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Chapter 9 - Veterans' Home Of Wyoming



25-9-101. Purpose; admission of veterans and veterans' dependents.


(a) Except as otherwise authorized by rules and regulationspromulgated in accordance with W.S. 9-2-106(d), the veterans' home of Wyomingis for the care and treatment of:


(i) Honorably discharged veterans of the armed forces of theUnited States; and


(ii) Members of the state national guard disabled while on duty.


(b) Persons qualifying under subsection (a) of this sectionshall also be persons who:


(i) By reason of wounds, disease, old age or other infirmitiesare unable to earn their living and have no adequate means of support; and


(ii) Have been domiciled in this state for at least five (5)years next preceding their application for admission to the home.


(c) The department of health may admit dependents of soldiers,sailors or disabled members of the national guard, if it deems admissionproper.


(d) There is created an account for use by the veterans' homeof Wyoming for the general benefit of residents of the veterans' home. Profitsfrom the sale of commodities at the veterans' home canteen after provision forincreased inventories and servicing of the canteen facility and the interestearned from those profits shall be transferred to the account created by thissubsection and are continuously appropriated to the department of health to beexpended solely for the benefit of the veterans' home.


25-9-102. When nonveterans permitted admission; preference to veteransand veterans' dependents.


(a) The department of health may admit persons who are notveterans or dependents of veterans for care and treatment at the veterans' homeof Wyoming if:


(i) The home is not filled to ninety percent (90%) of capacityand there are pending no applications of veterans or veterans' dependents;


(ii) The applicants are unable to earn their living and have noadequate means of support because of disease, old age or other infirmities;


(iii) The applicants have been domiciled in this state for atleast five (5) years next preceding their application for admission to thehome;


(iv) The persons are admitted pursuant to rules and regulationspromulgated in accordance with W.S. 9-2-106(d).


(b) In all cases veterans and dependents of veterans shall begiven preference of admission.


25-9-103. Acceptance of donations.


Thedepartment of health on behalf of the state may accept donations of lands,money or other property.


25-9-104. Medical care of residents; burial of deceased residents.



(a) The department of health shall:


(i) Furnish medical care for all residents of the home;


(ii) Provide a place of burial; and


(iii) Bury deceased residents.


25-9-105. Disposition of monies received from national home fordisabled volunteer soldiers.


Moneyreceived from the board of managers of the national home for disabled volunteersoldiers shall be deposited in a separate account. The money shall be expendedby the department of health for the veterans' home of Wyoming.


25-9-106. Chaplain; appointment; term; duties.


Thedepartment of health may appoint a chaplain of the veterans' home of Wyomingwho shall hold his office for a period of one (1) year from date of hisappointment unless removed for cause. He shall have charge of the moral andintellectual welfare of the residents of the home. He shall visit the home atleast twice a month and provide services therein as he desires.


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