21-17-101. Establishment.
Thereis established in this state, at the city of Laramie, an institution oflearning to be known as "The University of Wyoming".
21-17-102. Objects; departments.
(a) The objects of the university are to provide an efficientmeans of imparting to men and women, without regard to color, on equal terms, aliberal education, together with a thorough knowledge of the various branchesconnected with the scientific, industrial and professional pursuits. To thisend it shall embrace colleges or departments of letters, of science and of thearts together with such professional or other departments as in course of timemay be connected therewith. The department of letters shall embrace a liberalcourse of instruction in language, literature and philosophy, together withsuch courses or parts of courses in the college or department of science as aredeemed necessary.
(b) The college, or department of science, shall embracecourses of instruction in the mathematical, physical and natural sciences,together with such courses in language, literature and philosophy as shallconstitute a liberal education. The college or department of the arts shallembrace courses of instruction in the practical and fine arts and especially inthe applications of science to the arts of mining and metallurgy, mechanics,engineering, architecture, agriculture and commerce, together with instructionin military tactics, and in such branches in the department of letters, as arenecessary to a proper fitness of students for their chosen pursuits, and assoon as the income of the university will allow, in such order as the wants ofthe public shall seem to require, the courses in the sciences and theirpractical applications shall be expanded into full and distinct schools ordepartments.
21-17-103. Powers and duties of the faculty.
Thepresident and professors of the university shall be styled "thefaculty", and may enforce rules and regulations adopted by the trusteesfor the government of students, reward and censure students as they maydeserve, and generally exercise such discipline, in harmony with theregulations, as is necessary for the good order of the institution. Thefaculty may present to the trustees for degrees and honors such students as areentitled thereto, and in testimony thereof, when ordered by the board, suitablediplomas, certificates or other testimonials under the seal of the university,and the signatures of the faculty. When, in course of time, distinct collegesor departments of the university are duly organized and in active operation,the immediate government of such departments shall, in like manner, beentrusted to their respective faculties.
21-17-104. Powers and duties of the president.
Thepresident of the university shall be president of the several faculties and theexecutive head of all the departments. As such, subject to the board oftrustees, he has authority to give general direction to the instruction andinvestigations of the several schools and departments, and, so long as theinterests of the institution require it, he may be charged with the duties ofone (1) of the professorships.
21-17-105. Tuition to be as nearly free as possible; number,qualifications and selection of students for reduced tuition; reciprocalresidency.
(a) To the end that none of the youth of the state who cravethe benefits of higher education may be denied, and that all may be encouragedto avail themselves of the advantages offered by the university or communitycolleges, tuition shall be as nearly free as possible, and it shall be reducedby five hundred dollars ($500.00) per semester to either the university or anycommunity college in the state, as elected by the student, to three (3) studentsannually from each county as are selected and appointed by the board of countycommissioners therein. Scholarships under this section shall be in addition toany Hathaway scholarship awarded a student under W.S. 21-16-1301 et seq., butshall be considered for purposes of calculating unmet financial need forHathaway need based scholarships.
(b) Students shall be appointed after due consideration of theindividual student's extra curricular activity, scholastic ability and Americancollege testing score. Grade point average and American college testingscores shall be equally weighted. For any entering student who fails a math orEnglish placement test, the reduced tuition scholarship under this section isnot effective. Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of thissection, the county commissioners may award one (1) additional scholarship eachyear as a renewal to a student maintaining above a 2.50 average, provided thatthe total number of students receiving original and renewal scholarships in anycounty in any year shall not exceed:
(i) Counties of the first class, four (4) students;
(ii) Counties of the second class, three (3) students; and
(iii) Counties of the third class, two (2) students.
(c) Any honor scholarships granted by the University of Wyomingshall be based on the student's scholastic ability and American college testingscores. Grade point average and American college testing scores shall beequally weighted. For any entering student who fails a math or Englishplacement test, the scholarship is not effective.
(d) Any person including the spouse and any child of thatperson shall qualify as a resident for purposes of tuition at the universityif:
(i) His principal employment is located within Wyoming and theincome from his employment is the principal source of income for his family;
(ii) He pays Wyoming taxes as required by law;
(iii) He has been employed within Wyoming for at least a majorityof the twelve (12) consecutive months immediately preceding application forresident tuition pursuant to this subsection;
(iv) He resides in a state with a law substantially similar tothis subsection; and
(v) At the time of enrollment and in accordance withrequirements of the enrolling institution, the person, his spouse or any childof that person submits to the university or community college a notarizedaffidavit attesting to the requirements of this subsection.
21-17-106. Repealed by Laws 1979, ch. 12, 1.
21-17-107. Legislature to make appropriations.
Thelegislature shall appropriate monies intended for the support and maintenanceof the University of Wyoming. The appropriations shall specify the purposesfor which the monies are intended and may be used. The appropriations shallapply to and include all monies received by the university from the UnitedStates for the endowment and support of colleges for the benefit of agricultureand mechanic arts. No expenditure shall be made in excess of an appropriation,and no monies so appropriated shall be used for any purpose other than that forwhich they are appropriated.
21-17-108. Agreements with boards or trustees of community colleges,school districts or university centers, collaboration with community colleges.
(a) The University of Wyoming may enter into agreements withthe several community college district boards or the boards of trustees ofschool districts providing for the joint operation of the institutions in wholeor in part or for the furnishing of services, facilities and staff members ofthe University of Wyoming to the institution. Agreements may provide for thegranting of University of Wyoming credit for collegiate work done in theinstitution.
