31-3-101. Registration fees; exemptions.
(a) Except as otherwise provided, the following fees shallaccompany each application for the registration of a vehicle:
(i) A county registration fee computed as follows, or fivedollars ($5.00), whichever is greater:
(A) 3% of 60% of the factory price plus special equipment valuefor a vehicle in its first year of service;
(B) 3% of 50% of the factory price plus special equipment valuefor a vehicle in its second year of service;
(C) 3% of 40% of the factory price plus special equipment valuefor a vehicle in its third year of service;
(D) 3% of 30% of the factory price plus special equipment valuefor a vehicle in its fourth year of service;
(E) 3% of 20% of the factory price plus special equipment valuefor a vehicle in its fifth year of service;
(F) 3% of 15% of the factory price plus special equipment valuefor a vehicle in its sixth year of service and thereafter.
(ii) A state registration fee computed as follows:
(A) Passenger cars -------------------------- $15.00
(B) School buses ---------------------------- $10.00
(C) House trailers -------------------------- $15.00
(D) Motorcycles and multipurpose vehicles $12.00
(E) Other noncommercial vehicles based on unladen weight:
(I) 1,000 pounds or less------------------- $ 2.00
(II) 1,001 to 3,500 pounds----------------- $15.00
(III) 3,501 to 4,500 pounds---------------- $20.00
(IV) 4,501 to 5,500 pounds----------------- $30.00
(V) 5,501 to 6,000 pounds------------------ $40.00
(VI) 6,001 pounds or more------------------ $60.00
(F) Commercial vehicles, except passenger cars, school buses,house trailers, multipurpose vehicles and motorcycles for which the fees shallbe computed based on gross vehicle weight pursuant to W.S. 31-18-401;
(G) Repealed by Laws 2009, Ch. 16, 4.
(H) Commercial vehicles being operated as a combination of two(2) or more vehicles shall be registered on the gross combined weight and payfees as prescribed by W.S. 31-18-401(a)(ii)(A) and 31-18-401(a)(iii).
(iii) Except as otherwise provided in W.S. 31-18-201(d)(iii), anequalized highway use tax collected by the department in lieu of the countyregistration fee imposed by paragraph (a)(i) of this section for commercialvehicles or fleets proportionally registered under W.S. 31-18-201(d)(ii).
(b) The fees prescribed by subsection (a) of this section aremodified for owners of the following vehicles:
(i) Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 90, 2.
(ii) Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 90, 2.
(iii) War veteran owners of vehicles entitled to exemptionspursuant to W.S. 39-11-105(a)(xxiv) and 39-13-105 may claim unused exemptionsagainst the fees prescribed by paragraph (a)(i) of this section;
(iv) Repealed by Laws 1987, ch. 90, 2.
(v) Repealed by Laws 1997, ch. 154, 3.
