All acts or proceedings heretofore done or taken for the purpose of incorporating any gas district under the provisions of this article are hereby validated and declared legal, notwithstanding that the resolution adopted by the governing body of any municipality which is a member of such gas district authorizing its mayor to proceed with the organization and incorporation of such gas district in purported compliance with Section 11-50-391 does not set forth a brief description of the gas system or systems to be owned and operated by such gas district or fails to comply in other respects with the provisions of said Section 11-50-391, notwithstanding failure to publish any resolution and notwithstanding that the objects for which such gas district is organized as stated in the certificate of incorporation of such gas district, filed in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the principal office of such gas district is located, include objects or purposes which are not authorized by said article; provided, that such gas district shall not have or exercise any power which is not conferred upon said district by said article or by any act amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto heretofore or hereafter adopted or by this section.
(Acts 1955, No. 559, p. 1221.)