22-19-101. When elected; number.
Ata general election for president and vice-president of the United States,electors for president and vice-president of the United States shall be electedequal in number to senators and representatives in congress allotted to thestate of Wyoming.
22-19-102. Nomination.
(a) In a general election year, the state convention of apolitical party nominating candidates for president and vice-president of theUnited States shall nominate the party's candidates for presidential electorsand file certificates of nomination for these candidates with the secretary ofstate not later than thirty (30) days following termination of the stateconvention.
(b) Independent candidates for president shall file thecandidate's nominees for presidential electors not less than seventy (70) daysprior to the general election. The nominees shall be qualified electors.
22-19-103. Crediting of votes.
Thenumber of votes received by presidential and vice-presidential candidates isthe number of votes credited to their electors.
22-19-104. Certificate of election; directive.
Immediatelyupon filing of the certificate of the state canvassing board stating the resultof the election, the governor shall issue a certificate of election tocandidates elected to the office of presidential elector. The certificate shalldirect the elector to attend a meeting with the governor in the office of thesecretary of state at 12:00 noon on the Monday following the second Wednesdayin December of presidential election years.
22-19-105. Vacancy in nomination.
Avacancy in nomination for the office of presidential elector occurring beforethe general election shall be filled by the state central committee of thepolitical party whose vacancy is to be filled or by an independent candidate'sremaining electors, by certifying the name of the person filling the vacancy tothe secretary of state.
22-19-106. Certified electors to meet; vacancies.
Certifiedelectors shall convene in the office of the secretary of state at 12:00 noon onthe Monday following the second Wednesday in December of presidential electionyears. A vacancy in the office of elector for any cause including nonattendanceshall be filled and certified by a majority of electors present.
22-19-107. College of electors; duties.
Whenall electors are present and vacancies filled they shall constitute the collegeof electors of the state of Wyoming and shall perform duties as required by theconstitution and laws of the United States.
22-19-108. How electors to vote.
AllWyoming electors shall vote for the candidates for the office of president andvice-president receiving the highest number of votes in the Wyoming general election.
22-19-109. Compensation and mileage.
Anelector shall receive fifty dollars ($50.00) compensation and mileage at thepresent rate for state employees.