Between 10 and 30 days prior to the day appointed for such election the said board of commissioners shall appoint three inspectors, two clerks, and one returning officer to hold and conduct said election for each of the voting places in the county. One of said inspectors and one of said clerks for each voting place shall be appointed as recommended for that purpose by qualified electors favoring such removal and one of said inspectors and one of said clerks for each voting place shall be appointed as recommended for that purpose by qualified electors opposing removal and the third inspector and returning officers for each voting place shall be selected by the board of commissioners. If there shall be a bona fide organization of electors favoring such removal or such organization opposing such removal, one or both, the chairman or head of such organization shall have the superior right to thus recommend persons for appointment as inspector and clerk as provided in this section and the persons recommended by each chairman, respectively, or by either of them, must be appointed. Each side shall have full and fair representation in the conduct of said election.
(Code 1907, §185; Code 1923, §277; Code 1940, T. 12, §240.)