8-6-101. English as official language of Wyoming.
(a) English shall be designated as the official language ofWyoming. Except as otherwise provided by law, no state agency or politicalsubdivision of the state shall be required to provide any documents,information, literature or other written materials in any language other thanEnglish.
(b) A state agency or political subdivision or its officers oremployees may act in a language other than the English language for any of thefollowing purposes:
(i) To provide information orally to individuals in the courseof delivering services to the general public;
(ii) To comply with federal law;
(iii) To protect the public health or safety;
(iv) To protect the rights of parties and witnesses in a civilor criminal action in a court or in an administrative proceeding;
(v) To provide instruction in foreign and Native Americanlanguage courses;
(vi) To provide instruction designed to aid students withlimited English proficiency so they can make a timely transition to use of theEnglish language in the public schools;
(vii) To promote international commerce, trade or tourism;
(viii) To use terms of art or phrases from languages other thanthe English language in documents.