (37) north, range eighty-nine(89) west; thence north along section lines to the northwest corner of sectionthree (3), township forty (40) north, range eighty-nine (89) west; thence alongthe tenth (10th) standard parallel to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-four (34), township forty-one (41) north, range eighty-nine (89) west;thence north to the northwest corner of section twenty-seven (27), townshipforty-one (41) north, range eighty-nine (89) west; thence west along sectionlines to the northwest corner of section thirty (30), township forty-one (41)north, range eighty-nine (89) west; thence south along the range line betweenranges eighty-nine (89) and ninety (90) west to the southeast corner of sectionthirty-six (36), township forty-one (41) north, range ninety (90) west; thencewest along the tenth (10th) standard parallel to the west boundary line ofrange ninety-four (94) west sixth (6th) principal meridian; thence south alongsaid boundary line to the north line of section thirty-four (34), township six(6) north, range six (6) east, Wind River meridian; thence west along sectionlines to the northwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township six (6)north, range five (5) east, W. R. M.; thence north along the range line betweenranges four (4) and five (5) east, to the northeast corner of sectiontwenty-five (25), township six (6) north, range four (4) east, W. R. M.; thencewest along section lines to the northwest corner of section thirty (30),township six (6) north, range four (4) east, W. R. M.; thence north along therange line between ranges three (3) and four (4) east to the northeast cornerof section thirteen (13), township six (6) north, range three (3) east, W. R.M.; thence west along section lines to the northwest corner of section eighteen(18), township six (6) north, range three (3) east, W. R. M.; thence northalong the range line between ranges two (2) and three (3) east to the northeastcorner of section one (1), township six (6) north, range two (2) east, W. R.M.; thence west along the township line between townships six (6) and seven (7)north to the northeast corner of section one (1), township six (6) north, rangeone (1), east, W. R. M.; thence north along the range line between ranges one(1) and two (2) east to the northeast corner of section twenty-four (24),township seven (7) north, range one (1) east, W. R. M.; thence west alongsection lines to the northwest corner of section nineteen (19), township seven(7) north, range one (1) east W. R. M.; thence north along the Wind Rivermeridian to the northeast corner of section twelve (12), township seven (7)north, range one (1) west W. R. M.; thence west along section lines to thenorthwest corner of section seven (7), township seven (7) north, range one (1)west W. R. M.; thence north along the range line between ranges one (1) and two(2) west to the northeast corner of section one (1), township seven (7) north,range two (2) west W. R. M.; thence west along the township line betweentownships seven (7) and eight (8) north to the northeast corner of section one(1), township seven (7) north, range four (4) west, W. R. M.; thence northalong the range line between ranges three (3) and four (4) west to the intersectionof said range line with middle line of the south fork of Owl Creek, thencenorthwesterly along the middle of said south fork of Owl Creek to the dividebetween the water sheds of Wind River and tributaries and the Greybull Riverand tributaries; thence westerly along the divide between said water sheds tothe divide between the drainage basin of the Columbia River and the drainagebasin of the Missouri River; thence northwesterly along said divide to itsintersection with the line projected north along section lines from thesoutheast corner of section thirty-three (33), township forty-five (45) north,range one hundred ten (110) west sixth (6th) principal meridian; thence southalong section lines to the southeast corner of section thirty-three (33),township forty-five (45) north, range one hundred ten (110) west; thence alongthe eleventh (11th) standard parallel to the northeast corner of section four(4), township forty-four (44) north, range one hundred ten (110) west; thencesouth along section lines to the southeast corner of section thirty-three (33),township forty-one (41) north, range one hundred ten (110) west; thence alongthe tenth (10th) standard parallel to the northwest corner of section six (6),township forty (40) north, range one hundred seven (107) west; thence southalong the range line between ranges one hundred seven (107) and one hundredeight (108) west to the intersection of said range line with the divide betweenthe Missouri River drainage and the Green River drainage; thence southeasterlyalong said divide to its intersection with the township line between townshipsthirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32) north, thence east along said township lineto the northwest corner of section six (6), township thirty-one (31) north, rangeone hundred two (102) west; thence south along the range line between rangesone hundred two (102) and one hundred three (103) west to the southwest cornerof section thirty-one (31), township twenty-nine (29) north, range one hundredtwo (102) west; thence along the seventh (7th) standard parallel to thenorthwest corner of section six (6), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeone hundred two (102) west; thence south along the range line between rangesone hundred two (102) and one hundred three (103) west to the southwest cornerof section thirty-one (31), township twenty-seven (27) north, range one hundredtwo (102) west; thence east along the township line between townshipstwenty-six (26) and twenty-seven (27) north to the point of beginning.
