At elections for commissioners under this article the ballots shall be substantially in the following form:
For commissioner for position numbered 1 (or position numbered 2, or position numbered 3, as the case might be) of the city (or town) of _____ (insert name of city or town) for term ending September 30, 2__.
__________________ | |
A.B. | |
__________________ | |
C.D. | |
__________________ | |
E.F. | |
__________________ | |
G.H. | |
__________________ | |
I.J. | |
__________________ | |
K.L. | |
___________________ | |
M.N. | |
___________________ |
At such election the names of all candidates for commissioner who have qualified as such as provided in this article shall be printed on the ballots in alphabetical order. If more than one office is to be filled, the tickets shall be extended so as to likewise present the names of the candidates for the other offices. Each qualified elector may vote for his choice for each office to be filled. No defect in the form of the ballot or technicality or inaccuracy in such election or in the call, notice, or conduct thereof shall invalidate such election if the same was in substance fairly conducted and the will of the people fairly expressed thereat.
In those municipalities where voting machines have been adopted as the means for registering or recording and computing the vote at all elections held in such municipalities, the list of candidates on the voting machines shall be so placed on the machine as to permit the voting for candidates to be conducted under the laws of this state applicable to voting machines, and the election shall be conducted in compliance with and conformity to such laws. Except as is otherwise provided in this article, all elections for commissioners hereunder shall be conducted as provided by the general laws of this state applicable thereto and at the expense of the city or towns in which such election is held.
(Acts 1911, No. 281, p. 330; Acts 1939, No. 246, p. 408; Code 1940, T. 37, §101; Acts 1945, No. 295, p. 490, §3.)