8-4-101. Legal holidays; dismissal of schools.
(a) The following days are legal holidays in and for the stateof Wyoming:
(i) New Year's Day, January 1;
(ii) Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays, to be observed on thethird Monday in February;
(iii) Memorial Day, to be observed on the last Monday in May;
(iv) Independence Day, July 4;
(v) Labor Day, to be observed on the first Monday in September;
(vi) Repealed by Laws 1990, ch. 21, 2.
(vii) Veterans Day, November 11;
(viii) Thanksgiving Day, to be observed on the fourth Thursday inNovember;
(ix) Christmas Day, December 25;
(x) Repealed by Laws 1983, ch. 180, 1.
(xi) Upon declaration by the governor of this state, any dateappointed or declared by the president of the United States as an occasion ofnational mourning, rejoicing or observance of national emergency;
(xii) Martin Luther King, Jr., Wyoming Equality Day, to beobserved on the third Monday in January.
(b) If New Year's Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day orVeterans Day fall upon a Sunday, the Monday following is a legal holiday.
(c) On Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays, Veterans Day,Martin Luther King, Jr., Wyoming Equality Day and all days upon which generalelections are held, the public schools of any district shall not be dismissedexcept by order of the board of trustees of the district, but proper exercisesmay be held in the schools on these days to emphasize their significance andimportance.
8-4-102. Arbor Day.
(a) The state forester shall promote the following activitiesto commemorate Arbor Day, the last Monday in April:
(i) A tree shall be planted on state grounds in a simpleceremony;
(ii) The planting of a seedling tree or some other act may beperformed in an appropriate ceremony in the schools of Wyoming.
8-4-103. Wyoming Day.
(a) In recognition of the action of the Wyoming territorialgovernor on December 10, 1869, in approving the first law found anywhere inlegislative history which extends the right of suffrage to women, December 10of each year is designated as "Wyoming Day." The day shall beobserved in the schools, clubs and similar groups by appropriate exercisescommemorating the history of the territory and state and the lives of itspioneers, and by fostering in all ways the loyalty and good citizenship of itspeople.
(b) The governor, not later than December 1 of each year, shallissue a proclamation requesting the proper observance of "WyomingDay" as outlined in subsection (a) of this section.
8-4-104. Nellie Tayloe Ross's birthday.
(a) In recognition of the services to the state of Wyoming ofNellie Tayloe Ross, the first woman governor of any state in the United States,Nellie Tayloe Ross's birthday, November 29, is designated a public holiday. Theday shall be appropriately observed in the public schools of the state.
(b) This section, however, shall not be construed to affectcommercial paper, the making or execution of agreements in writing or judicialproceedings, or to authorize schools, businesses or public offices to close.
8-4-105. Native American Day.
(a) In recognition of the North American Indian, the secondFriday in May is designated as "Native American Day". The day shallbe appropriately observed in the public schools of the state, by state andlocal government and by organizations within the state.
(b) The governor, not later than April 15 of each year, shallissue a proclamation requesting proper observance of "Native AmericanDay".
(c) This section shall not affect commercial paper, the makingor execution of written agreements or judicial proceedings, or authorize publicschools, businesses or state and local government offices to close.
8-4-106. Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day.
(a) In recognition of the members of the armed forces who losttheir lives and those who survived the attack on Pearl Harbor, territory ofHawaii on December 7, 1941, December 7 of each year is designated as"Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day". The day shall be appropriatelyobserved in the public schools of the state.
(b) The governor, not later than September 1 of each year,shall issue a proclamation requesting proper observance of "Pearl HarborRemembrance Day".
(c) This section shall not affect commercial paper, the makingor execution of written agreements or judicial proceedings, or authorize publicschools, businesses or state and local government offices to close.
8-4-107. Juneteenth holiday.
(a) In celebration of the end of slavery in the United Statesproclaimed by Major General Gordon Granger on June 19, 1865 more than two andone-half (2 ) years after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued by PresidentAbraham Lincoln, and in recognition of those who died and sacrificed to achievethe end of slavery, the Juneteenth holiday is established.
(b) The Juneteenth holiday shall be celebrated each year withappropriate activities on the third Saturday of June.
(c) This section shall not affect commercial paper, the makingor execution of written agreements or judicial proceedings, or authorize publicschools, business or state and local government offices to close.
8-4-108. Veterans Day.
(a) In recognition of the many Wyoming citizens who have servedin the armed forces of this country, November 11 of each year is designated as"Veterans Day." The day shall be appropriately observed in the publicschools of the state and by organizations within the state.
(b) The governor, not later than November 1 of each year, shallissue a proclamation requesting proper observance of Veterans Day andrequesting military and veterans' organizations to work with the boards of allWyoming school districts to conduct proper exercises in observation of thecontributions and sacrifices of veterans.