Title 1 Provisions Applicable to Counties Only.
- Section 11-1-1 Number and names of counties.
- Section 11-1-2 County declared a body corporate.
- Section 11-1-3 Jurisdiction over navigable streams not within limits of any county; execution of process on said streams.
- Section 11-1-5 Uniform designation for county governing bodies.
- Section 11-1-6 Transfer of money erroneously paid into county treasury, etc., to State Treasury.
- Section 11-1-7 Appointment and use of public depositories; liability.
- Section 11-1-8 Closing of county offices on legal holidays and for special circumstances; deadlines extended for filing documents.
- Section 11-1-9 Payment of costs of defense of lawsuits against county officials; validation of prior payments.
- Section 11-1-10 Contracts with federal, state, and other county governments.
- Section 11-1-11 Payment of membership fees in state organizations, etc., for sheriffs, tax assessors, tax collectors, circuit clerks and registers, license commissioners, etc.
- Section 11-1-12 Preparation, etc., of county assessment maps or plats.
- Section 11-1-13 Alteration, etc., of precinct or beat lines or creation of new precincts or beats.
- Section 11-1-14 Provision of voting places where precinct or beat lines altered, etc., or new precincts or beats created.
- Section 11-1-15 Authority to join national and state association of county commissions.
- Section 11-1-16 Warrants for borrowing purposes - Execution.
- Section 11-1-17 Warrants for borrowing purposes - Form of warrants, refunding warrants, coupons, etc.
- Section 11-2-1 Bonds requirements.
- Section 11-2-2 Conditions of bonds; provisions of law governing bonds.
- Section 11-2-3 Filing and recordation of bonds of county officers and employees.
- Section 11-2-4 Payment of premiums on bonds.
- Section 11-2-5 Reduction of bonds.
- Section 11-2-6 Bonds to be made by surety or guaranty companies; time for filing; expiration.
- Section 11-2-7 Discharge of sureties on bonds.
- Section 11-2-20 Requirement of additional bonds of county officials, etc. - Authority.
- Section 11-2-21 Requirement of additional bonds of county officials, etc. - Procedures.
- Section 11-2-22 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Authority; amount, conditions, effect, etc., of bonds generally.
- Section 11-2-23 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Form and contents of requisition for county officer's bond; service of same.
- Section 11-2-24 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - When bond to be given; effect of failure to give bond and proceedings thereupon.
- Section 11-2-25 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Failure of officer to file bond within prescribed time after approval.
- Section 11-2-26 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Penalty, conditions, etc., of bond.
- Section 11-2-27 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Effect of additional bond generally; remedies on additional bond.
- Section 11-2-28 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Effect of execution of additional bond upon official bonds previously executed.
- Section 11-2-29 Requirement of additional bonds for county officers whose terms extended - Rights and remedies of sureties on bonds among themselves.
- Section 11-2-30 Proceedings as to sufficiency of bonds of certain county officers - Application by county freeholders for order requiring new bond.
- Section 11-2-31 Proceedings as to sufficiency of bonds of certain county officers - Oath and bond of applicants.
- Section 11-2-32 Proceedings as to sufficiency of bonds of certain county officers - Appointment of date for hearing of application; hearing; entry of order requiring officer to execute new bond.
- Section 11-2-33 Proceedings as to sufficiency of bonds of certain county officers - Filing of application, order, and minutes of proceedings.
- Section 11-2-34 Proceedings as to sufficiency of bonds of certain county officers - Proceedings upon failure of officer to execute new bond within prescribed time.
- Section 11-2A-1 Categorization of counties.
- Section 11-2A-2 Annual compensation of certain local officials.
- Section 11-2A-3 Additional compensation.
- Section 11-2A-4 Compensation increases.
- Section 11-2A-5 Relation to Section 40-6A-2.
- Section 11-2A-6 Increase to compensation exceeding minimums.
- Section 11-2A-7 Applicability of article.
- Section 11-2A-8 Judge of probate - Income cap inapplicable.
- Section 11-3-1 Qualifications of candidates for county commissioner; vacancies; composition of commission; meetings.
- Section 11-3-1.1 Authority of single-member district commissioners to alter district boundaries.
- Section 11-3-1.2 Contesting county commission redistricting or reapportionment actions.
- Section 11-3-2 Eligibility of commissioners to serve on public boards, etc.
- Section 11-3-3 Bond of commissioners.
- Section 11-3-4 Reimbursement of travel expenses of commissioners.