(b) The University of Wyoming in collaboration with thecommunity colleges, shall establish an accrediting committee which shalldetermine the credit to be granted by the University of Wyoming for work takenin community colleges or university centers. In addition, the university shallcooperate with the Wyoming community college commission in developing andmaintaining a common course numbering system among community colleges and theuniversity pursuant to W.S. 21-18-202(b)(ii).
21-17-109. Course in field of professional health services; authorityto offer; contracts with students; repayment of funds expended; deposit ofrepayments.
(a) In addition to other powers heretofore granted to thetrustees of the University of Wyoming, the board may offer and provide, inwhole or in part at the university or in whole or in part at otherinstitutions, universities or colleges within or without the state, a course oftraining and education in the field of professional health services includingand limited to medicine, dentistry, veterinary, optometry or nursing.
(b) To accomplish the purposes hereof and in order that degreesin such fields of professional health services may be awarded by the universitythe board of trustees may enter into contracts with other institutions,universities or colleges within or without the state that maintain schools forthe training and education of students in professional health services and toexpend its funds in connection therewith.
(c) Students desiring to avail themselves of the opportunitiesunder this section, before enrolling for such courses and having passed acompetitive examination, must be approved by the president of the universityacting with the advice of the respective state board in each particular field. No student shall be approved by the president unless the student or the student'sfather, mother or lawful guardian are residents of Wyoming and have beenresidents for not less than five (5) years immediately prior thereto.
(d) In addition to the requirements of subsection (c) of thissection, before expending any funds the board of trustees shall obtain anagreement from each student whereby the student agrees to:
(i) Authorize the state of Wyoming to pay all tuition costsincurred in his or her medical education as determined by any contract betweenthe state of Wyoming and the school of medicine providing that education; and
(ii) Actively engage in professional practice or otherprofessional pursuits in Wyoming for not to exceed three (3) years as the boardrequires. The taking of a family practice residency program in the state shallbe credited toward the practice requirements at the rate of one-third (1/3)year of practice for each year of service in a family practice residencyprogram in the state; or
(iii) Repay all amounts expended by the state of Wyoming under paragraph(i) of this subsection on the student's education, together with interest whichshall begin accruing after the student's residency but in no event later thaneight (8) years after the student enters into an agreement, upon termsspecified by the board. However, interest shall begin to accrue if the boardfinds that the student has withdrawn from medical school or a residency programor is otherwise not making satisfactory progress toward completion of thedegree or program. Money expended under this subsection shall accrue at anannual interest rate equal to that charged for federal Stafford loans at thetime interest begins to accrue, which rate shall be adjusted annually to matchthe federal Stafford loan rate. In no event shall the interest rate be greaterthan eight percent (8%);
(iv) Upon recommendation of the president of the university, theboard of trustees may relieve a student of the obligation to repay amountsexpended under paragraph (i) of this subsection, in whole or in part, whererepayment would cause undue hardship. The university shall annually report thenumber of students relieved from repayment under this paragraph to the jointlabor, health and social services interim committee not later than October 1.
(e) Any amounts paid by medical students in accordance with thecontractual arrangements authorized under this section effective July 1, 2005,and thereafter, shall be deposited into a special fund designated the MedicalSchool Student Fund, maintained and separately accounted for by the Universityof Wyoming, which fund may be added to by specific contributions from othersources. The fund may be invested, at the discretion of the president of theUniversity of Wyoming and the dean of the College of Health Sciences, for theproduction of income. The investment income shall be expended by theUniversity of Wyoming for assistance and scholarships to medical students asauthorized by the president of the University of Wyoming and the dean of theCollege of Health Sciences. The principal of the fund established shall remainunimpaired and only the income derived therefrom may be collected and expendedfrom year to year. On or before October 1 of each year, the university shallsubmit a report to the joint labor, health and social services interimcommittee on income to the fund and expenditures from fund earnings during theprior fiscal year.
21-17-110. Regional college of veterinary medicine; University ofWyoming Board of Trustees authorized to participate.
TheUniversity of Wyoming Board of Trustees may enter into agreements with thegoverning bodies of other universities or states for the purpose of providingfor regionalized veterinary medical education and services. No final agreementis binding unless approved by the legislature.
21-17-111. Contracts to provide training in physical therapy.
TheUniversity of Wyoming may enter into contracts with institutions, universitiesand colleges which maintain schools for the training and education of studentsof physical therapy services to provide such training and education to Wyomingresidents.
21-17-112. Repealed by Laws 1993, ch. 228, 2.
21-17-113. Agreements with universities, colleges, associations,agencies and corporations; applicability.
(a) In addition to other powers granted to the trustees of theUniversity of Wyoming, the trustees may enter into agreements with otherinstitutions, universities, colleges, community colleges, boards of trustees ofschool districts, agencies, associations or corporations, within or without thestate, providing for the offering of courses or programs of instruction, inwhole or in part, at, or in cooperation with, such other institutions oragencies, or for the delivery of instruction, performance of services, orprovision of materials or facilities. Such agreements may provide for thegranting of University of Wyoming credit or degrees for collegiate workcompleted pursuant to such agreements.
