7-8-101. Arrest by private person.
(a) A person who is not a peace officer may arrest another for:
(i) A felony committed in his presence;
(ii) A felony which has been committed, even though not in hispresence, if he has probable cause to believe the person to be arrestedcommitted it; or
(iii) The following misdemeanors committed in his presence:
(A) A misdemeanor larceny offense defined by W.S. 6-3-402(a) or(e); or
(B) A misdemeanor property destruction offense defined by W.S.6-3-201.
7-8-102. Issuance and execution of warrant or summons on indictment;procedures governed by rules.
(a) A warrant or summons may be issued on an indictment foundin any county.
(b) The warrant may be executed or the summons may be served atany place within the state.
(c) Procedures relating to the issuance, form, execution orservice and the return of the warrant or summons shall be governed by theWyoming Rules of Criminal Procedure.
7-8-103. Issuance and execution of warrant or summons on informationor complaint; procedures governed by rules.
(a) A warrant or summons issued by any circuit court based upona complaint or information charging any criminal offense may be executed orserved at any place within the jurisdiction of the state of Wyoming.
(b) Procedures relating to the issuance, form, execution orservice and the return of the warrant or summons shall be governed by rulespromulgated by the supreme court of Wyoming.
7-8-104. Authority of officer to break open building in execution ofwarrant.
In executing a warrant for the arrest of aperson charged with an offense, a peace officer may break open a door orwindow of any building in which the person to be arrested is or is reasonablybelieved to be, if the officer is not admitted after he has announced hisauthority and purpose.
7-8-105. Right to preliminary hearing.
In all cases triable in district court,except upon indictment, the defendant is entitled to a preliminary hearing.
7-8-106. Renumbered as 7-1-109 by Laws 1993, ch. 173, 1.