5-8-101. Establishment; judges; courts of record.
Courtsare established in each county of the state known as the "Juvenile Courtof .... County, Wyoming." The district court judges of the state shall bethe judges of the juvenile courts in the counties of their respectivedistricts. Each juvenile court shall be a court of record with a seal and thejudge, commissioner and clerk thereof have power to administer oaths andaffirmations.
5-8-102. Jurisdiction.
(a) The juvenile court has general jurisdiction in all mattersand proceedings commenced therein or transferred to it by order of the districtcourt concerning:
(i) Any minor alleged to be delinquent as defined in W.S.14-6-201;
(ii) Any minor alleged to have committed a delinquent act beforeattaining the age of majority;
(iii) Any minor alleged to be neglected as defined in W.S.14-3-402;
(iv) Any minor alleged to be in need of supervision as definedin W.S. 14-6-402;
(v) The parents, guardian or custodian of any minor alleged tobe delinquent, in need of supervision or neglected, and all persons living inthe household with the minor; and
(vi) Procedures governing abortions performed upon minors asprovided under W.S. 35-6-118. For proceedings under this paragraph,"minor" shall mean as defined in W.S. 35-6-101(a)(x).