(h) Goshen county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at a point on the boundary linebetween the state of Wyoming and the state of Nebraska, where the township linebetween townships thirty (30) and thirty-one (31) north intersects saidboundary line, and running thence south along the said boundary line, betweenthe state of Wyoming and the state of Nebraska, to township line betweeneighteen (18) and nineteen (19) north; thence west on said township line to thesection line between sections thirty-three (33) and thirty-four (34), intownship nineteen (19), north range sixty-five (65) west of sixth principalmeridian; thence north along the middle section line of range sixty-five (65)to its intersection with the north boundary line of Laramie county; thence eastalong said county boundary line to the place of beginning.
(j) Hot Springs county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the northwest corner of townshipforty-seven (47) north of range ninety-nine (99) west; thence south along therange line between ranges ninety-nine (99) and one hundred (100) west, to thenortheast corner of township forty-six (46) north of range one hundred (100)west, thence west along the township line, between townships forty-six (46) andforty-seven (47) west; to the northwest corner of township forty-six (46) northof range one hundred (100) west; thence south along the range line betweenranges one hundred (100) and one hundred one (101) west; to the northeastcorner of township forty-five (45) north of range one hundred one (101) west;thence west along the township line, between townships forty-five (45) andforty-six (46), north to the northwest corner of section three (3), in townshipforty-five (45) north of range one hundred two (102) west; thence south alongthe west line of sections three (3), ten (10), fifteen (15), twenty-two (22),twenty-seven (27) and thirty-four (34), in said township forty-five (45), northof range one hundred two (102) west, to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-four (34); thence west along the township line, between townshipsforty-four (44) and forty-five (45) north, to the northern boundary line ofFremont county; thence southeasterly along the northern boundary line ofFremont county, to the middle line of the south fork of Owl Creek; thencesoutheasterly along the middle of said south fork of Owl Creek, to the rangeline between ranges three (3) and four (4) west of the Wind River meridian; thencesouth on said range line to the southwest corner of township eight (8) north ofrange three (3), west of Wind River meridian and base line; thence east on thetownship line between townships seven (7) and eight (8) north, to the northeastcorner of township seven (7), north of range two (2) west; thence south on therange line between ranges one (1) and two (2) west, to the southwest corner ofsection six (6), township seven (7), north of range one (1) west; thence eastalong the south line of sections six (6), five (5), four (4), three (3), two(2) and one (1) to the Wind River meridian; thence south on said Wind Rivermeridian to the southwest corner of section eighteen (18), in township seven(7), north of range one (1) east; thence east along the south line of sectionseighteen (18), seventeen (17), sixteen (16), fifteen (15), fourteen (14) andthirteen (13), to the northeast corner of section nineteen (19), in townshipseven (7), north of range two (2) east; thence south on the range line betweenranges one (1) and two (2) east, to the southwest corner of township seven (7),north of range two (2) east; thence east on the township line between townshipssix (6) and seven (7) north, to the northwest corner of township six (6), northof range three (3) east; thence south along the range line between ranges two(2) and three (3) east, to the southwest corner of section seven (7), intownship six (6), north of range three (3) east; thence east along the southline of sections seven (7), eight (8), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11) andtwelve (12) to the southwest corner of section seven (7) in township six (6),north of range four (4) east; thence south along the range line between rangesthree (3) and four (4) east to the southwest corner of section nineteen (19),in township six (6), north of range four (4) east; thence east along the southline of sections nineteen (19), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty-two (22),twenty-three (23) and twenty-four (24) to the northeast corner of sectiontwenty-five (25), in township six (6), north of range four (4) east; thencesouth along the range line between ranges four (4) and five (5) east, to thesouthwest corner of section thirty (30), in township six (6), north of rangefive (5) east; thence east along the south line of sections thirty (30),twenty-nine (29), twenty-eight (28), twenty-seven (27), twenty-six (26) andtwenty-five (25), in the last mentioned township and range, and the south lineof sections thirty (30) and twenty-nine (29), in township six (6), north ofrange six (6) east, in a straight line to the east boundary line of said rangesix (6) east; thence north, on the east boundary line of said range six (6), tothe intersection with the tenth (10th) standard parallel north; thence eastalong said tenth (10th) standard parallel north to the southeast corner oftownship forty-one (41), north of range ninety (90) west; thence north alongthe range line between ranges eighty-nine (89) and ninety (90) west, to thenortheast corner of township forty-two (42), north of range ninety (90) west;thence west along the township line between townships forty-two (42) andforty-three (43) north, to the southeast corner of township forty-three (43),north of range ninety-one (91) west; thence north along the range line betweenranges ninety (90) and ninety-one (91) west, to the northeast corner oftownship forty-three (43), north of range ninety-one (91) west; thence westalong the township line between townships forty-three (43) and forty-four (44)north to the southeast corner of township