27-8-101. Licenses required; fees; posting.
Noperson, firm or corporation shall open, operate or maintain in this state anyemployment office or agency for the purpose of furnishing employers withpersons seeking employment at manual labor or in clerical, industrial,commercial or business pursuits, or for the purpose of securing employment forsuch described persons, or where a fee, commission or other consideration ischarged or exacted or received from applicants either for employment or forhelp, without first obtaining a license for the same from the department ofemployment. The uniform fee for such license in cities of five thousand (5,000)inhabitants and over shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per annum, and incities containing less than five thousand inhabitants, ten dollars ($10.00) perannum. Every license shall contain a designation of the city, street and numberof the building in which such office or agency is conducted, and such licensetogether with a copy of this act shall be posted in a conspicuous place in eachand every employment agency.
27-8-102. Termination and cost of license.
Alllicenses issued after this act takes effect shall terminate on the thirty-firstday of December of each year, and shall be paid for at the rate per yearestablished in this act; provided, however, that no license for any fractionalpart of the year shall be issued for any sum less than one-third of the fullannual rate, and that fractional months shall be counted as full months inevery case.
27-8-103. Bond of licensee.
Thedepartment of employment shall require with each application for a license abond in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00) with one (1) or more suretiesto be approved by the department, and conditioned that the obligors will notviolate any of the duties, terms, conditions, provisions or requirements ofthis act, or of other laws germane hereto. For any violation of the conditionsof said bond, the department is authorized to commence and prosecute an actionor actions on said bond or bonds in the name of the state of Wyoming, throughthe attorney general or other proper prosecuting officer.
27-8-104. Revocation of license; complaint; hearing.
Whenevera written complaint shall be filed with the department of employment statingthat any party so licensed as aforesaid, shall have violated any of theprovisions of this act, the department shall give to said licensee notice ofsuch complaint and appoint a day for a hearing thereon. If after a full andfair hearing, the department finds that the party licensed has violated any ofthe provisions of this act, the department is authorized to revoke the licensetheretofore issued to said party.
27-8-105. Licensed agencies to maintain registers.
Itshall be the duty of every licensed agency to keep a register in which shall beentered with dates the name and address of every person who shall makeapplication for help or servants, and the name and nature of such employmentfor which such help shall be wanted. Such register shall, at all reasonablehours be kept open to the inspection and examination of the department ofemployment.
27-8-106. Registration fee.
Wherea registration fee is charged for receiving or filing application foremployment of help, such fee shall in no case exceed the sum of one dollar($1.00), unless the salary or wages to be paid shall be more than three dollars($3.00) per day, in which case a fee of not more than two dollars ($2.00) maybe charged. A duplicate receipt shall be given for such fee, (one (1) copy tobe kept by the employee and the other by the employer) in which receipt thereshall be stated the name and address of the applicant, the date of suchapplication, the amount of the fee, and the nature of the work to be done orthe situation to be procured. In the event that the said applicant shall notobtain a situation or employment through such licensed agency, then after theexpiration of three (3) days from the time of registration such licensed agencyshall repay and return to such applicant, upon demand being made therefor, thefull amount of the fee paid or deposited by said applicant to such licensedagency.
27-8-107. Fraudulent notices or advertisements, and false informationor promises prohibited.
Nolicensed agency shall publish or cause to be published any false or fraudulentnotice or advertisement, or give any false information or make any falsepromise concerning or relating to work or employment to anyone who shall applyfor employment, and no licensed agency shall make any false entry in theregister to be kept as herein provided.
27-8-108. Duty of department to file complaints of violations; duty toenforce.
Itshall be the duty of the department of employment, when informed of anyviolation of this act, to file complaint of such violation with the attorneygeneral or with the district attorney for the county in which such violation isalleged to have occurred and it shall be the duty of the official informed toinstitute proceedings for the enforcement of the penalties.
27-8-109. Department of employment to account.
Allmoney or monies received from fees under this act shall be forthwith accountedfor by the department of employment and turned over to the state treasurer,taking the state treasurer's receipt for the same. Such monies shall become apart of the state general fund.
27-8-110. Free employment bureaus and university placement servicesexcepted.
Freeemployment bureaus and placement services of the University of Wyoming now orhereafter organized or established in this state, are not subject to this act.
27-8-111. Penalty.
Anyperson violating any of the provisions of this act shall be deemed guilty of amisdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of notless than fifty dollars ($50.00) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100.00),or by imprisonment in the county jail for a period not exceeding six (6)months, or by both such fine and imprisonment as the court may direct.