- Section 11-3-4.1 Compensation of commissioners.
- Section 11-3-5 Awarding of contracts, etc., in which county interested to relatives by commissioner.
- Section 11-3-6 Vacancies.
- Section 11-3-7 Quorum.
- Section 11-3-8 Scheduling of regular and special meetings.
- Section 11-3-8.1 Meetings when regular meeting day falls on holiday.
- Section 11-3-9 Special meetings.
- Section 11-3-10 Authority as to establishment, etc., of roads, bridges, ferries, etc.
- Section 11-3-11 Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-3-11.1 Authorization, adoption, levy, assessment, collection, or enforcement of excise, privilege, or license taxes ratified.
- Section 11-3-11.2 Collection of local taxes - County commission.
- Section 11-3-11.3 Collection of local taxes - Department of Revenue.
- Section 11-3-12 Designation of courthouse offices for installation of telephones.
- Section 11-3-13 Adoption of budget system for county; appropriation of funds for payment of actual expenses.
- Section 11-3-14 Disposition of funds from special tax levy.
- Section 11-3-15 Operation, etc., of bridges over navigable, etc., streams - Authorized generally; expenditure of county funds therefor.
- Section 11-3-16 Operation, etc., of bridges over navigable, etc., streams - Joint operation, etc., by several counties.
- Section 11-3-17 Operation, etc., of bridges over navigable, etc., streams - Authority where bridges in incorporated cities, towns, or municipalities.
- Section 11-3-18 Chief administrative officer.
- Section 11-3-19 Proceedings at meetings of county commission - Appointment of special clerk.
- Section 11-3-20 Proceedings at meetings of county commission - Presiding officer.
- Section 11-3-21 Statement of financial status - Required.
- Section 11-3-22 Statement of financial status - Compliance with publication requirement.
- Section 11-3-23 Semiannual publication of county receipts and expenditures - Penalty for failure to publish.
- Section 11-3-24 Replacement of destroyed record books.
- Section 11-3-25 Acquisition, etc., of copies of field notes of original government survey of county lands.
- Section 11-3-26 Supernumerary county commissioners.
- Section 11-3-27 Certain county commissions authorized to prohibit topless, bottomless, or nude dancing.
- Section 11-3-40 Short title.
- Section 11-3-41 Legislative intent.
- Section 11-3-42 Definitions.
- Section 11-3-43 Course of training and education in matters of county government administration and operation.
- Section 11-3-44 Local Government Training Institute.
- Section 11-3-45 Board; powers and duties; membership; terms; election of officers; compensation.
- Section 11-3-46 Annual report.
- Section 11-3A-1 Short title.
- Section 11-3A-2 Powers for public welfare, health, and safety; authorization; scope.
- Section 11-3A-3 Adoption procedures for ordinances; administrative fees; penalties.
- Section 11-3A-4 Alcoholic beverage licenses in Class 3 municipalities with elected county commission chair.
- Section 11-3A-5 Referendum election to approve application of powers.
- Section 11-3A-6 Referendum election to repeal application of powers.
- Section 11-3A-7 Savings provision.
- Section 11-4-1 Applicability of provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-4-20 Election; term of office.
- Section 11-4-21 Vacancies.
- Section 11-4-22 Bonds.
- Section 11-4-23 Duties generally.
- Section 11-4-24 Compensation.
- Section 11-4-25 Transfer of balance of fine and forfeiture fund to general fund, etc.
- Section 11-4-26 When claim to be paid though prior claims outstanding.
- Section 11-4-27 Books.
- Section 11-4-28 Recordation and posting of copy of annual account.
- Section 11-4-29 Proceedings upon resignation, removal, death, etc., of treasurer.
- Section 11-4-30 Settlement with county commission prior to leaving office.
- Section 11-4-40 Established.
- Section 11-4-41 Selection.
- Section 11-4-42 Bond or security.
- Section 11-4-43 Duties and liabilities generally.
- Section 11-4-44 Compensation.
- Section 11-4-45 Payment of moneys into depository; settlements and reports.
- Section 11-4-46 Opening of accounts, disbursement of funds, etc.; statement of receipts and disbursements.
- Section 11-4-47 Civil actions and proceedings by and against depositories.
- Section 11-4-48 Execution of and liability upon warrants.
- Section 11-4-49 Treasurer appointed when no depository designated.
- Section 11-4-50 Performance of duties other than receipt and disbursement of funds.
- Section 11-5-1 Election; term of office.