forty-four (44), north of rangeninety-three (93) west; thence north along the range line between rangesninety-two (92) and ninety-three (93) west to the northeast corner of townshipforty-four (44), north of range ninety-three (93) west; thence west along thetownship line, between townships forty-four (44) and forty-five (45) north, toits intersection with the middle line of the Big Horn River; thence northerlyalong the middle line of the Big Horn River to its intersection with thesection line between sections nineteen (19) and thirty (30), in townshipforty-five (45), north of range ninety-four (94) west; thence west along saidsection line and the south boundary line of sections twenty-four (24),twenty-three (23), twenty-two (22), twenty-one (21), twenty (20) and nineteen(19), in township forty-five (45) north of range ninety-five (95) west, to thesouthwest corner of section nineteen (19), in said last mentioned township andrange; thence north along the range line between ranges ninety-five (95) andninety-six (96) west, to the northeast corner of township forty-five (45) northof range ninety-six (96) west; thence west along the township line, betweentownships forty-five (45) and forty-six (46) north, to the southeast corner oftownship forty-six (46) north of range ninety-seven (97) west; thence northalong the range line, between ranges ninety-six (96) and ninety-seven (97)west, to the northeast corner of township forty-six (46), north of rangeninety-seven (97) west; thence west along the township line, between townshipsforty-six (46) and forty-seven (47) north, to the southeast corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township forty-seven (47), north of range ninety-seven (97)west; thence north along the west line of sections thirty-three (33),twenty-eight (28), twenty-one (21), sixteen (16), nine (9) and four (4), intownship forty-seven (47), north of range ninety-seven (97) west, to thenortheast corner of section four (4), in said last mentioned township andrange; thence west on the township line, between townships forty-seven (47) andforty-eight (48) north, to place of beginning.
(k) Johnson county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at the center of section twenty-nine(29), township forty-one (41) north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence norththrough the centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to the northone-quarter corner of section five (5), township forty-four (44) north, rangeseventy-six (76) west; thence along the eleventh (11th) standard parallel tothe southeast corner of section thirty-two (32), township forty-five (45)north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence north along the section lines to thenortheast corner of section five (5), township forty-eight (48) north, rangeseventy-six (76) west; thence along the twelfth (12th) standard parallel to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-two (32), township forty-nine (49) north,range seventy-six (76) west; thence north along section lines to the northeastcorner of section five (5), township fifty-two (52) north, range seventy-six(76) west; thence along the thirteenth (13th) standard parallel to the southone-quarter corner of section thirty-three (33), township fifty-three (53)north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence north to the south one-quartercorner of section sixteen (16), township fifty-three (53) north, rangeseventy-six (76) west; thence west along section lines to the southwest cornerof section eighteen (18), township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-six(76) west; thence north along the range line to the southeast corner of sectionthirteen (13), township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-seven (77) west;thence west along section lines to the southwest corner of section eighteen(18), township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thencesouth two (2) degrees thirty (30) minutes east along the west line of townshipfifty-three (53) north, range seventy-seven (77) west, to the southeast cornerof section thirteen (13), township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-eight(78) west; thence west along section lines through township fifty-three (53)north, range seventy-eight (78) west and township fifty-three (53) north, rangeseventy-nine (79) west to the southwest corner of section eighteen (18),township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-nine (79) west; thence southalong the west line of township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-nine (79)west to the southeast corner of section thirteen (13), township fifty-three(53) north, range eighty (80) west; thence west along section lines to thesummit of the divide between the drainage of the Big Horn River and thedrainage of streams running easterly from the Big Horn Mountains; thencesoutheasterly and southerly along said summit and divide to its intersectionwith the range line between ranges eighty-five (85) and eighty-six (86) west,in township fifty (50) north, being in the vicinity of Mather Peak; thencesouth on said range line to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36),township forty-nine (49) north, range eighty-six (86) west; thence east on thetwelfth (12th) standard parallel to the northeast corner of section one (1),township forty-eight (48) north, range eighty-six (86) west; thence south onthe range line between ranges eighty-five (85) and eighty-six (86) west to thesoutheast corner of section thirty-six (36), township forty-five (45) north,range eighty-six (86) west; thence east along the eleventh (11th) standardparallel to the northeast corner of section one (1), township forty-four (44)north, range eighty-six (86) west; thence south along the range line betweenranges eighty-five (85) and eighty-six (86) west, to the west one-quartercorner of section thirty (30), township forty-one (41) north, range eighty-five(85) west; thence east through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the point of beginning.