(b) Nothing in this section alters or otherwise affects anyother law authorizing the board of trustees of the University of Wyoming tooffer or provide any programs or courses of instruction or to enter intoagreements with other institutions, universities or colleges to provide suchprograms or courses of instruction, nor does any other law limit or otherwiseaffect the board of trustees' authority under this section.
21-17-114. Scholarship fund for students planning teaching careersauthorized; eligibility; rulemaking authority granted.
(a) The board of trustees is authorized to establish a tuitionscholarship fund for students planning teaching careers. The purpose of thistuition scholarship fund is to encourage Wyoming students demonstratingsuperior academic achievement to pursue careers in teaching within the state ofWyoming. Each year the board may award scholarships to sixteen (16) Wyominghigh school graduates covering five hundred dollars ($500.00) per semester ofthe cost of tuition at the university or any community college in the state whomajor in education. No student is eligible to apply for a scholarship underthis section unless the student or his mother, father or lawful guardian is aresident of Wyoming and has been a resident of Wyoming for at least five (5)years. Scholarships under this section shall be in addition to any Hathawayscholarship awarded a student under W.S. 21-16-1301 et seq., but shall beconsidered for purposes of calculating unmet financial need for Hathaway needbased scholarships.
(b) Repealed by Laws 1995, ch. 71, 2.
(c) The board shall promulgate university regulations necessaryto carry out the purposes of this section, including procedures for applicationand selection of recipients.
(d) No student shall be awarded a scholarship under thissection to attend more than ten (10) semesters of which no more than five (5)semesters shall be at a community college.
21-17-115. University technology transfer center program.
(a) The University of Wyoming may operate a technology transfercenter and provide training to Wyoming county and municipality employeesregarding current trends in transportation technology. The funding of theprogram shall be administered by the Wyoming department of transportation. Thecost of the program shall be provided by each of the following contributing aminimum of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) each regardless of anycontribution from the federal government or other nonstate sources, or up to amaximum of thirty-one thousand two hundred fifty dollars ($31,250.00) eachprovided the federal government or other nonstate sources contribute an amountequal to the total monies provided by the following as specified:
(i) Wyoming department of transportation from available funds;
(ii) Counties as provided in W.S. 24-2-110(c)(i);
(iii) Cities and towns as provided in W.S. 39-17-111(d)(iii)(A);
(iv) University of Wyoming from available funds.
(b) The university shall annually certify the cost of thestate's share of the program to the transportation commission which shalltransfer the amounts specified in W.S. 24-2-110(c)(i) and 39-17-111(d)(iii)(A)to the university to be used for funding the program.
21-17-116. Course in field of advanced practice registered nurse inpsychiatry; authority to offer; contracts with students; repayment of fundsexpended; deposit of repayments.
(a) In addition to other powers heretofore granted to thetrustees of the University of Wyoming, the board may offer and provide, inwhole or in part at the university or in whole or in part at otherinstitutions, universities or colleges within or without the state, a course oftraining and education in the field of nursing for advanced practice registerednurses in psychiatry.
(b) To accomplish the purposes of this section and in orderthat degrees in advanced practice registered nurse in psychiatry may be awardedby the university, the board of trustees may enter into contracts with otherinstitutions, universities or colleges within or without the state thatmaintain schools for the training and education of students in advancedpractice registered nurse with a specialty in psychiatry and to expend itsfunds in connection therewith.
(c) Students desiring to avail themselves of the opportunitiesunder this section, before enrolling for the courses, shall be approved by thepresident of the university acting with the advice of the state board ofnursing. No student shall be approved by the president unless the student hasobtained not less than a baccalaureate degree as a registered nurse. Preferenceunder this section shall be given to applicants who individually or whosespouse, parent or legal guardian meets the requirements of W.S. 21-17-105(d)(i)through (v).
(d) In addition to the requirements of subsection (c) of thissection, before expending any funds the board of trustees shall obtain anagreement from each student whereby the student agrees to authorize the stateof Wyoming to pay not more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) for eachacademic semester, or not more than two thousand five hundred dollars($2,500.00) for each summer session, the student is enrolled as a full-timestudent in an approved course of study as determined by any contract betweenthe state of Wyoming and the school of nursing providing that education. Students enrolled on a part-time basis during an academic semester may agree toreceive payments reduced proportionally based upon the number of credit hoursfor which the student is enrolled for that semester, where nine (9) credithours constitutes a full-time student. The student shall agree either to:
(i) Actively engage in professional practice as an advancedpractice registered nurse in psychiatry in Wyoming for up to one (1) year foreach academic year of full-time attendance for which payments under thissection are made, but not to exceed a total of two (2) years, as the boardrequires. Qualified work shall be granted on a proportional basis; or
(ii) Repay all amounts expended by the state of Wyoming underthis subsection on the student's education, together with interest which shallbegin accruing after the student's residency but in no event later than four(4) years after the student enters into an agreement, upon terms specified bythe board. However, interest shall begin to accrue if the board finds that thestudent has withdrawn from nursing school or a clinical program or is otherwisenot making satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree or program. Money expended under this subsection shall accrue at an annual interest rateequal to that charged for federal Stafford loans at the time interest begins toaccrue, which rate shall be adjusted annually to match the federal Staffordloan rate. In no event shall the interest rate be greater than eight percent(8%).
