31-8-101. Issuance to residents by department; restrictions.
(a) Any Wyoming resident may be issued an identification cardby the department of transportation. The application shall state theregistrant's full legal name, social security number, date of birth and anyother identifying data the department may require and shall be signed andverified by the applicant. The identification card shall at the applicant'srequest indicate that the applicant is an anatomical organ donor as provided byW.S. 35-5-205.
(b) The department shall not issue an identification card untildocumentary evidence of the applicant's age and identity has been verifiedusing documents as provided by W.S. 31-7-111.
31-8-102. Contents.
(a) The identification card shall resemble a Wyoming driver'slicense. It shall have:
(i) A distinguishing number assigned to the registrant;
(ii) His full legal name;
(iii) His date of birth;
(iv) His resident address;
(v) A brief description including sex, height and weight;
(vi) The registrant's full facial digital color photograph;
(vii) The following: "State of Wyoming" -"Identification Card No. ...." - "This card is provided solelyfor the purpose of identification of the person described on the card";
(viii) As provided for in W.S. 31-7-139; and
(ix) The registrant's usual signature unless the registrant isunable to make a signature.
31-8-103. Expiration; records; new cards.
(a) Identification cards shall expire on the registrant'sbirthday in the eighth year following issuance of the identification card. Thedepartment shall keep records of data contained in identification cards.
(b) If an identification card is lost, destroyed or mutilated,the person to whom it was issued may obtain a new identification card uponfurnishing the same documentary evidence as for an original identificationcard.
(c) If any information contained in the identification cardbecomes inaccurate, or if it is desired to withdraw or insert notice ofanatomical organ donation, the person to whom it was issued may obtain a newcard upon:
(i) Advising the department of his desire to withdraw or insertnotice of an anatomical organ donation or furnishing proof of the inaccuraciesto the department;
(ii) Furnishing all documentary evidence necessary to verify anymaterial change to information listed on the original identification card; and
(iii) Surrendering the original identification card.
(d) The division shall send an application for anidentification card to the last known address of every eligible registrantwithin one hundred twenty (120) days prior to expiration of the registrant'sidentification card. Every identification card is renewable upon applicationand payment of the required fee.
31-8-104. Fees.
Every applicant for an identification cardshall pay ten dollars ($10.00) to the department. The state treasurer shallcredit identification card fees to the highway fund. Identification cardsissued as a result of the cancellation of a license under W.S. 31-7-122(a)(i)shall be issued without payment of any fee.
31-8-105. Prohibited acts; penalties.
(a) No person shall:
(i) Possess any cancelled, fictitious, fraudulently altered orfraudulently obtained identification card;
(ii) Lend his identification card to any other person orknowingly permit its use by another;
(iii) Display or represent any identification card not issued tohim as being his card;
(iv) Photograph, photostat, duplicate or in any way reproduceany identification card or facsimile thereof in such a manner that it could bemistaken for a valid identification card;
(v) Procure an identification card by false swearing, fraud orfalse statement of any kind or in any form.
(b) Any person who violates any provision of subsection (a) ofthis section is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more thanseven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), by imprisonment for not more thanninety (90) days, or both.
31-8-201. Issuance of identification card by insurers; information.
(a) Each insurer issuing the insurance policy required by W.S.31-4-103 shall at the same time issue for each vehicle insured under the policythe identification card required under this section or issue temporary evidenceof insurance valid for up to sixty (60) days after issue and issue theidentification card required under this section within sixty (60) days. Theidentification card or valid temporary evidence of insurance shall be carriedin the vehicle at all times. Temporary evidence of insurance shall contain:
(i) The name of the insurer;
(ii) The name of the insured;
(iii) A description of the vehicle including year, trade name andvehicle identification number.
(b) The identification card shall be in a form prescribed bythe department and shall contain at least the following information:
(i) The name of the insurer;
(ii) The name of the insured;
(iii) The effective date of the coverage; and
(iv) A description of the vehicle including year, trade name andvehicle identification number.
31-8-202. Prohibited acts; penalty.
(a) No person shall:
(i) Possess any cancelled, fictitious, fraudulently altered orfraudulently obtained card;
(ii) Lend his identification card to another person for afraudulent purpose;
(iii) Display or represent any identification card not issued tohim as being his card.
(b) Any person who is convicted of violating this section, inaddition to any other applicable penalty under W.S. 31-4-103, may be fined notmore than seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00), imprisoned for not more thansix (6) months, or both.
31-8-203. Verification of insurance; enforcement by insurancecommissioner.
(a) If the department has reason to believe a vehicle owner isnot insured as required under W.S. 31-4-103, it may request an insurer toverify the existence of an automobile liability policy in a form approved bythe department not later than twenty (20) days from the date the request ismade. In addition, insurers shall cooperate with the department in establishingand maintaining the insurance verification system provided by W.S. 31-4-103(e),and shall provide access to motor vehicle insurance policy status informationas provided in the department's rules and regulations.
(b) The insurance commissioner may order insurers to complywith W.S. 31-8-201, rules and regulations promulgated by the department underW.S. 31-8-201 and this section.