(m) Laramie county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at the southeast corner of thestate of Wyoming; thence north to a point on the east boundary line of thestate of Wyoming where the township line between townships eighteen (18) andnineteen (19) north, intersect said boundary; thence west along said townshipline to the southwest corner of section thirty-four (34), township nineteen(19) north, range sixty-five (65) west; thence north along section lines to thenorthwest corner of section three (3), township nineteen (19) north, rangesixty-five (65) west; thence west along the township line to the northone-quarter corner of section six (6), township nineteen (19) north, rangeseventy (70) west; thence south through the centers of sections and throughone-quarter corners to the south one-quarter corner of section thirty-one (31),township seventeen (17) north, range seventy (70) west; thence along the fourth(4th) standard parallel to the north one-quarter corner of section six (6),township sixteen (16) north, range seventy (70) west; thence south through thecenters of sections and through one-quarter corners to the south one-quartercorner of section thirty-one (31), township thirteen (13) north, range seventy(70) west; thence along the third (3rd) standard parallel to the northone-quarter corner of section six (6), township twelve (12) north, rangeseventy (70) west; thence south through the centers of sections and throughone-quarter corners to the southern boundary of the state of Wyoming; thenceeast along the southern boundary of the state of Wyoming to the southeastcorner of said state, which is the point of beginning.
(n) Lincoln county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the north one-quarter corner ofsection three (3), township eighteen (18) north, range one hundred twelve (112)west; thence west along the township line between townships eighteen (18) andnineteen (19) north to the intersection of the said township line with thewestern boundary of the state of Wyoming; thence north along said westernboundary of the state of Wyoming to the intersection of said boundary with thetownship line between township thirty-eight (38) north and township thirty-nine(39) north; thence east along the township line between township thirty-eight(38) and thirty-nine (39) north to the southeast corner of section thirty-six(36), township thirty-nine (39) north, range one hundred eighteen (118) west;thence south along the range line to the southwest corner of section thirty(30), township thirty-nine (39) north, range one hundred seventeen (117) west;thence east along the section lines to the southeast corner of sectiontwenty-five (25), township thirty-nine (39) north, range one hundred seventeen(117) west unsurveyed; thence south to the southwest corner of section nineteen(19), township thirty-eight (38) north, range one hundred sixteen (116) west(unsurveyed); thence east six (6) miles to the southwest corner of sectionnineteen (19), township thirty-eight (38) north, range one hundred fifteen (115)west; thence east along section lines to the southeast corner of sectiontwenty-four (24), township thirty-eight (38) north, range one hundred fifteen(115) west; thence south along the range line between ranges one hundredfourteen (114) and one hundred fifteen (115) west to the southwest corner ofsection thirty-one (31), township thirty-seven (37) north, range one hundredfourteen (114) west; thence west along the section lines to the northwestcorner of section four (4) township thirty-six (36) north, range one hundredfifteen (115) west; thence south along section lines to the southwest corner ofsection thirty-three (33), township thirty-six (36) north, range one hundredfifteen (115) west; thence west along the section lines to the northwest cornerof section four (4), township thirty-five (35) north, range one hundred fifteen(115) west; thence south along section lines to the southwest corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township thirty-three (33) north, range one hundred fifteen(115) west; thence west along the township line between townships thirty-three(33) and thirty-two (32) north to the southwest corner of section thirty-one(31), township thirty-three (33) north, range one hundred fifteen (115) west;thence due south to a point on the projection of the township line betweentownships thirty-one (31) and thirty-two (32) north; thence east along saidprojected township line to the northwest corner of section six (6), townshipthirty-one (31) north, range one hundred fifteen (115) west; thence south alongthe range line between ranges one hundred fifteen (115) and one hundred