- Section 11-40-1 Municipalities declared bodies politic and corporate; seal generally; name; powers, duties, and authority generally.
- Section 11-40-2 Seal.
- Section 11-40-3 Acquisition of rights, power, and authority granted.
- Section 11-40-4 Property rights, rights of action, etc., preserved and enforced notwithstanding change of name or organization.
- Section 11-40-5 Corporate limits not altered or affected by adoption of Code.
- Section 11-40-6 Municipal corporations classified as cities or towns; holding of election after change in government of municipality.
- Section 11-40-7 Change of name.
- Section 11-40-8 Division of municipalities into wards.
- Section 11-40-9 Continuation of present organization.
- Section 11-40-10 Police jurisdiction; operation of ordinances enforcing police or sanitary regulations; jurisdiction on islands and offshore water adjacent to Florida.
- Section 11-40-10.1 Contracts for certain law enforcement services of Class 6 municiplaity.
- Section 11-40-11 When change in form of government takes effect.
- Section 11-40-12 Classification of municipalities.
- Section 11-40-13 Notice required for enactment of general law applying to single municipality.
- Section 11-40-14 Expense allowances for members of governing body of Class 1 municipalities; reimbursement for expenses incurred beyond corporate limits.
- Section 11-40-15 Exemption of incorporated municipalities and municipal boards from Uniform Disposition of Unclaimed Property Act.
- Section 11-40-16 Creation of enterprise zones within Class 1 cities; purpose.
- Section 11-40-17 Minimum monthly retirement and survivor's benefits in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-40-17.1 Class 1 municipalities authorized to grant pension benefit increases to participants in former municipal pension plans.
- Section 11-40-17.2 Inclusion of longevity component in monthly salary used to calculate extraordinary disability benefits in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-40-17.3 Retroactive Deferred Retirement Option Plan.
- Section 11-40-18 Minimum benefits under certain policemen's and firemen's pension and relief plans.
- Section 11-40-18.1 Minimum benefits under certain policemen's and firemen's pension and relief plans.
- Section 11-40-18.2 Liability and indemnification under firemen's and policemen's supplemental pension system.
- Section 11-40-19 Operation of hotel and related facilities by Class 1 municipalities and certain public corporations - Requirements.
- Section 11-40-20 Operation of hotel and related facilities by Class 1 municipalities and certain public corporations - Hotel management contracts.
- Section 11-40-21 Number of members on municipal boards, committees, etc., in Class 3 municipalities.
- Section 11-40-22 Mayor authorized to award municipal employees for exemplary performance, etc.
- Section 11-40-23 License tax for collecting, etc., waste grease and animal by-products.
- Section 11-40-24 Employees of separately incorporated public corporation not deemed employees of municipality.
- Section 11-40-30 Demolition of unsafe structures.
- Section 11-40-31 Notice from appropriate municipal officer of unsafe condition.
- Section 11-40-32 Hearing; appeal.
- Section 11-40-33 Costs of demolition.
- Section 11-40-34 Assessment of costs.
- Section 11-40-35 Payment of assessments.
- Section 11-40-36 Article cumulative.
- Section 11-40-50 Meaning of "appropriate city official."
- Section 11-40-51 Authority of city to prescribe standards for continued use and occupancy of buildings.
- Section 11-40-52 Administrative review; petition; hearing.
- Section 11-40-53 Appeal from order of administrative review body to circuit court.
- Section 11-40-54 Failure of owner to comply with notice of non-conformity, certificate of modified approval, etc.; civil penalties; collection and enforcement of penalties.
- Section 11-40-70 Right-of-way acquisition.
- Section 11-41-1 Authority; petition to probate judge for order of incorporation.
- Section 11-41-2 Notice of filing; determination of statutory compliance; objections; ordering and notice of election; contest of election.
- Section 11-41-3 Conduct of election generally; provision and form of ballots; qualifications for voting.
- Section 11-41-4 Certification of election result to probate judge; census enumeration of inhabitants; issuance, recordation, and filing of order of incorporation; filing fee.
- Section 11-41-5 Ordering and notice of election of mayor and councilmen for incorporated municipalities; conduct of election generally; qualifications for voting.
- Section 11-41-6 Report of election result to probate judge; issuance and recordation of order approving report and election result; vacancies; setting aside, etc., of elections; record and costs of in
- Section 11-41-7 Reinstatement of corporate organization of dormant municipalities; appointment of mayor and councilmen for same.
- Section 11-41-8 Validation of previously invalidated incorporations and alterations of corporate limits.
- Section 11-41-20 Authority.
- Section 11-41-21 Petition to probate judge for dissolution.
- Section 11-41-22 Notice and hearing upon petition.
- Section 11-41-23 Issuance of decree of dissolution.
- Section 11-41-24 Grounds for forfeiture of charter.
- Section 11-41-25 Petition to probate judge for decree of forfeiture; notice and hearing upon petition.
- Section 11-41-26 Rendition of decree of forfeiture and dissolution; appeal from same.
- Section 11-41-27 Disposition of property after dissolution.
- Section 11-41-28 Fee of probate judge.
- Section 11-42-1 Applicability of provisions of article; provisions of article not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-2 Annexation election and proceedings generally; proceedings where parties consent to annexation.
- Section 11-42-3 Subsequent extensions of corporate limits; requirement as to resolutions, orders, or notices under article.
- Section 11-42-4 Subsequent elections not to be held within 12 months of preceding election.
- Section 11-42-5 Validation of certain prior annexations.
- Section 11-42-6 Bill to contain accurate description of territory and plat or map; copies of map to be furnished to judge of probate; notice of intention to apply for local law annexing territory.
- Section 11-42-7 Legislative Reapportionment Office to be notified of annexation or deannexation.
- Section 11-42-20 "Owners" defined.
- Section 11-42-21 Annexation proceedings.
- Section 11-42-22 Subsequent extensions of corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-23 Provisions of article not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-24 Construction of article.
- Section 11-42-30 Annexation of territory contiguous to public university.
- Section 11-42-40 Applicability of provisions of article; provisions of article not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-41 Passage of resolution to annex territory.
- Section 11-42-42 Certification and filing of resolution and map or plat of territory to be annexed with probate judge.
- Section 11-42-43 Ordering of election.
- Section 11-42-44 Notice of election.
- Section 11-42-45 Designation of voting places and boundaries for voting.
- Section 11-42-46 Appointment of inspectors and returning officers; duty of inspectors generally.
- Section 11-42-47 Qualifications for voting; electors to vote at designated voting places.
- Section 11-42-48 Applicability of general election laws.
- Section 11-42-49 Ballots.
- Section 11-42-50 Ascertainment, certification, and delivery of election results.
- Section 11-42-51 Canvassing of returns; entry, recordation, etc., of orders, maps, etc., as to annexation of territory.
- Section 11-42-52 Contests of election.
- Section 11-42-53 Costs of election.
- Section 11-42-54 Subsequent extensions of corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-55 Requirement as to resolutions, orders, or notices under article.
- Section 11-42-56 Subsequent elections not to be held within 12 months of preceding election.
- Section 11-42-57 Exemption from taxation of territory annexed and property therein.
- Section 11-42-58 Certain annexed territory and property therein subject to taxation after five years.
- Section 11-42-59 Exemption from taxation of mining, manufacturing, or industrial plants, etc., in annexed territory.
- Section 11-42-60 Passage, certification, filing with probate judge, etc., of resolution declaring annexed territory subject to taxation and map of same.
- Section 11-42-61 Notice of passage of resolution and hearing for property owners to show cause why property should not be subject to taxation.
- Section 11-42-62 Separately owned lands may be embraced in single resolution or notice.
- Section 11-42-63 Filing of contest as to right of city to tax lands or property; city to file separate causes against contesting property owners.
- Section 11-42-64 Rendition of decree adjudging property subject to taxation, etc., as to noncontesting property owners.
- Section 11-42-65 Hearings on contests as to right to tax; rendition of decree as to taxation of property.
- Section 11-42-66 Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Filing; security for costs; right to jury trial.
- Section 11-42-67 Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Issuance and service of notice of appeal.
- Section 11-42-68 Appeals from judgment of probate judge - Transmittal of papers to clerk of circuit court; withdrawal of map and certified resolution from files of probate judge for use in circuit cou
- Section 11-42-69 Trial and entry of judgment by circuit court; appeals from judgment of circuit court; endorsement on map by probate judge where no appeal from judgment of probate court.
- Section 11-42-70 Certification to probate judge of judgment of circuit court; endorsement on map by probate judge.
- Section 11-42-71 When property adjudged subject to taxation becomes liable for payment of taxes; recordation of resolution, map, orders, etc., of probate judge, etc.
- Section 11-42-72 Annexed territory subject to laws and ordinances of city; jurisdiction of city governing body over annexed territory.
- Section 11-42-73 Creation, etc., of wards; election of aldermen or representatives.
- Section 11-42-74 Division of wards into voting precincts; electors to vote in precincts of residence; rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of voting precincts.
- Section 11-42-75 Rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of wards.
- Section 11-42-76 Entitlement of persons in territory exempt from taxation to benefits derived from city taxes.
- Section 11-42-77 Construction of improvements or betterments in territory exempt from taxation generally.
- Section 11-42-78 Construction of sanitary sewers, enforcement of sanitary connections, and assessment of costs thereof in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-79 Construction of sidewalks and curbing and assessment of costs thereof in territory exempt from taxation; landowners in exempt territory to file petition requesting betterments.
- Section 11-42-80 Assessment, collection, and disposition of street tax in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-81 Licensing of dance halls, poolrooms, etc., in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-82 Levy and collection of privilege or license tax from persons, firms, etc., carrying on business, etc., in territory exempt from taxation generally.
- Section 11-42-83 Assessment and collection of privilege or license tax from persons, firms, etc., carrying on business, etc., in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-84 Assessment and collection of privilege or license tax from operators of common carriers, street railroads, etc., in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-85 Right of children residing in territory exempt from taxation to attend public schools of city.
- Section 11-42-86 Acquisition of rights and privileges of resident citizens by persons residing in territory exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-42-87 Fees and compensation of probate judge and other officers for services rendered.
- Section 11-42-88 Provisions of article deemed contract between city and persons, etc., in territory exempt from taxation; conferral of other rights and powers as to exempt territory upon city; right o
- Section 11-42-100.1 Mode of consolidation - When municipality to annex city or town.
- Section 11-42-101 Mode of consolidation - When municipalities to form new corporate organization.
- Section 11-42-102 Exemption from taxation of industrial or manufacturing plants.
- Section 11-42-103 Division of consolidated municipality into wards by commission; election of mayor and other officers.
- Section 11-42-104 Oath and compensation of commissioners; expenses of election; failure of commissioner to act.
- Section 11-42-105 Continuation of officers and corporate organization of municipalities; qualification and assumption of duties of officers elected for consolidated municipalities.
- Section 11-42-106 Powers, duties, rights, etc., of consolidated municipalities; continuation of civil actions as to consolidated municipalities.
- Section 11-42-120 Mode of consolidation generally.
- Section 11-42-121 Appointment of commissioners.
- Section 11-42-122 Execution, approval, and confirmation of agreement as to terms of annexation and merger.
- Section 11-42-123 Ordering of election by proclamation.
- Section 11-42-124 Inspectors.
- Section 11-42-125 Form and marking of ballots; ascertainment of election results; contests of election.
- Section 11-42-126 Declaration of election result; declaration of annexation of municipality.
- Section 11-42-127 Filing and recordation of copy of agreement and merger.
- Section 11-42-128 When annexation deemed perfected.
- Section 11-42-129 Costs and expenses of annexation.
- Section 11-42-130 Ownership of property of municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-131 Continuation of civil actions against municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-132 Provisions in annexation agreement as to taxation in municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-133 Creation, etc., of wards; election of aldermen; division of wards into voting precincts; rearrangement, etc., of boundaries of wards or voting precincts.
- Section 11-42-134 Provisions of division not exclusive.
- Section 11-42-150 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-42-151 Councils to define boundaries of territory to be incorporated in consolidated municipality upon receipt of petition requesting election as to consolidation.
- Section 11-42-152 Calling of election; conduct of election generally; notice of election.
- Section 11-42-153 Form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-42-154 Forwarding of statement of vote to probate judge and canvassing of returns; ascertainment and publication of election results.
- Section 11-42-155 Rights, powers, duties, and name of consolidated municipality; disposition of property, obligations, and contracts of consolidating municipalities.
- Section 11-42-156 Continuation in office and powers and duties of mayors and aldermen of consolidating municipalities.
- Section 11-42-157 Division of consolidated municipality into wards; election of officers of consolidated municipality.
- Section 11-42-158 Collection and disbursement of taxes.
- Section 11-42-159 Continuation in office of boards of education of consolidating municipalities; election of board of education for consolidated municipality.
- Section 11-42-160 Continuation of rights of action against municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-161 Continuation of civil actions brought by municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-162 Continuation of rights of action of municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-163 Payment or assumption of indebtedness and liabilities of municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-164 Annexation agreement deemed contract between municipalities; right of persons residing in annexed municipality to enforce agreement against annexing municipality.
- Section 11-42-165 Enactment and passage of ordinances and resolutions to carry out annexation agreement.
- Section 11-42-166 Dissolution of annexed municipality; ordinances, resolutions, and bylaws of annexing municipality applicable to and enforceable in municipality annexed.
- Section 11-42-167 Rights, powers, duties, etc., of annexing municipality as to municipality annexed attach upon dissolution of same.
- Section 11-42-180 Payment, execution, etc., of debts, bonds, contracts for local improvements, etc., of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-181 Disposition of property of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-182 Collection and disposition of taxes, special assessments, etc., of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-183 Prosecution and defense of pending actions of absorbed municipalities; collection and enforcement of fines, recoveries, judgments, etc.
- Section 11-42-184 Disposition of public books, papers, and documents of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-185 Operation, etc., of waterworks, gas or electric light systems of absorbed municipalities.
- Section 11-42-186 Partial annexation - Payment of proportionate share of bonded indebtedness for municipal improvements by expanded municipality.
- Section 11-42-187 Partial annexation - Payment of value of school property, etc., by expanded municipality.
- Section 11-42-200 Passage of resolution defining proposed reduced corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-201 Certification and filing with probate judge of resolution, plat or map, and list of qualified electors.
- Section 11-42-202 Filing of resolution and map or plat; notice to residents of territory to be excluded of hearing to show cause why proposed boundary should not be established and map or plat recorde
- Section 11-42-203 Order to be entered establishing corporate limits as defined in resolution and map or plat when no protest filed; recordation of map or plat.
- Section 11-42-204 Order to be entered directing election as to establishment of proposed corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-205 Notice of election.
- Section 11-42-206 Places of voting; persons entitled to vote.
- Section 11-42-207 Question submitted; conduct of election generally; form, marking, etc., of ballots; appointment, etc., of clerks, inspectors, and returning officer; ascertainment, etc., of election
- Section 11-42-208 Entry of order dismissing proposal for adoption of proposed corporate limits.
- Section 11-42-209 Contests of election.
- Section 11-42-210 Costs and expenses of proceedings.
- Section 11-42-211 Map or plat, etc., evidence of municipal boundaries.
- Section 11-42-212 Laws governing territory within corporate limits established pursuant to article; jurisdiction as to same.
- Section 11-42-213 Fees and compensation of probate judge and other officers for services rendered.
- Section 11-43-1 Qualifications and residence of mayors, councilmen, and officers.
- Section 11-43-2 Election of mayors and aldermen; exercise of legislative functions; salary of aldermen.
- Section 11-43-3 Election, etc., of treasurer, clerk, etc., in cities having more than 6,000 inhabitants.
- Section 11-43-4 Election of clerk, etc., in towns and in cities having less than 6,000 inhabitants; filling of vacancies in council generally.
- Section 11-43-5 Provision for tax assessor, tax collector, chief of police, etc.; designation of persons to administer oaths, issue warrants, and approve appearance bonds.
- Section 11-43-5.1 Abolition or creation of civil service system, etc., in municipality having less than 5,000 inhabitants; section in pari materia with Section 36-27-6.
- Section 11-43-6 Provision for compensation of and disposition of fees collected by municipal officers generally.
- Section 11-43-7 Establishment of salaries and fees of municipal employees; disposition of fees of clerk.
- Section 11-43-7.1 Expense allowances of members of council or other governing body of Class 1 municipalities and municipalities having population of 250,000 or more.
- Section 11-43-7.2 Additional expense allowances for members of council or governing body of Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-8 Establishment of salaries of municipal officers.
- Section 11-43-9 Fees, salary, compensation, etc., of officers not to be increased or diminished during term of office.
- Section 11-43-10 Municipal officers to pay over public moneys received; daily balances required.
- Section 11-43-11 Employment of municipal officers by corporations holding franchises as to use of streets.
- Section 11-43-12 Aldermen, employees, etc., not to be interested, etc., in municipal contracts, etc.; penalty.
- Section 11-43-12.1 Purchase of services or personal property by Class 7 or 8 municipalities from elected officials, employees, or members of municipal boards.
- Section 11-43-13 Bonds of certain municipal officers or employees.
- Section 11-43-14 Dealing, etc., in warrants, claims, etc., of municipality by officers or employees.
- Section 11-43-15 False enumeration of municipal census.
- Section 11-43-16 Employment of county deputy sheriffs as policemen.
- Section 11-43-17 Ratification of certain salaries of mayors and councilmen.
- Section 11-43-18 Vacancies of over 60 days in governing bodies of Class 5 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-19 Retirement pensions for certain elected public officials of Class 2 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-20 Authority and procedure for employment.
- Section 11-43-21 Qualifications; compensation; powers and duties; bond; term of office and removal.
- Section 11-43-22 Provisions of article cumulative; affirmative action necessary to exercise powers, etc., conferred by article.
- Section 11-43-40 Composition of city councils; voting by president.
- Section 11-43-41 Filling of vacancies in office of aldermen.
- Section 11-43-42 Exercise of functions of mayor during absence or disability of mayor; filling of vacancies in offices of mayor, president, and president pro tempore of council.
- Section 11-43-43 Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-43-44 Organizational meeting.
- Section 11-43-45 Officers - Election or appointment.
- Section 11-43-46 Officers - Terms of service.
- Section 11-43-47 Officers - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-43-48 Proceedings - Quorum.
- Section 11-43-49 Proceedings - Time and place of meetings generally; appointment of temporary chairman or election of president pro tempore.
- Section 11-43-50 Proceedings - Holding of regular meetings; calling of special meetings.
- Section 11-43-51 Proceedings - Compulsion of attendance of members.
- Section 11-43-52 Proceedings - Rules of procedure; journal.
- Section 11-43-53 Aldermen not to hold other municipal offices or have interest, etc., in municipal contracts, etc.; penalty.
- Section 11-43-54 Aldermen not to vote on certain matters; removal.
- Section 11-43-55 Establishment, organization, etc., of police force.
- Section 11-43-56 Management and control of finances and property of municipality.
- Section 11-43-57 Annual appropriation of funds for expenditures of departments and interest on indebtedness.
- Section 11-43-58 Judging of qualifications and election of mayor, president of council, etc.
- Section 11-43-59 Adoption of fire limits, building laws and ordinances, etc.; condemnation of buildings, etc.; charges for inspections.
- Section 11-43-60 Regulation of storage, use, etc., of explosives; compulsion of efficient service by public utility corporations.
- Section 11-43-61 Regulation of running, switching, etc., of cars, trains, and locomotives on streets, crossings, highways, etc.
- Section 11-43-62 Regulation of use of streets for telephone, telegraph, etc., lines; sale or lease of franchises and disposition of moneys therefrom.
- Section 11-43-63 Division of municipality into single-member districts.
- Section 11-43-64 Procedural requirements for increasing number of single-member districts in Class 3 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-65 Filling vacancies on city council in Class 6 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-66 Increases to compensation for members of city council in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-80 Powers and duties generally; office; salary; employment, salary, etc., as superintendent of municipal light, water, sewage, etc., systems.
- Section 11-43-81 Designated chief executive officer; powers of appointment and removal.
- Section 11-43-81.1 Authority of mayors of Class 1 municipalities to appoint chief administrative assistants.
- Section 11-43-82 Issuance of proclamation closing shops and forbidding sale of arms, ammunition, etc., during riots, etc.
- Section 11-43-83 Execution, etc., of deeds, contracts, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-43-84 Requiring of reports by municipal officers; statement to council of financial condition of municipality.
- Section 11-43-85 Appointment, etc., of accountant, etc., to conduct examination and prepare report as to municipal books and accounts.
- Section 11-43-86 Compensation of mayor, etc., of Class 1 municipality; mayor authorized to attend certain meetings, etc.; applicability of section.
- Section 11-43-86.1 Increase to compensation for mayor of Class 1 municipality.
- Section 11-43-87 Filling of vacancies for mayor, president of council, etc., in Class 3 municipalities.
- Section 11-43-100 Attendance at and preparation of record of council meetings; custody of seal and rules, ordinances, etc., of council.
- Section 11-43-101 Auditing, recordation, etc., of claims, etc., against municipality and issuance of warrants therefor.
- Section 11-43-102 Maintenance, etc., of municipal books and accounts.
- Section 11-43-103 Issuance of licenses; devolution of duties upon auditor.
- Section 11-43-104 Additional duties; bond.
- Section 11-43-120 Bond; duties generally; payment of warrants; reports and statements to council.
- Section 11-43-121 Payment of interest upon warrants not paid for lack of funds; additional duties.
- Section 11-43-122 Public depositories; liability for loss.
- Section 11-43-123 Moneys due municipalities, etc., to be paid to treasurer.
- Section 11-43-140 Authorized; management and control.
- Section 11-43-141 Operation, etc., beyond corporate limits and police jurisdiction - Emergencies; liabilities, exemptions, etc.
- Section 11-43-142 Operation, etc., beyond corporate limits and police jurisdiction - Contracts with municipalities, counties, manufacturing or industrial concerns, etc.; liability for injuries.
- Section 11-43-143 Municipal or state firefighters or firemen not to strike, assert right to strike, etc.; rights to join labor organizations, etc.
- Section 11-43-144 Compensation for death or disability of firefighters from occupational diseases.
- Section 11-43-160 Removal.
- Section 11-43-161 Grounds for impeachment - Acceptance of employment from public service corporation; financial dealings with municipality, etc.
- Section 11-43-162 Grounds for impeachment - Misapplication of funds from special tax.
- Section 11-43-163 Powers of council or committee as to witnesses, etc.; secretary of committee.
- Section 11-43-180 Purpose of article.
- Section 11-43-181 "Law enforcement officer" defined.
- Section 11-43-182 Requirement as to establishment of merit systems by municipalities generally.
- Section 11-43-183 Agreements for furnishing by State Personnel Department of services and facilities for administration of merit systems for law enforcement officers of municipalities - Authorized.
