24-12-101. Established; composition; designation of rank; administratorappointed; to hold rank of colonel.
Thehighway patrol division within the department of transportation is establishedto consist of personnel to be appointed and designated as to rank by theadministrator of the highway patrol. The director shall appoint anadministrator of the highway patrol division who shall hold the rank of colonel.
24-12-102. Duties generally; emergencies.
(a) The state highway patrol, acting under the direction of thedirector, shall enforce all the motor vehicle laws of this state. They shallalso perform other duties assigned to them by the governor and are at all timessubject to the call of the governor for emergency purposes at his discretion.
(b) The administrator of the state highway patrol shall providestate troopers for law enforcement services for state personnel and stateproperty in Laramie county, Wyoming. Security for personnel in the capitolbuilding, governor's residence, other state buildings and security which mayrequire travel outside Laramie county shall be provided as directed.
24-12-103. Members to have powers of peace officers; exception.
Allmembers of the state highway patrol shall have and exercise all the powersvested in peace officers, except the power to serve civil writs and processes.