- Section 11-5-2 Vacancies.
- Section 11-5-3 Bond.
- Section 11-5-4 Duty to hold inquests, etc.
- Section 11-5-5 When to discharge duties of sheriff generally.
- Section 11-5-6 When to act as keeper of jail.
- Section 11-5-7 When to execute summons, writs, etc.
- Section 11-5-8 Official acts valid through process directed to sheriff, etc.
- Section 11-5-9 When additional bond required; effect of failure to give bond.
- Section 11-5-10 Special coroner - Appointment.
- Section 11-5-11 Special coroner - Duties.
- Section 11-5-12 Liability of coroner or special coroner for wrongful acts, etc., while discharging duties of sheriff.
- Section 11-5-13 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-5-30 Legislative findings; construction.
- Section 11-5-31 Alabama Coroner's Training Commission.
- Section 11-5-32 Conflicts of interest.
- Section 11-5-33 Coroner qualifications.
- Section 11-5-34 Deputy coroners.
- Section 11-5-35 Certification of death.
- Section 11-5-36 Exceptions.
- Section 11-6-1 Appointment; salary.
- Section 11-6-2 Qualifications.
- Section 11-6-3 Duties.
- Section 11-6-4 State participation in salary.
- Section 11-6-5 Effect of county civil service or merit system laws.
- Section 11-6-6 Construction of article.
- Section 11-6-20 Appointment; full-time office.
- Section 11-6-21 Qualifications.
- Section 11-6-22 Duties.
- Section 11-6-23 State participation in salary.
- Section 11-6-24 Considered county employee.
- Section 11-6-25 Provisions of article cumulative.
- Section 11-7-1 Number; qualifications, appointment, and term of office.
- Section 11-7-2 Bond.
- Section 11-7-3 Removal.
- Section 11-7-4 Duties generally.
- Section 11-7-5 Right of entry upon lands for execution of court ordered survey; penalty for obstruction of surveyor, etc.
- Section 11-7-6 Fees for court ordered survey taxed as costs.
- Section 11-7-7 Oath of chain bearers; preparation and contents of plat of lands or lots surveyed.
- Section 11-7-8 When survey or plat evidence of facts stated.
- Section 11-7-9 Liability for damages.
- Section 11-7-10 Rights as to fences or buildings not lost by straightening or location of section, etc., lines.
- Section 11-7-11 Right of entry upon lands for execution of surveys requested by interested persons.
- Section 11-7-12 Compensation of surveyor, chain bearers, and markers.
- Section 11-8-1 Fiscal year defined.
- Section 11-8-2 Purpose of chapter.
- Section 11-8-3 Annual budget.
- Section 11-8-4 Principal and interest on refunding warrants to constitute part of annual county operating budget; payment of same.
- Section 11-8-5 Temporary loans to constitute part of annual county operating revenue and expenses in budget; payment of same.
- Section 11-8-6 Disposition of unexpended balances at end of fiscal year.
- Section 11-8-7 Record of financial status - Required; contents; public examination.
- Section 11-8-8 Record of financial status - Maintenance, etc.
- Section 11-8-9 Authority to issue orders for warrants or checks.
- Section 11-8-10 Warrants or orders for payment of money not to be issued until funds available.
- Section 11-8-11 Investment of surplus funds in United States securities.
- Section 11-8-12 Appropriations by counties to Lurleen B. Wallace Memorial Cancer Hospital Fund.
- Section 11-8-13 Office supplies and ex officio fees of county officials.
- Section 11-8-14 Appointment of officers and employees.
- Section 11-8-15 Emergencies.
- Section 11-8-16 Applicability of provisions of chapter - County bonds.
- Section 11-8-17 Applicability of provisions of chapter - Public school funds.
- Section 11-8A-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-8A-2 Compliance with chapter.
- Section 11-8A-3 County government bond financing review form.
- Section 11-8A-4 Required documentation.
- Section 11-8A-5 Preparatory advice and consultation.
- Section 11-9-1 "Special sanitary tax" defined; applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-9-2 Authority for issuance; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale and disposition of proceeds; pledge for payment of principal and interest generally.
- Section 11-9-3 Pledges of special sanitary tax for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-9-4 Investment of trust funds in warrants or certificates of indebtedness.
- Section 11-9-5 Issuance of refunding warrants and certificates of indebtedness.
- Section 11-9-20 Definitions.
- Section 11-9-21 Legislative intent; construction of article.