(vi) Any veteran as defined by W.S. 39-13-105(a) who was aprisoner of war while serving in the armed forces of the United States isexempt from the fees provided by subsection (a) of this section for one (1)vehicle owned by the claimant. In order to receive the exemption, the claimantshall file with the county treasurer a sworn claim at the time of registrationindicating the claimant's right to the exemption. County assessors shall filenotice of the number of exemptions granted and revenue lost in the same mannerprovided by W.S. 39-13-102(k);
(vii) Fees prescribed in subsection (a) of this section forvehicles not previously qualified for operation in this state are reduced bythe proportionate share of the year prior to first operation if the vehicleshave not been illegally operated on the highways of this state prior toapplication for registration;
(viii) A farmer, rancher, logger or well servicer who owns acommercial vehicle or combination of commercial vehicles operated by him or hisemployees primarily in agricultural operations, logging operations from thesource to the mill, or in the servicing of well field operations and registeredwith the county treasurer under W.S. 31-18-201(b)(ii) shall pay twenty-fivepercent (25%) of the fee prescribed in subparagraph (a)(ii)(F) of this section;
(ix) An owner of a commercial vehicle or combination of vehiclesregistered with the county treasurer under W.S. 31-18-201(b)(ii), except for avehicle owner whose fee is modified pursuant to paragraph (viii) of thissubsection, shall pay a percentage of the state registration fee prescribed bysubparagraph (a)(ii)(F) of this section as provided in the table below if theowner states under oath on a form prescribed and furnished by the departmentthat the owner will not operate the vehicle or combination of vehicles morethan the applicable number of miles stated in the table below on highways inthe calendar year of registration:
2,500 miles or less 15%
2,501 to 5,000 20%
5,001 to 10,000 miles 25%
10,001 to 20,000 miles 50%
20,001 to 30,000 miles 75%
(x) The department shall prescribe by rule and regulation ameans to identify conspicuously the vehicle or combination of vehicles forwhich a percentage of the state fee is paid at the time of registrationpursuant to paragraphs (viii) and (ix) of this subsection. The departmentshall furnish the means of identification to each county treasurer to be issuedat the time of registration. The vehicle owner shall display the means ofidentification as required by rules and regulations of the department. Failureto display the identification as required shall result in the penaltiesprovided by law for failure to display a license plate;
(xi) If an owner of a commercial vehicle or combination ofvehicles who pays a percentage of the state fee pursuant to paragraph (ix) ofthis subsection desires to increase the authorized amount of mileage for whichthe vehicle or combination of vehicles is registered, he shall pay anadditional fee equal to the fee due for the additional amount of miles less theamount of fee paid at the time of registration. If the department determinesthrough an audit, a verification of mileage statements or other means that theowner of a commercial vehicle or combination of vehicles has exceeded theauthorized amount of mileage, an additional fee shall be due equal to twice theamount that should have been paid for the actual amount of miles driven lessthe fee paid pursuant to this paragraph and paragraph (ix) of this subsection;
(xii) Repealed by Laws 2009, Ch. 16, 4.
(xiii) A vehicle designed and used exclusively for the purpose ofremoving, towing or transporting wrecked, disabled or replacement vehiclesincidental to an accidentally wrecked or disabled vehicle shall be considered asingle unit and the fees prescribed by subparagraph (a)(ii)(F) and paragraph(a)(iii) of this section shall be based only on the gross weight of the towingvehicle;
(xiv) From and after January 1, 1993, vehicles owned andprimarily operated by an enrolled member of the Eastern Shoshone or NorthernArapaho Indian tribe who resides within the exterior boundaries of the state ofWyoming on the Wind River Indian Reservation or on other Indian country asdefined by 18 U.S.C. 1151 are exempt from fees provided by paragraph (a)(i)of this section. In order to receive the exemption, the claimant shall file asworn claim with the county treasurer at the time of registration indicatingthe claimant's right to the exemption. County treasurers shall file notice of theexemptions granted and revenue lost and may be reimbursed by the statetreasurer for all or a portion of revenue lost from funds appropriated for thatpurpose, in the same manner and subject to the same time limitation as providedfor veteran exemptions under W.S. 39-13-102(k). The department, inconsultation with the state treasurer, shall prescribe forms and proceduresnecessary to implement this paragraph;
(xv) A disabled veteran who receives fifty percent (50%) or moreservice connected disability compensation from the United States department ofveteran's affairs is exempt from the fees imposed under subsection (a) of thissection for one (1) vehicle, other than a bus or motor home, owned by theclaimant. Application for the exemption under this paragraph shall be inaccordance with W.S. 31-2-215. County treasurers shall file notice with thedepartment of revenue of the number of exemptions granted and the fiscal impacton revenues.
(c) When a factory price or special equipment value is not availablefor the computation of fees as required by this act an affidavit of valuationexecuted by the owner may be accepted. When an affidavit is presented for ahomemade trailer or homemade special equipment, an affidavit of valuationexecuted by the owner may be accepted but the valuation given shall not be lessthan the actual cost of construction of the trailer or homemade specialequipment. The county clerk or treasurer may also utilize a valuation for anytrailer set by the county assessor. In no event shall any special equipment forwhich a registration has been issued be assessed for property taxation purposespursuant to W.S. 39-13-103.