- Section 11-43-184 Agreements for furnishing by State Personnel Department of services and facilities for administration of merit systems for law enforcement officers of municipalities - Reimbursement
- Section 11-43-185 Agreements for furnishing by State Personnel Department of services and facilities for administration of merit systems for law enforcement officers of municipalities - Classification
- Section 11-43-186 Determination of salaries to be paid classifications within merit systems.
- Section 11-43-187 Exemption of chief of police and deputy chief from provisions of merit systems.
- Section 11-43-188 Provision in merit systems for probationary periods of employment.
- Section 11-43-189 Appointment of members of personnel board by Representatives and Senators in district.
- Section 11-43-190 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-43-210 Reserve law enforcement officers; appointment by city or town; qualifications; powers.
- Section 11-43-230 Predisciplinary hearing prior to suspension or termination; procedures; postdisciplinary hearing.
- Section 11-43-231 "Law enforcement officer" defined.
- Section 11-43-232 Applicability to certain municipalities.
- Section 11-43A-1 Applicability of chapter to classes of municipalities; short title.
- Section 11-43A-2 Petition to probate judge for election as to adoption of council-manager form of government; examination of petition and certification to mayor.
- Section 11-43A-3 Submission of question for election; proclamation of mayor; order of judge of probate.
- Section 11-43A-3.1 Election in Class 6 municipalities - Time, procedure, etc.
- Section 11-43A-3.2 Election in Class 6 municipalities - Provisions to supersede other laws in 1983.
- Section 11-43A-4 Subsequent elections not to be held within two years of preceding election.
- Section 11-43A-5 Form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-43A-6 Conduct of election, canvassing of vote, and declaration of election result; adoption and certification of provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-43A-7 Time for change in form of government.
- Section 11-43A-8 Name of governing body; composition of council; seating of initial council; election of next council; alternate form for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-9 Election of municipal officers; division of municipality into districts; qualifications and eligibility of candidates; runoff election; term of office; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-10 Continuation of municipal corporation.
- Section 11-43A-11 Municipal government to be known as "council-manager form of government"; vesting of municipal powers in council.
- Section 11-43A-12 Powers of municipality.
- Section 11-43A-13 Filing of statement of candidacy for office of mayor or councilman; qualifications.
- Section 11-43A-14 Printing and preparation of ballots; conduct of election; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-15 Compensation of mayor and councilmen.
- Section 11-43A-16 Duties of mayor; councilman-at-large as assistant mayor; vacancy in office of mayor to be filled by councilman-at-large; mayor pro tem; vacancies on council; exception for Class 6 ci
- Section 11-43A-17 Powers of council.
- Section 11-43A-18 Appointment of city manager; eligibility; temporary acting city manager; term of city manager; removal; mayor and council prohibited from involvement, etc., in administrative service
- Section 11-43A-19 Power of council to create, change, and abolish offices, etc., and assign additional functions or duties thereto.
- Section 11-43A-20 Clerk of municipality; when subject to civil service or merit system; duties.
- Section 11-43A-21 Times for meetings of council; open to public.
- Section 11-43A-22 Investigation and determination of election and qualifications of council members by council; judicial review.
- Section 11-43A-23 Rules of council.
- Section 11-43A-24 Regular public meetings of council; adjourned, called, special, or other meetings; quorum; when vote of majority of quorum sufficient; when vote of majority of council required; proc
- Section 11-43A-25 Thirty-day delay in effect of ordinances granting franchises, etc.; publication at expense of grantee.
- Section 11-43A-26 Revision and codification of ordinances and resolutions or adoption of code.
- Section 11-43A-27 Monthly statement and summary; annual examination of books and accounts; publication of results.
- Section 11-43A-28 Qualifications of city manager; duties; designation or appointment of administrative officer to perform duties of manager during temporary absence or disability.
- Section 11-43A-29 Fiscal, budget, and accounting year; submission and adoption of budget; changes in budget.
- Section 11-43A-30 Municipal treasurer; establishment of office and assignment of duties; election; assignment of duties to city clerk as clerk-treasurer.
- Section 11-43A-31 Payment and deposit of municipal funds.
- Section 11-43A-32 Establishment of council districts; at-large posts of mayor and councilman-at-large; exception for Class 6 cities.
- Section 11-43A-33 Reapportionment of council districts; filing of recommended plan with council; redistricting ordinances; effect on incumbents and on elections held within six months.
- Section 11-43A-34 Effect of chapter on existing officers, employees, offices, departments, etc.
- Section 11-43A-35 Continuation in office of persons holding administrative office until contrary provision is made; transfer of powers and duties of abolished offices, etc.
- Section 11-43A-36 Continuation in office of persons in civil service or merit system.
- Section 11-43A-37 Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., when duties reassigned.
- Section 11-43A-38 Continuation of offices, departments, etc., until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-39 Continuation of contracts; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-43A-40 Effect of chapter on pending litigation.
- Section 11-43A-41 Effect of chapter on laws relating to pension, retirement, and relief funds for employees.
- Section 11-43A-42 Continuation of laws relating to boards, authorities, agencies, etc., with independent status until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-43 When chapter becomes applicable to municipality.
- Section 11-43A-44 Continuation of ordinances and resolutions unless and until changed or repealed.
- Section 11-43A-45 Discrimination prohibited.
- Section 11-43A-46 Right of city manager, heads of departments, etc., to attend council meetings and take part in discussions; city manager to be notified of special or adjourned meetings.
- Section 11-43A-47 Right of council, city manager and designees to investigate municipal affairs, etc.
- Section 11-43A-48 Limit on contracts involving money payments; requirements for validity.
- Section 11-43A-49 Bond of city manager and other officers and employees.
- Section 11-43A-50 Oath or affirmation of councilman, officers, and employees.
- Section 11-43A-51 Change from council-manager form of government; when election thereon authorized.
- Section 11-43A-52 Effect of chapter on existing laws.
- Section 11-43A-70 Adoption of ordinance establishing council-manager form of government; short title.
- Section 11-43A-71 When council-manager form of government becomes effective.
- Section 11-43A-72 Form of government to be known as "council-manager form of government"; vesting of municipal powers in council.
- Section 11-43A-73 Continuation of municipal corporation.
- Section 11-43A-74 Powers of municipality.
- Section 11-43A-75 Mayor and council members to continue in office until expiration of terms.
- Section 11-43A-76 Composition of council; municipal elections.
- Section 11-43A-77 Population of districts; designation and boundaries specifically described; municipalities having seven council districts prior to effective date.
- Section 11-43A-78 Election of municipal officers; qualifications and eligibility of candidates; runoff election; term of office.
- Section 11-43A-79 Compensation for mayor and councilmen.
- Section 11-43A-80 Procedure for becoming candidate.
- Section 11-43A-81 Election ballots.
- Section 11-43A-82 Duties, powers, and rights of mayor.
- Section 11-43A-83 Powers of council; president and president pro tem.
- Section 11-43A-84 Appointment of city manager; temporary acting city manager; term of city manager; removal; actions by council or its members prohibited or restricted.
- Section 11-43A-85 Qualifications of city manager; duties and powers; designation or appointment of administrative officer to perform duties of manager during temporary absence or disability.
- Section 11-43A-86 Clerk of municipality; when subject to civil service or merit system; duties.
- Section 11-43A-87 Times for meeting of council; open to public.
- Section 11-43A-88 Council to be judge of election and members' qualifications; investigation; judicial review.
- Section 11-43A-89 Rules of council.
- Section 11-43A-90 Regular public meetings of council; adjourned, called, special, or other meetings; quorum; when vote of majority of quorum sufficient; when vote of majority of council required; proc
- Section 11-43A-91 Thirty-day delay in effect of ordinances granting franchises, etc.; publication at expense of grantee.
- Section 11-43A-92 Codification and revision of ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-43A-93 Monthly statement and summary; annual examination of books and accounts; publication of results.
- Section 11-43A-94 Fiscal, budget, and accounting year; submission and adoption of budget; changes in budget.
- Section 11-43A-95 Municipal treasurer; establishment of office and assignment of duties; election; assignment of duties for city clerk as clerk-treasurer.
- Section 11-43A-96 Payment and deposit of municipal funds.
- Section 11-43A-97 Reapportionment of council districts; filing of recommended plan with council; redistricting ordinances; effect on incumbent.
- Section 11-43A-98 Effect of article on rights and privileges of officers, employees, departments, boards, etc.
- Section 11-43A-99 Continuation in office of persons holding administrative office until different provision made; transfer of powers and duties of abolished offices.
- Section 11-43A-100 Continuation in office of persons in civil service or merit system.
- Section 11-43A-101 Transfer of records, property, and equipment when duties and powers of office, department, etc., reassigned.
- Section 11-43A-102 Continuation of offices, departments, etc., until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-103 Continuation of contracts; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-43A-104 Effect of article on pending litigation.
- Section 11-43A-105 Continuation of laws relating to boards, authorities, agencies, etc., with independent status until otherwise provided.
- Section 11-43A-106 Continuation of ordinances and resolutions unless and until changed or repealed.
- Section 11-43A-107 Discrimination prohibited.
- Section 11-43A-108 Right of city manager, directors of departments, etc., to attend council meetings and take part in discussions; city manager to be notified of all council meetings.
- Section 11-43A-109 Right of council, city manager, and designees to investigate municipal affairs, etc.
- Section 11-43A-110 Limits on contracts involving money payments; requirements for validity.
- Section 11-43A-111 Bond of city manager and other officers and employees.
- Section 11-43A-112 Oath or affirmation of mayor, councilmen, officers, and employees.
- Section 11-43A-113 Referendum to determine form of government.
- Section 11-43A-114 Referendum ballots.
- Section 11-43A-115 Adoption of form of government by majority of votes.
- Section 11-43A-116 Effect of article on existing laws.
- Section 11-43B-1 Authority to adopt mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-43B-2 Election date; when mayor-council form of government deemed adopted.
- Section 11-43B-3 Terms of office.
- Section 11-43B-4 Conduct of elections; residency requirements; qualifying fee; statement of campaign expenses and contributions.
- Section 11-43B-5 Salary and expenses of mayor and council members; participation in hospitalization, medical care, and insurance programs.
- Section 11-43B-6 Holding of other public office during term as council member; holding of compensated appointive office by former council member or mayor.
- Section 11-43B-7 Council not to direct appointment or removal of any person from office; appointment of civil service employees; limits on supervision of employees by council.
- Section 11-43B-8 Government known as mayor-council form of government; powers vested in council; agenda of meetings; exercise of powers; quorum.
- Section 11-43B-9 Statement of receipts and expenses; audit of books and accounts; publication of audit; submission of audit to mayor.
- Section 11-43B-10 Budget, appropriations, and expenditures.
- Section 11-43B-11 President of council; president pro tempore appointed upon failure or refusal to act.
- Section 11-43B-12 Vacancies in offices of mayor, president of council, and councilman.
- Section 11-43B-13 Franchise or lease of right to use streets or public property.
- Section 11-43B-14 Initial territorial limits.
- Section 11-43B-15 Number of council members; boundaries of districts.
- Section 11-43B-16 Redistricting of boundaries after publication of census or change in corporate limits.
- Section 11-43B-17 Creation of departments, etc., by ordinance; discontinuance of functions assigned by law.
- Section 11-43B-18 Limit on duration of contracts; validity of contracts.
- Section 11-43B-19 Effect of chapter on preexisting rights of officers and employees.
- Section 11-43B-20 Administrative offices continued; exercise of powers and duties of offices, etc., abolished by chapter.
- Section 11-43B-21 Transfer of powers and duties from existing offices to similar offices provided for in this chapter; applicability of laws relating to existing offices.
- Section 11-43B-22 Continuance in office of persons under existing civil service system; chapter not to supersede existing civil service system.
- Section 11-43B-23 Interagency transfer of records, equipment, etc.
- Section 11-43B-24 Continuance of contracts in effect.
- Section 11-43B-25 Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-43B-26 Pension, retirement, and relief fund laws continued in effect.
- Section 11-43B-27 Laws as to independent boards, authorities, and agencies continued in effect.
- Section 11-43B-28 Powers generally.
- Section 11-43B-28.1 Increase in membership of city board of education and waterworks and sewer board.
- Section 11-43B-29 Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect; references to city commission, etc., deemed to refer to city council.
- Section 11-43B-30 Purchase of labor services, materials, etc., from elected officials or employees.
- Section 11-43B-31 Laws relating to city continued in effect; inconsistent laws as to exercise of powers and duties of other form of government; Chapter 44B of this title not repealed.
- Section 11-43B-32 Violation of chapter.
- Section 11-43C-1 Applicability of chapter.
- Section 11-43C-2 Special election as to adoption of mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-43C-3 Form of ballot; marking of ballot; use of voting machines.
- Section 11-43C-4 Conduct of election; election expenses.
- Section 11-43C-5 Provisions applicable if mayor-council form of government chosen.
- Section 11-43C-6 Election of mayor and council members; time of taking office; election expenses.
- Section 11-43C-7 Qualification of council candidates; votes cast by each voter; majority vote requirements; runoff elections; elections held quadrennially; when elected councilmen take office; term of
- Section 11-43C-8 Mayor - Majority vote requirements; runoff election.
- Section 11-43C-9 Mayor - Elections held quadrennially; oath; may succeed himself.
- Section 11-43C-10 City continued as municipal corporation.
- Section 11-43C-11 Government known as "mayor-council form of government"; powers of city vested in council; manner in which powers exercised.
- Section 11-43C-12 Powers of city generally.
- Section 11-43C-13 Council to consist of five district council members; division of municipality into districts; changing district boundaries where population varies by over five percent.
- Section 11-43C-14 District council members - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-43C-15 District council members - No primary elections; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-43C-16 District council members - Oath of office.
- Section 11-43C-17 District council members - Qualifications; holding other offices; effect of conviction or loss of any qualification.
- Section 11-43C-18 District council members - Compensation; additional stipend for president of council.
- Section 11-43C-19 President of council.
- Section 11-43C-20 Vice-president of council.
- Section 11-43C-21 Powers of council; dealings with officers and employees in administrative service.
- Section 11-43C-22 Vacancies in council.
- Section 11-43C-23 Creating, changing, abolishing, or assigning additional functions to offices, departments, or agencies.
- Section 11-43C-24 City clerk continued in office; applicability of merit system; appointment of successor; duties.
- Section 11-43C-25 First meeting of council; council to meet regularly; meetings open to public.
- Section 11-43C-26 Council to judge election and qualifications of members.
- Section 11-43C-27 Rules and order of business of council; journal of proceedings.
- Section 11-43C-28 Meetings of council; quorum; majority vote requirement; procedure; record of proceedings; procedure as to ordinances or resolutions of permanent operation; publication; no veto as to
- Section 11-43C-29 Grant of franchise, lease, or right to use streets, etc., by ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-43C-30 Revision and codification of ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions; comprehensive zone map.
- Section 11-43C-31 Monthly statement of receipts and expenses; annual examination of books and accounts.
- Section 11-43C-32 Mayor - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-43C-33 Mayor - No primary election; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-43C-34 Mayor - Qualifications.
- Section 11-43C-35 Mayor - Compensation; expense allowance.
- Section 11-43C-36 Mayor - Vacancies; acting mayor; special election to fill vacancy; term of office.
- Section 11-43C-37 Mayor - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-43C-38 Divisions of city government; executive directors of divisions; city attorney; outside counsel.
- Section 11-43C-39 Distribution of work among departmental divisions.
- Section 11-43C-40 Mayor - Employment of additional personnel; amount available for salaries; not subject to merit system.
- Section 11-43C-41 Fiscal, budget, and accounting years.
- Section 11-43C-42 Mayor to submit budget to council.
- Section 11-43C-43 Estimates of revenue and expenditures for each department, etc.; compilation of budget information by director of finance; review and revision of estimates.
- Section 11-43C-44 General fund budget.
- Section 11-43C-45 Recommended expenditures not to exceed estimated receipts unless additional revenue measures adopted; recommendations where receipts estimated to exceed expenditures; public utility
- Section 11-43C-46 Contents of budget message.
- Section 11-43C-47 Printing and distribution of budget message and general fund, public utility, and capital budgets.
- Section 11-43C-48 Public hearing on budget.
- Section 11-43C-49 Revision of budget after hearing; increase in expenditures over mayor's recommendation; expenditures not to exceed receipts and surplus unless additional revenue measures adopted
- Section 11-43C-50 Summary of budget.
- Section 11-43C-51 Adoption of general fund budget and any necessary revenue measure; failure to adopt budget.
- Section 11-43C-52 Disapproval by mayor of expenditure line item; adherence by council to expenditure.
- Section 11-43C-53 Budget effective upon final adoption; certification; printing and distribution.
- Section 11-43C-54 Budget estimates for public utilities; presentation of budget to council.
- Section 11-43C-55 Monthly or quarterly allotments for each department, etc.; revision of allotments.
- Section 11-43C-56 Transfer of unencumbered balance from one department, etc., to another or from one classification of expenditure to another.
- Section 11-43C-57 Additional appropriations.
- Section 11-43C-58 Emergency appropriations.
- Section 11-43C-59 Lapse of unexpended and unencumbered appropriation.
- Section 11-43C-60 Capital improvement program.
- Section 11-43C-61 Capital budget; lapse of appropriations for capital improvement projects; reserve fund for permanent public improvements.
- Section 11-43C-62 Payments and obligations must be in accord with appropriations; certification by director of finance; void payments and obligations; penalty for knowing violations.
- Section 11-43C-63 Existing budget continued in force.
- Section 11-43C-64 Division of finance; head of division.
- Section 11-43C-65 Head of division of finance - Qualifications; bond.
- Section 11-43C-66 Head of division of finance - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-43C-67 Expenditures not to exceed appropriation for that general classification of expenditures; expenditures financed by bonds; leases or contracts for period exceeding budget year.
- Section 11-43C-68 Disposition of fees received by officers and employees.
- Section 11-43C-69 Division of division of finance to be responsible for purchases; powers and duties of division head.
- Section 11-43C-70 Competitive bidding on contracts for supplies, materials, or equipment.
- Section 11-43C-71 City improvements costing more than $3,000.00 to be executed by contract; bidding on contract; alteration of contract.
- Section 11-43C-72 Purchases and contracts shall be pursuant to written requisition; certification of balance sufficient to pay for contract or order.
- Section 11-43C-73 Revenue notes.
- Section 11-43C-74 Emergency notes.
- Section 11-43C-75 Notes not payable on demand; redemption prior to maturity; private sale.
- Section 11-43C-76 Existing rights and privileges of officers and employees; existing laws not inconsistent with personnel, etc., provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-43C-77 Personnel holding administrative office continued in office; transfer of powers and duties of office, etc., abolished by this chapter.
- Section 11-43C-78 Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., where powers and duties reassigned.
- Section 11-43C-79 Office, etc., with name or powers and duties the same or substantially same as existing office deemed a continuation of such office.
- Section 11-43C-80 Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-43C-81 Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-43C-82 Laws relating to pensions or retirement and relief funds continued in force.
- Section 11-43C-83 Laws relating to authority for fairgrounds, etc., continued in force.
- Section 11-43C-84 Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect.
- Section 11-43C-85 Removal of merit system officers and employees; appeal of decision.
- Section 11-43C-86 Participation in meetings of council by mayor, department heads, etc.
- Section 11-43C-87 Inquiry into conduct of office, department, agency, or officer; investigations as to municipal affairs; subpoena power.
- Section 11-43C-88 Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; free transportation of officials, policemen, and firemen in discharge
- Section 11-43C-89 Oath taken by city officers.
- Section 11-43C-90 Reapportionment of council districts because of population change.
- Section 11-43C-91 Procedure for changing form of government; change from mayor-council form prohibited for four years.
- Section 11-43C-92 Appointments to city positions to fairly reflect make-up of total community; participation in contracts by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals; capital improvements t
- Section 11-43D-1 Cities to which chapter applies; form of ordinance.
- Section 11-43D-2 Adoption of ordinance establishing boundaries of council districts; election of mayor and city council; assumption of office; future elections; powers and duties.
- Section 11-43D-3 Term of office.
- Section 11-43D-4 Election and referendum procedure.
- Section 11-43D-5 Effect of change of population; manner of reapportionment of council districts.
- Section 11-43D-6 Rights of officers and employees preserved.
- Section 11-43D-7 Continuance in office of present officeholders; exercise of powers of abolished office, agency, etc.
- Section 11-43D-8 Continuance in office of persons holding positions in civil service.
- Section 11-43D-9 Transfer of office, agency, etc., records and property.
- Section 11-43D-10 Existing contracts continued in force; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-43D-11 Pending legal action and proceedings.
- Section 11-43D-12 Continuance of laws relating to pensions, retirement, and relief funds.
- Section 11-43D-13 Continuance of laws relating to boards, etc.
- Section 11-43D-14 Powers and duties of mayor.
- Section 11-43D-15 Noninterference of council with administrative service.
- Section 11-43D-16 Administrative assistants.
- Section 11-43D-17 Appointment of accountant; examination of all books and accounts; compensation.
- Section 11-43D-18 Establishment of salaries for mayor and council.
- Section 11-43D-19 President and president pro tem of council.
- Section 11-43D-20 Notice of council meetings; mayor's rights in council meetings.
- Section 11-43D-21 Temporary absence or disability of mayor; filling vacancies.
- Section 11-43D-22 Continuance of ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-44-1 Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44-2 Petition to probate judge for election as to organization under commission form of government; examination of petition and certification thereof to mayor.
- Section 11-44-3 Calling of election by mayor.
- Section 11-44-4 Subsequent elections not to be held within two years of preceding election.
- Section 11-44-5 Proposition submitted to voters; form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-44-6 Conduct of election, canvassing of vote, and declaration of election result; adoption and certification of provisions of article.
- Section 11-44-7 Commissioners - Procedure for election; terms of office.
- Section 11-44-8 Commissioners - Designation; qualification for office.
- Section 11-44-9 Commissioners - Oath; bond.
- Section 11-44-10 Commissioners - Entry into office, etc.
- Section 11-44-11 Commissioners - Filling of vacancies caused by ineligibility.
- Section 11-44-12 Commissioners - Filling of vacancies caused by death, resignation, or removal.
- Section 11-44-13 Commissioners - Filling of two simultaneous vacancies.
- Section 11-44-14 President of board of commissioners - Election; powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-44-15 President of board of commissioners - Designation as mayor.
- Section 11-44-16 President of board of commissioners - Performance of duties and responsibilities of mayor in certain municipalities.
- Section 11-44-17 President of board of commissioners - Performance of duties and responsibilities of mayor in certain municipalities - Duties as president of board of commissioners and as mayor.
- Section 11-44-18 Compensation of commissioners and president of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-18.1 Salaries and expenses of mayor and associate commissioners in Class 5 municipalities; payment of funds out of treasury by warrant; designation of commissioner to act in mayor's
- Section 11-44-19 Meetings of board of commissioners - Time, etc.