- Section 11-9-22 Authority for issuance; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale and disposition of proceeds; pledge for payment of principal and interest generally.
- Section 11-9-23 Special pledges for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-9-24 Issuance of refunding warrants.
- Section 11-9-25 Investment of trust funds in warrants.
- Section 11-9-26 Issuance of warrants deemed to constitute audit and allowance of claim.
- Section 11-9-27 Exemptions from usury or interest rate statutes.
- Section 11-9-28 Provisions of article controlling; applicability of provisions of section 11-8-10.
- Section 11-10-1 Authorized; issuance of certificates evidencing loans; pledge of uncollected taxes to secure repayment.
- Section 11-10-2 Amount of loans; interest, maturity, renewal, etc.; disposition of proceeds.
- Section 11-10-3 Registration and payment of certificates.
- Section 11-10-4 Cancellation of certificates.
- Section 11-10-5 Certificates exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-10-6 State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972.
- Section 11-11-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-11-2 Counties to which chapter applicable.
- Section 11-11-3 Authority for issuance; form, terms, denominations, retirement, etc.; security for payment of principal and interest on warrants generally.
- Section 11-11-4 Assignment and pledge of proceeds of share of highway gasoline tax for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-11-5 Disposition of proceeds from sale of warrants.
- Section 11-11-6 Issuance of refunding warrants.
- Section 11-11-7 Warrants to be issued under chapter only by counties subject thereto; issuance of warrants by counties not subject to chapter.
- Section 11-11-8 Exemption from usury and interest statutes.
- Section 11-11A-1 Authorized; denominations, maturity, interest, price, etc.; anticipation of longer-term warrants.
- Section 11-11A-2 Assignment and pledge of tax proceeds for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-11A-3 Issuance of refunding warrants.
- Section 11-11A-4 Exemption from usury or interest provisions.
- Section 11-11A-5 Provisions of chapter to control.
- Section 11-11B-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-11B-2 Power and authority of grantees.
- Section 11-11B-3 Power and authority of counties and public corporations.
- Section 11-11B-4 Securities; maturity, total principal amount, denomination and tenor, execution, etc.; coupons for interest.
- Section 11-11B-5 Exemption of securities from taxation.
- Section 11-11B-6 Legal investment status of securities.
- Section 11-11B-7 Issuance of securities exempt from supervision and control.
- Section 11-11B-8 Grant of additional authority; chapter not to repeal, restrict or modify any law.
- Section 11-12-1 Indemnification of owners for injuries, etc., caused by dipping of cattle - Authorized.
- Section 11-12-2 Indemnification of owners for injuries, etc., caused by dipping of cattle - Limitations of liability - Carelessness, etc., of owners or agents.
- Section 11-12-3 Indemnification of owners for injuries, etc., caused by dipping of cattle - Limitations of liability - Absence of inspector.
- Section 11-12-4 Auditing, registration, and payment of claims generally; requirements as to bonds and interest coupons.
- Section 11-12-5 Claims to be itemized, registered and filed.
- Section 11-12-6 Verification of claims by executors, trustees, etc.
- Section 11-12-7 Withdrawal of claims.
- Section 11-12-8 Limitation period for presentation of claims.
- Section 11-12-9 Claims to be registered when county records destroyed by fire.
- Section 11-12-10 Review and determination as to authority for expenditure of public funds for payment of claims presented by chairman of commission, etc.
- Section 11-12-11 Determination as to legal liability upon claims; rejection of claims.
- Section 11-12-12 Liability for approval of claims not legally chargeable to or payable from public funds.
- Section 11-12-13 Utilities for courthouse offices.
- Section 11-12-14 Books, stationery, telephones, etc., for probate judge, tax assessor, sheriff, etc.
- Section 11-12-15 Preferred claims and order of their priority; payment of same.
- Section 11-12-16 Payment of equitable or moral claims against county.
- Section 11-13-1 Codification of county laws; furnishing of copies to county officials.
- Section 11-13-2 Publication of legislative laws of local nature - Authorized.
- Section 11-13-3 Publication of legislative laws of local nature - Contracts for publication.
- Section 11-13-4 Publication of legislative laws of local nature - Cost.
- Section 11-13-5 Publication of legislative laws of local nature - Furnishing of copies to county and precinct officers; recordation of copies.
- Section 11-13-6 Payment of cost of advertising local bill introduction in Legislature; reimbursement to county commission.
- Section 11-14-1 Effect of deeds, grants, etc., to officers, etc., for use of county.