(e) Upon recommendation of the president of the university, theboard of trustees may relieve a student of the obligation to repay amountsexpended under subsection (d) of this section, in whole or in part, whererepayment would cause undue hardship. The university shall annually report thenumber of students relieved from repayment under this paragraph to the jointlabor, health and social services interim committee not later than October 1.
(f) Any amounts paid by advanced practice registered nursestudents in psychiatry in accordance with the contractual arrangementsauthorized under this section effective July 1, 2008, and thereafter, shall bedeposited into a special fund designated as the advanced practice registerednurse in psychiatry student fund, maintained and separately accounted for bythe University of Wyoming, which fund shall be used solely for payments undersubsection (d) of this section. On or before October 1 of each year, theuniversity shall submit a report to the joint labor, health and social servicesinterim committee on expenditures from the fund during the prior fiscal year.
(g) For purposes of this section:
(i) "Advanced practice registered nurse" means asdefined in W.S. 33-21-120(a)(i);
(ii) "Enrolled as a full-time student" means enrolledin and attending not less than nine (9) credit hours per academic semester ofapproved studies, or as determined by the approved program for summer sessions.
21-17-117. School of energy resources; creation authorized; Universityof Wyoming energy resources council established; reports.
(a) Subject to legislative appropriation, the University ofWyoming shall operate the school of energy resources.
(b) The school of energy resources shall have the followingobjectives:
(i) To provide nationally competitive undergraduate andgraduate instruction in energy related disciplines, particularly those ofimportance to develop Wyoming's energy resources;
(ii) To advance the state-of-the-art in Wyoming energy relatedscience, technology and economics research; and
(iii) To support scientific and engineering outreach throughdissemination of information to Wyoming's energy industries, companies,community colleges and governmental agencies.
(c) The school of energy resources shall:
(i) Establish relationships with Wyoming energy companies andcoordinate with other energy industry organizations to sustain and optimize thedevelopment of Wyoming's energy portfolio. For the purposes of this section,Wyoming's energy portfolio includes both nonrenewable and renewable resources;
(ii) Establish relationships with the Wyoming community collegescreating local programs to enrich students' education in the Wyoming energyindustry operations;
(iii) Maintain flexibility in its focus and structure to becapable of responding to the changing needs of Wyoming's energy industries withregard to instruction, research and outreach.
(d) The university's board of trustees shall establish thestructure and policies for operation of the school of energy resourcesconsistent with this section, and shall engage as many academic departments andcolleges as possible in support of the school.
(e) The University of Wyoming energy resources council iscreated and shall provide direction to the school of energy resources regardingidentifying and prioritizing issues which should be targeted for research andoutreach. The University of Wyoming energy resources council shall consist ofeleven (11) members, including the president of the university and the directorof the Ruckleshaus institute of environment and natural resources, both of whomare ex officio nonvoting members. One (1) member of the house ofrepresentatives shall be appointed by the speaker of the house and one (1)member of the senate shall be appointed by the president of the senate. Eachappointed legislative member shall serve a two (2) year term. The remainingseven (7) members shall be appointed for terms of three (3) years, except thatfor the initial appointments two (2) members shall be appointed for one (1)year and two (2) members shall be appointed for two (2) years. These seven (7)members shall represent to the greatest extent practicable the diversecomponents of Wyoming's energy industries, and shall be appointed by thegovernor and approved with the advice and consent of the senate, in accordancewith W.S. 28-12-101 through 28-12-103. The council shall select a chairman andvice-chairman from among its members.
(f) The university shall report annually, not later thanOctober 1, to the joint minerals, business and economic development interimcommittee, the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint educationinterim committee regarding all revenues to and expenditures by the school ofenergy resources during the preceding fiscal year, accomplishments of theschool of energy resources and its benefits to Wyoming's energy economy.
21-17-118. Student support and student financial aid fund; rulemakingauthority granted.
(a) The board of trustees is authorized to establish a studentsupport and student financial aid fund for students at the university. Thefund shall include those monies collected by the university pursuant to W.S.31-2-219 and such other gifts, contributions, donations, grants, or other fundsprovided to the university for purposes of this section. Financial aid fundedunder this section shall be in addition to any Hathaway scholarship awarded astudent under W.S. 21-16-1301 et seq., but shall be considered for purposes ofcalculating unmet financial need for Hathaway need based scholarships.
(b) The board shall promulgate university regulations necessaryto carry out the purposes of this section, including procedures for applicationand selection of recipients of financial aid under this section. Revenues inthe fund established under this section shall be used exclusively for studentfinancial aid and for projects and programs that directly support students atthe university. The board shall coordinate with the University of WyomingAlumni Association in the university's administration of the student supportfunds and financial aid under this section in accordance with an agreement withthat association, or its successor organization.
21-17-119. Authority to offer course in dentistry through contractswith other institutions; contracts with students; repayment of funds expended;deposit of repayments.
(a) In addition to other powers granted to the trustees of theUniversity of Wyoming, the board may offer and provide at other institutions,universities or colleges, a course of training and education in the field ofdentistry.
(b) To accomplish the purposes of this section, the board oftrustees may enter into contracts with other institutions, universities orcolleges outside the state that maintain schools for the training and educationof students in dentistry and to expend funds appropriated for this purpose inconnection therewith.
(c) In entering into contracts with institutions, the board oftrustees shall give preference to institutions that agree to provide studentswith a training rotation or externship in Wyoming.