sixteen(116) west to the southwest corner of section thirty-one (31), townshiptwenty-nine (29) north, range one hundred fifteen (115) west; thence along thetownship line between townships twenty-eight (28) and twenty-nine (29) north tothe northwest corner of section six (6), township twenty-eight (28) north,range one hundred fifteen (115) west; thence south along the range line betweenranges one hundred fifteen (115) and one hundred sixteen (116) west to thesouthwest corner of section thirty-one (31), township twenty-seven (27) north,range one hundred fifteen (115) west; thence east along the township linebetween townships twenty-six (26) and twenty-seven (27) north to the northeastcorner of section five (5), township twenty-six (26) north, range one hundredeleven (111) west; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner ofsection thirty-two (32), township twenty-five (25) north, range one hundredeleven (111) west; thence along the sixth (6th) standard parallel to the northone-quarter corner of section six (6), township twenty-four (24) north, rangeone hundred eleven (111) west; thence south through the centers of sections andthrough one-quarter corners to the south one-quarter corner of sectionthirty-one (31), township twenty-one (21) north, range one hundred eleven (111)west; thence along the fifth (5th) standard parallel to the north one-quartercorner of section three (3), township twenty (20) north, range one hundredtwelve (112) west; thence south through the centers of sections and throughone-quarter corners to the point of beginning.
(o) Natrona county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: commencing at the south one-quarter corner ofsection thirty-three (33), township twenty-nine (29) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence north through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the north one-quarter corner of section four (4), townshipthirty-two (32) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence along the eighth(8th) standard parallel to the south one-quarter corner of section thirty-four(34), township thirty-three (33) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thencenorth through the centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to thenorth one-quarter corner of section three (3), township thirty-six (36) north,range seventy-seven (77) west; thence along the ninth (9th) standard parallelto the southeast corner of section thirty-four (34), township thirty-seven (37)north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence north along section lines to thenortheast corner of section three (3), township forty (40) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence along the tenth (10th) standard parallel to thesouth one-quarter corner of section thirty-five (35), township forty-one (41)north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence north to the center of sectiontwenty-six (26), township forty-one (41) north, range seventy-seven (77) west;thence west through the centers of sections and through one-quarter corners tothe west one-quarter corner of section thirty (30), township forty-one (41)north, range eighty-five (85) west; thence along the range line between rangeseighty-five (85) and eighty-six (86) west, to the northeast corner of sectiontwenty-five (25), township forty-one (41) north, range eighty-six (86) west;thence west along section lines to the northwest corner of section twenty-seven(27), township forty-one (41) north, range eighty-nine (89) west; thence southto the southwest corner of section thirty-four (34), township forty-one (41)north, range eighty-nine (89) west; thence along the tenth (10th) standardparallel to the northwest corner of section three (3), township forty (40) north,range eighty-nine (89) west; thence south along section lines to the southwestcorner of section thirty-four (34), township thirty-seven (37) north, rangeeighty-nine (89) west; thence along the ninth (9th) standard parallel to thenorthwest corner of section three (3), township thirty-six (36) north, rangeeighty-nine (89) west; thence south along section lines to the southwest cornerof section thirty-four (34), township thirty-three (33) north, rangeeighty-nine (89) west; thence along the eighth (8th) standard parallel to thenorthwest corner of section six (6), township thirty-two (32) north, rangeeighty-nine (89) west; thence along the range line between ranges eighty-nine(89) and ninety (90) west to the southwest corner of section thirty-one (31),township twenty-nine (29) north, range eighty-nine (89) west; thence east alongthe seventh (7th) standard parallel to the point of beginning.
