24-15-101. Public transit program created; duties.
(a) There is created a "public transit program" to beadministered by the Wyoming department of transportation. The departmentshall:
(i) Accept public transit funds from the federal transitadministration on behalf of the state;
(ii) Adopt rules and regulations to implement the purposes ofthis chapter;
(iii) Distribute state and federal public transit funds toeligible grantees pursuant to federal requirements and rules and regulations ofthe department.
24-15-102. Public transit account.
(a) There is created a public transit account within thehighway fund. The department shall fund the program annually with one millionfive hundred thousand dollars ($1,500,000.00) using unrestricted state highwayfunds. Funds provided to the state under the federal Transit Act and otherfunds that may become available to assist urban and rural public transitprograms shall be in addition to funding provided from unrestricted highwayfunds. Funds in the account shall be distributed and expended in accordancewith federal requirements and department rules and regulations.
(b) Recipients of funds under the federal Transit Act maytransfer unused grant funds for the benefit of other public transit programs inthe state, subject to the following:
(i) Any transfer of funds under this paragraph shall requirethe approval of the governor;
(ii) Transferred federal funds under this paragraph shall bereimbursed to the transferor by the department from unrestricted state highwayfunds to be used as local match for federal funds at the rate of one dollar($1.00) for every three dollars ($3.00) of federal funds transferred by thetransferor;
(iii) To the extent not reimbursed from unrestricted state funds,the federal funds transferred shall be used for the benefit of public transitprogram grantees for the acquisition of new transit vehicles, replacement oftransit vehicles or rehabilitation of vehicles in the transit fleet;
(iv) Federal funds transferred by a program grantee may becarried over into the following fiscal year by the department or a recipientpublic transit program grantee.