18-14-101. Establishment; appointment; terms; officers; meetings;compensation; establishment under joint powers agreement.
(a) A regional transportation authority may be established byresolution of any board of county commissioners or by joint powers agreemententered into by any two (2) or more boards of county commissioners andgoverning bodies of municipalities.
(b) A regional transportation authority established byresolution of any board of county commissioners shall be comprised of not lessthan five (5) nor more than nine (9) residents of the county appointed by theboard. Appointees shall serve a term of three (3) years and may be appointedfor one (1) additional term. Terms of office shall be staggered. The board ofcounty commissioners shall appoint a county resident to fill the unexpired termof any vacancy occurring on the authority. The authority shall elect from itsmembership a chairman, secretary and a treasurer and shall meet at least onceevery three (3) months at the call of the chairman or upon the request of amajority of the membership. Members shall serve without compensation but shallbe reimbursed for necessary travel and per diem expenses in the manner andamount provided state employees.
(c) A regional transportation authority created under a jointpowers agreement between two (2) or more boards of county commissioners andgoverning bodies of municipalities shall be established as a joint powers boardin accordance with W.S. 16-1-106.
18-14-102. Powers and duties.
(a) A regional transportation authority established under W.S.18-14-101 shall promote and develop regional air and ground transportation forresidents under jurisdiction of the authority. In promoting and developingregional transportation, the authority may:
(i) Conduct studies to plan for the development of regionaltransportation centers providing air transportation and served by sufficientground transportation to enable use of air services by residents within thejurisdiction of the authority;
(ii) Conduct studies to plan for the development of intracitytransportation services;
(iii) Enter into contract with private air and groundtransportation carriers for provision of transportation services;
(iv) Negotiate air and ground transportation fares under anycontract entered into pursuant to paragraph (a)(iii) of this section;
(v) Receive grants and loans from state or federal agencies andfrom private sources for purposes of developing transportation within theregion;
(vi) Enter into agreement with any other regional transportationauthority;
(vii) Employ technical, legal and administrative assistance andengage the services of research and consulting services as necessary to carryout duties prescribed by this section.
18-14-103. Taxation; limitation; submission to voters; disposition ofrevenue.
(a) Upon adoption of any resolution by a regionaltransportation authority for any county or of any resolution by the board ofcounty commissioners for each participating county and of any ordinance by thegoverning body of a municipality participating in a joint powers agreementpursuant to W.S. 18-14-101 and in accordance with an agreement on thecontribution of funds by each participating county and municipality, theappropriate board of county commissioners shall submit to the qualifiedelectors of the county or municipality, as appropriate, the question ofwhether the board shall annually levy not to exceed one-half (1/2) mill on thedollar of assessed valuation of the county or municipality. Revenues collectedunder the levy authorized by this subsection shall be used solely for planning,developing and providing regional transportation in the manner specified underW.S. 18-14-102. The question may be submitted by the county clerk at an electioncalled, conducted, canvassed and returned in the manner provided for bondelections by the Political Subdivision Bond Election Law, W.S. 22-21-101through 22-21-112, as specified by the board of county commissioners uponrequest of the regional transportation authority.
(b) If the proposition is approved, the levy shall expire four(4) years from the date of initial imposition and the same proposition shall besubmitted at the general election held four (4) years from the date theproposition is approved and until the proposition is defeated. If theproposition to impose or continue the levy is defeated, it shall not again besubmitted to the electors for at least twenty-three (23) months.
(c) If approved by the qualified electors, the board of countycommissioners shall certify the levy authorized under subsection (a) of thissection and the levy shall be imposed upon the taxable property of the countyor municipality. Revenues collected under this levy shall be deposited by thecounty treasurer into an account certified by the board and used solely for thepurpose for which the levy was imposed.