(d) Students desiring to avail themselves of the opportunitiesunder this section, before enrolling for such courses and having completed theadmissions process into the dental education program at a school of dentistrywith which the university has an agreement under subsection (a) of thissection, must be approved by the president of the university acting with theadvice of the state board of dentistry. No student shall be approved by thepresident unless the student or the student's father, mother or lawful guardianare residents of Wyoming and have been residents for not less than five (5)years immediately prior thereto.
(e) In addition to the requirements of subsection (c) of thissection, before expending any funds the board of trustees shall obtain anagreement from each student whereby the student agrees to:
(i) Authorize the state of Wyoming to pay the costs ofeducation incurred in his dentistry education as determined by any contractbetween the state of Wyoming and the school of dentistry providing thateducation: and
(A) Actively engage in professional practice or otherprofessional pursuits in dentistry in Wyoming for a period of three (3) years;or
(B) Repay all amounts expended by the state of Wyoming underthis paragraph on the student's education, together with interest which shallbegin accruing after the student's graduation, but in no event later than five(5) years after the student enters into an agreement, upon terms specified bythe board. However, interest shall begin to accrue if the board finds that thestudent has withdrawn from the school of dentistry or is otherwise not makingsatisfactory progress toward completion of the degree or program. Moneyexpended under this paragraph shall accrue interest at an annual rate equal tothat charged for federal Stafford loans at the time interest begins to accrue,which rate shall be adjusted annually to match the federal Stafford loan rate. In no event shall the interest rate be greater than eight percent (8%).
(ii) During the time required to practice under subparagraph(i)(A) of this subsection, treat under terms and conditions specified in theagreement Wyoming patients eligible for services under the Wyoming MedicalAssistance and Services Act or the child and parent health insurance programpursuant to Wyoming Statutes title 35, chapter 25. All contract provisionsestablished under this paragraph shall be developed in consultation with thestate board of dentistry and the department of health.
(f) Upon recommendation of the president of the university, theboard of trustees may relieve a student of the obligation to repay amountsexpended under paragraph (d)(i) of this section, in whole or in part, whererepayment would cause undue hardship. The university shall annually report thenumber of students relieved from repayment under this subsection to the jointlabor, health and social services interim committee not later than October 1.
(g) Any amounts paid by dentistry students in accordance withthe contractual arrangements authorized under this section shall be depositedinto a special account designated the Dentistry School Student Account,maintained and separately accounted for by the University of Wyoming, which accountmay be added to by specific contributions from other sources. The account maybe invested, at the discretion of the president of the University of Wyoming,for the production of income. The investment income shall be expended by theUniversity of Wyoming for assistance and scholarships to dentistry students asauthorized by the president of the University of Wyoming and the dean of thecollege of health sciences. The principal of the fund established shall remainunimpaired and only the income derived therefrom may be collected and expendedfrom year to year. On or before October 1 of each year, the university shallsubmit a report to the joint labor, health and social services interimcommittee on income to the fund and expenditures from fund earnings during theprior fiscal year.
21-17-120. Wyoming conservation corps; creation authorized; reports.
(a) The University of Wyoming shall establish a Wyomingconservation corps (WCC) program patterned after similar conservation corpsprograms in Utah, Montana and Colorado under which students in those stateshave performed service on conservation projects in Wyoming. The WCC programshall begin in the summer of 2007. The WCC program shall enter into agreementswith state and federal agencies and private industry under which Wyomingstudents shall perform conservation projects in Wyoming prior to the studentsperforming any work under those agreements. The students who participate inthe WCC program may be high school, community college or university students. The students shall receive stipends and education financial awards for theirservice, as well as the educational and practical benefits of working onvaluable conservation projects. The WCC program shall be fully self-sustainingby the end of summer 2009.
(b) The University of Wyoming shall report to the jointminerals, business and economic development interim committee and the jointtravel, recreation, wildlife and cultural resources interim committee onOctober 1, 2007, and October 1, 2008, regarding expenditures made under thisact, progress made by the WCC program toward financial self-sufficiency and theeducational and conservation related benefits of the program.
21-17-121. Clean coal research task force; members; compensation;proposals; report.
(a) The clean coal research task force created pursuant to 2007Wyoming Session Laws, Chapter 186, Section 2 shall exist until June 30, 2013. The task force shall consist of the voting members of the Wyoming energyresources council created pursuant to W.S. 21-17-117(e), or their designees.
(b) The task force shall meet at the call of the chairman. Thetask force shall issue requests for proposals for research projects into cleancoal technologies. The task force shall review and evaluate proposals forresearch into clean coal technologies, subject to the following:
(i) Proposals may be received from academic institutions andprivate industry proponents;
(ii) Proposals shall be evaluated competitively on theirprobable benefits to the state of Wyoming and coal programs within this state;
(iii) Proposals shall enhance and improve clean coal technologieswith an emphasis on methods of combusting sub-bituminous coal at highaltitudes.
(c) The task force shall issue a report to the governor and thejoint minerals, business and economic development interim committee annually,no later than September 30, including, but not limited to, recommendationsregarding funding specific proposals for research into clean coal technologiesin Wyoming.
(d) The task force shall be staffed by the governor's officewith support from the University of Wyoming school of energy resources. Thetask force may contract for administrative and research services to aid inpreparation of the task force report.