- Section 11-44-20 Meetings of board of commissioners - Presiding officer; quorum.
- Section 11-44-21 Meetings of board of commissioners - When open to public.
- Section 11-44-22 Meetings of board of commissioners - Record of proceedings.
- Section 11-44-23 Powers and authority of board of commissioners upon organization of commission form of government; abolition of certain boards, commissions, and officers; continuation of corporate ex
- Section 11-44-24 Continuation in force of laws, bylaws, ordinances, and resolutions.
- Section 11-44-25 Continuation of territorial limits; discontinuance of wards and election of commissioners at large.
- Section 11-44-26 Continuation, etc., of rights, powers, liabilities, etc.
- Section 11-44-27 Continuation in office of officials and employees.
- Section 11-44-28 Selection, compensation, removal, etc., of officers and employees generally.
- Section 11-44-29 Distribution of executive and administrative powers and duties among departments; determination and exercise of powers and duties of departments by commissioners.
- Section 11-44-30 Assignment or delegation of powers and duties of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-31 Resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances generally - Manner of enactment generally.
- Section 11-44-32 Resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances generally - Form and voting thereon.
- Section 11-44-33 Resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc. - Publication; effective date.
- Section 11-44-34 Resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc. - Objections thereto and elections thereon.
- Section 11-44-35 Resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc. - Proceedings upon determination of election result.
- Section 11-44-36 Manner in which franchise, etc., as to use of streets, public highways, etc., to be granted, extended, or enlarged.
- Section 11-44-37 Elections for office of commissioner - Filing and form of statement of candidacy, etc.
- Section 11-44-38 Elections for office of commissioner - Qualifications of candidates.
- Section 11-44-39 Elections for office of commissioner - Ballots generally.
- Section 11-44-40 Elections for office of commissioner - Specification in statement of candidacy and ballot as to long or short term.
- Section 11-44-41 Elections for office of commissioner - Manner of voting; majority of votes required.
- Section 11-44-42 Elections for office of commissioner - Holding of runoff election.
- Section 11-44-43 Elections for office of commissioner - Qualified voters only to vote.
- Section 11-44-44 Filing and publication of statement of campaign expenses, etc., by commissioners.
- Section 11-44-45 Selection of municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-46 Officers or employees not to be interested in contracts for services, etc., for municipality or railway, gas works, etc., therein.
- Section 11-44-47 Officers not to be interested in or employed by public service utilities.
- Section 11-44-48 Acceptance, etc., of free passes, gifts, etc., by officers or employees from railways, gas works, etc.
- Section 11-44-49 Publication, etc., of quarterly statement of receipts and expenses, etc.
- Section 11-44-50 Examinations of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44-51 Maintenance of record books by probate judges and compensation therefor.
- Section 11-44-52 Promising, etc., of employment, etc., to obtain political support, etc.; provision of automobiles, etc., to bring voters to polls.
- Section 11-44-53 Offering or accepting bribes for votes; unauthorized voting.
- Section 11-44-54 Solicitation, etc., of votes by municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-55 Payment, etc., of persons to solicit votes; acceptance of pay, etc., to solicit votes.
- Section 11-44-56 Applicability of general state laws as to municipal elections.
- Section 11-44-57 Penalties for violations of provisions of article.
- Section 11-44-58 Designation by ordinance of mayor and finance commissioner, public works commissioner, and public safety commissioner in Class 7 municipalities; elections; further changes in designat
- Section 11-44-70 Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44-71 Procedure for adoption — Generally.
- Section 11-44-72 Procedure for adoption - Election.
- Section 11-44-73 Commissioners - Election, terms of office, etc., generally.
- Section 11-44-74 Commissioners - Election, terms of office, etc., of commissioners elected after September 1, 1945.
- Section 11-44-75 Commissioners - Designation of positions and election thereto.
- Section 11-44-76 Commissioners - Qualifications; filling of vacancies caused by ineligibility.
- Section 11-44-77 Commissioners - Filling of vacancies caused by death, resignation or removal.
- Section 11-44-78 Commissioners - Filling of two or more simultaneous vacancies.
- Section 11-44-79 Commissioners - Oath; bond.
- Section 11-44-80 Commissioners - Compensation.
- Section 11-44-81 Commissioners - Designation; qualification for and taking of office.
- Section 11-44-82 Commissioners - Meetings.
- Section 11-44-83 Mayor-president of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-84 Powers and authority of board of commissioners upon organization of commission form of government; abolition of certain boards, commissions, and officers; continuation of corporate ex
- Section 11-44-85 Appointment, etc., of officers and employees generally; distribution of executive and administrative powers and duties among departments.
- Section 11-44-86 Assignment or delegation of powers and duties of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-87 Enactment of resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances generally.
- Section 11-44-88 Procedure for adoption of resolutions, bylaws, or ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of streets, public highways, etc.; manner in which franchises, etc., extended, enlarged
- Section 11-44-89 Procedure for letting of contracts for construction, improvements, etc., of streets, highways, etc.
- Section 11-44-90 Elections for office of commissioner - Filing and form of statement of candidacy, etc.
- Section 11-44-91 Elections for office of commissioner - Ballots; voting.
- Section 11-44-92 Filing and publication of statement of campaign expenses, etc., by commissioners.
- Section 11-44-93 Appointment of municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-94 Conflicts of interest of municipal officers and employees.
- Section 11-44-95 Publication, etc., of monthly statement of receipts and expenses, etc.; examinations of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44-96 Maintenance of record books by probate judges and compensation therefor; fee for examination of petitions for elections.
- Section 11-44-97 Use of influence or contribution of money, etc., in elections for commissioners by municipal officers or employees.
- Section 11-44-98 Solicitation of votes by municipal employees.
- Section 11-44-99 Payment, etc., of persons to solicit votes; acceptance of pay, etc., to solicit votes.
- Section 11-44-100 Applicability of general state laws as to municipal elections.
- Section 11-44-101 Requirements, etc., as to petitions.
- Section 11-44-102 Certain persons not to receive profits, wages, etc., from municipality.
- Section 11-44-103 Certain persons not to become officers or employees of municipality.
- Section 11-44-104 Commissioners, officers, or employees to receive regular compensation only.
- Section 11-44-105 Adoption of ordinances by initiative and referendum.
- Section 11-44-120 Definitions.
- Section 11-44-121 Adoption by ordinance; powers, designation, election, etc., of commissioners generally; continuation in office of members of governing body.
- Section 11-44-122 Continuation in force of laws, ordinances, resolutions, and appointments of municipal officials and employees.
- Section 11-44-123 Commissioners - Election; terms of office; designation of positions; qualification for office and taking of oath.
- Section 11-44-124 Commissioners - Qualification of candidates therefor.
- Section 11-44-125 Commissioners - Vacancies.
- Section 11-44-126 Meetings of board of commissioners - Time; presiding officer; quorum; record of proceedings.
- Section 11-44-127 Meetings of board of commissioners - Place; meetings open to public.
- Section 11-44-128 Bond of commissioners; holding of offices of profit or trust, etc., by commissioners, etc.
- Section 11-44-129 Compensation of commissioners; disbursement of funds from municipal treasury.
- Section 11-44-130 Removal of commissioners - Filing, etc., of petition requesting resignation of commissioner; examination of petition, issuance of certificate, etc., by probate judge.
- Section 11-44-131 Removal of commissioners - Certification of lists of electors to probate judge where municipality situated in two or more counties.
- Section 11-44-132 Removal of commissioners - Unauthorized signing of petition.
- Section 11-44-133 Removal of commissioners - Fee of probate judge; payment of security upon presentation of petition to probate judge.
- Section 11-44-134 Removal of commissioners - Delivery of petition and certificate to board of commissioners; recall election; special election for selection of successor.
- Section 11-44-135 Distribution of municipal powers and duties among departments; authority of commissioners as heads of departments; additional duties of president of board.
- Section 11-44-136 Publication, enactment, etc., of ordinances or resolutions generally.
- Section 11-44-137 Ordinances granting franchises, etc., for use of public highways or property.
- Section 11-44-138 Conflicts of interest of commissioners, officers, or employees; certain persons not to be employed by or receive compensation from municipality; privileges, immunities, etc., of elec
- Section 11-44-139 Publication of semiannual statement of receipts and expenses, etc.; audit of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44-140 Alteration of form of government of municipality.
- Section 11-44-150 Petition to probate judge for election as to abandonment of commission form of government.
- Section 11-44-151 Examination of petition and certification thereof to president of board of commissioners.
- Section 11-44-152 Calling of election.
- Section 11-44-153 Subsequent elections not to be held within two years of preceding election.
- Section 11-44-154 Proposition submitted to voters; form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-44-155 Conduct of election, canvassing of vote and declaration of election result; adoption and certification thereof of provisions as to mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44-156 Mayor and aldermen - Election.
- Section 11-44-157 Mayor and aldermen - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-44-158 Continuation of corporate existence, etc., of municipality; continuation in force of laws, bylaws, ordinances, and resolutions.
- Section 11-44-159 Continuation of territorial limits; creation of wards; vesting of rights, powers, and privileges.
- Section 11-44-160 Rights, liabilities, civil actions, etc., not affected.
- Section 11-44-161 Continuation in office of officials and employees; offices of commissioners, president of board of commissioners, etc., abolished.
- Section 11-44-162 Management, etc., of municipalities abandoning commission form of government; powers, duties, etc., of mayor and aldermen.
- Section 11-44A-1 Referendum to determine continuation of commission or adoption of mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44A-2 Establishment of council districts; salaries; election notice; powers and duties of mayor-council.
- Section 11-44A-3 Mayor-council - Assumption of office; duties, etc., of commission terminated.
- Section 11-44A-4 Mayor-council - Terms.
- Section 11-44A-5 Conduct of election and referendum.
- Section 11-44A-6 Reapportionment of council districts.
- Section 11-44A-7 Effect of article on pre-existing rights and privileges of municipal employees, etc.
- Section 11-44A-8 Administrative officers continued; reassignment of duties and powers formerly exercised by abolished agency, etc.
- Section 11-44A-9 Civil service officers continued.
- Section 11-44A-10 Interagency transfer of records, equipment, etc.
- Section 11-44A-11 Municipal contracts continued; completion of public works required.
- Section 11-44A-12 Judicial proceedings unaffected by adoption of mayor-council government.
- Section 11-44A-13 Pension and retirement plans, etc., continued.
- Section 11-44A-14 Continuation of laws relating to certain boards, etc.
- Section 11-44A-15 Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44A-16 Continuation of ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-44A-30 Adoption of mayor-council form of government where commission form violates federal Voting Rights Act; division into single-member districts; residence requirements for candidates an
- Section 11-44A-31 Boundaries of districts.
- Section 11-44A-32 Form of government; powers and duties of municipality.
- Section 11-44B-1 Ordinance abandoning commission form of government and adopting mayor-council form.
- Section 11-44B-2 Ordinances establishing boundaries of seven-council districts and salaries of mayor and council members; compliance with Voting Rights Act; election of mayor and council; powers and d
- Section 11-44B-3 Mayor and council - Assumption of office; duties, etc., of commissioners terminated.
- Section 11-44B-4 Mayor and council - Terms; election date.
- Section 11-44B-5 Conduct of elections; qualifications of mayor and council; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-44B-6 Meetings; quorum; majority vote requirements; procedure for adoption of ordinances and resolutions; approval or veto of mayor; record of proceedings; power of council as to city emplo
- Section 11-44B-7 Powers and duties of mayor.
- Section 11-44B-8 Temporary and permanent vacancies in office of mayor; vacancy on city council.
- Section 11-44B-9 Franchise, lease, or right to use streets, public highways, thoroughfares, or public ways.
- Section 11-44B-10 Initial territorial limits; reapportionment of council districts; recommended plan for reapportionment; redistricting ordinance.
- Section 11-44B-11 City clerk, finance director, revenue director, city attorney, assistant city attorneys, and city department heads continued in office; powers and duties; claims against city; financ
- Section 11-44B-12 Existing rights and privileges of officers and employees; existing laws not inconsistent with personnel, etc., provisions of article.
- Section 11-44B-13 Persons holding administrative offices continued in office until other provisions made; powers and duties of abolished offices, etc.; certain offices, etc., deemed continued; referen
- Section 11-44B-14 Persons holding civil service positions continued in office; existing civil service system continued.
- Section 11-44B-15 Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., where powers and duties reassigned.
- Section 11-44B-16 Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-44B-17 Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44B-18 Pension, retirement, and relief fund laws continued in force.
- Section 11-44B-19 Laws relating to municipal boards, agencies, and service enterprises continued in force.
- Section 11-44B-20 Powers of city; vesting of existing rights, powers, and properties.
- Section 11-44B-21 Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect; references to certain officers or governing body in existing ordinances, etc., deemed references to mayor or council.
- Section 11-44B-22 Laws relating to or affecting city continued in effect; inconsistent or conflicting laws relating to exercise of powers, functions, and duties of commission or other form of governme
- Section 11-44B-23 Authority to collect surcharge on new water and/or sewer customers.
- Section 11-44B-24 Municipalities' authority to annex certain unincorporated territory.
- Section 11-44B-25 Procedures to reduce or delete areas from police jurisdiction.
- Section 11-44B-40 Applicability of article.
- Section 11-44B-41 Definitions.
- Section 11-44B-42 Scope of article; rules and regulations; job classification specifications; employment retention and removal; reduction of base pay.
- Section 11-44B-43 Filling of vacancies; eligibility lists; examinations; selection of applicants; promotions of firefighters and police officers.
- Section 11-44B-44 Probationary period for appointments.
- Section 11-44B-45 Appointments and promotions by merit.
- Section 11-44B-46 Establishment of personnel board; composition; terms; meetings; compensation; records.
- Section 11-44B-47 Disciplinary actions; hearing.
- Section 11-44B-48 Conduct of hearing; appeal and review.
- Section 11-44B-49 Use of authority to influence official action; candidates for municipal office to take leave of absence.
- Section 11-44B-50 Violations.
- Section 11-44B-51 Adoption of rules and regulations.
- Section 11-44C-1 Applicability of chapter.
- Section 11-44C-2 Special election as to adoption of commission or mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44C-3 Form of ballot; marking of ballot; use of voting machines.
- Section 11-44C-4 Conduct of election; portions of chapter applicable upon choosing form of government; election expenses.
- Section 11-44C-5 Provisions applicable to mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44C-6 Election of council and mayor-at-large; time of taking office; election expenses.
- Section 11-44C-7 Qualification of council candidates; votes cast by each voter; majority vote requirements; run-off elections; elections held quadrennially; when elected councilmen take office; term o
- Section 11-44C-8 Mayor - Majority vote requirements; run-off election.
- Section 11-44C-9 Mayor - Elections held quadrennially; oath; may succeed himself.
- Section 11-44C-10 City continued as municipal corporation.
- Section 11-44C-11 Government known as "mayor-council form of government"; powers of city vested in council; manner in which powers exercised.
- Section 11-44C-12 Powers of city generally.
- Section 11-44C-13 Council to consist of seven district council members; composition of districts.
- Section 11-44C-14 District council members - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-44C-15 District council members - No primary elections; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-44C-16 District council members - Oath of office.
- Section 11-44C-17 District council members - Qualifications; holding other offices; effect of conviction or loss of any qualification.
- Section 11-44C-18 District council members - Compensation; additional stipend for president of council.
- Section 11-44C-19 President of council.
- Section 11-44C-20 Vice-president of council.
- Section 11-44C-21 Powers of council; dealings with officers and employees in administrative service.
- Section 11-44C-22 Vacancies in council.
- Section 11-44C-23 Creating, changing, abolishing, or assigning additional functions to offices, departments, or agencies.
- Section 11-44C-24 City clerk continued in office; applicability of merit system; appointment of successor; duties.
- Section 11-44C-25 First meeting of council; council to meet regularly; meetings open to public.
- Section 11-44C-25.1 Number of required council meetings per year.
- Section 11-44C-26 Council to judge election and qualifications of members.
- Section 11-44C-27 Rules and order of business of council; journal of proceedings.
- Section 11-44C-28 Meetings of council; quorum; majority vote requirement; procedure; record of proceedings; procedure as to ordinances or resolutions of permanent operation; publication; no veto as to
- Section 11-44C-29 Grant of franchise, lease, or right to use streets, etc., by ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-44C-30 Revision and codification of ordinances, bylaws, and resolutions; comprehensive zone map.
- Section 11-44C-31 Monthly statement of receipts and expenses; annual examination of books and accounts.
- Section 11-44C-32 Mayor - Filing as candidate; qualifying fee.
- Section 11-44C-33 Mayor - No primary election; filing of pauper's oath or petition to become candidate.
- Section 11-44C-34 Mayor - Qualifications.
- Section 11-44C-35 Mayor - Compensation.
- Section 11-44C-36 Mayor - Vacancies; acting mayor; special election to fill vacancy; term of office.
- Section 11-44C-37 Mayor - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-44C-38 Divisions of city government; executive directors of divisions; city attorney; outside counsel.
- Section 11-44C-39 Distribution of work among departmental divisions.
- Section 11-44C-40 Mayor authorized to employ additional personnel; amount available for salaries; not subject to merit system.
- Section 11-44C-41 Fiscal, budget, and accounting years.
- Section 11-44C-42 Mayor to submit budget to council.
- Section 11-44C-43 Estimates of revenue and expenditures for each department, etc.; compilation of budget information by director of finance; review and revision of estimates.
- Section 11-44C-44 General fund budget.
- Section 11-44C-45 Recommended expenditures not to exceed estimated receipts unless additional revenue measures adopted; recommendations where receipts estimated to exceed expenditures; public utility
- Section 11-44C-46 Contents of budget message.
- Section 11-44C-47 Printing and distribution of budget message and general fund, public utility and capital budgets.
- Section 11-44C-48 Public hearing on budget.
- Section 11-44C-49 Revision of budget after hearing; increase in expenditures over mayor's recommendation; expenditures not to exceed receipts and surplus unless additional revenue measures adopted
- Section 11-44C-50 Summary of budget.
- Section 11-44C-51 Adoption of general fund budget and any necessary revenue measure; failure to adopt budget.
- Section 11-44C-52 Disapproval by mayor of expenditure line item; adherence by council to expenditure.
- Section 11-44C-53 Budget effective upon final adoption; certification; printing and distribution.
- Section 11-44C-54 Budget estimates for public utilities; presentation of budget to council.
- Section 11-44C-55 Submission of work program which shows requested appropriations for department, etc.; revision.
- Section 11-44C-56 Transfer of unencumbered balance from one department, etc., to another.
- Section 11-44C-57 Additional appropriations.
- Section 11-44C-58 Emergency appropriations.
- Section 11-44C-59 Lapse of unexpended and unencumbered appropriation.
- Section 11-44C-60 Capital improvement program.
- Section 11-44C-61 Capital budget; lapse of appropriations for capital improvement projects; reserve fund for permanent public improvements.
- Section 11-44C-62 Payments and obligations must be in accord with appropriations; certification by director of finance; void payments and obligations; penalty for knowing violations.
- Section 11-44C-63 Existing budget continued in force.
- Section 11-44C-64 Department of finance; director.
- Section 11-44C-65 Director of finance - Qualifications; bond.
- Section 11-44C-66 Director of finance - Powers and duties.
- Section 11-44C-67 Expenditures not to exceed appropriation for that general classification of expenditure; expenditures financed by bonds; leases or contracts for period exceeding budget year.
- Section 11-44C-68 Disposition of fees received by officers and employees.
- Section 11-44C-69 Division of department of finance to be responsible for purchases; powers and duties of division head.
- Section 11-44C-70 Competitive bidding on contracts for supplies, materials, or equipment.
- Section 11-44C-71 City improvements costing more than $2,000.00 to be executed by contract; bidding on contract; alteration of contract.
- Section 11-44C-72 Purchases and contracts shall be pursuant to written requisition; certification of balance sufficient to pay for contract or order.
- Section 11-44C-73 Revenue notes.
- Section 11-44C-74 Emergency notes.
- Section 11-44C-75 Notes not payable on demand; redemption prior to maturity; private sale.
- Section 11-44C-76 Existing rights and privileges of officers and employees; existing laws not inconsistent with personnel, etc., provisions of chapter.
- Section 11-44C-77 Personnel holding administrative office continued in office; transfer of powers and duties of office, etc., abolished by this chapter.
- Section 11-44C-78 Transfer of records, property, and equipment of office, etc., where powers and duties reassigned.
- Section 11-44C-79 Office, etc., with name or powers and duties the same or substantially same as existing office deemed a continuation of such office.
- Section 11-44C-80 Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-44C-81 Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44C-82 Laws relating to pensions or retirement and relief funds continued in force.
- Section 11-44C-83 Laws relating to authority for fairgrounds, etc., continued in force.
- Section 11-44C-84 Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect.
- Section 11-44C-85 Removal of merit system officers and employees; appeal of decision.
- Section 11-44C-86 Participation in meetings of council by mayor, department heads, etc.
- Section 11-44C-87 Inquiry into conduct of office, department, agency, or officer; investigations as to municipal affairs; subpoena power.
- Section 11-44C-88 Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; free transportation of officials, policemen, and firemen in discharge
- Section 11-44C-89 Oath taken by city officers.
- Section 11-44C-90 Reapportionment of council districts because of population change.
- Section 11-44C-91 Procedure for changing form of government; change from mayor-council form prohibited for two years.
- Section 11-44C-92 Commission form of government.
- Section 11-44C-93 Provisions applicable regardless of form of government chosen.
- Section 11-44C-94 Materials or supplies becoming component parts in repair, etc., of certain aircraft.
- Section 11-44C-94.1 Exemption reiterated for materials or supplies becoming component parts in repair, etc., of certain aircraft.
- Section 11-44C-95 Tax exemption for the Centre for the Living Arts, Inc.
- Section 11-44C-96 Tax exemption for BayFest, Inc.
- Section 11-44C-97 Water and sewer system boards - Composition.
- Section 11-44D-1 Ordinance abandoning commission form of government and referendum adopting mayor-council or manager-council form.
- Section 11-44D-2 Form of referendum ballot; use of voting machines.
- Section 11-44D-3 Conduct of referendum; election results determine which provisions of chapter applicable; election expenses.
- Section 11-44D-4 Mayor-council form of government.
- Section 11-44D-5 Council-manager form of government.
- Section 11-44D-6 Provisions applicable to both mayor-council and manager-council forms of government.
- Section 11-44D-7 Conduct of election and referendum.
- Section 11-44D-8 Reapportionment of council districts.
- Section 11-44D-9 Powers of city generally.
- Section 11-44D-10 Existing rights, powers, and properties continued.
- Section 11-44D-11 Initial territorial limits.