(d) The fees prescribed by subsection (a) of this sectioncollected for the registration of a vehicle are in lieu of taxes provided byW.S. 39-13-101 through 39-13-111.
(e) Repealed by Laws 1990, ch. 93, 3.
(f) Repealed by Laws 1990, ch. 93, 3.
(g) Owners of the following vehicles are exempt from thepayment of fees provided by subsections (a) and (b) of this section:
(i) Vehicles owned by the United States, state of Wyoming,county, city, town or political subdivision of Wyoming or a joint powers boardcreated under W.S. 16-1-101 through 16-1-109, or vehicles owned by anirrigation district created under W.S. 41-7-201 through 41-7-210 or vehiclesowned by a weed and pest control district created under W.S. 11-5-101 et seq.provided the vehicles are essential to the operation and maintenance of thedistrict and are used for no business or commercial activity unrelated to theoperation and maintenance of the district, or vehicles owned by a seniorcitizen center that is providing services to senior citizens under W.S.18-2-105;
(ii) Motor vehicles which have not been operated or driven uponWyoming highways during the registration year upon the verified affidavit bythe owner stating facts entitling him to relief;
(iii) Antique motor vehicles if registered pursuant to W.S.31-2-223;
(iv) Vehicles held for sale by licensed Wyoming dealers ormanufacturers.
(h) Any owner of a vehicle who wishes to donate money topromote awareness and education efforts for procurement of organ and tissuedonations for anatomical gifts shall be provided space on the registration formto do so pursuant to W.S. 31-2-225(a)(v). Any money received under thissubsection shall be forwarded by the county treasurer to the state treasurer tobe deposited into a separate account to be used as provided by W.S. 35-5-225.
31-3-102. Miscellaneous fees.
(a) The following fees shall be collected for the instrumentsor privileges indicated:
(i) Distinctive license plates indicating public ownershipissued to governmental agencies------------------------------- Cost
(ii) License plates not indicating public ownership issued togovernmental agencies----------------------------- No Fee
(iii) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 207, 3.
(iv) Repealed by Laws 2009, Ch. 16, 4.
(A) and (B) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 67, 1.
(v) All demo or manufacturer license plates
----------------------------------------------- $ 25.00
(A) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 67, 1.
(B) Repealed by Laws 1985, ch. 67, 1.
(C) Full use plates------------------------- $125.00
(vi) Duplicate certificate of registration
----------------------------------------------------- $ 4.00
(A) New license plates upon loss, mutilation or destruction ofinitial plates--------------------------------------- $ 8.00
(B) New validation stickers upon loss, mutilation ordestruction of initial stickers---------------------------------- $ 6.00
(C) Duplicate license plates that have to be produced forprestige, specialty and preferred number series plates upon loss, mutilation ordestruction of initial license plates- $ 30.00
(vii) Certificate of title, original or duplicate $9.00
(viii) Personalized license plates, payable only if plates areissued----------------------------------------------- $ 30.00
(ix) Dealer certificate, each principal place of business withineach county------------------------------------------ $100.00
(x) Temporary license permits---------------- Cost
(xi) Repealed by Laws 1997, ch. 154, 3.
(xii) Following transfer of ownership of a vehicle between two(2) or more joint owners, or by an owner to his spouse, child, brother, sisteror parent for new registration----------------------- $ 4.00
(xiii) Antique motor vehicles
(A) Initial license plates------------------ $ 10.00
(B) Transfer of license plates-------------- $ 2.00
(xiv) Radio amateur license plates------------ $ 30.00
(xv) Loaded vehicle demonstration permit under W.S. 31-18-404(d) --------------------------------------------- $15.00
(xvi) Demonstration permit under W.S. 31-2-201(n) $ 10.00
(xvii) Manufacturer certificate, each established place ofbusiness----------------------------------------------------- $100.00
(xviii) Repealed by Laws 2009, Ch. 16, 4.