(e) Members of the task force who are not legislators shall notreceive a salary but shall receive reimbursement for necessary travel and perdiem expenses in the manner and amount provided for state employees under W.S.9-3-102 and 9-3-103. Members of the task force who are legislators shall bepaid salary, per diem and travel expenses as provided in W.S. 28-5-101 fortheir official duties as members of the task force.
(f) The clean coal task force may award funds in the clean coaltechnology account to proposals for clean coal after submitting the taskforce's recommendations to the joint minerals, business and economicdevelopment interim committee.
21-17-122. Accelerated baccalaureate degree in nursing for studentswith other baccalaureate degrees; contracts with students; repayment of fundsexpended; deposit of repayments.
(a) Students desiring to participate in the University ofWyoming's accelerated program leading to a baccalaureate degree in nursing mayavail themselves of the financial aid opportunities under this section subjectto the following:
(i) Before enrolling in the accelerated baccalaureate innursing degree program, the student shall be approved by the president of theuniversity acting with the advice of the state board of nursing;
(ii) No student shall be approved by the president unless thestudent has obtained a baccalaureate degree in a discipline other than nursing;
(iii) Preference for financial aid under this section shall begiven to applicants who individually or through their spouse meet therequirements of W.S. 21-17-105(d).
(b) In addition to the requirements of subsection (a), beforegranting any financial aid under this section the board of trustees shallobtain an agreement from each student whereby the student authorizes the stateof Wyoming to pay not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000.00) forfinancial aid while the student is enrolled in the accelerated nursing degreeprogram. The student shall agree either to:
(i) Actively engage in work as a nurse in Wyoming for two (2)years, as the board of trustees requires. Qualified work shall be granted on aproportional basis; or
(ii) Repay all amounts expended by the state of Wyoming underthis subsection on the student's education, together with interest which shallbegin accruing upon the student's graduation, upon terms specified by the boardof trustees. However, interest shall begin to accrue if the board finds thatthe student has withdrawn from the degree program or is otherwise not making satisfactoryprogress toward completion of the degree program. Money expended under thissubsection shall accrue at an annual interest rate equal to that charged forfederal Stafford loans at the time interest begins to accrue, which rate shallbe adjusted annually to match the federal Stafford loan rate. In no event shallthe interest rate be greater than eight percent (8%).
(c) Upon recommendation of the president of the university, theboard of trustees may relieve a student of the obligation to repay amountsexpended under subsection (b) of this section, in whole or in part, upon afinding that the monies cannot be collected. The university shall annuallyreport the number of students relieved from repayment under this subsection tothe joint labor, health and social services interim committee not later thanOctober 1.
(d) Loan repayment options under this section may be deferredfor a period not to exceed five (5) years while a loan recipient is serving onfull-time active duty with any branch of the military services of the UnitedStates.
(e) Any recipient of a loan under this section who fails:
(i) To complete the program for which the loan was providedshall commence cash repayment of the loan no later than forty-five (45) daysafter the recipient leaves the academic program;
(ii) To obtain employment in the targeted occupation for whichthe person received the education within ninety (90) days after successfullyobtaining the appropriate licensure, shall commence cash repayment of the loanwithin one hundred twenty (120) days after successfully obtaining theappropriate licensure; or
(iii) To obtain the appropriate certification within one hundredeighty (180) days after completion of the program shall commence cash repaymentof the loan.
(f) Any amounts paid by students in accordance with thecontractual arrangements authorized under this section shall be deposited intoa special account designated as the accelerated baccalaureate degree in nursingstudent account, maintained and separately accounted for by the University ofWyoming, which account shall be used solely for payments on behalf of studentsunder subsection (b) of this section. On or before October 1 of each year, theuniversity shall submit a report to the joint labor, health and social servicesinterim committee on expenditures from the account during the prior fiscalyear.
21-17-201. Composition; appointment and qualifications of membersgenerally; members ex officio; quorum.
Thegovernment of the university is vested in a board of twelve (12) trusteesappointed by the governor, no two (2) of whom may be residents of the samecounty of the state. At least one (1) trustee shall be appointed from eachappointment district pursuant to W.S. 9-1-218. Not more than seven (7) membersof the board shall be registered in the same political party. The governor,the president of the university, the state superintendent of publicinstruction, and the president of the associated students of the university aremembers ex officio, having the right to speak, but not to vote. A majority ofthe board is a quorum.
21-17-202. Term; appointment of additional trustees; appointment ofsuccessors; vacancies; members of faculty disqualified; removal.
(a) The term of office of the trustees appointed is six (6)years. During each session of the legislature, the governor shall nominate,and with the advice and consent of the senate, appoint successors to thosetrustees whose term of office has expired or will expire before the nextsession of the legislature. Any vacancy in the board of trustees caused bydeath, resignation, removal from the state or otherwise, shall be filled byappointment by the governor as provided in W.S. 28-12-101. No member of thefaculty, while holding that position, shall ever be appointed a trustee. Thegovernor may remove any trustee as provided in W.S. 9-1-202.
(b) Effective July 1, 1979, appointments and terms shall be inaccordance with W.S. 28-12-101 through 28-12-103.
21-17-203. To be body corporate; powers, duties and functionsgenerally.