The eastern boundary of Natronacounty, Wyoming, and the western boundary of Converse county, Wyoming, is herebyfixed, established and determined to be as follows, to-wit: beginning at thecenter of section twenty-six (26), township forty-one (41) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south to the south one-quarter corner ofsection thirty-five (35), township forty-one (41) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence along the tenth (10th) standard parallel to the northeastcorner of section three (3), township forty (40) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner of sectionthirty-four (34), township thirty-seven (37) north, range seventy-seven (77)west; thence along the ninth (9th) standard parallel to the north one-quartercorner of section three (3), township thirty-six (36) north, range seventy-seven(77) west; thence south through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the north one-quarter corner of section thirty-four (34), townshipthirty-three (33) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence south oncenterline of section thirty-four (34) to the southwest corner of lot one (1),section thirty-four (34), thence west on the north line of tract forty-four(44), section thirty-four (34) to the northwest corner thereof, thence south onthe west line of tract forty-four (44), section thirty-four (34), townshipthirty-three (33) north, range seventy-seven (77) west, to the southwest cornerthereof; thence south along the east line of lots eleven (11), thirteen (13),fourteen (14), eighteen (18) and tract fifty-two (52), section four (4),township thirty-two (32) north, range seventy-seven (77) west; thence southalong the east line of tract fifty-two (52), lots three (3), four (4), six (6),and tract fifty-nine (59), section nine (9); thence south along the east lineof tract fifty-nine (59) and lot three (3) to the southwest corner of tractfifty-eight (58), thence east on south line of tract fifty-eight (58) to thenorthwest corner of lot four (4), thence south on the east line of lot three(3), section sixteen (16); thence south along the east line of lots one (1),two (2), three (3), four (4), section twenty-one (21); thence south along theeast line of lot four (4) to the point of intersection on the north boundary oflot "A", tract seventy-eight (78), thence east along the northboundary of lot "A" to the northeast corner thereof, thence southalong the east line of lot "A" to the southeast corner thereof,thence west along the south line of lot "A" to the southwest cornerof lot "A," tract seventy-eight (78); thence south along the westline of lots three (3), four (4), five (5), section twenty-eight (28); thencesouth on the west line of lot one (1), section thirty-three (33) to thenortheast corner of tract ninety-seven (97) "B", thence east alongthe north line of lot "A", tract ninety-seven (97) to the northeastcorner thereof, thence south on the east line of tract ninety-seven (97) to thesoutheast corner thereof, thence west on the south line of tract ninety-seven(97) to the east line of lot six (6), thence south on the east line of lot six(6) to the township line, all being in township thirty-two (32) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence west on the township line to the northone-quarter of section four (4), township thirty-one (31) north, rangeseventy-seven (77) west; thence south through the centers of sections andthrough one-quarter corners to the south one-quarter corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township twenty-nine (29) north, range seventy-seven (77)west, in accordance with the original survey and resurvey plats on file in thepublic survey office of the United States general land office, Cheyenne,Wyoming.
(p) Niobrara county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the west one-quarter corner ofsection twenty-seven (27), township forty-one (41) north, range sixty-seven(67) west; and running thence south along section lines to the southwest cornerof section thirty-four (34), township thirty-one (31) north, range sixty-seven(67) west; thence east along the township line between townships thirty (30)and thirty-one (31) north, to its intersection with the eastern boundary of thestate of Wyoming; thence north along said eastern boundary line of the state ofWyoming to the point where said boundary intersects a line projected east fromthe west one-quarter corner of section thirty (30), township forty-one (41)north, range sixty (60) west; thence west through the centers of sections andthrough one-quarter corners to the place of beginning.
(q) Park county is that portion of the state of Wyoming withinthe following boundaries: commencing at the southeast corner of sectionthirty-three (33), township forty-five (45) north, range one hundred two (102)west; thence north along the east section lines of section thirty-three (33),twenty-eight (28), twenty-one (21), sixteen (16), nine (9), and four (4), tothe northeast corner of section four (4), township forty-five (45) north, rangeone hundred two (102) west; thence east along the township line between townshipsforty-five (45) and forty-six (46) north, to the southeast corner of sectionthirty-six (36), township forty-six (46) north, range one hundred one (101)west; thence north along the range line between ranges one hundred (100) andone hundred one (101) west, to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36),township forty-seven (47) north, range one hundred one (101) west; thence eastalong the township line between townships forty-six (46) and forty-seven (47)north, to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36), township forty-seven(47) north, range one hundred (100) west; thence north along the range linebetween ranges ninety-nine (99) and one hundred (100) west to the southeastcorner of section thirty-six (36), township forty-eight (48) north, range onehundred (100) west; thence east along the township line between townshipsforty-seven (47) and forty-eight (48) north, to the southeast corner of sectionthirty-six (36), township forty-eight (48) north, range ninety-eight (98) west;thence north along the range line between ranges ninety-seven (97) andninety-eight (98) west to the northeast corner of section one (1), townshipforty-eight (48) north, range ninety-eight (98) west; thence along the twelfth(12th) standard parallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36),township forty-nine (49) north, range ninety-eight (98) west; thence northalong the range line between ranges ninety-seven (97) and ninety-eight (98)west to the northeast corner of section one (1), township fifty-two (52) north,range ninety-eight (98) west; thence along the thirteenth (13th) standardparallel to the southeast corner of section thirty-six (36), townshipfifty-three (53) north, range ninety-eight (98) west; thence north along therange line between ranges ninety-seven (97) and ninety-eight (98) west to thenortheast corner of section one (1), township fifty-six (56) north, rangeninety-eight (98) west; thence along the fourteenth (14th) standard parallel tothe southeast corner of section thirty-six (36), township fifty-seven (57)north, range ninety-eight (98) west; thence north along the range line betweenranges ninety-seven (97) and ninety-eight (98) west to the intersection of saidline with the northern boundary of the state of Wyoming; thence west along thenorthern boundary of the state of Wyoming to the western boundary of said stateof Wyoming; thence south along the western boundary of the state of Wyoming toparallel forty-four degrees (44) forty minutes (40') of north latitude; thence eastalong said parallel of latitude to the one hundred ten degrees (110) fortyminutes (40') meridian of west longitude from Greenwich; thence south alongsaid meridian to parallel forty-four degrees (44) thirty-five minutes (35') ofnorth latitude; thence east along said parallel to the middle of the mainchannel of the Yellowstone River; thence southerly following the centerline ofthe main channel of the Yellowstone River to the point where the YellowstoneRiver leaves Yellowstone Lake; thence southerly following the eastern shorelineof Yellowstone Lake to the mouth of Yellowstone River; thence southeasterlyfollowing the centerline of the main channel of the Yellowstone River tointersect the southern boundary of the Yellowstone National Park; thence eastalong the southern boundary of Yellowstone National Park to a point where saidboundary intersects a line running north from the southwest corner of sectionthirty-four (34), township forty-five (45) north, range one hundred ten (110)west; thence south along said line to a point where it intersects theContinental Divide, separating the waters of the Missouri from the Columbia;thence south and southeasterly along said divide until said divide intersectsthe divide separating the waters flowing into Grey Bull River and tributaries,from the waters flowing into tributaries of Big Wind River; thence easterly andsoutheasterly along said divide between Wind River and tributaries, and theGrey Bull River and tributaries, until said divide intersects the eleventh(11th) standard parallel; thence east along the eleventh (11th) standardparallel to the point of beginning.
(r) Platte county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the northeast corner of sectionsix (6), township thirty (30) north, range seventy (70) west; thence south tothe southeast corner of section thirty-one (31), township twenty-nine (29)north, range seventy (70) west; thence west along the township line to thenortheast corner of section six (6), township twenty-eight (28) north, rangeseventy (70) west; thence south along section lines to the southeast corner ofsection thirty-one (31), township twenty-five (25) north, range seventy (70)west; thence east along the township line to the northeast corner of sectionsix (6), township twenty-four (24) north, range seventy (70) west; thence southalong section lines to the southeast corner of section thirty-one (31),township twenty-one (21) north, range seventy (70) west; thence west along thetownship line to the north one-quarter corner of section six (6), townshiptwenty (20) north, range seventy (70) west; thence south through the centers ofsections and through one-quarter corners to the south one-quarter corner ofsection thirty-one (31), township twenty (20) north, range seventy (70) west;thence east along the township line between townships twenty (20) and nineteen(19) north to the southeast corner of section thirty-three (33), townshiptwenty (20) north, range sixty-five (65) west; thence north along the middlesection line of range sixty-five (65) west to the northeast corner of sectionfour (4), township thirty (30) north, range sixty-five (65) west; thence westalong the township line to the place of beginning.
(s) Sheridan county is that portion of the state of Wyomingwithin the following boundaries: beginning at the south one-quarter corner ofsection sixteen (16), township fifty-three (53) north, range seventy-six (76)west; thence north through the centers of sections and through one-quartercorners to the north one-quarter corner of section four (4), township fifty-six(56) north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence along the fourteenth (14th)standard parallel to the south one-quarter corner of section thirty-three (33),township fifty-seven (57) north, range seventy-six (76) west; thence norththrough the centers of sections and through one-quarter corners to the northernboundary of the state of Wyoming; thence west alon