(xix) Veteran license sticker----------------- Cost
(xx) Street rod------------------------- $100.00
(xxi) Custom vehicle-------------------- $100.00
(xxii) Optional embossed license plates------- $50.00
(b) A five dollar ($5.00) fee shall be collected for eachvehicle identification number or rebuilt salvage vehicle decal inspectedpursuant to W.S. 31-2-103(a)(vi) or 31-2-108(d). If a vehicle is presented forinspection of both vehicle inspection number and rebuilt salvage vehicle decalat the same time, only one (1) fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be collected.The fee shall be deposited as follows:
(i) If the inspection is performed by a city or town's policeofficer then in the city or town's general fund;
(ii) If the inspection is performed by a county sheriff then inthe county's general fund;
(iii) If the inspection is performed by a state trooper then inthe state's general fund; or
(iv) If the inspection is performed by a law enforcement officerin a state other than Wyoming then in the general fund of the county whereapplication for certificate of title is made.
31-3-103. Distribution of fees; refunds.
(a) Fees collected pursuant to W.S. 31-3-101(a)(i) for theregistration of Wyoming based commercial vehicles or fleets pursuant to thisact shall be distributed monthly to the county in which each vehicle or fleetis principally located and for the registration of non-Wyoming based commercialvehicles or fleets, rental vehicles, utility trailers and rental trucks shallbe distributed monthly to the counties in the ratio that the total miles ofprimary, secondary and interstate highways in each county bears to the totalmiles of primary, secondary and interstate highways in the state.
(b) Fees collected pursuant to W.S. 31-3-101(a)(i) andsubsection (a) of this section shall be distributed by county treasurers in thesame proportions and manner as property taxes are distributed.
(c) All other fees shall be credited to the state highway fundexcept as otherwise provided.
(d) Except as otherwise provided no fees shall be refundedunless paid and collected by mistake.
(e) Fifty percent (50%) of the fees collected pursuant to W.S.31-3-102(a)(vi)(A) through (C) and (xii) shall be distributed to the countygeneral fund in the county where the fees were collected.
(f) One dollar ($1.00) of the fees collected pursuant to W.S.31-3-102(a)(vii) shall be credited to the county abandoned vehicle account createdby W.S. 31-13-111(b).
(g) Fees collected by U-Drive-It vehicle or rental vehicleagencies pursuant to W.S. 31-19-105 in excess of registration fees paid onrental vehicles in Wyoming shall be distributed as follows:
(i) Fifty percent (50%) of the fees shall be distributed to thestate highway fund;
(ii) Fifty percent (50%) of the fees shall be distributed to thecounties in the ratio that the total miles of primary, secondary and interstatehighways in each county bears to the total miles of primary, secondary andinterstate highways in the state.
(h) Of the fees collected pursuant to W.S. 31-3-101(a)(ii)(D),seven dollars ($7.00) of each registration shall be deposited in the motorcyclesafety education program account created by W.S. 31-5-1506.
(j) Eighty percent (80%) of the fees collected for demo ormanufacturer license plates pursuant to W.S. 31-3-102(a)(v) shall bedistributed to the state highway fund. Twenty percent (20%) of the fee shallbe distributed to the county general fund in the county where the fees werecollected.
(k) The fees collected for full use plates pursuant to W.S.31-3-102(a)(v)(C) shall be distributed by the county treasurers as follows:
(i) Eighty percent (80%) shall be distributed in the sameproportions and manner as property taxes are distributed;
(ii) Twelve percent (12%) of the fee shall be distributed to thestate highway fund;
(iii) Eight percent (8%) of the fee shall be distributed to thecounty general fund in the county where the fees were collected.
31-3-104. Amended and renumbered as 31-19-105 by Laws 2009, Ch. 128, 3.