Redemption may be effected after expiration of the fixed two-year period of redemption allowed or provided by Section 11-48-54 and before the extended period of redemption has expired in the same manner and at the same redemption price as is provided in Section 11-48-54; provided, that if the probate judge has made the certificate of warning to redeem as provided in Section 11-48-57, said redemption price shall be increased by $1.00; provided further, that if the grantee in the aforesaid public improvement assessment sale deed or any person deraigning any title or right under him shall have placed any improvements upon said property after expiration of the fixed two-year period of redemption allowed or provided by Section 11-48-54, then redemption must be effected by a civil action, and the redemption price shall be increased by the value of such improvements, to be ascertained in such civil action by the court.
(Acts 1939, No. 204, p. 354; Code 1940, T. 37, §567.)