- Section 11-44D-12 Effect of chapter on preexisting rights and privileges of municipal employees, etc.
- Section 11-44D-13 Administrative officers continued; reassignment of powers and duties formerly exercised by abolished agency.
- Section 11-44D-14 Civil service officers continued.
- Section 11-44D-15 Interagency transfer of records, equipment, etc.
- Section 11-44D-16 Contracts continued; completion of public improvements.
- Section 11-44D-17 Pending actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44D-18 Pension and retirement plans, etc., continued.
- Section 11-44D-19 Continuation of laws relating to certain boards, etc.
- Section 11-44D-20 Continuation of ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-44D-21 Continuation of other laws relating to cities in this class.
- Section 11-44E-1 Cities to which chapter applies.
- Section 11-44E-2 Authority to adopt mayor/commission/city manager form of government; ordinance for election of commissioners.
- Section 11-44E-3 Election of commission and mayor; term of office.
- Section 11-44E-4 Mayor and commissioners to be known as commission; powers and duties; qualification and taking of office; commencement of mayor/commission/city manager form of government.
- Section 11-44E-20 Continuation as municipal corporation; duties, rights, etc.
- Section 11-44E-21 Government to be known as mayor/commission/city manager form of government; powers of city vested in commission; exercise of powers.
- Section 11-44E-22 Powers of city; acquisition of property; enumeration of powers in chapter not exclusive.
- Section 11-44E-40 Elections; qualification and term of office; oath.
- Section 11-44E-41 Statement of candidacy.
- Section 11-44E-42 Eligibility of candidates; vacancy when commissioner ceases to possess qualifications.
- Section 11-44E-43 Compensation; increase or decrease in compensation; bond.
- Section 11-44E-44 Powers of commission.
- Section 11-44E-45 Interference in appointment or removal of officers and employees; dealings of commission with administrative service.
- Section 11-44E-46 Vacancies in commission.
- Section 11-44E-47 Continuation of city clerk in office where subject to civil service or merit system; appointment where not subject to such system; duties of city clerk.
- Section 11-44E-48 Meetings of commission.
- Section 11-44E-49 Commission to judge election.
- Section 11-44E-50 Rules of procedure of commission; journal of commission proceedings.
- Section 11-44E-51 Meetings of commission; mayor to preside; quorum; majority vote requirement; enactment of resolutions, bylaws, and ordinances; record of proceedings; publication of ordinances.
- Section 11-44E-52 Grant of franchise; lease, or right to use streets, etc.; transfer of waterworks, sewer, electric, or gas plant and system to board or public corporation.
- Section 11-44E-53 Codification authorized.
- Section 11-44E-54 Examination of books and publication of accounts.
- Section 11-44E-70 Election; term; qualification.
- Section 11-44E-71 Statement of candidacy.
- Section 11-44E-72 Eligibility of candidates.
- Section 11-44E-73 Compensation; increase or decrease of compensation; bond.
- Section 11-44E-74 Vacancy in office of mayor; acting mayor; special election; qualification, duties, and term of successor.
- Section 11-44E-75 Powers and duties of mayor.
- Section 11-44E-76 Payment of all funds.
- Section 11-44E-90 Creation of office of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-91 Appointment of city manager; qualifications; residence; noneligibility of elected officials.
- Section 11-44E-92 Powers and duties of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-93 Noninterference by mayor or commission with certain duties of city manager; dealings with administrative service.
- Section 11-44E-94 Political, other improper influences on city manager and personnel under his (her) authority prohibited; ineligibility of candidates for public office to continue employment.
- Section 11-44E-95 Bond of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-96 Compensation of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-97 Eligibility and participation in city retirement and insurance plans.
- Section 11-44E-98 Contract between city manager and city.
- Section 11-44E-99 Vacancies in office of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-100 Temporary absence or disability of city manager.
- Section 11-44E-110 Fiscal, budget, and accounting year.
- Section 11-44E-111 Submission of budgets.
- Section 11-44E-112 Five-year plan.
- Section 11-44E-120 Division of city into six single-member districts.
- Section 11-44E-121 Reapportionment.
- Section 11-44E-140 Rights of officers and employees preserved.
- Section 11-44E-141 Continuance of present officers; exercise of powers of abolished agency by agency designated by commission.
- Section 11-44E-142 Continuance of officers and employees holding positions in classified service.
- Section 11-44E-143 Transfer of agency records and property.
- Section 11-44E-144 Office, etc., with name or powers and duties the same or substantially same as existing office deemed a continuation of such office.
- Section 11-44E-145 Existing contracts continued in force; public improvements for which legislative steps taken.
- Section 11-44E-146 Pending legal actions and proceedings.
- Section 11-44E-147 Laws relating to pensions or retirement and relief funds continued in force.
- Section 11-44E-148 Laws relating to authority for fairgrounds, etc., continued in force.
- Section 11-44E-149 Ordinances and resolutions continued in effect.
- Section 11-44E-160 Party caucus or primary for nomination of candidates for mayor or commissioner prohibited.
- Section 11-44E-161 Bribes; transportation of voters to polls.
- Section 11-44E-162 Statement of campaign contributions.
- Section 11-44E-163 Financial interest in public service utility.
- Section 11-44E-164 Election bribes; false statement as to qualification to vote; voting or offering to vote by person who is not qualified.
- Section 11-44E-165 Employee involvement in elections.
- Section 11-44E-166 Hiring of persons to solicit votes at polls on election day.
- Section 11-44E-167 Penalties for violations of this chapter; disqualification of candidate.
- Section 11-44E-168 Recall of elected official.
- Section 11-44E-180 Removal of officers and employees; appeal.
- Section 11-44E-181 Appointment of committees; inquiries and investigations by commission, etc.; subpoenas; failure to obey subpoena.
- Section 11-44E-182 Contracts extending beyond one year.
- Section 11-44E-183 Interest of official or employee in contracts with city or public utility prohibited; acceptance of gifts, etc.; penalty.
- Section 11-44E-184 Bonds of employees.
- Section 11-44E-185 Oath of office.
- Section 11-44E-186 Continuation of laws.
- Section 11-44E-187 Inclusion of annexed territory into districts.
- Section 11-44E-200 Authority to change from mayor/commission/city manager form of government.
- Section 11-44E-201 Petition for change of form of government; election as to proposed change; election of new officers and governing body; termination of term of office of mayor and commissioners.
- Section 11-44E-202 No election on change of form of government within two years.
- Section 11-44E-220 Effect of chapter on existing law.
- Section 11-44E-221 Short title.
- Section 11-44F-1 Adoption of mayor-council form of government where commission form violates federal Voting Rights Act; division into single-member districts; residence requirements for candidates and
- Section 11-44F-2 Boundaries of districts.
- Section 11-44F-3 Form of government; powers and duties of municipality.
- Section 11-44F-20 Governing body authorized to provide for referendum to determine status of mayor.
- Section 11-44F-21 Procedures for referendum.
- Section 11-44F-22 Ordinance once majority of voters vote in favor of mayor being full-time.
- Section 11-44F-23 Salary of mayor.
- Section 11-44F-24 Resolution that officer who fills vacancy not required to serve full-time.
- Section 11-44F-25 Subsequent referendum to reconsider status of mayor as part-time position.
- Section 11-44F-26 Construction with other law.
- Section 11-44G-1 Procedures in event of vacancy - City council.
- Section 11-44G-2 Procedures in event of vacancy - Mayor.
- Section 11-45-1 Adoption and enforcement authorized.
- Section 11-45-1.1 Subject matter of handguns reserved to State Legislature; power of municipality to adopt certain ordinances; concurrent jurisdiction of municipal courts with district courts.
- Section 11-45-2 Style of ordinances; procedure for adoption of ordinances or resolutions generally; manner of awarding contracts on bids.
- Section 11-45-3 Transmittal of ordinances or resolutions to mayor for consideration; approval by mayor and publication by clerk; recall of ordinances or resolutions from mayor.
- Section 11-45-4 Veto of ordinances and resolutions and passage over veto generally.
- Section 11-45-5 Veto, passage over veto, etc., of ordinances and resolutions fixing salaries of officers and employees.
- Section 11-45-6 Amendment of ordinances.
- Section 11-45-7 Codification of ordinances; adoption of code by ordinance.
- Section 11-45-8 Publication and recordation of ordinances; when ordinances take effect; adoption of certain technical codes by reference.
- Section 11-45-9 Penalties which may be imposed for violations of ordinances.
- Section 11-45-9.1 Issuance of summons and complaint in lieu of arrest for violation of certain ordinances; procedure; schedule of fines; additional penalty for failure to appear; disposition of fines.
- Section 11-45-10 Procedure for adoption or repeal of canine leash ordinance in Class 5 municipalities.
- Section 11-45-11 Judicial notice of ordinances of Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-46-1 Municipalities may provide for election, compensation, bond, etc., of officers.
- Section 11-46-2 Establishment of qualification fee for candidates for office.
- Section 11-46-3 Primary elections by political parties and partisan elections abolished in municipalities having 300,000 inhabitants or less.
- Section 11-46-4 Identification of electors eligible to vote; municipality, county contracts; official poll list.
- Section 11-46-5 Date of elections in certain municipalities.
- Section 11-46-6 Date of elections in certain Class 5 municipalities.
- Section 11-46-7 Polling places for municipal elections in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-46-20 Cities and towns governed by article; costs of elections; standard of time applicable; effect of legal holidays or closing days.
- Section 11-46-21 Time of elections; notice; assumption of duties by elected officers.
- Section 11-46-22 Notice of elections.
- Section 11-46-23 Authority and procedure for adjustment of boundary lines of wards, division of wards into voting districts, etc.
- Section 11-46-24 Designating and equipping voting places; election officials; canvass returns.
- Section 11-46-24.1 Designation of voting places in Class 8 municipalities by combination of districts and wards.
- Section 11-46-25 Ballots; statements of candidacy; withdrawal of candidacy.
- Section 11-46-26 Proceedings where only one candidate or nominee for office.
- Section 11-46-27 Appointment, compensation, etc., of election officers.
- Section 11-46-28 Polling place hours; duties of election officers; challenger; deletion of absentee voter applicants from voter list; preservation of order.
- Section 11-46-29 Appointment of election officers upon failure of others to attend polls.
- Section 11-46-30 Schools for instruction of election officials in use of voting machines; qualifications and certification of election officials.
- Section 11-46-31 Exhibition of voting machines for voter instruction and information; diagrams furnished with voting machines.
- Section 11-46-32 Election supplies.
- Section 11-46-33 Duties of clerk as to voting machines.
- Section 11-46-34 Voting booths.
- Section 11-46-35 Watchers.
- Section 11-46-36 Preparation, certification, filing, and publication of lists of qualified regular voters.
- Section 11-46-37 Preparation, etc., of lists of qualified voters upon disqualification of mayor, etc.
- Section 11-46-38 Electors to vote in wards or precincts of residence, etc.; qualifications for voting.
- Section 11-46-39 Oath and identification of voters challenged generally; voting procedure where paper ballots used generally.
- Section 11-46-40 Assistance of disabled electors generally.
- Section 11-46-41 Forms of oaths to be taken by and for challenged voters; penalty for false oath; refusal to take oath.
- Section 11-46-42 Number of electors allowed in polling place; time limit, etc., for occupation of booth.
- Section 11-46-43 Right of secret ballot; write-in voting prohibited.
- Section 11-46-44 Votes not to be counted until polls closed; disposition of poll lists and affidavits; counting of ballots.
- Section 11-46-45 Preparation of statements of vote; certification, sealing and delivery of statements and poll lists; packaging of ballots; sealing and delivery of ballot boxes.
- Section 11-46-46 Delivery of returns, etc.; retention and destruction of ballot boxes; opening of ballot boxes.
- Section 11-46-47 Delivery, examination, and identification of keys to voting machines; examination of counters, ballots, etc.; certification as to keys, counters, and ballots; opening of machines and
- Section 11-46-48 Provision of election materials and supplies; preparation of lighting facilities; posting and placement of diagrams and models.
- Section 11-46-49 Election officers for voting machines; duties.
- Section 11-46-50 Identification of voters where voting machines used; voting procedure generally; assistance of voters generally; challenges to voters.
- Section 11-46-51 Instruction of voters in use of machines; oath, etc., of disabled voters; assistance of voters.
- Section 11-46-52 Closing of polls; locking of machines; announcement of results; statements of canvass; proclamation; disposition of voting materials.
- Section 11-46-53 Voting machines to remain locked during period for filing of contests; when seals of machines may be broken; disposition of records taken from machines.
- Section 11-46-54 Designation, etc., of custodians of voting machines and keys; transportation, storage, and protection of machines.
- Section 11-46-55 Canvassing of returns and certificate of election; determination of majority ; runoff elections.
- Section 11-46-55.1 Recount procedures.
- Section 11-46-56 Absentee ballots - Eligibility.
- Section 11-46-57 Absentee ballots - Casting and handling of ballots generally; duties of registers, clerks, etc., generally; applicability of other laws relating to absentee voting.
- Section 11-46-58 Absentee ballots - Marking, posting, etc., of lists of applicants for absentee ballots.
- Section 11-46-59 Offenses of mayor and other executive officers.
- Section 11-46-60 Offenses of clerks.
- Section 11-46-61 Offenses of election officers generally.
- Section 11-46-62 Offenses of inspectors.
- Section 11-46-63 Failure of returning officer to deliver statement of votes and poll list.
- Section 11-46-64 Deception of disabled voters by marker, etc.
- Section 11-46-65 Drinking of intoxicating liquors by watcher.
- Section 11-46-67 Offenses of electors.
- Section 11-46-68 Miscellaneous offenses.
- Section 11-46-69 Contest of elections - Grounds; commencement of action.
- Section 11-46-70 Contest of elections - Trial; entry of judgment.
- Section 11-46-71 Annulment of elections.
- Section 11-46-72 Procedure where election not held on day appointed.
- Section 11-46-73 Provisions of article as to offenses cumulative.
- Section 11-46-74 Use of election dates established by classification act or local act.
- Section 11-46-90 Applicability of article; costs of elections.
- Section 11-46-91 Standard of time applicable; effect of legal holidays or closing days; municipal governing body defined.
- Section 11-46-92 Time of holding regular, special, or runoff elections; assumption of duties by officers elected; service until successors are elected and qualified.
- Section 11-46-93 Notice of elections.
- Section 11-46-94 Authority and procedure for adjustment of boundary lines of wards; division of wards into voting districts, etc.
- Section 11-46-95 Designation of voting places generally; voting centers; officials and equipment; voting procedures.
- Section 11-46-96 Ballots; statements of candidacy; withdrawal of candidacy.
- Section 11-46-97 Proceedings where only one candidate for office.
- Section 11-46-98 Appointment, compensation, etc., of election officers.
- Section 11-46-99 Hours during which polls open; attendance at and opening of polls by election officers; oath of officers; selection and duties of challengers; deletion of voters by absentee ballot fr
- Section 11-46-100 Appointment of election officers upon failure of others to attend polls.
- Section 11-46-101 Schools for instruction of election officials in use of voting machines; qualifications and certification of election officials.
- Section 11-46-102 Public exhibition of voting machines for instruction and information of voters; posting, etc., of diagrams furnished with voting machines.
- Section 11-46-103 Election supplies.
- Section 11-46-104 Duties of clerk as to voting machines.
- Section 11-46-105 Voting booths.
- Section 11-46-106 Watchers.
- Section 11-46-107 Preparation, certification, filing, and publication of lists of qualified regular voters.
- Section 11-46-108 Preparation, etc., of lists of qualified voters upon disqualification of mayor, etc.
- Section 11-46-109 Electors to vote in ward or precinct of residence, etc.; qualifications for voting; challenges of voters generally.
- Section 11-46-110 Oath and identification of voters challenged generally; voting procedure where paper ballots used generally.
- Section 11-46-111 Assistance of disabled electors generally.
- Section 11-46-112 Forms of oaths to be taken by and for challenged voters; penalty for false oath; refusal to take oath.
- Section 11-46-113 Number of electors allowed in polling place; time limit, etc., for occupation of booth.
- Section 11-46-114 Right of secret ballot; write-in voting prohibited.
- Section 11-46-115 Votes not to be counted until polls closed; disposition of poll lists and affidavits; counting of ballots.
- Section 11-46-116 Preparation of statements of vote; certification, sealing, and delivery of statements and poll lists; packaging of ballots; sealing and delivery of ballot boxes.
- Section 11-46-117 Delivery of returns, etc., to governing body; retention and destruction of ballot boxes generally; when ballot boxes may be opened.
- Section 11-46-118 Delivery, examination, and identification of keys to voting machines; examination of ballots, counters, etc.; certification as to keys, counters, and ballots; opening of machines and
- Section 11-46-119 Provision of election materials and supplies; preparation of lighting facilities; posting and placement of diagrams and models.
- Section 11-46-120 Election officers for voting machines; duties.
- Section 11-46-121 Identification of voters where voting machines used; voting procedure generally; assistance of voters generally; challenges to voters.
- Section 11-46-122 Instruction of voters in use of machines; oath, etc., of disabled voters; assistance of voters.
- Section 11-46-123 Closing of polls; locking of machines; announcement of results; statements of canvass; proclamation; disposition of voting materials.
- Section 11-46-124 Voting machines to remain locked during period for filing of contests; when seals of machines may be broken; disposition of records taken from machines.
- Section 11-46-125 Designation, etc., of custodians of voting machines and keys; transportation, storage, and protection of machines.
- Section 11-46-126 Canvassing of returns, declaration of election result, and issuance of certificate of election by board of commissioners; runoff elections.
- Section 11-46-127 Absentee ballots - Eligibility.
- Section 11-46-128 Absentee ballots - Casting and handling of ballots generally; duties of registers, clerks, etc., generally; applicability of other laws relating to absentee voting.
- Section 11-46-129 Absentee ballots - Marking, posting, etc., of lists of applicants for absentee ballots.
- Section 11-46-130 Offenses of mayors and other executive officers.
- Section 11-46-131 Offenses of clerks.
- Section 11-46-132 Offenses of election officers generally.
- Section 11-46-133 Offenses of inspectors.
- Section 11-46-134 Failure of returning officer to deliver statement of votes and poll list.
- Section 11-46-135 Deception of disabled voter by marker, etc.
- Section 11-46-136 Drinking of intoxicating liquors by watcher.
- Section 11-46-138 Offenses of electors.
- Section 11-46-139 Miscellaneous offenses.
- Section 11-46-140 Contest of elections - Grounds; commencement of action.
- Section 11-46-141 Contest of elections - Trial; entry of judgment.
- Section 11-46-142 Annulment of elections.
- Section 11-46-143 Procedure where election not held on day appointed.
- Section 11-46-144 Provisions of article as to offenses cumulative.
- Section 11-46-145 Use of election dates established by classification act or local act.
- Section 11-47-1 Borrowing of money authorized - Twelve-month renewable loans.
- Section 11-47-2 Borrowing of money authorized - Thirty-year loans.
- Section 11-47-3 Contracts and indebtedness for construction, extension, etc., of municipal buildings, waterworks systems, etc., authorized; consolidation, etc., of waterworks and lighting systems, etc
- Section 11-47-4 Authority for issuance of bonds after reorganization.
- Section 11-47-5 Execution of contracts.
- Section 11-47-6 Contracts to be awarded to lowest responsible bidder.
- Section 11-47-7 Erection, maintenance, etc., of jails, morgues, hospitals, etc.
- Section 11-47-7.1 Additional court costs and fees on certain municipal cases authorized; distribution of funds for jails or court complex.
- Section 11-47-8 Removal of prisoners from municipal jail to another jail.
- Section 11-47-9 Advertisement of municipalities - Authorized.
- Section 11-47-10 Advertisement of municipalities - Costs.
- Section 11-47-11 Appropriations, etc., for promotion, etc., of municipal resources and for promotion of industry, etc., within municipality, etc.
- Section 11-47-12 Provision of building for storage of gunpowder, etc.
- Section 11-47-13 Purchase of school property and erection of school buildings; levy of tax therefor.
- Section 11-47-14 Provision of wharves and landings and improvement of waterfronts generally.
- Section 11-47-14.1 Construction of port facilities by Class 1 municipalities; bonds and other contributions.
- Section 11-47-15 Alteration of channel of watercourse; construction, maintenance, leasing, etc., of wharves and buildings, etc., on and near wharves and wharf sites.
- Section 11-47-16 Establishment, acquisition, administration, etc., of public cultural facilities.
- Section 11-47-17 Provision of public scales, inspection of weights and measures, etc.
- Section 11-47-18 Provision for lighting, sprinkling, and cleaning of streets.
- Section 11-47-19 Establishment, etc., of public grounds, parks, etc., and provision of music and other exhibitions.
- Section 11-47-20 Disposition of unneeded real estate - Generally.
- Section 11-47-21 Disposition of unneeded real estate - Leasing thereof.
- Section 11-47-22 Exercise of police jurisdiction over hospitals, poorhouses, cemeteries, etc.
- Section 11-47-23 Limitation periods for presentation of claims against municipalities.
- Section 11-47-24 Government agency required to provide defense counsel to any employee sued for damages arising out of performance of official duties; municipal corporation authorized to obtain liabil
- Section 11-47-25 Acceptance of credit card payments in Class 1 municipalities.
- Section 11-47-40 Ownership, regulation, etc., of municipal cemeteries; regulation, etc., of establishment or use of private cemeteries within police jurisdiction.
- Section 11-47-41 Contracts for municipal care and maintenance of burial grounds, cemeteries, and graves - Authorized.
- Section 11-47-42 Contracts for municipal care and maintenance of burial grounds, cemeteries, and graves - Manner of contracting.
- Section 11-47-60 Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred therein - Adoption, etc.
- Section 11-47-61 Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred therein - Specification as to removal of remains after two months.
- Section 11-47-62 Declaration for abandonment of cemetery and removal of human remains interred therein - Publication, posting, and mailing of notice.
- Section 11-47-63 Removal and reinterment of remains by corporations, etc., generally; notices.
- Section 11-47-64 Notice to board of health of removal of remains, etc.; removal of remains, etc., subject to rules and regulations of board of health.
- Section 11-47-65 Voluntary removal of remains by relative or friend of person interred or by owner of plat or lot; affidavit of person removing remains.
- Section 11-47-66 Purchase and sale of lands, etc., for reinterment of remains from abandoned cemeteries; reservation of lands in abandoned cemeteries for erection of memorial mausoleum, etc.
- Section 11-47-67 Reinterment of remains generally.
- Section 11-47-68 Erection of markers upon and preparation, filing, etc., of maps, plans, etc., of lands, etc., where remains reinterred.
- Section 11-47-69 Care, etc., of lands, etc., in which remains reinterred.
- Section 11-47-70 Removal, etc., of monuments, headstones, etc., from graves from which remains removed.
