30-6-101. State miner's hospital board.
(a) The state miner's hospital board is created consisting ofthe following members:
(i) One (1) member of the Sweetwater County Memorial HospitalBoard appointed by a majority vote of the county commissioners or the countycommissioners shall appoint a designee if a Sweetwater County Memorial HospitalBoard member cannot serve;
(ii) Seven (7) members representing miners, including at leastone (1) member from Sweetwater county and at least one (1) member from Campbellcounty all appointed by the governor; and
(iii) One (1) member of the Campbell County Memorial HospitalBoard appointed by a majority vote of the county commissioners or the countycommissioners shall appoint a designee if the a Campbell County MemorialHospital Board member cannot serve.
(b) Except for initial terms pursuant to subsection (c) of thissection, terms of members shall be for four (4) years. Any vacancy shall befilled by the designated appointing authority for the remainder of theunexpired term within not more than thirty (30) days following the date onwhich the vacancy occurred. Any voting member may serve not more than two (2)consecutive terms. However, a member may be reappointed after a two (2) yearabsence. Each member shall serve until his successor is appointed and has beenqualified. The governor may remove any member appointed by him pursuant to W.S.9-1-202.
(c) For the initial board, two (2) members appointed by thegovernor shall serve a term of four (4) years and two (2) members appointed bythe governor shall serve a term of two (2) years. Two (2) members appointedfrom the Sweetwater County Memorial Hospital Board shall serve a term of four(4) years and two (2) members shall serve a term of two (2) years. The memberappointed from the Campbell County Memorial Hospital Board shall serve a termof four (4) years.
(d) The members shall receive per diem and travel expenses inthe same manner and amount as authorized under W.S. 9-3-102 and 9-3-103 forstate employees when on or conducting official business.
(e) The board shall meet not less than two (2) times each year.At the initial meeting of the board, the board shall elect a chairman. Theboard is authorized to hire an executive director and secretary to provideadministrative support to the board, the legislative oversight committee andthe miner's hospital. The executive director and the secretary shall be locatedin Sweetwater county unless otherwise directed by the board.
30-6-102. Account created; expenditures; report.
(a) There is created the miner's hospital board account. Notlater than July 1, 2001, the state treasurer shall credit to the account sixhundred thousand dollars ($600,000.00) from interest accrued within the miner'shospital account within the permanent land income fund created by W.S.9-4-310(c)(v). The amount available for appropriation annually to the miner'shospital board account shall not exceed an amount equal to five percent (5%) ofthe balance of both the miner's hospital account within the permanent land fundcreated by W.S. 9-4-310(a)(ix) and the miner's hospital income account withinthe permanent land income fund created by W.S. 9-4-310(c)(v). No appropriationshall be made from either the miner's hospital account within the permanentland fund created by W.S. 9-4-310(a)(ix) or the miner's hospital income accountwithin the permanent land fund created by W.S. 9-4-310(c)(v) to another accountother than the miner's hospital board account created by this subsection. Themoney in the account shall be used to provide for the expenses of the board andits staff, as well as to implement the recommendations of the board.
(b) The board shall:
(i) Serve disabled or incapacitated miners in this state withemphasis on pulmonary/respiratory, hearing loss, cardiac and musculoskeletalconditions of miners due to labor in the mining industry;
(ii) Develop a plan to meet the miner's health care needs inthis state. In recommending plans for meeting the miner's health care needs inthis state, the board shall base its initial recommendations upon the reportentitled "The Health Care Needs Assessment of Wyoming Miners," datedNovember 13, 2000 prepared by BBC Research and Consulting specifically dealingwith both the medical and geographic findings, as well as phase II of the planidentifying alternative programs to address the needs identified in the plan.The plan shall be based upon the anticipated revenue to the account created bysubsection (a) of this section;
(iii) Promulgate rules and regulations to implement theprovisions of this act including eligibility for services for miners, establishadministrative procedures for auditing and accountability;
(iv) Have authority to contract with service providers for thepurposes of this act.
(c) Each biennium the board shall, after consultation with thelegislative oversight committee created pursuant to W.S. 30-6-103, recommendexpenditures of any monies in the account created by subsection (a) of thissection for purposes of addressing miner's health issues based upon the planprepared by the board under subsection (b) of this section. The recommendationsshall be reviewed by the joint appropriations interim committee and anyrecommendations from the committee shall be included in the budget forappropriation. Any recommendations shall require legislative appropriation tobecome effective.
(d) Not later than December 1 of each year, the board shallreport to the governor, the legislative oversight committee created pursuant toW.S. 30-6-103 and the joint appropriations interim committee on the activitiesof the board including any recommendations made for expenditure of monies fromthe account created by subsection (a) of this section to address miner's healthissues in this state.
(e) As used in this section:
(i) "Coal or other mine" means an area of land fromwhich minerals are extracted and processed in nonliquid form or, if in liquidform, through an in situ leach process;
(ii) "Miner" means a resident of Wyoming who hasworked in a mine in this state or a contiguous state who is or was employed ata coal or other mine or at a processing or conversion facility contiguous tothe mine and dependent upon the output of that mine as feedstock."Miner" shall include the operator of the mine or plant if theoperator works on a continuing or irregular basis;
(iii) "Mining" means coal mining, metal ore mining andnonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying. "Mining" includes coal,trona, bentonite, gypsum, sand and gravel and other stone and uranium mining.
30-6-103. Legislative oversight committee.
(a) There is created the state miner's hospital boardlegislative oversight committee consisting of:
(i) Two (2) members of the senate appointed by the president ofthe senate, one (1) member from each political party;
(ii) Three (3) members of the house of representatives appointedby the speaker, not more than two (2) of whom shall be from the same politicalparty.
(b) The committee shall include one (1) member from Campbellcounty and one (1) member from Sweetwater county.
(c) The committee shall serve in an advisory capacity to theboard for the purposes of this act, and provide appropriate legislativerecommendations. The committee shall counsel with and advise the board for theadministration and performance of all the duties of the board pursuant to thisact.
(d) The committee created by this section shall cease to existon July 1, 2004.