Theboard of trustees and their successors in office constitute a body corporate bythe name of "the trustees of the University of Wyoming". Theypossess all the powers necessary or convenient to accomplish the objects andperform the duties prescribed by law, and shall have custody of the books,records, buildings and all other property of the university. The board shallelect a president, secretary and treasurer, who shall perform the dutiesprescribed in the bylaws of the board. The treasurer shall execute a bond,with approved sureties in double the sum likely to come into his hands, for thefaithful discharge of his duties. The term of office of board officers, theirduties severally and the times for holding meetings shall be fixed in thebylaws of the board. A majority of the board constitutes a quorum for thetransaction of business but a less number may adjourn from time to time, andall routine business may be entrusted to an executive committee of three (3)members subject to such conditions as the bylaws of the board prescribe. Theboard may from time to time appoint and authorize a person to examine andapprove for payment all legal claims against the corporation. The person shallgive bond with surety approved by the board, payable to the state of Wyoming insuch sum as the board may fix, conditioned for the faithful performance of hisduties. A certificate of appointment signed by the president and secretary ofthe board and the bond shall be filed with the state auditor. At each meetingof the board all action taken by the person so appointed subsequent to theimmediately preceding board meeting shall be submitted to the board for itsapproval or disapproval. The actual and necessary traveling expenses ofnonresident members in attending the annual meeting of the board may be auditedby the auditing committee thereof and paid by warrant on the treasurer out ofthe general fund of the university.
21-17-204. Additional powers and duties; sectarian or partisaninstruction or test prohibited.
(a) The board of trustees shall prescribe rules for thegovernment of the university and all its branches, elect the requisiteofficers, professors, instructors and employees, a director of finance andbudget and a superintendent of buildings and grounds, any of whom may beremoved for cause, and fix the salary and term of office of each. The board oftrustees shall prescribe the studies to be pursued and the textbooks to beused, and determine the qualifications of applicants for admission to thevarious courses of study. No instruction either sectarian in religion orpartisan in politics shall ever be allowed in any department of the university,and no sectarian or partisan test shall ever be exercised or allowed in theappointment of trustees or in the election or removal of professors, teachersor other officers of the university or in the admission of students thereto, orfor any purpose whatsoever. The board of trustees may:
(i) Confer such degrees and grant such diplomas as are usual inuniversities or as they deem appropriate;
(ii) Through bylaws confer upon the faculty the power to suspendor expel students for causes therein prescribed;
(iii) Possess and use for the benefit of the institution allproperty of the university;
(iv) Hold, manage, lease or dispose of, according to law, anyreal or personal estate as is conducive to the welfare of the institution;
(v) Expend the income placed under their control from whateversource derived, and exercise all other functions properly belonging to such aboard and necessary to the prosperity of the university and all itsdepartments.
21-17-205. Report.
Thetrustees of the University of Wyoming, through their president, shall report tothe governor as required by W.S. 9-2-1014 respecting the progress, conditionand wants of the university and of each school or department thereof, thecourse of study in each, the number of professors and students, the nature,costs and results of important investigations, and such other information asthey deem important or as may be required by any law of this state, or of theUnited States. The secretary and treasurer of the board of trustees shallprepare an itemized report showing the receipts and disbursements for the year,the appropriation resolution for that year, the purposes for which the revenuewas expended, and the amount of revenue expended upon each school or departmentof work, including the experiment station.
21-17-206. Secretary to take oath of office and administer oaths.
(a) The secretary of the board of trustees of the University ofWyoming, before entering upon the duties of the office, shall take the oath ofoffice provided for elective officers under the constitution of this state.
(b) The secretary of the board of trustees of the University ofWyoming may administer oaths and affirmations to any person or persons inconnection with the business of the university.
21-17-301. Supervision and management of farms and stations; directorof experiments.
(a) All the experiment farms and stations are under thesupervision, management and control of the board of trustees of the Universityof Wyoming.
(b) The board of trustees of the University of Wyoming mayemploy a director of experiments, who shall receive a salary fixed by the boardand necessary traveling expenses, and shall perform such duties as assigned tohim by the board. The director of experiments, with the approval of the board,shall:
(i) Manage and control the experiment farms;
(ii) Manage, control and dispose of personal property used inconnection with experiment farms and stations;
(iii) Employ practical and experienced dry farmers, irrigationfarmers, horticulturists, persons skilled in animal husbandry and other agentsand servants, who shall under his direction cultivate the farms, conductexperiments thereon, demonstrate the adaptability of various soils and climaticconditions for the production of different kinds of grain, grasses, vegetables,shade, ornamental and fruitbearing trees, vines and bushes that may profitablybe grown in the varied locations of the farms of the state, and conduct suchother experiments as advisable in animal husbandry.
(c) The director of the experiments shall carefully record,preserve and compile the results of all experiments and demonstrations andreport the results publicly on a regular basis.
(d) The sale and disposition of all crops and livestock raisedor produced upon experiment farms shall be made by the director of the Wyomingagricultural experiment station jointly with the director of experiments. Anymoney realized from sales in excess of the expense of conducting the farmsshall be turned over to the treasury of the state.
(e) Before purchasing any land for use in the agriculturalexperiment and research program at the University of Wyoming, the board oftrustees shall determine the location of all lands owned by the state or anyagency of the state and the use being made of such state lands. The board oftrustees shall negotiate with the agency of the state responsible for theadministration and control of such state lands to determine the feasibility ofleasing such state lands for use in the agricultural experiment and researchprogram providing the lands available are suitable to the purpose. Any stateagency which owns or has responsibility for the administration and control ofstate lands shall negotiate with the University of Wyoming in leasing suchlands, at the fair market value, provided the use of the land by the universityis not inconsistent with the use for which the land is held by the state oragency.
