33-18-101. Definition.
Everyperson, firm or corporation engaged in the business of buying or selling ofsecond hand, or broken metals, such as copper, brass, lead, zinc, tin, steel,cast iron, rags, rubber, or waste paper, shall be held and hereby are definedto be junk dealers within the meaning of this act.
33-18-102. Records; book to be kept.
Everyperson, firm or corporation engaged in the junk business as defined in W.S.33-18-101, shall keep a book, in which shall be written in ink, at the time ofeach and every sale, an accurate account and description, in the Englishlanguage, of all junk metal or rubber goods purchased or sold, and the name andresidence of the person selling or buying the same. No entry in such book shallbe erased, mutilated or changed.
33-18-103. Records; information to be posted.
Everyperson, firm or corporation engaged in the buying and selling of junk metals,rags, rubber, or waste paper as described in W.S. 33-18-101 shall at all timeskeep posted, conspicuously in the office of their [his] place of business, thedescription of, and amount of junk articles purchased each day, and the namesand addresses of the parties for whom said purchase was made, and also thenames and addresses of all to whom sales of junk metals are made.
33-18-104. Records; inspection by law enforcement officers.
The said book, and the entries therein,shall at all times be open to the inspection of the sheriff of the county andhis deputies, or any member of the police force of any city or town, in thecounty in which said junk dealers do business.
33-18-105. Purchase from intoxicated persons.
Noperson, firm or corporation engaged in the buying or selling of junk metals,rubber, rags or paper, shall purchase any articles from any person appearing tobe intoxicated, nor from any person known to be a thief, or to have beenconvicted of larceny, and when any person is found to be the owner of stolenproperty, which had been so sold, the property shall be returned to the ownerthereof without the payment of any money on the part of the owner.
33-18-106. Penalty; power of cities and towns not impaired.
Everyjunk dealer who shall be found guilty of a violation of the provisions of thisact shall, for the first offense, be fined not less than fifty dollars($50.00), nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00), or imprisoned in thecounty jail not more than sixty (60) days, or either or both, in the discretionof the court, and for each subsequent offense of violating any of theprovisions of this act of which any such junk dealer shall be found guilty,such junk dealer shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00),nor more than three hundred dollars ($300.00), or imprisoned in the county jailnot less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or either orboth, in the discretion of the court; provided, that this act shall not beconstrued to in any wise impair the power of cities or incorporated towns inthis state to license, tax and regulate any person, persons or corporations nowengaged in or hereafter engaging in the buying and selling of second handmetals.