33-2-101. Abstractor to have complete set of abstracts and give bond.
Hereafterno person, company or corporation shall engage in or carry on the business ofmaking or furnishing abstracts of title to any real estate within this state,without first having a full and complete set of abstract records of title ofall the real estate situated in the county in which such business is carriedon; or, in case such abstract business is limited to furnishing abstracts ofreal estate situated in an incorporated city or town, in such case a completeset of abstracts of all real estate in such city or town shall be kept, andsuch person, company or corporation shall also first enter into bond to thepeople of the state of Wyoming for the use of any person who shall sustain lossor damage by reason of the failure of any such person, company or corporationin the performance of his or their duty as such abstractor. Said bond shall bein the penal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), with sufficientsureties, to be approved by and filed with the county clerk of such county, andconditioned for the faithful performance of his or their duty as suchabstractor.
33-2-102. Penalty.
Anyperson, company or corporation who shall carry on or attempt to carry on anybusiness mentioned in section one of this act and who shall fail, neglect orrefuse to fully comply with the provisions of this act shall, upon convictionthereof, be fined in the sum of five hundred dollars ($500.00), for each andevery offense.