- Section 11-14-2 Custody of county property; conveyances of county property generally.
- Section 11-14-3 Conveyance of waterworks plants and distribution systems to municipal corporations.
- Section 11-14-4 Erection and maintenance of county buildings generally.
- Section 11-14-5 Payment to municipalities in which courthouses located of costs of improvements which benefit property of county.
- Section 11-14-6 Payment to cities or towns for improvements to sidewalks and streets around, etc., county buildings - Authorized.
- Section 11-14-7 Payment to cities or towns for improvements to sidewalks and streets around, etc., county buildings - Appropriations for payment of cost of improvements - Generally.
- Section 11-14-8 Payment to cities or towns for improvements to sidewalks and streets around, etc., county buildings - Ratification of and discharge from liability for prior payments.
- Section 11-14-9 Custody of courthouse; prevention of trespasses.
- Section 11-14-10 Duty to erect courthouses, jails, hospitals, and other county buildings.
- Section 11-14-11 Special tax for erection, furnishing, maintenance, etc., of public buildings, bridges, or roads authorized; disposition of excess proceeds.
- Section 11-14-12 Location of courts and offices when courthouse damaged, destroyed, or undergoing repair.
- Section 11-14-13 Construction and arrangement of county jail.
- Section 11-14-14 Levy of tax and issuance of proposals for erection or repair of county jail.
- Section 11-14-15 Failure to levy tax for erection or repair of county jail when necessary.
- Section 11-14-16 Special tax for courthouse or jail; disposition of surplus.
- Section 11-14-17 Levy of special taxes.
- Section 11-14-18 Exemption of securities from usury and interest statutes.
- Section 11-14-19 Special meeting of county commission to make special appropriations for jail - Notice and designation of meeting date.
- Section 11-14-20 Special meeting of county commission to make special appropriations for jail - Appropriation of funds and issuance of warrant to sheriff.
- Section 11-14-21 Expenditure of funds by sheriff.
- Section 11-14-22 Examination of jail.
- Section 11-14-23 Acquisition of lands for drainage ditches, lime and stone quarries, etc.
- Section 11-14-24 Conduct of condemnation proceedings.
- Section 11-15-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-15-2 Legislative intent; construction of chapter.
- Section 11-15-3 Authority and procedure for incorporation.
- Section 11-15-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; approval.
- Section 11-15-5 Certificate of incorporation - Recordation.
- Section 11-15-6 Directors and officers; records of proceedings.
- Section 11-15-7 Powers generally.
- Section 11-15-8 Leasing of projects to counties.
- Section 11-15-9 Warrants - Authority for issuance; form, terms, denominations, redemption, etc.; sale.
- Section 11-15-10 Warrants - Notice of warrant resolution; actions to question proceedings for issuance; invalidate warrants, etc.
- Section 11-15-11 Warrants - Execution and delivery.
- Section 11-15-12 Warrants - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-15-13 Warrants - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-15-14 Refunding warrants.
- Section 11-15-15 Investment of county funds in warrants.
- Section 11-15-16 Conveyance of property to corporation by county.
- Section 11-15-17 Projects, income from leases, warrants, etc., exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-15-18 Dissolution.
- Section 11-15-19 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-16-1 Petition of qualified electors for election to change county seat.
- Section 11-16-2 Commissioners - Qualifications and appointment; notice of appointment.
- Section 11-16-3 Commissioners - Designation; chairman.
- Section 11-16-4 Commissioners - Oath.
- Section 11-16-5 Commissioners - Commission.
- Section 11-16-6 Commissioners - Vacancies.
- Section 11-16-7 Commissioners - Removal.
- Section 11-16-8 Order establishing date for election - Issuance.
- Section 11-16-9 Order establishing date for election - Form.
- Section 11-16-10 Notice of election.
- Section 11-16-11 Inspectors, clerks, and returning officers - Appointment.
- Section 11-16-12 Inspectors, clerks, and returning officers - Notice of appointment.
- Section 11-16-13 Inspectors, clerks, and returning officers - Oath.
- Section 11-16-14 Powers and duties of returning officers generally.
- Section 11-16-15 Compensation of returning officers, inspectors, etc.
- Section 11-16-16 Attendance at and opening of polls by inspectors, clerks, and returning officers.
- Section 11-16-17 Appointment of clerks, inspectors, etc., upon failure of others to attend.
- Section 11-16-18 Opening of polls to be proclaimed prior to receipt of ballots.
