The following words and phrases and others importing the same meaning, where used in this chapter, shall be given the following respective interpretations and meanings:
(1) THE CORPORATION. Any corporation organized under this chapter.
(2) APPLICANTS. Those persons who organize the corporation.
(3) POWER DISTRICT. The territory proposed to be served by the corporation as specified in its certificate of incorporation as originally filed or any amendment thereto made pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
(4) MUNICIPALITY or MUNICIPALITIES. Any city or town incorporated under the laws of Alabama.
(5) COUNTY or COUNTIES. Any county organized under the laws of Alabama.
(6) GOVERNING BODY. Whenever used in relation to any municipality, the city or town council, city commission or the body or board, by whatsoever name known, having charge of the governing of a municipality, and shall be held to include the mayor or other chief executive officer of the municipality in any case where the concurrence or approval of such officer is required by the law governing such municipality for the adoption of any municipal resolution provided for in this chapter.
(7) CERTIFICATE OF INCORPORATION or CERTIFICATE. The certificate of incorporation of the corporation.
(8) BOARD. The board of directors of the corporation, as duly constituted and when acting as a board.
(9) DIRECTOR or DIRECTORS. The members of the board.
(10) UTILITY or UTILITIES. Any plant, works, system, facilities, or properties, together with all parts thereof and appurtenances thereto, including contract and franchise rights, used and useful primarily for the production, transmission, or distribution of electric energy.
(11) BONDS. Any bonds, notes, warrants, or other evidences of obligations issued by the corporation.
(Acts 1943, No. 158, p. 142.)