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Chapter 2 - Legislative Districts Of Members



28-2-101. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-102. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-103. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-104. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-105. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-106. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-107. Repealed by Laws 1981, ch. 76, 2.


28-2-108. Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 165, 2.


28-2-109. Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 165, 2.


28-2-110. Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 165, 2.


28-2-111. Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 165, 2.


28-2-112. Repealed by Laws 1992, ch. 1, 7.


28-2-113. Repealed by Laws 1992, ch. 1, 7.


28-2-114. Repealed by Laws 1992, ch. 1, 7.


28-2-115. Repealed By Laws 2002, Ch. 1, 3.



28-2-116. Legislative districts generally; definitions.


(a) As used in W.S. 28-2-116 through 28-2-119:


(i) "Census block" means a geographic area of thestate of Wyoming specified by the United States bureau of the census inaccordance with the 2000 decennial census and identified uniquely by censusblock number;


(ii) "Voter tabulation district" or "VTD"means a geographic area of the state of Wyoming specified by the United Statesbureau of the census in accordance with the 2000 decennial census andidentified by Wyoming VTD name and number;


(iii) "This act" means W.S. 28-2-116 through 28-2-119.


(b) As used in W.S. 28-2-118 and 28-2-119 unless the contextotherwise requires:


(i) "District (number)" designates the legislativedistrict number assigned to a house or senate legislative district from which alegislator is elected under this act;


(ii) "(Name of) County" designates either that theentire named Wyoming county is within the legislative district or that aportion of the named Wyoming county as specified is within the legislativedistrict;


(iii) "VTD" designates either that the entire votertabulation district as named by the United States bureau of the census for the2000 decennial census within the named county is a part of the legislativedistrict or that a portion of the named voter tabulation district within thenamed county as specified is a part of the legislative district;


(iv) "Blocks" designates the entire census block asnumbered by the United States bureau of the census for the 2000 decennialcensus within the named VTD and county is a part of the legislative district.


(c) W.S. 28-2-118 creates legislative districts for the Wyomingsenate and W.S. 28-2-119 creates legislative districts for the Wyoming house ofrepresentatives.


(d) The secretary of state shall maintain and make availablefor public inspection in a hardcopy or electronic format, or both, duringregular business hours:


(i) The United States Public Law 94-171 data for the 2000decennial census that office received from the United States bureau of thecensus; and


(ii) The list and geographic description of the legislativedistricts for the Wyoming senate as printed in "Attachment A"referenced in W.S. 28-2-118(b) and enacted into law and the list and geographicdescription of the legislative districts for the Wyoming house ofrepresentatives as printed in "Attachment B" referenced in W.S.28-2-119(b) and enacted into law.


28-2-117. Effective date of changes in senate districts.


(a) Changes in all senate districts are effective for the 2002general election and the fifty-seventh legislature.


(b) Members for senate districts designated as odd-numbereddistricts in W.S. 28-2-118(b) shall be elected for a term of four (4) years atthe 2002 general election. No election shall be held in 2002 for senatedistricts designated as even-numbered districts in W.S. 28-2-118(b) for whichmembers were elected at the 2000 general election and nothing in this act shallaffect the terms of those members. Members for senate districts designated aseven-numbered districts in W.S. 28-2-118(b) shall be elected for a term of four(4) years at the 2004 general election.


(c) Nothing in this act otherwise affects the terms of membersof the fifty-sixth legislature.


28-2-118. Senate legislative districts; lists of census blocks forsplit voter tabulation districts in the senate.


(a) Subsection (b) of this section creates legislativedistricts for the Wyoming senate consisting of the numbered legislativedistricts contained therein. The number of senators to be elected from eachlegislative district shall be as specified in subsection (b) of this section. The area within a county, voter tabulation district or census block as providedin paragraphs (i) through (iii) of this subsection is determined using theUnited States bureau of census topologically integrated geographic encoding andreferencing data base (TIGER ). Each numbered legislative district insubsection (b) of this section consists of the combined geographic area withinthe:


(i) Entire specified county, if the county alone is listed withno geographic subdivision listed below it;


(ii) Voter tabulation district, if any are listed below theparticular county; and


(iii) Census block, if any are listed below the particular votertabulation district. A census block listed below a voter tabulation districtindicates a split voter tabulation district.


(b) (See Attachment A)


28-2-119. House legislative districts; lists of census blocks forsplit voter tabulation districts in the house of representatives.


(a) Subsection (b) of this section creates legislativedistricts for the Wyoming house of representatives consisting of the numberedlegislative districts contained therein. The number of representatives to beelected from each legislative district shall be as specified in subsection (b)of this section. The area within a county, voter tabulation district or censusblock as provided in paragraphs (i) through (iii) of this subsection isdetermined using the United States bureau of census topologically integratedgeographic encoding and referencing data base (TIGER ). Each numberedlegislative district in subsection (b) of this section consists of the combinedgeographic area within the:


(i) Entire specified county, if the county alone is listed withno geographic subdivision listed below it;


(ii) Voter tabulation district, if any are listed below theparticular county; and


(iii) Census block, if any are listed below the particular votertabulation district. A census block listed below a voter tabulation districtindicates a split voter tabulation district.


(b) (See Attachment B)


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