21-9-101. Educational programs for schools; standards; core ofknowledge and skills; special needs programs; class size requirements;cocurricular activities.
(a) The board of trustees of each school district within thestate shall cause the schools under its jurisdiction to provide an educationalprogram in accordance with uniform standards defined under this section andrules and regulations promulgated by the state board of education pursuant toW.S. 21-2-304(a).
(b) Each school district within the state shall provideeducational programs sufficient to meet uniform student content and performancestandards at the level established by the state board of education in thefollowing areas of knowledge and skills:
(i) Common core of knowledge:
(A) Reading/language arts;
(B) Social studies;
(C) Mathematics;
(D) Science;
(E) Fine arts and performing arts;
(F) Physical education;
(G) Health and safety;
(H) Humanities;
(J) Career/vocational education;
(K) Foreign cultures and languages;
(M) Applied technology;
(N) Government and civics including state and federalconstitutions pursuant to W.S. 21-9-102.
(ii) For grades one (1) through eight (8), reading, writing andmathematics shall be emphasized under the common core of knowledge specifiedunder paragraph (b)(i) of this section;
(iii) Common core of skills:
(A) Problem solving;
(B) Interpersonal communications;
(C) Keyboarding and computer applications;
(D) Critical thinking;
(E) Creativity;
(F) Life skills, including personal financial managementskills.
(c) In addition to subsection (b) of this section, each schooldistrict within this state shall provide programs designed for the specialneeds of those student populations specified within this subsection. Programsunder this subsection shall be provided and shall identify special studentpopulations in accordance with rules and regulations of the state board ofeducation. The state board shall monitor the proportion of students in eachspecial needs category, compared to available regional averages. Special needsstudent populations include:
(i) Children with disabilities evaluated in accordance withrules and regulations of the state board as having intellectual disability,hearing impairments including deafness, speech or language impairments, visualimpairments including blindness, serious emotional disturbance, orthopedicimpairments, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairments, specificlearning disabilities, deafness and blindness or other multiple disabilities,and who, because of the impairments, need special education and relatedservices; and
(ii) Gifted and talented students identified by professionalsand other qualified individuals as having outstanding abilities, who arecapable of high performance and whose abilities, talents and potential requirequalitatively differentiated educational programs and services beyond thosenormally provided by the regular school program in order to realize theircontribution to self and society.
(d) In addition to subsections (b) and (c) of this section,each school district within this state shall endeavor to maintain whenpracticable, in kindergarten through grade three (3) within the district, anaverage class size of no more than twenty (20) students per teacher, excludingchildren with disabilities who spend more than fifty percent (50%) of theirtime outside of regular classroom instruction.
(e) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibitschool districts from establishing cocurricular activity programs which have astheir purpose to provide educational experiences not otherwise provided by thelocal district. The legislature specifically encourages school districts toestablish programs of this type.
(f) It is the intent of the legislature that the fundingmechanism established by law for schools encourage school districts to achievethe goal of reduced class sizes.
(g) Not later than the 2002-2003 school year, all schooldistricts shall provide instruction in foreign languages to students inkindergarten through grade 2 in accordance with standards promulgated by thestate board.
21-9-102. Instruction in state and federal constitutions required;satisfactory examination a prerequisite to graduation.
All schools and colleges in this state thatare supported in any manner by public funds shall give instruction in theessentials of the United States constitution and the constitution of the stateof Wyoming, including the study of and devotion to American institution andideals, and no student shall receive a high school diploma, associate degree orbaccalaureate degree without satisfactorily passing an examination on theprinciples of the constitution of the United States and the state of Wyoming. The instruction shall be given for at least three (3) years in kindergartenthrough grade eight (8) and for one (1) year each in the secondary and collegegrades.
21-9-103. Penalty for failure to carry out requirements of W.S.21-9-102.
Willfulfailure on the part of any school or college administrator or instructor tocarry out the requirements of W.S. 21-9-102 shall be sufficient cause for theremoval of such person from his position.
21-9-201. Boards of trustees to purchase and lend to pupils;responsibility of pupils; sale of surplus.
(a) The board of trustees of each school district within thestate shall purchase all textbooks necessary to the operation of the schoolsunder its jurisdiction. Each such board may in addition purchase such suppliesas it deems necessary. Such textbooks and supplies shall be held as theproperty of the district and shall be loaned to pupils free of any charge;provided, the pupils shall be held responsible for damage to, loss of, or failureto return such books and supplies except those that by their nature areexpended during the course of study.
(b) The board may sell to any pupil or parent, at its cost, anysurplus books or supplies it has purchased and which such pupil or parent desiresto purchase for his own use.
21-9-202. Repealed By Laws 2002, Ch. 19, 1.
21-9-203. Purchase and use of eye protective devices.
(a) Every teacher and every pupil except nonparticipatingvisitors, in any public school participating in any course involving thefollowing: (1) hot molten metals; (2) milling, sawing, turning, shaping,cutting or stamping of any solid materials with stationary power equipment; (3)gas or electric arc welding; (4) caustic or explosive materials; or (5) anyother material or activity which creates a substantial risk of harm to the eyesis required to wear industrial quality eye protective devices meeting thestandards of the American Standard Safety Code for head, eye, and respiratoryprotection, Z2.1-1959, promulgated by the American Standards Association,Incorporated.
(b) The board of trustees of each school district shallpurchase such eye protective devices and cause them to be available free ofcharge to all pupils and teachers involved in the activities listed above;provided, that the board of trustees shall not be required to furnishprotective corrective lenses.