For the purpose of securing public transportation or aiding or cooperating with the authority in the planning, development, undertaking, construction, acquisition, extension, improvement, operation, or protection of transit systems, any county, municipality or other political subdivision, public corporation, agency, or instrumentality of this state may, upon such terms and with or without consideration, as it may determine:
(1) Lend or donate money to, or perform services for the benefit of, the authority;
(2) Donate, sell, convey, transfer, lease, or grant to the authority, without the necessity of authorization at any election of qualified voters, any property of any kind, including, but without limitation, any transit systems, any interest in any thereof, and any franchise;
(3) Provide that all or a portion of the taxes or funds available or to become available to, or required by law to be used by it for public transportation service or for the support of transit systems, be transferred or paid directly to the authority as such funds become available; and
(4) Do any and all things, whether or not specifically authorized in this section, not otherwise prohibited by law, that may be necessary or convenient to aid and cooperate with the authority in the planning, undertaking, construction, acquisition, or operation of transit systems.
(Acts 1979, No. 79-777, p. 1380, §14.)