Such city or town shall continue its organization as a body corporate under the name of the city or town of _____ (inserting the name of said city or town). It shall continue to be subject to all the duties and obligations then pertaining to or incumbent upon it as a municipal organization and shall continue to enjoy all rights, immunities, powers, and franchises then enjoyed by it, as well as those that may hereafter be granted to it.
All laws governing such city or town and not inconsistent with the provisions of this article shall apply to and govern said city or town after it shall have become organized under the aldermanic form as provided by this article. All bylaws, ordinances, and resolutions lawfully passed and enforced in said city or town under its former organization shall remain in force until altered or repealed as authorized by law.
(Acts 1915, No. 699, p. 770; Code 1923, §2403; Code 1940, T. 37, §129.)