37-16-101. Definitions.
(a) As used in this chapter unless the context or a specificarticle otherwise requires:
(i) "Commission" means public service commission ofWyoming;
(ii) "Customer-generator" means a user of a netmetering system;
(iii) "Electrical company" means any person,corporation or governmental subdivision, excluding municipalities, authorizedand operating under the constitution and laws of the state of Wyoming which isprimarily engaged in the generation or sale of electric energy;
(iv) "Electric cooperative" means any nonprofit,member-owned cooperative organized under the laws of the state of Wyoming andengaged in the business of distributing electric energy in the state ofWyoming;
(v) "Electric utility" means any electrical company,irrigation district or electric cooperative that is engaged in the business ofdistributing electricity to retail electric customers in the state;
(vi) "Irrigation district" means an irrigationdistrict under W.S. 41-7-201;
(vii) "Net metering" means measuring the differencebetween the electricity supplied by an electric utility and the electricitygenerated by a customer-generator that is fed back to the electric utility overthe applicable billing period;
(viii) "Net metering system" means a facility for theproduction of electrical energy that:
(A) Uses as its fuel either solar, wind, biomass or hydropower;
(B) Has a generating capacity of not more than twenty-five (25)kilowatts;
(C) Is located on the customer-generator's premises;
(D) Operates in parallel with the electric utility's transmissionand distribution facilities; and
(E) Is intended primarily to offset part or all of thecustomer-generator's requirements for electricity.
(b) A person acting as a customer-generator under this actshall not be considered a "public utility" as defined by W.S.37-1-101.
37-16-102. Electric utility requirements.
(a) An electric utility:
(i) Shall offer to make available to each of its eligiblecustomer-generators that has installed a net metering system an energy meterthat is capable of registering the flow of electricity in two (2) directions;
(ii) May, at its own expense and with the written consent of thecustomer-generator, install one (1) or more additional meters to monitor theflow of electricity in each direction;
(iii) Shall not charge a customer-generator any fee or charge that would increase the customer-generator's minimum monthly charge to anamount greater than that of other customers of the electric utility in the samerate class as the customer-generator.
37-16-103. Calculation requirements.
(a) Consistent with other provisions of this chapter, the netenergy measurement shall be calculated in the following manner:
(i) The electric utility shall measure the net electricityproduced or consumed during the billing period, in accordance with normalmetering practices;
(ii) If the electricity supplied by the electric utility exceedsthe electricity generated by the customer generator, the customer-generatorshall be billed for the appropriate customer charges for that month, inaccordance with W.S. 37-16-102;
(iii) If the electricity supplied by the customer-generatorexceeds that supplied by the electric utility, the customer-generator shall becredited or compensated for the excess kilowatt-hours generated during themonth with the kilowatt-hour credit or compensation appearing on the bill forthe following month for all metered locations of customer-generators supplied bythe electric utility.
(b) At the beginning of each calendar year, any remainingunused kilowatt-hour credit accumulated during the previous year shall be soldto the electric utility, at the electric utility's filed avoided cost.
37-16-104. Safety and performance requirements.
(a) A net metering system used by a customer-generator shallmeet all applicable safety and performance standards established by thenational electrical code, the institute of electrical and electronics engineersand underwriters laboratories.
(b) The customer-generator shall at its expense providelockable, switching equipment capable of isolating the net metering facilityfrom the electric utility's system. Such equipment shall be approved by theelectric utility and shall be accessible by the electric utility at all times.
(c) The electric utility shall not be liable directly orindirectly for permitting or continuing to allow an attachment of a netmetering facility, or for acts or omissions of the customer-generator thatcause loss or injury, including death, to any third party.
(d) The customer-generator is responsible for all costsassociated with its facility and is also responsible for all costs related toany modifications to the facility that may be required by the electric utilityfor purposes of safety and reliability.
(e) The commission, after appropriate notice and opportunityfor comment, may adopt by regulation additional control and testingrequirements for customer-generators that the commission determines arenecessary to protect public safety and system reliability.
37-16-201. Definitions.
(a) As used in this article:
(i) "Electric utility" means any electrical companyor electric cooperative that is engaged in the business of distributingelectricity to retail electric customers in the state;
(ii) "Lighting apparatus" means any shield, cover orother device used with or on a lamp.
37-16-202. Tariffs for outdoor lighting.
All electric utilities shall offer tariffsfor utility provided outdoor lighting that provide an option for all electriccustomers to choose lighting apparatus designed to minimize light illuminatingunintended areas and maintain dark skies. Rates for these lighting apparatusshall not be subsidized by revenue from other utility provided services. Thecommission shall have jurisdiction over the tariffs.