21-17-302. Location and acreage of farms; supervision and control.
(a) The state may conduct experimental farms:
(i) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 147, 3.
(ii) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 147, 3.
(iii) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 147, 3.
(iv) Repealed By Laws 2003, Ch. 147, 3.
(v) At or near Sheridan, Sheridan county, Wyoming.
(b) The board of trustees of the University of Wyoming and thedepartment of family services shall conclude arrangements for agriculturalexperimental programs under their joint control to be conducted upon and inconnection with farm property of the Wyoming boys' school at Worland, Wyoming,using not less than eighty (80) and not more than one hundred (100) acres ofground on the premises. The arrangements shall include provision for anapartment in the buildings of the institute as living quarters for thesuperintendent of programs and for availability in the operations of labor fromthe institute's committed personnel as selected by the superintendent of theinstitute and jointly controlled during their working hours by that superintendentand the superintendent of the experimental station.
(c) The board of trustees of the University of Wyoming shallprovide for the operation of a research station at Powell, Wyoming to conductprograms related to soils, vegetation diseases, fertilizers, insects,irrigation phases and other related factors, in order to effectuate reductionor elimination of causes detrimental to agriculture. The board of trustees ofthe university may also provide for the operation of a sustainable agriculturalresearch and extension center in Goshen county, Wyoming.
21-17-303. Appropriation of funds.
Revenuewithin the agricultural college account provided by W.S. 9-4-310(c)(i) isappropriated and may be used by the board of trustees of the University of Wyomingfor any purpose connected with the supporting and maintenance of theagricultural college at the University of Wyoming not inconsistent or inconflict with any act of congress. The money shall be paid by the statetreasurer to the treasurer of the board of trustees of the state universityupon the warrant of the state auditor upon request of the board of trustees.
21-17-304. Acceptance of federal grants; administration.
(a) The state of Wyoming assents to and accepts the conditionsof the acts of the United States Congress cited as 7 U.S.C. sections 301through 390j and 16 U.S.C. sections 590a through 590q-3, and future actsamendatory or supplemental thereto.
(b) Except as otherwise provided by congress or the laws ofWyoming, all money authorized by subsection (a) of this section shall bereceived by the state treasurer and transferred to the board of trustees of theUniversity of Wyoming. The trustees of the University of Wyoming shall annuallyappropriate and designate the uses of the money received under subsection (a)of this section which shall be in conformity with the terms of the grant.
(c) The board of trustees of the University of Wyoming shallhave prepared necessary reports and take other actions necessary to comply withthe requirements of and obtain grants and administer programs pursuant tosubsection (a) of this section. Agricultural extension work shall be carriedon in connection with the college of agriculture of the university.
21-17-305. County cooperation in extension work; districts; countyagents.
(a) A board of county commissioners may cooperate in extensionwork in agriculture and home economics in the county under the supervision ofthe agricultural college of the university and for that purpose may annually appropriateand expend any amount the board deems expedient so long as this levy and alllevies for general county government do not exceed the constitutional milllimit.
(b) Any two (2) or more contiguous counties may unite in theformation of a district for the purposes of subsection (a) of this section. The district formed shall be regarded as a single county for the purposes ofthis section and is entitled to the same benefits as if the district were one(1) county. No county included in a district is entitled to any benefits ofthis section so long as the district receives benefits under this section.
(c) Any county or district complying with this section uponrequest shall receive a county agent or agricultural expert to be provided bythe agricultural college of the university. The university shall provide asuitable agent or expert, qualified to do the work usually expected from aperson educated in the science of agriculture.
(d) The university trustees may receive and expend money fromany source under the supervision of the agricultural college for the purposesof this section.
21-17-306. Soil conservation programs; state advisory board.
(a) In formulating plans for soil conservation programs to besubmitted to the secretary of agriculture the university shall select a stateadvisory board with the approval of the governor from persons who participatein soil conservation programs as recommended by committees of countyassociations of persons who participate in soil conservation programs. Thedirector of the department of agriculture is an ex officio member of the stateadvisory board.
(b) In implementing approved soil conservation program plansthe university may:
(i) Employ and designate such agencies as it deems necessaryto cooperate with local and state agencies, agencies of other states and thefederal government;
(ii) Provide for the conduct of research and educationalactivities;
(iii) Provide by voluntary methods for adjustments in theutilization of land and farming practices and for payment in connectiontherewith.
21-17-307. Leases authorized; scope of authority to lease.
(a) The trustees of the University of Wyoming may grant mineralleases in the name of the state of Wyoming to any lands acquired in the name ofthe state of Wyoming for experimental farm purposes. This authority extends tothose lands transferred into the control of the trustees of the University ofWyoming by chapter 99, Session Laws of Wyoming, 1923, and all other landtheretofore or thereafter acquired in the name of the state of Wyoming forexperimental farm purposes and now under the administration and control of thetrustees of the University of Wyoming, whether or not acquired pursuant toexpress legislative authorization.
(b) Mineral leases executed under the authority hereby grantedshall be executed by such persons, shall be granted upon terms prescribed bythe state board of land commissioners for the leasing of other state lands andshall include such additional provisions as the trustees of the University ofWyoming determine to be necessary to protect the surface of the lands or theuse thereof fo