- Section 11-47-71 Sale, etc., of lands in abandoned cemeteries by corporations, etc.; confirmation of sales by probate court.
- Section 11-47-72 Filing, etc., of declaration as to removal of all remains from abandoned cemetery.
- Section 11-47-73 Payment of expenses of abandonment and removal by corporations, etc.; disposition of funds of corporation, etc., remaining thereafter.
- Section 11-47-74 Removal of remains, etc., from cemeteries owned by churches, etc.
- Section 11-47-90 Authorization for conduct by municipality; appointment, oath, and duties of enumerators.
- Section 11-47-91 Arrangement and return of enumeration; certification of same to Secretary of State; effect as to conduct of school census.
- Section 11-47-92 Authorization for conduct by federal bureau of census; limitation.
- Section 11-47-93 Use of federally conducted census.
- Section 11-47-94 Effect of taking and filing report of census.
- Section 11-47-95 Limitation upon taking of census.
- Section 11-47-110 Animals running at large on streets; driving livestock through streets.
- Section 11-47-111 Prohibition of gaming and gambling houses, etc.
- Section 11-47-112 Promotion of temperance; suppression of intemperance and traffic in certain beverages, etc.
- Section 11-47-113 Prohibition of houses of prostitution.
- Section 11-47-114 Regulation of running, etc., of trains or automobiles within corporate limits.
- Section 11-47-115 Regulation of operation of street railroad company over tracks of another.
- Section 11-47-116 Taking up and storing of abandoned and stolen personal property; redemption by owner; sale and disposition of proceeds.
- Section 11-47-117 Abatement of nuisances, etc., generally; assessment of costs of abatement.
- Section 11-47-118 Maintenance of civil actions to enjoin and abate public nuisances.
- Section 11-47-130 Maintenance of health and cleanliness generally.
- Section 11-47-131 Powers as to health, sanitation and quarantine generally.
- Section 11-47-132 Provision for system of compulsory vaccination, etc.
- Section 11-47-133 Appropriation of funds for care of certain sick and wounded persons in municipal hospitals.
- Section 11-47-134 Establishment, aid, etc., of hospitals, poorhouses, etc., in counties; removal and detention of persons with contagious, etc., diseases.
- Section 11-47-135 Establishment of incinerators, etc., for disposal of garbage, etc.; hauling and disposal of garbage and trash; fees.
- Section 11-47-136 Prohibition of sale, etc., of impure, adulterated, etc., food, drink, etc.; provision for inspections; fees.
- Section 11-47-137 Regulation, etc., of markets and marketing of food products, etc.
- Section 11-47-138 Establishment, regulation, etc., of slaughterhouses and pens; regulation of sale, etc., of fresh meats, etc.; fees and charges.
- Section 11-47-139 Inspection of dairies, meats, etc., for other municipalities.
- Section 11-47-140 Construction, regulation, etc., of public wells, cisterns, etc.; requirement of cutting of weeds, proper setting of gutters, etc.
- Section 11-47-170 Acquisition of lands, easements, etc., by municipality; limitations on condemnation.
- Section 11-47-171 Authorization of acquisition by municipal governing body.
- Section 11-47-172 Procedure for condemnation and appeal; asssessment of value, etc.
- Section 11-47-173 Right of entry of municipality pending appeal.
- Section 11-47-190 When municipality liable; joint liability of other persons or corporations.
- Section 11-47-191 Institution of actions, entry, and execution of judgments against municipalities and other persons or corporations jointly liable.
- Section 11-47-192 Filing of statement as to manner of injury, damages claimed, etc.
- Section 11-47-210 Definitions.
- Section 11-47-210.1 Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-47-211 Powers of subdivisions as to acquisition or leasing of lands, buildings, etc., for projects, generally.
- Section 11-47-212 Exercise by subdivision with respect to projects outside corporate limits or boundaries of powers granted with respect to projects within corporate limits or boundaries.
- Section 11-47-213 Cooperation by subdivisions in acquisition, establishment, operation, etc., of projects; powers of cooperating subdivisions.
- Section 11-47-214 Authorization by subdivisions of organization and incorporation of authorities for acquisition, establishment, operation, etc., of projects generally; application for authority to fo
- Section 11-47-215 Certificate of incorporation of authorities - Contents.
- Section 11-47-216 Certificate of incorporation of authorities - Form; execution and acknowledgment; filing with probate judge; recordation by probate judge; amendment.
- Section 11-47-217 Boards of directors of authorities.
- Section 11-47-218 Powers of authorities generally; location of projects; exercise of power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-47-219 Authority and procedure for dissolution of authorities; vesting of title, etc., to properties thereof upon dissolution.
- Section 11-47-220 Construction of article.
- Section 11-47-221 Bonds of an authority - Execution and delivery; form and denominations; rate of interest; redemption; issuance and sale.
- Section 11-47-222 Bonds of an authority - Sale and issuance of refunding bonds; maturity; limitation on principal amount; use of proceeds; effectuation of refunding by sale or exchange of bonds.
- Section 11-47-223 Bonds of an authority - Signature and seal.
- Section 11-47-224 Bonds of an authority - Payment out of revenues; security for payment; mortgages, security interests, or assignments as security for payment.
- Section 11-47-225 Use of proceeds of borrowing; application of any portion of proceeds not needed for original purposes.
- Section 11-47-226 Loans, donations, performance of services, etc., by county, municipality, or other political subdivision, etc., to achieve objectives of article; funding agreements; amount of indebt
- Section 11-47-227 Construction of bonds as negotiable instruments.
- Section 11-47-228 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-47-229 Exemption from state laws governing usury or prescribing or limiting interest rates.
- Section 11-47-230 Compliance with state laws governing competitive bidding.
- Section 11-47-231 Bonds as legal investments.
- Section 11-47-232 Authority as nonprofit corporation.
- Section 11-47-233 Notice respecting issuance of bonds; limitation of actions contesting validity of bonds.
- Section 11-47-234 Eminent domain.
- Section 11-47-235 Effect of revenue obligations on State of Alabama; prohibition against use of state funds to retire indebtedness.
- Section 11-47-236 Application of Alabama Administrative Procedure Act to rules adopted by authorities.
- Section 11-47-237 Application of State Ethics Act to members of authorities.
- Section 11-47-238 Relationship of article to other laws.
- Section 11-47-239 Construction of article to effect its purpose.
- Section 11-47-240 Definitions.
- Section 11-47-241 Powers of certain cities as to planning, establishment, operation, etc., of parking facilities.
- Section 11-47-242 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-47-243 Construction of article.
- Section 11-47-250 Definitions.
- Section 11-47-251 Powers of coastal municipalities.
- Section 11-47-252 Requirements for construction of beach project.
- Section 11-48-1 Short title.
- Section 11-48-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-48-3 Applicability of provisions of article.
- Section 11-48-4 General powers of municipalities as to public improvements.
- Section 11-48-5 Adoption of ordinance or resolution describing proposed improvement, ordering preparation of plans, specifications, etc., thereof, etc.
- Section 11-48-6 Filing of plans, specifications, etc., of improvements in office of engineer for public inspection; establishment of date for hearing of objections as to improvements.
- Section 11-48-7 Publication of ordinance or resolution; notice to certain property owners of ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-48-8 Hearing upon objections as to proposed improvement; amendment, modification, rescission, etc., of ordinance or resolution; actions ratified and confirmed where prior to ordinance, reso
- Section 11-48-9 Costs of proposed improvements specified; payment of portion thereof by council.
- Section 11-48-10 When council to establish grade of street, alley, sidewalk, etc., to be improved.
- Section 11-48-11 Notice, advertisement and letting of contract for improvements.
- Section 11-48-12 City or town engineer, etc., to supervise work, appointment of engineer, etc.
- Section 11-48-13 Council to accept or reject work, etc., for municipality.
- Section 11-48-14 Assessment of costs of improvements against property abutting or benefited by improvements authorized generally.
- Section 11-48-15 Assessment against lands purchased by state at sale for nonpayment of taxes of costs of street improvements and sewers authorized; effect of redemption or sale of said lands.
- Section 11-48-16 Manner of assessment of costs of improvements generally - Sewers, swamp drainage, seawalls, levees, etc.
- Section 11-48-16.1 Assessment of charge against landowner seeking to connect to sewer.
- Section 11-48-17 Manner of assessment of costs of improvements generally - Improvements of intersections of streets, alleys, etc.
- Section 11-48-18 Manner of assessment of costs of improvements generally - Sidewalk improvements.
- Section 11-48-19 Assessment of costs of improvements against railroads.
- Section 11-48-20 Preparation, etc., of list of property owners to be assessed for improvement.
- Section 11-48-21 Entry of list in assessment book for local improvements.
- Section 11-48-22 Delivery of assessment book to city or town clerk; publication of notice as to delivery and inspection of book, etc.
- Section 11-48-23 Notice of hearing upon objections, etc., to assessments.
- Section 11-48-24 Contents of notice as to assessments for improvements.
- Section 11-48-25 Effect and correction of defects or errors in notice.
- Section 11-48-26 Filing of written objections, etc., to assessments by property owners.
- Section 11-48-27 Hearing upon objections to assessments - Conduct generally.
- Section 11-48-28 Hearing upon objections to assessments - Powers of council as to subpoena of witnesses, etc.
- Section 11-48-29 Fixing of amount of assessments by council and effect thereof; reduction, abatement, etc., of assessments generally.
- Section 11-48-30 Reduction or abatement of assessments on property owned by government or charitable organizations in municipalities having population of 20,000 or less - Authority generally; reconvey
- Section 11-48-31 Reduction or abatement of assessments on property owned by government or charitable organizations in municipalities having population of 20,000 or less - Erroneous assessments; assess
- Section 11-48-32 Assignment and transfer of assessment liens.
- Section 11-48-33 Enforcement of assessment liens in circuit court.
- Section 11-48-34 Effect of enforcement of tax liens upon property upon assessment liens; duration of assessment liens.
- Section 11-48-35 Effect of sale of property for enforcement of assessment lien upon other assessment liens upon same property.
- Section 11-48-36 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Authorized.
- Section 11-48-37 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Bond.
- Section 11-48-38 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Entry on trial docket.
- Section 11-48-39 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Transcript for appeal - Contents.
- Section 11-48-40 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Authorized - Prima facie evidence.
- Section 11-48-41 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Conduct generally; right of jury trial; entry of judgment and assessment of costs generally.
- Section 11-48-42 Appeals to circuit court from assessments - Entry of judgment for amounts properly chargeable against lands where assessment defective.
- Section 11-48-43 Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By property owner - Authorized; bonds.
- Section 11-48-44 Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By property owner - Conduct generally.
- Section 11-48-45 Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By property owner - Addition of interest and damages upon affirmance of judgment for municipality.
- Section 11-48-46 Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By municipality - Authorized; bond not required.
- Section 11-48-47 Appeals from judgment of circuit court - By municipality - Issuance of execution and order of sale upon entry of final judgment in favor of municipality.
- Section 11-48-48 Payment of assessments generally.
- Section 11-48-48.1 Payment of assessments in Class 2 municipalities.
- Section 11-48-49 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment, or interest - Notice.
- Section 11-48-50 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest — Payment of assessment prior to sale.
- Section 11-48-51 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest — Costs of notice and sale charged against land, etc.
- Section 11-48-52 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Execution, etc., of deed to purchaser at sale; disposition of surplus from sale; purcha
- Section 11-48-53 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of owner to pay assessment, installment, or interest - Effect of error or defect in notice or sale.
- Section 11-48-54 Redemption of property after sale generally.
- Section 11-48-55 Extension of redemption period.
- Section 11-48-56 Application for entry of certificate of warning to redeem upon record of local improvement assessment sale deed; contents of certificate.
- Section 11-48-57 Mailing of copies of deed and certificate to persons last assessed upon property described in deed by probate judge; entry of certificate on record of deed, etc.
- Section 11-48-58 Redemption of property during extended redemption period.
- Section 11-48-59 Performance of duties of probate judge; liability of probate judge for errors in performance of duties.
- Section 11-48-60 Applicability of provisions of Sections 11-48-54 through 11-48-58.
- Section 11-48-61 Making of temporary loans or issuance of bonds during progress of work to pay for cost of improvement.
- Section 11-48-62 Issuance of bonds after completion of work.
- Section 11-48-63 Applicability of provisions of law as to issuance of municipal bonds generally.
- Section 11-48-64 Acquisition of lands, easements, etc., for public improvements.
- Section 11-48-65 Article not to affect power of municipality to compel property owners to repair sidewalks, etc.
- Section 11-48-80 Definitions.
- Section 11-48-81 Powers of cities as to construction of public improvements, assessment of cost thereof against property benefited, etc., outside corporate limits generally; requirement as to consent
- Section 11-48-82 Issuance of general obligation bonds, etc., to pay cost of improvements.
- Section 11-48-83 Issuance of bonds payable solely out of proceeds from assessments to pay cost of improvements.
- Section 11-48-100 Apportionment of assessment against property for public improvement among joint owners thereof authorized; discharge of portion of assessment lien upon payment of portion of assessme
- Section 11-48-101 Petition of tenant in common for division of assessment among joint owners of property.
- Section 11-48-102 Division of assessment among tenants in common and acceptance of payment of and discharge of lien upon proportionate shares of assessment.
- Section 11-48-103 Notice to property owners of division of assessment.
- Section 11-48-104 Appeals from division of assessment.
- Section 11-48-105 Correction of description of ownership of property; reduction of assessment.
- Section 11-48-106 Effect of reduction of assessment, etc., upon assessment lien.
- Section 11-49-1 Consent to use public streets, etc., for construction or operation of public utility or private enterprise; fees.
- Section 11-49-2 Regulation of cellar openings, stairways, signs, etc., on sidewalks; regulation, construction, etc., of sidewalk repairs.
- Section 11-49-3 Railroads and public utilities using streets to be required to keep streets in repair, etc.
- Section 11-49-4 Establishment of speed limits, etc., within corporate limits.
- Section 11-49-5 Posting of sign boards as to municipal speed limits.
- Section 11-49-6 Vacation of right-of-way fee.
- Section 11-49-20 Exclusive rights of municipalities as to establishment, regulation, etc., of ferries.
- Section 11-49-21 Applications for and granting of licenses for establishment of ferries - Procedure generally.
- Section 11-49-22 Applications for and granting of licenses for establishment of ferries - Publication, posting, etc., of notice of application.
- Section 11-49-23 Licenses to be granted for establishment of ferries at public road crossings only; annulment of nonconforming licenses.
- Section 11-49-40 Authorized.
- Section 11-49-41 Vacation of street where bridge, tunnel, etc., to be constructed to be provided for.
- Section 11-49-42 Passage, etc., of ordinance requiring construction, etc., of bridge, tunnel, etc.; apportionment of costs between railroads.
- Section 11-49-43 Penalization of railroad, etc., for failure to comply with ordinance ordering construction, etc., of bridge, tunnel, etc.
- Section 11-49-44 Enforcement of ordinance by action in circuit court.
- Section 11-49-45 Right of appeal of railroad from ordinances requiring construction, etc., of bridges, tunnels, etc., and from orders imposing penalties for failure to comply therewith.
- Section 11-49-60 Contract by municipality for payment of proportionate share of cost of highway, street, etc., within municipality constructed, improved, etc., by county, state, or federal government
- Section 11-49-61 Enforcement, etc., of lien on property assessed for highway, street, etc.
- Section 11-49-62 Issuance of bonds to pay proportionate share of cost of highway, street, etc.
- Section 11-49-63 Conduct of proceedings under article.
- Section 11-49-80 Adoption of resolution to assume authority over streets within municipality controlled by county; responsibility for streets where unincorporated territory annexed; mutual agreements
- Section 11-49-81 Contents of resolution; when resolution effective.
- Section 11-49-100 Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Authorized generally.
- Section 11-49-101 Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Publication of notice as to introduction of ordinance and time for consideration thereof
- Section 11-49-102 Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Publication of notice as to introduction of ordinance and time for consideration thereof
- Section 11-49-103 Adoption of ordinance for vacation of street and erection of public building, etc., thereon - Two-thirds vote of council, etc., required.
- Section 11-49-104 Portion of street to remain open to travel and traffic.
- Section 11-49-105 Property rights in vacated portion of street.
- Section 11-49-106 Liability for damages for vacation of street.
- Section 11-49A-1 Legislative findings and purpose.
- Section 11-49A-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-49A-3 Meaning of "herein," etc.; construction of definitions.
- Section 11-49A-4 Application; resolution of denial or approval by governing body.
- Section 11-49A-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing; contents; signing and acknowledging; additional documents; notice to Secretary of State.
- Section 11-49A-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendments; resolution; application; denial or approval of governing body; filing.
- Section 11-49A-7 Organization of authority; board of directors; election; terms; vacancies; qualifications; expenses and compensation; removal.
- Section 11-49A-8 Powers of authority.
- Section 11-49A-9 Rates for public transportation service.
- Section 11-49A-10 Bonds - Signature and seal; form and terms; sale; from what sources payable; trust indentures, mortgages, etc.
- Section 11-49A-11 Bonds - Contracts as security for payment.
- Section 11-49A-12 Statutory mortgage lien; creation; filing of notice.
- Section 11-49A-13 Use of bond proceeds.
- Section 11-49A-14 Powers of localities, agencies, etc.
- Section 11-49A-15 Exemption from taxes, fees, and costs.
- Section 11-49A-16 Exemption from additional proceedings, regulation, etc.
- Section 11-49A-17 Use of rights-of-way.
- Section 11-49A-18 Annual budget; amendments; annual audit.
- Section 11-49A-19 Dissolution of authority; apportionment of property.
- Section 11-49A-20 Incorporation of additional authorities in same county prohibited.
- Section 11-49B-1 Declaration of purpose and legislative findings.
- Section 11-49B-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-49B-3 Filing of application; authorization of incorporation by governing body of authorizing county.
- Section 11-49B-4 Procedure to incorporate contents and execution of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-49B-5 Amendments to certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-49B-6 Board of directors.
- Section 11-49B-7 Powers of authority.
- Section 11-49B-8 Rates and charges.
- Section 11-49B-9 Bonds of authority.
- Section 11-49B-10 Contracts to secure bonds and assumed obligations.
- Section 11-49B-11 Statutory mortgage lien.
- Section 11-49B-12 Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-49B-13 Cooperation; aid from other public bodies.
- Section 11-49B-14 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-49B-15 Freedom of authority from Public Service Commission and other state supervision and control.
- Section 11-49B-16 Use of public roads.
- Section 11-49B-17 Annual budgets and audits required.
- Section 11-49B-18 Civil service of merit systems not applicable.
- Section 11-49B-19 Dissolution of authority and vesting of property.
- Section 11-49B-20 Employee protective provisions.
- Section 11-49B-21 Existence of an authority prevents incorporation of another by the same county.
- Section 11-49B-22 Taxes; exemptions; reporting credit sales; lien security; state sales tax provisions applicable; charge for collecting tax; voting.
- Section 11-49B-23 Repeal of conflicting laws; transfer of funds; assumption of assets and liabilities.
- Section 11-49C-1 Agreements with contiguous municipalities in other states.
- Section 11-49C-2 Purpose.
- Section 11-49C-3 Joint exercise of powers, privileges, or authority.
- Section 11-49C-4 Agreements construed as interstate compacts; actions in case of controversy.
- Section 11-49C-5 Use of funds for personnel or services.
- Section 11-50-1 Establishment, purchase, etc., of waterworks, gas or electric plants by municipalities generally; contracts for furnishing of water, gas, or electricity; regulation of gas, electricity
- Section 11-50-1.1 Acquisition of certain waterworks systems only with consent of governing board of corporation or association operating same.
- Section 11-50-2 Acquisition of power lines and rights-of-way, etc., incident thereto.
- Section 11-50-3 Sale of water and power to other municipalities.
- Section 11-50-4 Condemnation of sources of water, watersheds, rights-of-way, etc., to secure water supply.
- Section 11-50-5 Construction, purchase, operation, etc., of waterworks and water supply plants and systems and expenditure of municipal funds therefor.
- Section 11-50-6 Issuance of bonds for payment for waterworks plants, etc., purchased; security for bonds; provision in purchase agreement as to disposition of revenues from plants, etc.
- Section 11-50-6.1 Referendum on issuing obligations to construct hydroelectric generating facility in Class 5 municipality.
- Section 11-50-7 Provision in purchase agreement as to franchise right of purchaser at foreclosure sale.
- Section 11-50-8 Execution of mortgages or deeds of trust as security for debts, etc., incurred in construction, acquisition, etc., of waterworks, electric lighting, or power plants, etc.
- Section 11-50-9 Terms, covenants, etc., in mortgages or deeds of trust generally.
- Section 11-50-10 Provision in mortgages or deeds of trust as to franchise right, etc., of purchaser at foreclosure sale.
- Section 11-50-11 Provision in mortgages or deeds of trust as to disposition of revenues, etc., from plants, rates, and charges, etc.
- Section 11-50-12 Combination of electric light and power plants, etc., and waterworks plants, etc.; use of electric light and power plants, etc., and disposition of revenues therefrom.
- Section 11-50-13 Transfer of waterworks, sewer, electric, and gas plants, etc., to boards organized and incorporated to own and operate same.
- Section 11-50-14 Agreements with boards; conditions, etc., in instruments of transfer as to control, operation, etc., of plants, etc., by boards; powers of boards as to conveyance, etc., of title to p
- Section 11-50-15 Fees of directors.
- Section 11-50-16 Employment of mayor or president of board of commissioners of certain municipalities as superintendent of light, water, sewer or gas systems, etc.; duties and compensation; validation
- Section 11-50-17 Payment of interest by waterworks boards in Class 1 municipalities on customer security deposits.
- Section 11-50-30 Acquisition, etc., by foreign municipalities of property necessary to afford adequate water supply authorized.
- Section 11-50-31 Rights and powers of domestic municipal corporations as to acquisition, maintenance, etc., of waterworks systems conferred upon foreign municipal corporations.
- Section 11-50-32 Rights and powers of foreign municipal corporations to contract with persons, municipal corporations, etc., within state for water supply.
- Section 11-50-33 Consent of counties and municipalities required.
- Section 11-50-34 Exercise of jurisdiction over territory acquired by foreign municipalities generally.
- Section 11-50-35 Exemption from levy, attachment, etc., of property of foreign municipal corporations.
- Section 11-50-36 Taxation of property acquired by foreign municipalities.
- Section 11-50-50 Construction and maintenance of sewers, drains, etc., by municipalities authorized.
- Section 11-50-51 Condemnation of easements, etc.
- Section 11-50-52 Extension or alteration of sewer system, etc.
- Section 11-50-53 Regulation, installation, etc., of drainage and sewer connections generally.
- Section 11-50-54 Regulation, installation, etc., of drainage, plumbing, sewer connections, etc.