- Section 11-16-19 Form of ballot.
- Section 11-16-20 Preparation of poll lists; numbering of ballots.
- Section 11-16-21 Provision of certified lists of registered voters for inspectors; qualifications for voting.
- Section 11-16-22 Preparation and disposition of certified statements of votes and poll lists.
- Section 11-16-23 Receipt of returns, counting of votes, and declaration of election result.
- Section 11-16-24 Proceedings when returns destroyed, withheld, or delayed.
- Section 11-16-25 Preparation, recordation, filing, and publication of certified copy of election result.
- Section 11-16-26 Majority of commissioners or inspectors may act.
- Section 11-16-27 Declaration of new county seat.
- Section 11-16-28 Acquisition of lands for new county seat; erection of courthouse and jail.
- Section 11-16-29 Removal of county offices, records, and prisoners to new courthouse and jail.
- Section 11-16-30 Holding of court of record.
- Section 11-16-31 County offices and courts to remain at old county seat until buildings provided at new site.
- Section 11-16-32 Discretion of Governor as to petitions for removal of county seat; proceedings as to two or more petitions.
- Section 11-16-33 Resolution of county commission for erection of courthouse on new site.
- Section 11-16-34 Ordering of election for determination as to erection of courthouse on new site.
- Section 11-16-35 Notice of election.
- Section 11-16-36 Preparation, form, and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-16-37 Qualifications and appointment of election managers and returning officers; laws governing elections.
- Section 11-16-38 Erection of courthouse on new site.
- Section 11-16-39 Subsequent elections not to be held within four years of preceding election.
- Section 11-16-40 Penalties for failure to perform duties required by chapter, etc.
- Section 11-17-1 Petition for appointment of commission to locate or enlarge, mark boundaries, etc., of burial places, graveyards or cemeteries.
- Section 11-17-2 Commission - Appointment; notice of appointment and issuance of commission to members.
- Section 11-17-3 Commission - Establishment and marking of boundaries; preparation and filing of reports.
- Section 11-17-4 Commission - Assessment and report of damages from taking of property, etc.
- Section 11-17-5 Recordation of proceedings upon payment of damages and costs.
- Section 11-17-6 Dedication to public and use of burial place.
- Section 11-17-7 Appeals from assessment of damages - Authorized.
- Section 11-17-8 Appeals from assessment of damages - Bond.
- Section 11-17-9 Appeals from assessment of damages - Establishment of date for hearing; summoning and empaneling of jurors; notice of hearing.
- Section 11-17-10 Appeals from assessment of damages - Conduct of hearing generally; establishment of damages by jury.
- Section 11-17-11 Appeals from assessment of damages - Entry of judgment for damages and costs.
- Section 11-17-12 Property not deemed dedicated until damages and costs paid.
- Section 11-17-13 Preservation, repair, etc., of public or private burial places, etc., declared charitable purposes; conveyances, devises, etc., of burial places for such purposes deemed to create cha
- Section 11-17-14 Burial societies, cemeteries, etc., empowered to accept conveyances, devises, etc., and to act as trustees.
- Section 11-17-15 Trusts created by conveyances, devises, etc., may be perpetual; terms and conditions of same.
- Section 11-17-16 Validation, etc., of prior conveyances, bequests, etc.
- Section 11-18-1 Authorized.
- Section 11-18-2 Uses of lands.
- Section 11-18-3 Board of trustees; trust fund; contributions by county, state, etc.
- Section 11-18-20 Definitions.
- Section 11-18-21 Authorized.
- Section 11-18-22 Acquisition of lands in adjoining counties.
- Section 11-18-23 Appropriation and expenditure of funds for acquisition, establishment and maintenance.
- Section 11-18-24 Cooperation by counties.
- Section 11-19-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-19-2 Purpose of chapter.
- Section 11-19-3 Adoption of zoning ordinances and building codes for flood-prone areas outside municipalities.
- Section 11-19-4 Land-use and control measures.
- Section 11-19-5 Subdivision regulations generally.
- Section 11-19-6 Building codes and health regulations.
- Section 11-19-7 Submission of plans and specifications for construction and development in flood-prone areas; issuance of permits and fees therefor; disposition of fees.
- Section 11-19-8 County planning commission - Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, removal and compensation of members; vacancies.
