21-21-101. Short title.
Thischapter shall be known and may be cited as the "Cooperative TeacherEducation Act".
21-21-102. Authority to enter into agreements.
(a) The board of trustees of each school district may enterinto written, contractual agreements, or arrangements with any college oruniversity to provide field experiences in teacher education. Fieldexperiences include all activities incurred within the district by a regularlyenrolled student in any phase of the teacher education program of theinstitution regardless of the title of his position.
(b) Each agreement or arrangement shall set out the rights andresponsibilities of the cooperating school districts, teacher preparationinstitutions, students and other participation personnel.
21-21-103. Payment of cost from public funds.
(a) The respective governing boards of state colleges anduniversities may provide the contracting school district boards of trusteeswith tuition waivers to be used by the teachers of that district at any collegein the state or for any workshop endorsed by the cooperating college oruniversity.
(b) School districts may, by mutual consent of the parties tothe agreement, provide compensation to supervisors to students of teaching.
21-21-104. Authority and status of students of teaching.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section astudent of teaching, during the time he is assigned to a field experiencewithin a public school, is not a public employee of the school district withinthe meaning of the "Wyoming Education Code of 1969". The duties andresponsibilities of the student of teaching shall be determined by mutualagreement between the school district and the authorized representative of thecollege.
(b) The student of teaching, during his field experience, is anemployee of the school district pursuant to the provisions of the WyomingEducation Code of 1969, for the purpose of workmen's compensation and liabilityinsurance as provided for other district employees.