CHAPTER 11 - Solid Waste Disposal Districts
18-11-101. Solid waste disposal districts; creation.
(a) Each board of county commissioners may establish byresolution one (1) or more solid waste disposal districts composed of anyportion of the county. Areas may be added to or subtracted from an existingdistrict in the same manner.
(b) Not less than sixty (60) days before any resolutionpursuant to this section is signed, the board of county commissioners shallsubmit the proposed boundaries of the district to the county assessor and thedepartment of revenue for review for any conflict, overlap, gap or otherboundary issue. The assessor and the department may make written commentsthereon to the county commissioners.
18-11-102. Powers; management; rates; penalty for violation of rules.
Followingthe creation of a solid waste disposal district the board of countycommissioners shall appoint not less than three (3) nor more than nine (9)residents of the district to constitute the governing board of the district.Appointees shall serve a term of three (3) years and may be reappointed forthree (3) additional terms. Terms of office shall be staggered. The governingboard may exercise all powers granted to cities and towns by W.S.15-1-103(a)(xxi) and (xl) and shall adopt rules and regulations in managing thedisposal of solid wastes within the district. Violation of a rule or regulationof the governing board requiring disposal of solid wastes in designated sitesconstitutes a misdemeanor punishable upon conviction by a fine not to exceed sevenhundred fifty dollars ($750.00) or imprisonment not exceeding six (6) months orboth. A governing board may also enforce its rules and regulations byappropriate legal proceedings and expend and generate revenue relative to thepurpose of a solid waste disposal district. The governing board may permitpersons or entities not included within the district to utilize the facilitiesof the district. The governing board may impose fees upon persons or entitiesincluded within or outside of the district for the privilege of utilizing thefacilities of the district at rates established by the governing board and anyrevenue generated in this manner shall only be used to operate the district.
18-11-103. Taxation; limitation.
(a) A solid waste disposal district board may submit to thequalified electors of the district the question of whether or not the districtshall annually levy not to exceed three (3) mills on the dollar of assessedvaluation of the district to operate the district. The question shall be submittedby the county clerk as ordered by the board of county commissioners at anelection called, conducted, canvassed and returned in the manner provided forbond elections by the Political Subdivision Bond Election Law, W.S. 22-21-101through 22-21-112.
(b) The board of county commissioners at the time of making thelevy for county purposes shall levy a tax upon the taxable property within asolid waste disposal district to be used solely to operate the district. Thesemonies shall be placed in an account certified by the solid waste disposaldistrict governing board if the mill levy authorization has been approvedpursuant to subsection (a) of this section.
18-11-104. Operation of disposal system.
Anyrequirements or exceptions pertaining to the operation of solid waste disposalsystems by cities and towns are also applicable to county solid waste disposaldistricts.
18-11-105. Procedures.
TheWyoming Administrative Procedure Act is applicable to all proceedings underW.S. 18-11-101 through 18-11-105 except establishing or changing the boundariesof a solid waste disposal district.