- Section 11-50-55 Regulation, installation, etc., of privies, water closets, septic tanks, etc.; preparation and filing of statement as to installation, etc., of privies, water closets, etc.
- Section 11-50-56 Giving of notice under provisions of division.
- Section 11-50-70 "Council" defined.
- Section 11-50-71 Authorized.
- Section 11-50-72 Adoption of ordinance or resolution describing sewer system to be purchased, ordering preparation of maps, profiles, etc., thereof, etc.
- Section 11-50-73 Filing of maps, profiles, etc., in office of engineer for public inspection.
- Section 11-50-74 Execution of contract for purchase of sewers or sewer system by council; contents and terms thereof.
- Section 11-50-75 Passage of ordinance or resolution providing for purchase of sewers or sewer system, assessment of cost thereof against abutting lands, date for conduct of hearing upon objections, et
- Section 11-50-76 Publication of ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-50-77 Hearing upon objections as to proposed purchase; amendment, modification, rescission, etc., of ordinance or resolution and contract by council.
- Section 11-50-78 Payment of portion of costs of purchase by council; costs of purchase specified.
- Section 11-50-79 Assessment of cost of sewers or sewer system against abutting lands authorized.
- Section 11-50-80 Preparation, etc., of list of property owners to be assessed for purchase; entry of list in assessment book for local improvements.
- Section 11-50-81 Delivery of assessment book to city or town clerk; publication of notice as to delivery and inspection of book, hearing upon objections to assessments, etc.
- Section 11-50-82 Effect and correction of defects or errors in notice.
- Section 11-50-83 Filing of written objections, etc., to proposed assessments by property owners.
- Section 11-50-84 Hearing upon objections, etc., to assessments.
- Section 11-50-85 Fixing of amount of assessments by council and effect thereof.
- Section 11-50-86 Assignment and transfer of assessment liens.
- Section 11-50-87 Enforcement of assessment liens in circuit court.
- Section 11-50-88 Effect of enforcement of tax liens upon property upon assessment liens.
- Section 11-50-89 Effect of sale of property for enforcement of assessment lien upon other assessment liens upon same property.
- Section 11-50-90 Appeals from assessments.
- Section 11-50-91 Payment of assessments generally.
- Section 11-50-92 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of property owner to pay assessment, installment or interest - Notice of sale; payment of assessment prior to sale; cost of notice and sale c
- Section 11-50-93 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of property owner to pay assessment, installment, or interest - Execution, etc., of deed to purchaser at sale; disposition of surplus from sa
- Section 11-50-94 Proceedings for sale of land upon failure of property owner to pay assessment, installment, or interest - Effect of error or defect in notice or sale.
- Section 11-50-95 Redemption of property after sale.
- Section 11-50-96 Issuance of bonds to pay for sewers or sewer system authorized generally.
- Section 11-50-97 Making of loans and issuance of bonds to pay for sewers or sewer system.
- Section 11-50-98 Form, terms, denominations, etc., of bonds; execution, sale, etc., thereof.
- Section 11-50-99 Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-50-100 Payment and redemption of bonds generally.
- Section 11-50-101 Issuance, etc., of bonds by municipalities having less than six thousand inhabitants.
- Section 11-50-102 Liability of municipal officials to bondholders for diversion, misappropriation, etc., of funds for payment of bonds.
- Section 11-50-103 Maintenance of account and disbursement of proceeds from assessments generally.
- Section 11-50-104 Deposit of assessment proceeds in bank; manner of withdrawal thereof.
- Section 11-50-105 Use of proceeds to redeem bonds and coupons; disposition of excess.
- Section 11-50-106 Refunding of excess assessments - Authority and procedure generally.
- Section 11-50-107 Refunding of excess assessments - Limitation period for presentation of claims; disposition of amounts not refunded.
- Section 11-50-108 Adoption of rules and regulations for operation and maintenance of sewers or sewer system purchased; charges for use of sewers or sewer system.
- Section 11-50-120 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-121 Establishment, etc., of charges for sewer services; combination of sewer system and water distribution system and establishment, etc., of single schedule of charges, etc., therefor.
- Section 11-50-122 Enforcement of charges.
- Section 11-50-140 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-141 Authorized.
- Section 11-50-142 Passage of resolution by governing body providing for sale, lease, etc.
- Section 11-50-143 Ordering of special election for authorization of sale, lease, etc.
- Section 11-50-144 Calling of election.
- Section 11-50-145 Notice of election.
- Section 11-50-146 Appointment of clerks, returning officers, etc., and designation of voting places.
- Section 11-50-147 Qualifications for voting; provision of ballots; conduct of election generally.
- Section 11-50-148 Form and marking of ballots.
- Section 11-50-149 Disposition of ballots at conclusion of election; canvassing of returns and declaration of election results.
- Section 11-50-150 Execution of sale, lease, etc., by governing body and terms thereof.
- Section 11-50-151 Purchaser to assume payment of existing bonded indebtedness upon plant.
- Section 11-50-170 Authorized; terms; adoption of resolutions authorizing transfer.
- Section 11-50-171 Publication of notice of adoption of resolution authorizing transfer, certain terms thereof, etc.; limitation period for action to restrain proposed transfer, etc.
- Section 11-50-172 Provision by transferor for payment of outstanding bonds, mortgages, indentures, etc.
- Section 11-50-173 Execution of necessary agreements and instruments authorized.
- Section 11-50-174 Construction of article; exemption from jurisdiction and regulation of state Public Service Commission, etc.
- Section 11-50-190 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-191 Conveyance authorized; terms; ordinance or resolution.
- Section 11-50-192 Agreements.
- Section 11-50-210 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-211 Conveyance authorized; terms and conditions; ordinances and resolutions.
- Section 11-50-212 Implementation of article.
- Section 11-50-213 Article supplemental.
- Section 11-50-230 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-231 Application for authority to form corporation for operation of waterworks and sanitary sewer systems; adoption of resolution by municipal governing body authorizing incorporation.
- Section 11-50-232 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; amendment.
- Section 11-50-233 Certificate of incorporation - Acknowledgment, filing, and recordation.
- Section 11-50-234 Board of directors.
- Section 11-50-234.1 Meeting expense allowance for board members.
- Section 11-50-235 Powers of corporation generally; provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust, or pledge agreements executed by corporation as to rights of parties thereto, etc.; exemption from taxation
- Section 11-50-236 Execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-237 Execution, sale, etc., of bonds and refunding bonds of corporation generally; terms, denominations, etc., thereof; charge, application, etc., of revenues from systems to payment of b
- Section 11-50-238 Transfer of systems to corporation; powers of corporation as to conveyance, etc., of title to systems.
- Section 11-50-239 Acquisition, operation, etc., of waterworks system located in another municipality; execution of contract for conveyance of system in other municipality thereto upon payment in full
- Section 11-50-240 Issuance of revenue bonds for improvement and extension of waterworks plants and pledge of revenues from gas systems for payment thereof.
- Section 11-50-241 Construction of division; jurisdiction, etc., of State Board of Health and state Public Service Commission.
- Section 11-50-260 Authorization generally.
- Section 11-50-261 Additional powers of boards as to gas plants and systems.
- Section 11-50-262 Borrowing of money and issuance of revenue bonds therefor; execution of mortgages, pledges, etc., as security for indebtedness; provisions in same as to rights of parties thereto, et
- Section 11-50-263 Execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-264 Issuance, sale, etc., of bonds and refunding bonds of board; terms, denominations, taxation, etc., thereof; charge, application, etc., of revenues from system to payment of indebtedn
- Section 11-50-265 Transfer of gas plant or system to waterworks board; sale or transfer of plant or system by board to utility regulated by state Public Service Commission.
- Section 11-50-266 Notice to owner of existing gas plant or system in territory of intention of waterworks board to operate gas plant or system therein, etc.
- Section 11-50-267 Voluntary sale of existing plant or system to board by owner.
- Section 11-50-268 Application to Public Service Commission for determination as to terms of acquisition; hearing; issuance of order by commission as to terms, conditions, etc., of acquisition.
- Section 11-50-269 Appeal from order of commission.
- Section 11-50-270 Completion of sale pursuant to final determination of commission or court; effect of failure of seller to tender deed, etc., or of board to accept deed, pay purchase price, etc.
- Section 11-50-271 Consolidation of gas and waterworks plants and systems.
- Section 11-50-272 Change of name of board upon acquisition of gas plant or system.
- Section 11-50-273 Construction of division; exemption from jurisdiction and regulation of state Public Service Commission.
- Section 11-50-290 Contracts between municipalities and waterworks board for operation and management of sanitary sewer systems.
- Section 11-50-291 Rights and powers of municipalities and State Board of Health as to sanitary sewers not impaired by division.
- Section 11-50-310 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-311 Application for authority to incorporate; adoption of resolution by municipal governing body authorizing incorporation.
- Section 11-50-312 Acknowledgment, filing and recordation of certificate of incorporation; amendment of certificate of corporation formed under this article or under Division 1 of Article 8 of this cha
- Section 11-50-313 Board of directors.
- Section 11-50-314 Powers of corporation generally; provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust, or pledge agreements executed by corporation as to rights of parties thereto, etc.
- Section 11-50-315 Execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys borrowed.
- Section 11-50-316 Execution, sale, etc., of bonds and refunding bonds of corporation; terms, denominations, etc., thereof; charge, application, etc., of revenues from systems for payment of bonds, etc
- Section 11-50-317 Pledge of revenues from and mortgaging of systems for payment of bonds.
- Section 11-50-318 Disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-50-319 Exemption from usury and interest statutes.
- Section 11-50-320 Acquisition, operation, etc., of systems located in another municipality; execution of contract for conveyance of system in other municipality thereto upon payment in full of indebte
- Section 11-50-321 Consolidation of systems.
- Section 11-50-322 Exemption from taxation of bonds, property, and income of corporation; other exemptions.
- Section 11-50-323 Construction of article; jurisdiction, etc., of State Board of Health and state Public Service Commission.
- Section 11-50-324 Applicability of provisions of Sections 11-50-230 through 11-50-273 and Sections 37-4-60 through 37-4-65.
- Section 11-50-340 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-341 Creation.
- Section 11-50-342 Qualifications, appointment, terms of office, compensation, and removal of members of board; oath and bond thereof; vacancies; election of officers; quorum.
- Section 11-50-343 Powers generally; publication, recordation, and authentication of resolutions of board.
- Section 11-50-344 Transfer of existing water or sewer systems to board; powers of board as to conveyance, etc., of title to systems.
- Section 11-50-345 Issuance of revenue bonds authorized; form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, etc.; disposition of proceeds from sale of bonds; issuance of interim receipts or temporary b
- Section 11-50-346 Execution of trust agreement as security for payment of revenue bonds authorized; provisions in trust agreements or resolutions for issuance of bonds generally.
- Section 11-50-347 Provisions in resolutions for issuance of revenue bonds or trust agreements securing same as payment of rates, fees, or charges for services.
- Section 11-50-348 Liability upon revenue bonds, etc.; payment of bonds and expenses.
- Section 11-50-349 Remedies of bondholders and trustees.
- Section 11-50-350 Revenue refunding bonds.
- Section 11-50-351 Establishment, collection, etc., of rates, fees, and charges for services furnished.
- Section 11-50-352 Adoption, etc., of rules and regulations as to connection of buildings to sewers.
- Section 11-50-353 Moneys received under article deemed trust funds; provisions in trust agreements or resolutions for issuance of bonds as to trustees.
- Section 11-50-354 Exemption from taxation of systems, revenue bonds, etc.
- Section 11-50-355 Annual reports and audits; conflicts of interest of members, agents, or employees of board; vesting of title to systems in city and dissolution of board upon payment, etc., of bonds,
- Section 11-50-356 Provisions of article cumulative; issuance of revenue bonds and revenue refunding bonds.
- Section 11-50-357 Article to be liberally construed.
- Section 11-50-358 Conflicting laws.
- Section 11-50-370 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-371 Contracts between public water corporations and public sewer corporations for operation and management of sanitary sewer systems.
- Section 11-50-372 Rights and powers of public water corporations and State Board of Health as to sanitary sewers not impaired by article.
- Section 11-50-390 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-391 Creation.
- Section 11-50-392 Contents, acknowledgment, filing, and recordation of certificate of incorporation; procedure for amendment thereof; dissolution of district and disposition of systems, etc., upon pay
- Section 11-50-393 Board of directors - Composition; compensation; removal actions.
- Section 11-50-394 Board of directors - Organization; officers.
- Section 11-50-395 Board of directors - Powers generally; resolutions.
- Section 11-50-396 Powers generally.
- Section 11-50-397 Exercise of powers of eminent domain generally.
- Section 11-50-398 Acquisition, construction, operation, etc., of gas distribution systems outside territory of municipalities by which incorporated.
- Section 11-50-399 Acquisition of competing gas systems, etc.
- Section 11-50-400 Use of public highway rights-of-way.
- Section 11-50-401 Promulgation of rules and regulations as to installation, maintenance, etc., of gas fixtures, pipes, etc., served by district - Authorized.
- Section 11-50-402 Promulgation of rules and regulations as to installation, maintenance, etc., of gas fixtures, pipes, etc., served by district - Procedure.
- Section 11-50-403 Rules and regulations not to supersede rules, regulations, etc., of municipalities in territory served by district; municipal rules, regulations, etc., to govern in event of conflict
- Section 11-50-404 Transfer of systems to district by municipalities.
- Section 11-50-405 Bonds - Authorization for issuance; form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution and delivery; sale; refunding and exchange; issuance of interim receipts or temporary bonds.
- Section 11-50-406 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-50-407 Provisions in mortgages, deeds of trust, etc., executed as security for bonds as to rights of parties thereto, etc.; execution, etc., of contracts as security for repayment of moneys
- Section 11-50-408 When mortgages or pledges of property or revenues and liens thereof effective; properties, persons, etc., subject thereto.
- Section 11-50-409 Liability upon bonds, etc.; payment of bonds.
- Section 11-50-410 Rights and remedies of bondholders and trustees.
- Section 11-50-411 Disposition of net profits of district; "net income" defined; distribution of less than net income for fiscal year; availability for payment in future fiscal years.
- Section 11-50-412 Taxation - Exemption of property, income, bonds, etc., of district generally.
- Section 11-50-413 Taxation - Levy and collection of privilege license tax by certain municipalities.
- Section 11-50-414 Validation of proceedings to incorporate gas districts.
- Section 11-50-415 Exemption from usury and interest statutes.
- Section 11-50-416 Purpose of article; proceedings, notices, etc., required by article for incorporation, etc., exclusive; exemption of districts from jurisdiction and regulation of state public servic
- Section 11-50-417 Provisions of article exclusive.
- Section 11-50-430 Creation; composition.
- Section 11-50-431 Members of board - Qualifications.
- Section 11-50-432 Members of board - Election and terms of office; vacancies.
- Section 11-50-433 Members of board - Oath of office.
- Section 11-50-434 Members of board - Impeachment and removal.
- Section 11-50-435 Members of board - Compensation.
- Section 11-50-436 Officers.
- Section 11-50-437 Meetings.
- Section 11-50-438 Official bonds of certain officers and employees.
- Section 11-50-439 Powers and duties of board generally.
- Section 11-50-440 Appointment of accountant, etc., to make annual examination and report of books and accounts.
- Section 11-50-441 Annual report to municipal governing body.
- Section 11-50-442 Expenditures for new construction, additions, etc., to waterworks plant and system, etc.
- Section 11-50-443 Maintenance and disbursement of funds of board generally.
- Section 11-50-444 Disposition of moneys received from operation of waterworks plant and system.
- Section 11-50-445 Fixing of bonds required from depositories.
- Section 11-50-460 Creation; composition.
- Section 11-50-461 Members of board - Qualifications.
- Section 11-50-462 Members of board - Election and terms of office; vacancies.
- Section 11-50-463 Members of board - Oath of office.
- Section 11-50-464 Members of board - Impeachment and removal.
- Section 11-50-465 Members of board - Compensation.
- Section 11-50-466 Officers.
- Section 11-50-467 Meetings.
- Section 11-50-468 Official bonds of certain officers and employees.
- Section 11-50-469 Powers and duties of board generally.
- Section 11-50-470 Appointment of accountant, etc., to make annual examination and report of books and accounts.
- Section 11-50-471 Annual report to municipal governing body.
- Section 11-50-472 Expenditures for new construction, additions, etc., to gas distribution system, etc.
- Section 11-50-473 Maintenance and disbursement of funds of board generally.
- Section 11-50-474 Disposition of moneys received from operation of gas distribution system.
- Section 11-50-475 Fixing of bonds required from depositories.
- Section 11-50-490 Creation.
- Section 11-50-491 Qualifications of members.
- Section 11-50-492 Election of members; filling of vacancies.
- Section 11-50-493 Oath.
- Section 11-50-494 Chairman; secretary.
- Section 11-50-495 Compensation.
- Section 11-50-496 Meetings; record of proceedings.
- Section 11-50-497 Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-50-498 Impeachment and removal.
- Section 11-50-499 Bonds of officers and employees.
- Section 11-50-500 Examination of books and accounts.
- Section 11-50-501 Annual report.
- Section 11-50-502 Expenditures for new construction, additions, or replacements.
- Section 11-50-503 Segregation and withdrawal of funds.
- Section 11-50-504 Deposit and distribution of money received from use of electric system.
- Section 11-50-505 Bond or securities of depository.
- Section 11-50-506 Effect of chapter on existing laws, etc.
- Section 11-50-520 Definitions.
- Section 11-50-521 Authority to incorporate.
- Section 11-50-522 Procedure for incorporation.
- Section 11-50-523 Amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-50-524 Corporate powers.
- Section 11-50-525 Board of directors.
- Section 11-50-526 Bonds - Sale or issuance generally.
- Section 11-50-527 Bonds - Consent of Department of Finance.
- Section 11-50-528 Bonds - Nature of obligations.
- Section 11-50-529 Bonds - Rights and remedies of bondholders.
- Section 11-50-530 Rates and charges for services rendered.
- Section 11-50-531 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-50-532 Dissolution.
- Section 11-50-533 Municipal aid.
- Section 11-50A-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-50A-2 Legislative intent.
- Section 11-50A-3 Purpose of authority.
- Section 11-50A-4 Application for incorporation.
- Section 11-50A-5 Issuance and recording of certificate of incorporation; no fees to be paid.
- Section 11-50A-6 Board of directors; election committee; distribution of votes; additional election committee members; terms of office; first and annual meeting; special meetings; waiver of meeting no
- Section 11-50A-7 Tax exemptions; payments in lieu of taxes.
- Section 11-50A-8 Powers of the authority.
- Section 11-50A-9 Issuance of bonds; prerequisites; procedure; provisions; execution; bond resolution covenants.
- Section 11-50A-10 Validation of bonds.
- Section 11-50A-11 Validation of contracts.
- Section 11-50A-12 Bond provisions; destroyed bonds; interest; cancellation; paying agents.
- Section 11-50A-13 Immunity from liability; credit not pledged.
- Section 11-50A-14 Right to receivership upon default.
- Section 11-50A-15 Negotiability of bonds.
- Section 11-50A-16 Bonds as legal investments.
- Section 11-50A-17 Contracts for use of projects; purchase of electric power; payment of charges; indemnity; enforcement of performance.
- Section 11-50A-18 Revenues of authority; rates; assignment to trustee; use of revenues.
- Section 11-50A-19 Pledge of revenues.
- Section 11-50A-20 Trust agreement.
- Section 11-50A-21 Proceeds of bonds.
- Section 11-50A-22 Issuance of bond anticipation notes and notes.
- Section 11-50A-23 Trust funds.
- Section 11-50A-24 Jurisdiction of actions.
- Section 11-50A-25 Public Service Commission review and regulation.
- Section 11-50A-26 Provisions of resolution, agreement, chapter, etc., as irrevocable contract with holders of bonds, notes, etc.
- Section 11-50A-27 Dissolution of authority.
- Section 11-50A-28 Exemption from Alabama Sunset Law.
- Section 11-50A-29 Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-50A-30 Construction.
- Section 11-50A-31 Effectiveness of pledges and security interests.
- Section 11-50A-32 Powers declared supplementary.
- Section 11-50A-33 Severability.
- Section 11-50B-1 Purpose.
- Section 11-50B-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-50B-3 Permitted activities by public providers; lease of equipment by municipal governing bodies.
- Section 11-50B-4 Municipal authority to furnish cable service; rules and regulations.
- Section 11-50B-5 Maintenance of records; payment of capital costs, etc.
- Section 11-50B-6 Allocation of costs; charge rates.
- Section 11-50B-7 Provision of cable channel to public school system, etc.
- Section 11-50B-8 Meetings, hearings, etc., open to public; notice; petition; election; procedure.
- Section 11-50B-9 Funding.
- Section 11-50B-10 Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-50B-11 Limitation on debts.
- Section 11-50B-12 Construction.
- Section 11-51-1 Levy and assessment of property taxes; notice of and conduct of hearing upon objections to assessments.
- Section 11-51-2 When taxes due and delinquent; interest rate on delinquent taxes.
- Section 11-51-3 Notice required by certain municipal tax collectors as to delinquent taxes.
- Section 11-51-4 Submission of assessment rolls of certain cities to county commission; acceptance and adoption thereof by county commission.
- Section 11-51-5 Notification of property owners where valuation by city higher than county valuation; right of property owners to contest valuation, etc.
- Section 11-51-6 Lien for taxes.
- Section 11-51-7 Effect of assessments and enforcement thereof by levy of execution upon and sale of property generally; right of redemption of owner of property sold generally.
- Section 11-51-8 Garnishment for collection of taxes generally.
- Section 11-51-9 Collection of taxes due upon property assessed to unknown owner generally.
- Section 11-51-10 Demand for payment of taxes due and charge therefor.
- Section 11-51-11 Preparation, etc., of certified list of delinquent taxes.
- Section 11-51-12 Filing of list in circuit court; entry of civil actions for assessments on trial docket; issuance, execution, and return of summons notifying owners of institution of proceedings agai
- Section 11-51-13 Publication of notice of filing of tax list, etc., as to owners unknown or not found.
- Section 11-51-14 Entry of judgment by circuit court; sale of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally.
- Section 11-51-15 Appeal from judgment of circuit court.
- Section 11-51-16 Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Disposition of proceeds.
- Section 11-51-17 Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Purchase of property by municipality.
- Section 11-51-18 Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Rights and liabilities of purchaser of property generally.
- Section 11-51-19 Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Title acquired by purchaser.
- Section 11-51-20 Sales of property for payment of taxes, etc., generally - Grounds for invalidity of sale; procedure when proceedings for sale not sufficient to pass title to property.
- Section 11-51-21 Certification to circuit court of unpaid assessments for improvements and collection thereof from proceeds of sale; effect of sales upon tax and assessment liens.
