The several councils of cities or towns shall divide such cities or towns into wards having as nearly as may be the same number of inhabitants, the lines thereof conforming to the center of the streets or alleys and being rectangular as far as practicable.
Ward lines, having once been fixed, shall not be changed by the council within three months previous to an election nor within 18 months of the time last established; except, that in the cases where a census showing a population authorizing a change in the form of government shall have been taken or where, within such time, additional territory shall have been annexed to such city or town, such councils shall have the right to create new wards or annex such territory to wards already established.
(Code 1907, §§1062, 1065; Acts 1909, No. 56, p. 100; Code 1923, §§1753, 1756; Code 1940, T. 37, §7.)