33-6-101. Carnivals and circuses; license required; safety inspection.
(a) No person shall open any circus or carnival entertainmentif any entrance fee or fee for carnival or circus rides is charged orcollected, without first obtaining a license as required by this act providedthat nothing in this act shall prohibit a licensing authority from refusing toissue any license authorized by this act in the sole discretion of thegoverning body.
(b) Before issuing any license under this act to any circus orcarnival specified under subsection (a) of this section, the board of countycommissioners for any county and the governing body of any city or town mayrequire and provide for the inspection of the safety of the applicant's facilities,equipment, rides or other structures which are for public use. Public use ofany facility, equipment, ride or other structure determined unsafe followinginspection is prohibited until the unsafe condition is corrected, repaired orotherwise modified. Failure of the applicant to make necessary corrections,repairs or modifications pursuant to this subsection shall be grounds fordisapproval of the license application under this act.
(c) As used in this act:
(i) "Carnival" means any traveling enterpriseoffering a variety of rides and amusements to the public for a fee;
(ii) "Circus" means a tent-covered or open air arenaused for providing public entertainment at a charge and generally featuringfeats of physical skill and daring, wild animal acts and performances byclowns;
(iii) "This act" means W.S. 33-6-101 through 33-6-104.
(d) The issuance of a license pursuant to this act shall notrelieve any licensee from acting with reasonable care in the operation ormaintenance of a circus or carnival. The licensing authority as a condition ofissuing a license under this section, shall require a licensee to provide proofof liability insurance coverage of a minimum amount of five hundred thousanddollars ($500,000.00) at the time of issuing the license and to indemnify,defend and save harmless the city, town or county from any and all claims,demands, actions or causes of action arising from the negligent acts oromission of the carnival or circus. All licensees must maintain liabilityinsurance while operating within the state of Wyoming.
33-6-102. Carnivals and circuses; application for licenses; fees.
Anyperson or persons, company or corporation opening an exhibition as provided inW.S. 33-6-101, shall first be required to make application for a licensetherefor to the board of county commissioners of the county in which suchexhibition is sought to be opened, and if allowed, such license shall beissued, upon receipt of such license fee as the board shall have deemed proper,to be not less than ten dollars ($10.00) nor more than two hundred dollars($200.00) for each day of such exhibition.
33-6-103. Carnivals and circuses; penalty.
Anyperson or persons, company or corporation opening or maintaining such anexhibition as specified in W.S. 33-6-101, without having complied with W.S.33-6-102, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and fined not less than twohundred dollars ($200.00), nor more than four hundred dollars ($400.00). Eachday of the continuance of such violation shall constitute a separate offense.
33-6-104. Carnivals and circuses; local ordinances.
Itshall be lawful for any incorporated city or town in this state to provide byordinance that any person or persons, company or corporation, opening within theconfines of such city or town, any exhibition as provided in W.S. 33-6-101,shall first be required to make application for a license therefor, to thecouncil of said city or town, in which such exhibition is sought to be opened,and if allowed, such license shall be issued upon the receipt of such licensefee as the council shall have deemed proper, to be not less than five dollars($5.00), nor more than two hundred dollars ($200.00) for each day of suchexhibition; provided, that such license obtained from such city or town shallbe in addition to that obtained from the county in which such city or town issituated.
33-6-105. Repealed by Laws 1983, ch. 62, 2.
33-6-106. Records of pawnbrokers.
Everypawnbroker engaged in the business of accepting pawns or pledges shall keep anaccurate record showing a complete description of all articles pawned orpurchased, the date of the pawn or purchase, the name and address, or names andaddresses of the persons pawning, selling or pledging any article, the amountfor which same is pledged or purchased by the pawnbroker and the date uponwhich the pledge expires. This record shall be available at all times to anypeace officer of the city, county or state.
33-6-107. Penalty for violation of section 33-6-106.
Anypawnbroker failing to comply with the requirements of W.S. 33-6-106 shall beguilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not to exceed onehundred dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment in the county jail not to exceedsix (6) months or by both fine and imprisonment, together with costs ofprosecution.
33-6-108. Repealed By Laws 2009, Ch. 138, 2.