- Section 11-51-22 Assessments against property, etc., for escaped taxes authorized; collection thereof; reassessment of property because of informality or irregularity in assessment authorized.
- Section 11-51-23 Redemption of property after sale - Authorization and procedure generally.
- Section 11-51-24 Redemption of property after sale - Conveyance of property, etc., to redeemer.
- Section 11-51-25 Redemption of property after sale - Redemption by municipality; redemption from municipality.
- Section 11-51-26 Attachment or garnishment for collection of taxes in anticipation of nonpayment thereof.
- Section 11-51-27 Releases from taxes; settlement of claims and releases from penalties.
- Section 11-51-28 Requirement as to separation in levy, collection, and disbursement of general and special taxes; disposition of excess proceeds from special taxes.
- Section 11-51-40 Adoption of ordinance providing for payment of municipal taxes upon basis of state and county assessments for preceding tax year, etc.; operation under provisions of article by certai
- Section 11-51-41 When taxes due and delinquent.
- Section 11-51-42 Levy of taxes; certification and delivery to county tax assessor of copy of ordinance or resolution levying taxes.
- Section 11-51-43 County tax collectors to collect taxes.
- Section 11-51-44 Lien for taxes.
- Section 11-51-45 Indication by county tax assessor on assessment list of property located in municipalities and ascertainment of value thereof.
- Section 11-51-46 Preparation, etc., of assessment forms, etc., for use by tax assessor.
- Section 11-51-47 Assessment book of tax assessor.
- Section 11-51-48 Computation and entry in assessment book of amount of property tax owed by taxpayer.
- Section 11-51-49 Preparation and contents of certificate of assessment.
- Section 11-51-50 Procedure for collection of taxes, etc., by county tax collector generally.
- Section 11-51-51 Preparation, contents, and effect of receipt of tax collector.
- Section 11-51-52 Report of tax collector; payment of taxes collected to municipal treasurers; receipt of municipal treasurers.
- Section 11-51-53 Annual settlement by tax collector and payment of balance of taxes collected.
- Section 11-51-54 Maintenance, etc., of separate accounts and funds for general and special taxes.
- Section 11-51-55 Crediting of tax collector with municipal taxes on assessment list and with taxes in litigation generally.
- Section 11-51-56 Charging against tax collector of insolvent municipal taxes and taxes in litigation.
- Section 11-51-57 Preparation, etc., of list of insolvents, etc.
- Section 11-51-58 Collection of insolvent taxes; monthly reports, payment and settlement of same.
- Section 11-51-59 Final report by tax collector as to uncollected balances of insolvent taxes and taxes in litigation; crediting of tax collector for same.
- Section 11-51-60 Entry by tax collector in docket book of municipal taxes due, etc.
- Section 11-51-61 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Decree of sale.
- Section 11-51-62 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Appeal by state from decree of sale.
- Section 11-51-63 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Certificate of purchase.
- Section 11-51-64 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Execution of deed to purchaser.
- Section 11-51-65 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Rights of purchaser where tax sale invalid.
- Section 11-51-66 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Duties of tax assessor as to descriptive list.
- Section 11-51-67 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Entry in books of Department of Revenue of municipal taxes due on property; amount for which property to be sold.
- Section 11-51-68 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Payment of municipality when lands bid in by state sold by state.
- Section 11-51-69 Proceedings for sale of land for payment of taxes - Repayment of state when sale of lands bid in by state invalid and purchase money refunded.
- Section 11-51-70 Proceedings when tax sale cancelled.
- Section 11-51-71 Disposition of redemption money when lands redeemed.
- Section 11-51-72 Procedure for recovery of taxes erroneously paid.
- Section 11-51-73 Official bonds of probate judge, county tax, assessor and county tax collector.
- Section 11-51-74 Commission of tax assessors and tax collectors.
- Section 11-51-90 Municipal business licenses; branch offices; application.
- Section 11-51-90.1 Definitions.
- Section 11-51-90.2 Purchase of business license; classification of taxpayers; vehicle decals; determination of gross receipts; construction with other provisions.
- Section 11-51-91 Licenses for business, etc., conducted outside corporate limits of municipality.
- Section 11-51-92 Licenses based on a flat rate, taken out after July 1; transfer of licenses.
- Section 11-51-93 Violations; penalties.
- Section 11-51-94 License designates place of business, etc., and authorizes conduct thereof only at place designated; change of place of business, etc.; uniformity of license tax; classification, etc.
- Section 11-51-95 Taxpayer to be licensed for each applicable line of business.
- Section 11-51-96 Lien for license taxes.
- Section 11-51-97 Licensing, etc., of sales at auctions, in public places or on streets of merchandise, medicines, etc.
- Section 11-51-98 License tax on vending and weighing machines - Authorized generally.
- Section 11-51-100 Regulation and control of vending machines on which music is played.
- Section 11-51-101 Licensing, etc., of carts, wagons, carriages, etc.
- Section 11-51-102 Licensing, etc., of theatres, parks, shooting galleries, etc.; closing of houses of amusement or places for sale of firearms, etc.
- Section 11-51-103 Revocation of licenses of houses of public entertainment or places where firearms, etc., kept for sale.
- Section 11-51-104 Licensing and taxation, etc., of amusements, athletic games, and use of public parks, etc.
- Section 11-51-105 Municipalities not to charge farmers for sale, etc., of farm products.
- Section 11-51-120 Insurance companies - Fire and marine insurance companies.
- Section 11-51-121 Insurance companies - Insurance companies other than fire and marine insurance companies.
- Section 11-51-122 Insurance companies - Provision of statement of gross premiums, etc., and payment of license tax; effect of failure to file statement or pay tax.
- Section 11-51-123 Insurance companies - Company may engage in business in municipality upon payment or tender of tax; agents not to be subject to further privilege or occupational taxes.
- Section 11-51-124 Railroads.
- Section 11-51-125 Railway sleeping car companies, etc.
- Section 11-51-126 Express companies.
- Section 11-51-127 Telegraph companies.
- Section 11-51-128 Telephone companies.
- Section 11-51-129 Street railroads, electric, gas, and waterworks companies, etc.
- Section 11-51-130 Banks.
- Section 11-51-131 Savings and loan associations.
- Section 11-51-132 License requirement or tax on certain real estate companies prohibited.
- Section 11-51-150 Petition for injunction against taxpayer upon delinquency for payment of license or excise tax.
- Section 11-51-151 Notice and hearings; granting of injunctive relief.
- Section 11-51-152 Accounting as to tax due and entry of judgment.
- Section 11-51-153 Dissolution of injunction; reinstatement of injunction.
- Section 11-51-154 Bond to dissolve temporary injunctive relief - Execution; security; exception.
- Section 11-51-155 Bond to dissolve temporary injunctive relief - Security against final judgment and costs.
- Section 11-51-156 Bond to dissolve temporary injunctive relief - Forfeiture of bond and issuance of execution thereon.
- Section 11-51-157 Appeal from judgment of circuit court.
- Section 11-51-158 Effect of pending action upon institution of subsequent action for taxes becoming due after institution of prior action.
- Section 11-51-159 Enforcement of lien not to constitute waiver of rights as to respondent's bond.
- Section 11-51-160 Equitable attachment.
- Section 11-51-161 Provisions of division cumulative.
- Section 11-51-180 Prerequisites for collection by Department of Revenue; exceptions; applicability.
- Section 11-51-181 Time of collection; inspection of reports by municipal governing body.
- Section 11-51-182 Preparation and distribution of reports, etc., necessary for collection of taxes; authority and duties of department generally.
- Section 11-51-183 Certification and disposition of taxes collected; charge for collections; redistribution of over-charges; warrant.
- Section 11-51-184 Employment of special counsel.
- Section 11-51-185 Request for department to collect municipal taxes; effective date; when department to perform duties under division.
- Section 11-51-186 Taxpayer rights; responsibilities of municipality; abatement of penalty.
- Section 11-51-187 Examination.
- Section 11-51-188 Due dates for licenses; discounts.
- Section 11-51-189 Abatements authorized.
- Section 11-51-190 Recordkeeping.
- Section 11-51-191 Determination of amounts due; preliminary and final assessments; review; appeal; refund for overpayment.
- Section 11-51-192 Assessment for interest for delinquency.
- Section 11-51-193 List of state licensing boards; confirmation of taxpayer status prior to issuance of license; categorization of licenses.
- Section 11-51-194 Delivery license.
- Section 11-51-195 Applicability of Municipal Business License Reform Act of 2006.
- Section 11-51-196 Disclosure of license information.
- Section 11-51-200 Levy of sales tax authorized; exemption; construction.
- Section 11-51-201 Applicability of provisions of state sales tax law; collection of tax on vehicles not sold through licensed Alabama dealer.
- Section 11-51-202 Levy of excise or use tax authorized; levy of lodgings tax authorized.
- Section 11-51-203 Applicability of provisions of state excise or use tax law; collection of tax on vehicles sold by dealers not licensed in Alabama or by licensed dealers who fail to collect sales tax
- Section 11-51-204 Adoption, etc., of rules and regulations as to ascertainment, etc., and levy of taxes.
- Section 11-51-205 Establishment of rate of taxes; levy and assessment of taxes in lieu of license tax under Section 11-51-90; effect of pledge of proceeds of license tax under Section 11-51-90 as to l
- Section 11-51-206 Levy of tax outside corporate limits.
- Section 11-51-207 Collection of taxes by Department of Revenue – Generally; municipal rental tax levy.
- Section 11-51-208 Collection of taxes by Department of Revenue - Reports; costs; enabling act; rules and regulations; assessment, rates of interest.
- Section 11-51-209 Gross receipts tax.
- Section 11-51-210 Standard singular and multiple jurisdictional tax forms - Promulgation, adoption, etc.
- Section 11-51-211 Quarterly sales and use tax returns.
- Section 11-51-220 Applicability; definitions.
- Section 11-51-221 Exemption from real estate and personal property taxes.
- Section 11-51-222 Exemption from occupational license fees in Class 6 city.
- Section 11-51-223 Assessment and collection of privilege or license tax, etc., authorized; exception.
- Section 11-51-240 Applicability; definitions.
- Section 11-51-241 Exemption.
- Section 11-52-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-52-2 Adoption, amendment, execution, etc., of municipal plan and creation of municipal planning commission authorized; designations of planning commissions.
- Section 11-52-3 Municipal Planning Commission - Composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, compensation, and removal of members; vacancies.
- Section 11-52-3.1 Municipal Planning Commission - Membership in Class 2 municipalities.
- Section 11-52-4 Municipal Planning Commission - Chairman and other officers; meetings; adoption of rules of procedure; maintenance of record of resolutions, transactions, etc.
- Section 11-52-5 Municipal Planning Commission - Appointment, etc., of employees; contracts with consultants, etc.; expenditure of funds.
- Section 11-52-6 Municipal Planning Commission - Powers and duties generally.
- Section 11-52-7 Municipal Planning Commission - Powers as to zoning.
- Section 11-52-8 Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of municipality by commission — Authorization and procedure generally; contents of plan.
- Section 11-52-9 Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of municipality by commission - Conduct of surveys and studies; purpose of plan.
- Section 11-52-10 Adoption, etc., of master plan for physical development of municipality by commission - Procedure for adoption, etc.
- Section 11-52-11 Proposed construction of streets, public buildings, utilities, etc., to be submitted for approval of commission after adoption of master plan; overruling of commission.
- Section 11-52-12 Alternate structure for Class 3 municipality planning commission created pursuant to Section 11-52-3.
- Section 11-52-13 Alternate structure for Class 5 municipality planning commission.
- Section 11-52-14 Alternate structure of planning commission in Class 5 municipality having city manager, mayor commission form of government.
- Section 11-52-15 Municipal planning commission.
- Section 11-52-16 Alternative structure for Class 6 municipality planning commission.
- Section 11-52-30 Territorial jurisdiction as to subdivisions; approval of maps or plats; limits on exercise of powers.
- Section 11-52-31 Adoption, publication and certification of subdivision regulations by planning commission; provisions therein as to arrangement, etc., of streets, etc.; provisions as to completion of
- Section 11-52-32 Procedure for approval or disapproval of plat by planning commission generally; legal effect of approval of plan; powers of planning commission as to subdivision zoning generally; app
- Section 11-52-33 Remedies and penalty for transfer, sale, etc., of lands in subdivision prior to approval of plat thereof by planning commission.
- Section 11-52-34 Municipality not to improve, grade, etc., streets in territory for which major street plan adopted by planning commission until street accepted, etc.
- Section 11-52-35 Buildings not to be erected or building permits issued in territory for which major street plan adopted until street providing access to proposed building accepted, etc.
- Section 11-52-36 Jurisdiction of planning commission as to subdivision plats in territory controlled under Section 11-52-31 exclusive; status of other existing platting or subdivision statutes.
- Section 11-52-50 Authorized; adoption, approval, etc., of plat therefor; agreements between planning commission and landowners as to releases of claims for damages or compensation for reservations; ab
- Section 11-52-51 Appointment of board of appraisers, etc.; notice of and conduct of hearing upon claims for compensation for reservations; establishment of amount of compensation by board of appraiser
- Section 11-52-52 Filing of tentative report of board of appraisers; notice of filing of report and of period for filing objections thereto; meeting of board of appraisers as to objections and transmit
- Section 11-52-53 Appeals from compensation awards.
- Section 11-52-54 Reservation not to impair use of reserved lands by owner, etc., thereof; compensation not to be paid or recovered for taking of or injury to buildings, etc., erected on lands during r
- Section 11-52-70 Establishment, etc., of business, industrial and residential districts and provision as to type, use, etc., of structures and improvements to be erected therein, etc., authorized gene
- Section 11-52-71 Number, shape, and area of districts; uniformity of regulations.
- Section 11-52-72 Purposes of zoning regulations generally; considerations in establishment thereof generally.
- Section 11-52-73 Regulation and restriction of height, etc., of buildings, etc., sizes of lots, density of population, etc., authorized.
- Section 11-52-75 Regulation as to housing of different classes of inhabitants in residential districts.
- Section 11-52-75.1 Regulation as to housing of mentally retarded or mentally ill persons in multi-family zone.
- Section 11-52-76 Municipal legislative body to provide for manner of establishment, enforcement, amendment, etc., of regulations, restrictions and district boundaries generally; adoption of ordinances
- Section 11-52-77 Procedure for adoption of ordinances authorized by article.
- Section 11-52-78 Amendment, repeal, etc., of regulations, restrictions, district boundaries and ordinances.
- Section 11-52-79 Zoning commission.
- Section 11-52-80 Board of adjustment - Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office and removal of members; vacancies; adoption of rules of procedure; meetings; record of procee
- Section 11-52-80.1 Board of Adjustment - Definitions; membership; reversing, affirming or modifying decisions, etc.; terms of planning commission members terminated; duties, powers, etc.
- Section 11-52-81 Board of adjustment - Appeals to circuit court from final decision of board of adjustment.
- Section 11-52-82 Regulations, ordinances, etc., imposing higher standards as to height, etc., of buildings, sizes of lots, etc., to govern where conflict between regulations authorized by article and
- Section 11-52-83 Remedies for construction, repair, use, etc., of buildings, lands, etc., in violation of article or ordinance, regulation, etc., adopted under authority of article.
- Section 11-52-84 Article not to repeal, modify, etc., existing regulations, restrictions, district boundaries, or ordinances.
- Section 11-52-85 Pre-zoning of territory proposed for annexation by municipality.
- Section 11-53-1 Legislative declarations and findings of fact.
- Section 11-53-2 Enactment and enforcement of ordinances regulating use, repair, maintenance, etc., of buildings, etc., used for human habitation or occupancy, etc., authorized.
- Section 11-53-3 Power to enjoin or abate public nuisances not impaired by chapter.
- Section 11-53-4 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-53A-1 Removal of unsafe buildings or structures.
- Section 11-53A-2 Creation of housing code abatement board; notice to remedy unsafe condition; assessment of costs of removal.
- Section 11-53A-3 Administrative hearing; order for removal of unsafe building or structure; appeal of order for removal.
- Section 11-53A-4 Adoption of resolution fixing costs of removal of unsafe building or structure; fixing of costs to constitute special assessment and lien against property; notice and filing of resolu
- Section 11-53A-5 Assessment of costs against land purchased by the state; redemptioner or purchaser to take property subject to assessment; manner of payment or collection of assessment.
- Section 11-53A-6 Article cumulative in nature.
- Section 11-53A-20 Applicability.
- Section 11-53A-21 Authority of cities to demolish unsafe buildings.
- Section 11-53A-22 Notice to remedy unsafe condition or to demolish structure.
- Section 11-53A-23 Notice to require owner to abate nuisance or to request hearing.
- Section 11-53A-24 Failure to comply with notice to abate.
- Section 11-53A-25 Fixing costs of demolition; city to obtain lien.
- Section 11-53A-26 Authority to assess against property sold to state for nonpayment of taxes; effect of subsequent redemption or sale by state on lien.
- Section 11-53B-1 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-53B-2 Demolition or repair upon finding of necessity and notice given.
- Section 11-53B-3 Notice from appropriate city official; failure to comply.
- Section 11-53B-4 Hearing; appeal.
- Section 11-53B-5 Fixing of costs.
- Section 11-53B-6 Assessment of costs.
- Section 11-53B-7 Payment of costs.
- Section 11-53B-8 Failure to make payment.
- Section 11-53B-9 Sale of property upon default.
- Section 11-53B-10 Redemption of property.
- Section 11-53B-11 Extension of redemption.
- Section 11-53B-12 Certificate of warning to redeem.
- Section 11-53B-13 Application for entry of certificate.
- Section 11-53B-14 Redemption effected.
- Section 11-53B-15 Emergency action.
- Section 11-53B-16 Assessment liens for demolition or renovation.
- Section 11-54-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-2 Authorized.
- Section 11-54-3 Authorization and procedure for sale of lands comprising industrial parks.
- Section 11-54-4 Binding option agreements for sale of industrial park authorized.
- Section 11-54-20 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-21 Legislative intent; construction of article generally.
- Section 11-54-22 Powers of municipalities generally as to acquisition, leasing, etc., of projects for industry, trade, and pollution control.
- Section 11-54-23 Requirements as to leasing of projects.
- Section 11-54-24 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-54-25 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-54-26 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-54-27 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-28 Notice to, consent or approval of governmental body, etc., not to be required for issuance or sale of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-54-29 Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-54-30 Municipalities not to contribute to costs of acquisition of projects or use municipal lands for projects.
- Section 11-54-31 Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-54-32 Construction of article.
- Section 11-54-50 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-51 Legislative intent; construction of article generally.
- Section 11-54-52 Powers of municipalities generally as to acquisition, leasing, etc., of projects for provision of buildings and other facilities for certain national organizations.
- Section 11-54-53 Requirements as to leasing of projects.
- Section 11-54-54 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-54-55 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-54-56 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-54-57 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-58 Notice to, consent or approval of governmental body, etc., not to be required for issuance or sale of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-54-59 Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-54-60 Municipalities not to contribute to costs of acquisition of projects or use municipal lands for projects.
- Section 11-54-61 Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-54-62 Construction of article.
- Section 11-54-80 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-81 Legislative intent; construction of division generally.
- Section 11-54-82 Application for authority to incorporate industrial development board; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgment, and filing of cer
- Section 11-54-83 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-54-84 Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval, and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-54-85 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-54-86 Board of directors.
- Section 11-54-87 Powers of boards generally; location and operation of projects of boards generally; meetings of board of directors.
- Section 11-54-88 Additional powers as to pollution control facilities.
- Section 11-54-89 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-54-90 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-54-91 Borrowing of money for temporary use and issuance of temporary revenue bonds as evidence thereof.
- Section 11-54-92 Liability of municipalities upon bonds, agreements, obligations, etc., of boards.
- Section 11-54-93 Disposition of net earnings of boards.
- Section 11-54-94 Authority and procedure for dissolution of boards; vesting of title to funds and properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution.
- Section 11-54-95 Documents of boards may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-54-96 Exemptions of boards - Taxation.
- Section 11-54-96.1 Ad valorem taxes required of hotels, etc., built under Section 11-54-80.
- Section 11-54-97 Exemption of boards - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-54-98 Exemption of boards - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-54-99 Validation of attempted incorporation of certain industrial development boards.
- Section 11-54-100 Construction of division.
- Section 11-54-101 Powers cumulative.
- Section 11-54-120 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-121 Legislative intent; liberal construction.
- Section 11-54-122 Additional powers of industrial development boards; powers with respect to ancillary facilities.
- Section 11-54-123 Powers cumulative.
- Section 11-54-125 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-126 Legislative findings and intent.
- Section 11-54-127 Additional powers of boards.
- Section 11-54-128 Authorizing resolution.
- Section 11-54-129 Use of assets.
- Section 11-54-130 Investment committee.
- Section 11-54-131 Investment of moneys; duties of fund manager.
- Section 11-54-132 Trust agreement.
- Section 11-54-133 Termination or dissolution of fund.
- Section 11-54-134 Liability.
- Section 11-54-135 Powers cumulative.
- Section 11-54-140 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-141 Legislative intent; liberal construction.
- Section 11-54-142 Additional powers conferred on municipalities.
- Section 11-54-143 Bonds issued to finance projects.
- Section 11-54-144 Security for bonds.
- Section 11-54-145 Requirements respecting leases.
- Section 11-54-146 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-147 Use of proceeds from sale of bonds; cost of acquiring project.
- Section 11-54-148 No contribution by municipality.
- Section 11-54-149 Bonds made legal investments.
- Section 11-54-150 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-54-151 Construction of article.
- Section 11-54-152 No notice or publication required.
- Section 11-54-153 Exemption from requirements of Sections 41-16-50 through 41-16-63.
- Section 11-54-170 Legislative intent; liberal construction.
- Section 11-54-171 Definitions.
- Section 11-54-172 Meaning of "herein," etc.; construction of definitions.
- Section 11-54-173 Filing of application; contents; authorization or denial of incorporation by governing body of authorizing municipality.
- Section 11-54-174 Procedure to incorporate; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation; filing.
- Section 11-54-175 Amendments to certificate of incorporation; filing of application; approval or denial by governing body; filing and recordation.
- Section 11-54-176 Board of directors; composition; election; terms; vacancies; qualifications; expenses; removal.
- Section 11-54-177 Officers of the authority.
- Section 11-54-178 Powers of authority; location of projects; public meetings.
- Section 11-54-179 Bonds of authority generally.
- Section 11-54-180 Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-54-181 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54-182 Notice of bond resolution; limitation on proceedings questioning or attacking bonds.
- Section 11-54-183 Exemption from certain taxes and fees.
- Section 11-54-184 Nonliability of authorizing municipality.
- Section 11-54-185 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-54-186 Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-54-187 Freedom of authority from state supervision and control.
- Section 11-54-188 Earnings of an authority.
- Section 11-54-189 Dissolution of authority and vesting of title to property in authorizing municipality.
