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Chapter 4 - House Of Representatives



28-4-101. Initial calling of house to order; election of temporaryspeaker.


Uponthe assemblage of the state legislature upon the first day of each regularsession thereof, it shall be the duty of the secretary of state to call thehouse of representatives to order at twelve (12:00) o'clock noon, calling theroll of members entitled to seats according to the certificate of the statecanvassing board, filed in the office of secretary of state, whereupon it shallbe his duty to call for the nomination and election of a temporary speaker,upon the election of whom the secretary of state shall forthwith surrender hisplace to the duly elected temporary presiding officer.


28-4-102. Speaker; speaker pro tem.



(a) There shall be a speaker of the house who shall take thechair at the hour fixed for the meeting of the house, and call the members toorder, and shall perform the following duties:


(i) To announce the business before the house in the order inwhich it is to be taken up;


(ii) To receive and submit, in proper manner, all motions andpropositions presented by the members, and to announce the result;


(iii) To receive messages and other communications from otherbranches of the government, and announce them to the house;


(iv) To authenticate by his signature, when necessary, allbills, orders and proceedings of the house;


(v) To name the members of all committees, unless otherwisedirected by the house.


(b) He may call any member to the chair, but such substitutionshall not extend beyond an adjournment.


(c) He shall have the regulation of such parts of the capitoland its passages as are or may be set apart for the use of the house or itsofficers.


(d) He shall refer all matters to be committed to the committeemost appropriate to take charge of the same.


(e) He shall call a member to fill the chair whenever the houseresolves itself into a committee of the whole.


(f) He shall preserve order and decorum, and may speak topoints of order in preference to other members, rising from his seat for thatpurpose.


(g) When the house is in a committee of the whole, should therebe any disorderly conduct in the lobby, or any part of the house, the speakershall immediately resume the chair, and shall have the power to order the housecleared until order is restored.


(h) The house shall elect a speaker pro tem, who, in theabsence of the speaker, shall exercise all the powers and authority of thespeaker, and shall perform all his duties.


28-4-103. Employees generally.


Atthe beginning of each session of the legislature, the house of representativesthereof shall engage such employee personnel for said session, upon respectivecompensation bases, as decided by it.


28-4-104. Chief clerk.



(a) There shall be a chief clerk whose duties shall be asfollows:


(i) To keep a correct journal of the proceedings of the house;


(ii) To read aloud all papers handed to him for that purpose byany member;


(iii) To certify to, and transmit to the senate, all bills,resolutions and other papers requiring the concurrence of the senate,immediately after their passage;


(iv) To notify the senate on the concurrence or disagreement bythe house in any vote of the senate;


(v) To permit no papers or records belonging to the house to betaken out of his custody otherwise than in the regular course of business;


(vi) To perform all other duties pertaining to his office underthe direction of the speaker.


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