42-1-101. Definitions; generally.
(a) As used in this title:
(i) "Applicant" means any person applying forbenefits under programs provided pursuant to this title;
(ii) "Department" means the department of familyservices;
(iii) Repealed by Laws 1991, ch. 161, 4.
(iv) "Field office" means each field office of thedepartment located within each county or region of the state;
(v) "Recipient" means any person receiving benefitsunder programs provided pursuant to this title.
42-1-102. Conflict with federal laws.
(a) If any provision of this title is found to be in conflictwith federal law or to come in conflict with federal law due to new federalenactments, the department shall:
(i) Follow the state rather than the federal law to the extentpossible without incurring federal sanctions;
(ii) Seek any waivers from the federal government which appearto be appropriate and feasible to permit continued use of the provisions ofstate law;
(iii) Notify the joint labor, health and social services interimcommittee and the legislature of the conflict and the steps necessary toresolve the conflict; and
(iv) If necessary to avoid federal sanctions with significantadverse effects on the state or the people of Wyoming, implement the federallaw until sixty (60) days after the end of the general or budget legislativesession following the discovery of the conflict. This period may be extendedby the governor until sixty (60) days after the end of the next legislativesession if a waiver request is pending before the appropriate federal agency atthe start of a legislative session.