- Section 11-54-190 Existence of authority to prevent incorporation of another by same municipality.
- Section 11-54-191 Continued existence of authority notwithstanding reclassification of municipalities.
- Section 11-54-192 Provisions of article cumulative.
- Section 11-54-210 Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-54-211 Authority of municipalities to acquire real property for donation to United States for defense purposes; issuance of bonds, etc., to fund purchase; conveyance to "related public corp
- Section 11-54A-1 Legislative intent.
- Section 11-54A-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-54A-3 Use of phrases.
- Section 11-54A-4 Filing of application; authorization of incorporation by governing body of city.
- Section 11-54A-5 Procedure to incorporate; contents and execution of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-54A-6 Amendments to certificate of incorporation; procedure.
- Section 11-54A-7 Board of directors; election, terms, eligibility, etc.
- Section 11-54A-8 Officers of authority.
- Section 11-54A-9 Powers of authority; all projects to be in development area.
- Section 11-54A-10 Bonds of authority.
- Section 11-54A-11 Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-54A-12 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-54A-13 Notice of bond resolution; 30 days to bring action to question bond validity.
- Section 11-54A-14 Exemption from taxation.
- Section 11-54A-15 Liability of city.
- Section 11-54A-16 Exemption from usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-54A-17 Exemption from competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-54A-18 Freedom of authority from state supervision and control.
- Section 11-54A-19 Earnings of authority.
- Section 11-54A-20 Dissolution of corporation and vesting of title to property in city.
- Section 11-54A-21 Existence of authority to prevent incorporation of another by city.
- Section 11-54A-22 Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to authority by counties, municipalities, etc.
- Section 11-54A-23 Provisions cumulative.
- Section 11-54A-24 Authorities organized under prior acts.
- Section 11-54A-25 Continued existence of authorities established before August 1, 2004; reincorporation.
- Section 11-54B-1 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-54B-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-54B-3 Development and maintenance of self-help business improvement districts.
- Section 11-54B-4 Findings required for public hearing on adoption of self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-5 Requirements of request for creation of self-help business improvement district.
- Section 11-54B-6 Mailing of proposed ordinance and notice of hearing.
- Section 11-54B-7 Review of self-help business improvement district plan and adoption of ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-8 Costs of supplemental services; assessment of classes; exemptions.
- Section 11-54B-9 Collection of special assessment; procedures; claim of lien; interest, penalties, and fees.
- Section 11-54B-10 Amendment of self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-11 District management corporation limits, powers, and duties.
- Section 11-54B-12 Annual budget of district management corporation.
- Section 11-54B-13 Retention of municipal police powers.
- Section 11-54B-14 Eminent domain utilization.
- Section 11-54B-15 Furniture, structure of facility not deemed nuisance.
- Section 11-54B-16 District management corporation contracts.
- Section 11-54B-17 Operation in other designated project areas.
- Section 11-54B-18 Annual reports and audits.
- Section 11-54B-19 Sunset provision.
- Section 11-54B-20 Tax exemption.
- Section 11-54B-21 Contracts for operation and management with other district management corporations.
- Section 11-54B-22 Merger of business improvement districts.
- Section 11-54B-40 Legislative findings.
- Section 11-54B-41 Definitions.
- Section 11-54B-42 Development and maintenance of self-help business improvement districts.
- Section 11-54B-43 Findings required for a public hearing on the adoption of a self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-44 Requirements of a request for the creation of a self-help business improvement district.
- Section 11-54B-45 Mailing of proposed ordinance and notice of hearing.
- Section 11-54B-46 Review of self-help business improvement district plan and adoption of ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-47 Costs of supplemental services.
- Section 11-54B-48 Collection of special assessment.
- Section 11-54B-49 Amendment of the self-help business improvement district ordinance.
- Section 11-54B-50 District management corporation limits, powers, and duties.
- Section 11-54B-51 Annual budget of the district management corporation.
- Section 11-54B-52 Retention of municipal police powers.
- Section 11-54B-53 Eminent domain utilization.
- Section 11-54B-54 Furniture, structure of facility not deemed nuisance.
- Section 11-54B-55 District management corporation contracts.
- Section 11-54B-56 Operation in other designated project areas.
- Section 11-54B-57 Annual reports and audits.
- Section 11-54B-58 Sunset provision.
- Section 11-55-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-55-2 Powers of municipalities generally as to acquisition and leasing of projects for post offices and issuance of bonds therefor.
- Section 11-55-3 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-55-4 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-55-5 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-55-6 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-55-7 Notice to, approval or consent of governmental body, etc., not to be required for sale or issuance of bonds or execution of mortgages.
- Section 11-55-8 Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-55-9 Contribution by municipalities to costs of acquisition of projects or use of municipal lands therefor; acceptance of donations of property or money for projects.
- Section 11-55-10 Requirements as to leases of projects.
- Section 11-55-11 Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-55-12 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-55-13 Authority of cities or towns to acquire, etc., and lease facilities to United States Postal Service; issuance of bonds, etc., to finance acquisitions.
- Section 11-56-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-56-2 Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-56-3 Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; procedure for incorporation generally.
- Section 11-56-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; approval by governing body.
- Section 11-56-5 Certificate of incorporation - Execution, acknowledgment, filing, and recordation.
- Section 11-56-6 Board of directors; record of proceedings of board.
- Section 11-56-7 Officers.
- Section 11-56-8 Powers generally.
- Section 11-56-9 Leasing of projects.
- Section 11-56-10 Bonds - Authority for issuance; security for payment of principal and interest generally; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-56-11 Bonds - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-56-12 Bonds - Execution and delivery.
- Section 11-56-13 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default generally.
- Section 11-56-14 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-56-15 Bonds - Remedies upon default in payment of principal or interest on bonds.
- Section 11-56-16 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-56-17 Investment in bonds - By municipalities.
- Section 11-56-18 Investment in bonds - By executors, savings banks, insurance companies, etc.
- Section 11-56-19 Conveyances of property to corporations by municipalities.
- Section 11-56-20 Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution; formation of corporations not to prevent subsequent
- Section 11-56-21 Exemption from taxation of projects, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-56-22 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-57-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-57-2 Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-57-3 Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; procedure for incorporation generally.
- Section 11-57-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment; approval by governing body.
- Section 11-57-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing and recordation.
- Section 11-57-6 Board of directors; record of proceedings of board.
- Section 11-57-7 Officers.
- Section 11-57-8 Powers - Generally.
- Section 11-57-9 Powers - Eminent domain.
- Section 11-57-10 Leasing of projects.
- Section 11-57-11 Bonds - Authority for issuance; security for payment of principal and interest generally; form, terms, denominations, etc.; sale, redemption, etc.
- Section 11-57-12 Bonds - Recital as to authority for issuance; notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bo
- Section 11-57-13 Bonds - Execution and delivery.
- Section 11-57-14 Bonds - Negotiability.
- Section 11-57-15 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-57-16 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-57-17 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-57-18 Investment in bonds - By municipalities.
- Section 11-57-19 Investment in bonds - By executors, savings banks, insurance companies, etc.
- Section 11-57-20 Remedies upon default on bonds, lease agreements, etc.
- Section 11-57-21 Liability of state or municipalities on bonds and obligations of authorities.
- Section 11-57-22 Investment of funds of authorities.
- Section 11-57-23 Conveyances of property to authorities by municipalities.
- Section 11-57-24 Authority and procedure for dissolution of authorities; vesting of title to assets or properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution; formation of authorities not to prevent su
- Section 11-57-25 Exemption from taxation of properties, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-57-26 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-58-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-58-2 Purpose of chapter; application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution and filing of certificate of incorporat
- Section 11-58-3 Contents, execution, acknowledgment, filing and recordation of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-58-4 Board of directors.
- Section 11-58-5 Powers of corporations generally.
- Section 11-58-5.1 Power of eminent domain.
- Section 11-58-6 Requirements as to leasing of medical clinics or clinical facilities; disposition of revenue from operation of clinic.
- Section 11-58-7 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, etc.; dissolution of corporation.
- Section 11-58-8 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-58-9 Bonds - Disposition of proceeds from sale.
- Section 11-58-10 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-58-11 Investment in bonds by savings banks and insurance companies.
- Section 11-58-12 Conveyances of properties to corporations by municipalities and counties.
- Section 11-58-13 Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to funds and properties thereof in municipalities or counties upon dissolution; effect of dissolution of corp
- Section 11-58-14 Exemptions of corporations - Taxation.
- Section 11-58-15 Exemptions of corporations - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-59-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-59-2 Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-59-3 Application for authority to incorporate public athletic board; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgment and filing of certificate
- Section 11-59-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-59-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval, and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-59-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-59-7 Board of directors.
- Section 11-59-8 Powers of corporations generally.
- Section 11-59-9 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-59-10 Bonds - Security for payment of principal and interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-59-11 Liability of municipalities upon bonds, obligations, agreements, etc., of corporations.
- Section 11-59-12 Conveyances of properties to corporations by municipalities.
- Section 11-59-13 Powers of corporations as to conveyances, etc., of title to facilities.
- Section 11-59-14 Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to facilities thereof in municipalities upon dissolution.
- Section 11-59-15 Documents of corporations may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-59-16 Exemption from taxation of corporations, facilities, bonds, etc.
- Section 11-59-17 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-60-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-60-2 Legislative intent; construction of chapter generally.
- Section 11-60-3 Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgment, and filing of certificate of incorporation
- Section 11-60-4 Certificate of incorporation - Contents; execution and acknowledgment.
- Section 11-60-5 Certificate of incorporation - Filing with probate judge; examination, approval, and recordation by probate judge.
- Section 11-60-6 Certificate of incorporation - Amendment.
- Section 11-60-7 Board of directors.
- Section 11-60-8 Powers of corporations generally; location of projects of corporations.
- Section 11-60-9 Bonds - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; refunding of bonds.
- Section 11-60-10 Bonds - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds, etc.
- Section 11-60-11 Bonds - Security for payment of principal or interest; remedies upon default.
- Section 11-60-12 Borrowing of money for temporary use and issuance of temporary revenue bonds as evidence thereof.
- Section 11-60-13 Liability of municipalities upon bonds, agreements, obligations, etc., of corporations.
- Section 11-60-14 Disposition of net earnings of corporations.
- Section 11-60-15 Authority and procedure for dissolution of corporations; vesting of title to funds and properties thereof in municipalities upon dissolution.
- Section 11-60-16 Documents of corporations may be filed for record without payment of taxes or certain fees.
- Section 11-60-17 Exemptions of corporations - Taxation.
- Section 11-60-18 Exemptions of corporations - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-60-19 Exemptions of corporations - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-60-20 Powers conferred on corporation cumulative; further proceedings, etc., as to incorporation and issuance of bonds not required; police powers of state and governmental subdivisions not
- Section 11-61-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-61-2 Authority of towns and cities with respect to parking facilities.
- Section 11-61-3 Chapter cumulative.
- Section 11-61A-1 Declarations.
- Section 11-61A-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-61A-3 Application for permission to incorporate.
- Section 11-61A-4 Certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-61A-5 Attachments to certificate.
- Section 11-61A-6 Changes and amendments.
- Section 11-61A-7 Board of directors.
- Section 11-61A-8 Officers.
- Section 11-61A-9 Powers.
- Section 11-61A-10 Operation of the facility.
- Section 11-61A-11 Funds.
- Section 11-61A-12 Permitted activities.
- Section 11-61A-13 Bonds.
- Section 11-61A-14 Signature on bonds.
- Section 11-61A-15 Issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-61A-16 Proceeds from sale of bonds.
- Section 11-61A-17 Refunding bonds.
- Section 11-61A-18 Tax exemption.
- Section 11-61A-19 Investment by governing body.
- Section 11-61A-20 Bonds deemed legal investment.
- Section 11-61A-21 Publication of notice.
- Section 11-61A-22 Advertising and award laws are applicable.
- Section 11-61A-23 Examination and audit of the records.
- Section 11-61A-24 Dissolution.
- Section 11-62-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-62-2 Legislative findings and declarations.
- Section 11-62-3 Application for authority to form corporation; adoption of resolution by governing body authorizing incorporation; execution, acknowledgement, filing, recordation and contents of certi
- Section 11-62-4 Amendment of certificate of incorporation.
- Section 11-62-5 Board of directors.
- Section 11-62-6 Officers.
- Section 11-62-7 Powers of authority generally; operation of facilities by authority.
- Section 11-62-8 Bonds and notes generally - Form, terms, denominations, etc.; execution, sale, delivery, redemption, etc.; security for payment of principal or interest; remedies upon default; liabili
- Section 11-62-9 Bonds and notes generally - Notice of resolution authorizing issuance of bonds or notes; limitation period for actions, etc., as to validity of proceedings for issuance of bonds.
- Section 11-62-10 Refunding bonds and notes.
- Section 11-62-11 Investment in bonds and notes by state, counties, municipalities, etc.
- Section 11-62-12 Establishment and maintenance of special debt service reserve funds, etc.
- Section 11-62-13 Limitations as to operation of facilities - Administration or management of facilities by third parties under employment arrangements or management contracts.
- Section 11-62-14 Limitations as to operation of facilities - Use of facility for promotion of sectarian purposes, advancement, or inhibition of religious activities, etc.
- Section 11-62-15 Disposition of net earnings of authority.
- Section 11-62-16 Loans, sales, grants, etc., of money, property, etc., to authority by counties, municipalities, public corporations, etc.
- Section 11-62-17 Authority and procedure for dissolution of authority; vesting of title to assets and properties of authority upon dissolution of authority; effect of dissolution of authority upon for
- Section 11-62-18 Exemptions of authority - Taxation.
- Section 11-62-19 Exemptions of authority - Usury and interest laws.
- Section 11-62-20 Exemptions of authority - Competitive bid laws.
- Section 11-62-21 Construction of chapter.
- Section 11-63-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-63-2 Loans, grants, etc., of property, payment of principal or interest on outstanding bonds and securities, etc., by municipalities for assistance of related public corporations authorized
- Section 11-63-3 Form, terms, denominations, etc., of securities issued by municipalities generally; sale, execution, delivery and refunding thereof; security for payment of principal and interest.
- Section 11-63-4 Disposition of proceeds from municipal securities; limitation as to aggregate principal amount of securities to be issued.
- Section 11-64-1 Definitions.
- Section 11-64-2 Power and authority of grantees.
- Section 11-64-3 Power and authority of municipalities and public corporations.
- Section 11-64-4 Securities; maturity; total principal amount; denomination and tenor; execution; coupons for interest.
- Section 11-64-5 Exemption of securities from taxation.
- Section 11-64-6 Investment status of securities.
- Section 11-64-7 Additional authority; chapter not to repeal, restrict, or modify any law.
- Section 11-65-1 Legislative declarations and findings.
- Section 11-65-2 Definitions.
- Section 11-65-3 Class 1 municipality authorized to create racing commission; status of commission; powers and duties generally; disposition of fees; jurisdiction of State Ethics Commission.
- Section 11-65-4 Elections required to approve incorporation of commission and conduct of racing and pari-mutuel wagering thereon.
- Section 11-65-5 Composition of commission; terms; qualifications; removal from office.
- Section 11-65-6 Incorporation of commission.
- Section 11-65-7 General provisions respecting members of commission.
- Section 11-65-8 Officers of commission.
- Section 11-65-9 Treasurer of commission; investment of funds of commission.
- Section 11-65-10 Powers and duties of commission.
- Section 11-65-11 Qualifications of commission employees.
- Section 11-65-12 Review of commission action.
- Section 11-65-13 Request for injunctions authorized.
- Section 11-65-14 Commission licenses required for certain activities; conditions relating to award and use of licenses.
- Section 11-65-15 Application for horse racing facility license.
- Section 11-65-16 Review of application for horse racing facility license.
- Section 11-65-17 Terms of horse racing facility license.
- Section 11-65-18 Application for operator's license.
- Section 11-65-19 Review of application for operator's license.
- Section 11-65-20 Terms of operator's license.
- Section 11-65-21 Suspension or revocation of license.
- Section 11-65-22 Acquisition of interest in horse racing facility licensee or operator.
- Section 11-65-23 Permits required for certain individuals and companies.
- Section 11-65-24 Application for permit.
- Section 11-65-25 Review of applications for permits.
- Section 11-65-26 Suspension or revocation of permit.
- Section 11-65-27 Licenses required for stewards and judges of races; appointment of stewards and judges.
- Section 11-65-28 Pari-mutuel wagering.
- Section 11-65-28.1 Modification of takeout for all racing events.
- Section 11-65-29 State horse wagering fee.
- Section 11-65-30 Commission wagering fees.
- Section 11-65-30.1 Commission greyhound racing days.
- Section 11-65-31 Purses for horse races and greyhound races.
- Section 11-65-32 Televised simulcast programming of racing events.
- Section 11-65-32.1 Televised racing and pari-mutuel wagering; pari-mutuel pools and takeout; construction.
- Section 11-65-33 Racetrack admission fee.
- Section 11-65-34 Horse breeding fund.
- Section 11-65-35 Concerning certain taxes.
- Section 11-65-36 Application of net commission revenues.
- Section 11-65-37 Conducting race without license prohibited; wagering on certain races prohibited.
- Section 11-65-38 Disqualification due to gambling activities.
- Section 11-65-39 Tampering with racing animals prohibited.
- Section 11-65-40 Transmission of racing information prohibited.
- Section 11-65-41 Possession of certain drugs prohibited.
- Section 11-65-42 Misuse of license.
- Section 11-65-43 Racing under unregistered name prohibited.
- Section 11-65-44 Presence of underage persons prohibited.
- Section 11-65-45.1 Limitation of personal liability of commission members and officers.
- Section 11-65-47 Applicability of chapter; severability of provisions.
- Section 11-66-1 Short title.
- Section 11-66-2 Legislative findings and declaration of purpose.
- Section 11-66-3 Definitions.
- Section 11-66-4 Fund created.
- Section 11-66-5 Appropriations.
- Section 11-66-6 Distribution of fund capital.
- Section 11-66-7 Payment of allocations.
- Section 11-67-1 Article applicable to Class 2 municipalities.
- Section 11-67-2 Weeds may be declared public nuisance and abated.
- Section 11-67-3 Resolution declaring weeds to be public nuisance and ordering abatement.
- Section 11-67-4 Notice to owner of public hearing; contents; publication in newspaper; posting of signs and form thereof.
- Section 11-67-5 Hearing procedure; decision of council; jurisdiction to remove weeds; finality of decision.
- Section 11-67-6 Entry of municipal employees and agents on property to abate nuisance; abatement by private contractor; right of owner to have weeds removed at own expense.
- Section 11-67-7 Account of cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; report to governing body; posting of report.
- Section 11-67-8 Hearing on cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; costs to constitute weed liens; report to Tax Collector; amounts to be included in tax bills; collection.
- Section 11-67-9 Effect of resolutions and account reports confirmed before enactment of article.
- Section 11-67-20 Applicability of article.
- Section 11-67-21 Weeds which may be declared public nuisance and abated.
- Section 11-67-22 Resolution declaring weeds to be public nuisance and ordering abatement.
- Section 11-67-23 Notice to owner of public hearing; contents; publication in newspaper; posting of signs and form thereof.
- Section 11-67-24 Hearing procedure; decision of council; jurisdiction to remove weeds; finality of decision.
- Section 11-67-25 Entry of municipal employees and agents on property to abate nuisance; abatement by private contractor; right of owner to have weeds removed at owner's expense.
- Section 11-67-26 Account of cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; report to governing body; posting of report.
- Section 11-67-27 Hearing on cost of abatement or removal of nuisance; costs to constitute weed liens; report to tax collector; amounts to be included in tax bills; collection.
- Section 11-67-28 Effect of resolutions and account reports confirmed before enactment of article.
- Section 11-67-40 Article applicable only to certain Class 4 municipalities.
- Section 11-67-41 Grass or weeds may be declared public nuisance and abated.
- Section 11-67-42 Notice.
- Section 11-67-43 Failure to abate condition; assessing cost of abatement.
- Section 11-67-44 Authority to assess against property sold to state for nonpayment of taxes; effect of subsequent redemption or sale by state on lien.
- Section 11-67-45 Article cumulative in nature.
- Section 11-67-60 Authority to abate public nuisance.
- Section 11-67-61 Weeds may be declared public nuisance; resolution to abate.
- Section 11-67-62 Notice.
- Section 11-67-63 Hearing.
- Section 11-67-64 Abatement of nuisance.
- Section 11-67-65 Report of costs.
- Section 11-67-66 Confirmation of report; weed liens.
- Section 11-67-67 Article cumulative.
- Section 11-67A-1 Applicability.
- Section 11-67A-2 Inoperable motor vehicle defined; nuisance exception.
- Section 11-67A-3 Establishment of procedures; costs of removal.
- Section 11-67A-4 Procedures generally.
- Section 11-67A-5 Notification to Department of Revenue.
- Section 11-67A-6 Administration of chapter.
- Section 11-67A-7 Liability.
- Section 11-67B-1 Applicability.
- Section 11-67B-2 Inoperable motor vehicle defined; nuisance exception.
- Section 11-67B-3 Establishment of procedures; costs of removal.
- Section 11-67B-4 Procedures generally.
- Section 11-67B-5 Notification to Department of Revenue.
- Section 11-67B-6 Administration of chapter.
- Section 11-67B-7 Liability.
- Section 11-68-1 Purpose of chapter.
- Section 11-68-2 Establishment of historic preservation commission and architectural review boards.
- Section 11-68-3 Composition of commission; nomination of members; terms of office; removal; vacancies; officers; rules; reimbursement of expenses; personnel; annual report; meetings.
- Section 11-68-4 Status of commission as nonprofit agency exempt from taxation.
- Section 11-68-5 Powers and duties of commission.
- Section 11-68-6 Designation of historic properties and historic districts by municipality on recommendation of commission; criteria.
- Section 11-68-7 Public hearing on proposed recommendation; notification of property owners.
- Section 11-68-8 Written notice of designation of historic property or district.
- Section 11-68-9 Certificate of appropriateness prerequisite to changes in historic property or district; submission and consideration of application for certificate; rules, regulations, and standards;
- Section 11-68-10 Appeal of denial to circuit court.
- Section 11-68-11 Issuance of certificate; factors considered; reasons for rejection; application for reconsideration; effect of rejection on issuance of building permit.
- Section 11-68-12 Institution of court proceedings to prevent violations and recover damages.
- Section 11-68-13 Architectural review board; composition; nomination of members; terms; removal for cause; vacancies; officers; rules; reimbursement for expenses; personnel; meetings; multiple boards.
- Section 11-68-14 Effect of chapter on preexisting historic development commissions or architectural review boards.
- Section 11-68-15 Applicability of chapter to highways, bridges, etc.; applicability of federal provisions.
- Section 11-69-1 Adoption and implementation of plan.
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