- Section 11-19-9 County planning commission - Adoption of bylaws; maintenance of record of transactions, etc.; officers; meetings; appointment of employees and staff; acceptance and expenditure of fund
- Section 11-19-10 Powers and duties of planning commission generally; special surveys or studies; right of entry upon lands for preparation of examinations and surveys.
- Section 11-19-11 Subdivision regulations - Procedure for adoption; certification of adopted regulations to probate judge.
- Section 11-19-12 Subdivision regulations - Scope and contents.
- Section 11-19-13 Approval of plats of subdivision before recordation - When required.
- Section 11-19-14 Approval of plats of subdivision before recordation - Procedure for approval, etc.
- Section 11-19-15 Transferring, sale, etc., of lands in subdivision prior to approval of plat.
- Section 11-19-16 Grant of zoning powers; scope of powers.
- Section 11-19-17 Manner in which territory zoned.
- Section 11-19-18 Procedure for preparation, adoption, amendment, etc., of zoning ordinance and map.
- Section 11-19-19 County board of adjustment.
- Section 11-19-20 Appeals from final judgment of board of adjustment.
- Section 11-19-21 Institution of actions to prevent, correct, etc., unauthorized construction of buildings, subdivision or use of lands, etc.
- Section 11-19-22 Penalties for violations of provisions of chapter, ordinances, etc.
- Section 11-19-23 Conflict of certain regulations under chapter with other local ordinances, regulations, etc.
- Section 11-19-24 Construction of chapter not to impair right of eminent domain, etc., granted to utilities.
- Section 11-20-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-20-2 Legislative intent; construction of article generally.
- Section 11-20-3 Powers of counties as to acquisition, leasing, etc., of projects generally.
- Section 11-20-4 Requirements as to leasing of projects.
- Section 11-20-5 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; applicability of usury, etc., laws.
- Section 11-20-6 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-20-7 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-20-8 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-20-9 Notice, consent, or approval of governmental body, etc., not to be required for issuance or sale of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-20-10 Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-20-11 Counties not to contribute costs of acquisition of projects or county lands therefor.
- Section 11-20-12 Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-20-13 Construction of article.
- Section 11-20-30 Definitions.
- Section 11-20-31 Legislative intent; construction of article generally.
- Section 11-20-32 Application for authority to incorporate; adoption, etc., of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; incorporation of more than one corporation.
- Section 11-20-33 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-20-34 Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval, and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-20-35 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-20-36 Board of directors.
- Section 11-20-37 Powers generally; location and operation of projects.
- Section 11-20-38 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-20-39 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-20-40 Bonds - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-20-41 Borrowing of money for temporary use and issuance of temporary revenue bonds or notes as evidence thereof.
- Section 11-20-42 Liability of county upon bonds, obligations, agreements, etc., of corporations.
- Section 11-20-43 Disposition of net earnings.
- Section 11-20-44 Conveyances, etc., of assets to corporations by other public corporations; assumption of obligations or indebtedness of corporations making conveyances, etc.
- Section 11-20-45 Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; disposition of funds and properties thereof upon dissolution.
- Section 11-20-46 Documents of corporations may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-20-47 Exemptions of corporations - Taxation.
- Section 11-20-48 Exemptions of corporations - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-20-49 Exemptions of corporations - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-20-50 Construction of article.
- Section 11-21-1 Power of counties to purchase.
- Section 11-21-2 Power of municipalities to sell.
- Section 11-21-3 Publication of notice.
- Section 11-21-4 No election required.
- Section 11-22-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-22-2 Intent of Legislature.
- Section 11-22-3 Application for authority to incorporate; resolution of approval; incorporation of more than one corporation.
- Section 11-22-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution.
- Section 11-22-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing and recording.
- Section 11-22-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendments.
- Section 11-22-7 Board of directors.
- Section 11-22-8 Powers generally; projects partially within county.
- Section 11-22-9 Bond issues - Funds for payment; execution; form; redemption; sale; refunding; negotiable instruments.
- Section 11-22-10 Bond issues - Securing of principal and interest; mortgages and deeds of trust; default.
- Section 11-22-11 Bond issues - Notice of authorization of issuance; contesting of validity.
- Section 11-22-12 Temporary borrowing.
- Section 11-22-13 Tax exemptions.
- Section 11-22-14 Liability of county.
- Section 11-22-15 Nonprofit status; disposition of surplus revenue.
- Section 11-22-16 Dissolution.
- Section 11-22-17 Recordation of instruments.
- Section 11-22-18 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-22-19 Transfer of assets from other public corporations.
