21-12-101. "State board" defined; boards of trusteesauthorized to establish and maintain adult education program.
(a) As used in this chapter "state board" means thestate board of education acting as the state board of vocational education.
(b) The board of trustees of any unified school district in thestate may establish and maintain a program of adult education in connectionwith the public schools of the district. The program shall be open to adults.No community college shall be established except under W.S. 21-18-101 through21-18-317.
21-12-102. Powers of boards of trustees establishing and maintainingprograms.
(a) The board of trustees of any school district within thestate establishing and maintaining an adult education program under thischapter, in addition to all other powers provided by law, may:
(i) Fix fee and tuition rates for adult education courses;
(ii) Cooperate with the state department of education, the stateboard, community college commission and the federal government in administeringthe program; and
(iii) Do all things necessary to promote the purposes of thisarticle.
21-12-103. Special school tax; submission to electors authorized; taxin addition to limitations in W.S. 21-13-102.
For the purpose of maintaining a program ofadult education, the board of trustees may submit for vote to the electors ofthe district, a special school tax of not to exceed two and one-half (2 1/2)mills on the taxable valuation of the district. Said special school tax, ifapproved, shall be above and in addition to the tax limitations expressed inW.S. 21-13-102.
21-12-104. Special school tax; election; conduct; levy, collection anddisbursement.
(a) The election shall be conducted under the law governingschool elections and on an election date authorized under W.S. 22-21-103. Theballot shall state the proposition to be voted upon, the amount of the proposedspecial levy and shall contain a form for voting substantially as follows:"Shall an additional special tax of not to exceed .... mills be leviedfor the purpose of maintaining a program of adult education?"
Special levy - YES
Special levy - NO
(b) If the majority of the votes cast in the election are"special levy - YES", the tax shall be levied, collected anddisbursed in the same manner as other school district taxes.
21-12-105. Career-technical education demonstration project grants;application; criteria; limitations.
(a) A school district may apply to the state department ofeducation for state assistance to fund expenses associated with the planning,development and implementation of a career-technical education demonstrationproject as a new or an expansion to any existing high school career-vocationaleducation program in the district. As used in this section,"career-vocational education program" shall be as specified in W.S.21-13-309(m)(v)(D)(II). Amounts awarded under this section shall be used tofund curricular development and project design costs, employ certified teachersto provide course instruction during the two (2) years of projectimplementation and to fund initial purchases of equipment and supplies, allincurred for demonstration projects which:
(i) Prepare high school students for a full range of postsecondary options, including two (2) year and four (4) year college,apprenticeship, military and formal employment training;
(ii) Connect academic and technical curriculum grounded inacademic and industry standards;
(iii) Provide innovative strategies for ensuring student accessto career choices, as well as opportunities for work-based learning and dualenrollment in related post secondary education courses;
(iv) Support workforce, education and economic needs of Wyoming.
(b) Any amount awarded to a district under this section shallbe in addition to and not be considered in determining the school foundationprogram amount under the education resource block grant model pursuant to W.S.21-13-309. A grant awarded under this section shall be for a period of two (2)years and shall not exceed one hundred fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) forthe first year of demonstration project planning, and not more than two hundredthousand dollars ($200,000.00) for project implementation in year two (2) ofthe project grant. Thereafter, state assistance for the project shall belimited to funds distributed to the district within its foundation programamount as determined under the education resource block grant model.
(c) Application for a grant under this section shall be on aform and in a manner specified by rule and regulation of the department, shallbe filed with the department on or before June 30 to secure a grant during theimmediately succeeding school year, and shall at minimum include:
(i) A proposal based upon an existing partnership between theapplicant district, the Wyoming post secondary education institution and industry,which clearly documents the need for establishing the proposed career-technicaleducation demonstration project;
(ii) Documentation of integration of industry standards, schoolredesign and curriculum alignment between high school and post secondaryeducation within the proposed project;
(iii) The purposes, plan and timeline for expenditure of grantamounts;
(iv) Assurance that school facilities appropriately accommodatethe proposed demonstration project; and
(v) Other necessary information required by the statedepartment.
(d) Not later than August 15 of the applicable school year andfollowing review of applications submitted under this section, the departmentshall notify applicant districts of its decision and shall provide each applicantdistrict a written statement of reasons for approving or denying theapplication. If the application is approved, the department shall award thegrant from amounts made available by legislative appropriation within theschool foundation program account for purposes of this section.
(e) Each recipient district shall report to the department onthe expenditure of amounts awarded under this section, shall in consultationwith representatives of partnership post secondary education programs andindustry, provide the department an evaluation of project results and shallprovide other information as required by rule and regulation of the departmentto implement this section.
(f) Repealed By Laws 2006, Ch. 37, 2.
(g) The department shall promulgate rules and regulationsnecessary to carry out this section and shall work with Wyoming post secondaryeducation institutions and industry in establishing prerequisite schooldistrict and post secondary education and industry agreement requirements.