- Section 11-23-1 Authority of county commissions to establish; written approval of owners required; petition for designation.
- Section 11-23-2 Land which may be included.
- Section 11-23-3 Public hearing required; resolution of designation by county commission; filing of maps, etc.
- Section 11-23-4 Restrictions on use of land following designation; enforcement of restrictions.
- Section 11-23-5 Bylaws governing industrial park and listing facilities to be furnished.
- Section 11-23-6 Certain services to be provided by industries within industrial park; contracts with county or municipalities for services; industrial parks not subject to annexation or police jurisdi
- Section 11-23-7 Abolition of industrial park or removal of territory therefrom.
- Section 11-23-8 Rights and responsibilities of county not limited by creation of industrial park.
- Section 11-24-1 Definitions; regulation of lots, streets, drainage, utilities, etc.; developer to reimburse utility for uneconomical placement.
- Section 11-24-2 Submission, review, and approval of plats; permit.
- Section 11-24-3 Fines; injunctions; inspections; enforcement of chapter.
- Section 11-24-4 Chapter not to impair utilities right of eminent domain, etc.
- Section 11-24-5 No jurisdiction within that of organized municipal planning commission.
- Section 11-24-6 County and municipality agreement as to exercise of jurisdiction.
- Section 11-24-7 Chapter cumulative; not to repeal any local laws.
- Section 11-25-1 Authorized; power to appropriate space and funds; filing of resolutions.
- Section 11-25-2 Existing libraries; alternative method of establishing libraries; successors to property, funds, etc.
- Section 11-25-3 County to furnish space and utilities for libraries; supplement budget.
- Section 11-25-4 Municipalities authorized to appropriate funds or property.
- Section 11-25-5 Judge authorized to appoint law librarian or custodian.
- Section 11-25-6 Administration of library; appointment of advisory committee.
- Section 11-25-7 County Law Library Fund; audit, use, etc.; purchases exempt from taxes.
- Section 11-25-8 Power to receive gifts, exchange books, etc.; furnish services to county and court officials without cost.
- Section 11-25-9 Library fee as court cost; disposition.
- Section 11-25-10 Libraries to receive state acts and Code.
- Section 11-25-11 Network of law libraries.
- Section 11-25-12 Authority to transfer, lend, etc., books, materials, etc.
- Section 11-25-13 Disposition of funds.
- Section 11-26-1 Workers' compensation group authorized; counties as qualified self-insurers.
- Section 11-26-2 Health and accident group authorized; appropriation and collection of funds.
- Section 11-26-3 Compensation group to establish trustees, bylaws, schedules, etc.; powers generally.
- Section 11-26-4 Health and accident group to establish trustees, bylaws, schedules, etc.; powers generally.
- Section 11-26-5 Health and accident group to file bylaws and schedules with Insurance Commissioner; group exempt from regulation and tax.
- Section 11-26-6 Construction of provisions.
- Section 11-27-1 Powers generally.
- Section 11-27-2 Granting of franchises; conditions, revocation, etc.; local law exception.
- Section 11-27-3 License tax.
- Section 11-28-1 Legislative intent.
- Section 11-28-1.1 Definitions.
- Section 11-28-2 Authorization of issuance of warrants.
- Section 11-28-3 Special pledges.
- Section 11-28-4 Authorization of refunding warrants.
- Section 11-28-5 Warrants to be legal investments for trust funds.
- Section 11-28-6 Issuance of warrants constitutes audit and allowance of claim.
- Section 11-28-7 Provisions of this chapter control.
- Section 11-29-1 Short title.
- Section 11-29-2 Legislative findings and declaration of purpose.
- Section 11-29-3 Definitions.
- Section 11-29-4 Fund created.
- Section 11-29-5 Appropriations.
- Section 11-29-6 Distribution of fund capital; purposes for which counties may use funds.
- Section 11-29-7 Distribution and payment of allocations.
- Section 11-30-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-30-2 Establishment of liability self-insurance fund by two or more counties; appropriation of funds.
- Section 11-30-3 Powers of liability self-insurance fund.
- Section 11-30-4 Filing of bylaws and schedule of benefits and charges with State Insurance Commissioner; exemption from regulation and from premium tax.
- Section 11-30-5 Liability coverage not to exceed damages provided in Section 11-93-2.
- Section 11-30-6 Chapter not intended to impose tort liability where not already existing by law.
- Section 11-30-7 Liability self-insurance fund not subject to suit by third party based on claim against county; scope of liability.
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