Whenever the judge of probate cancels a tax sale as to a private purchaser under and in accordance with the provisions of law in regard to state and county taxes, he must give to such purchaser a certificate to the mayor or other governing head of the municipality showing the amount of municipal taxes received by the municipality from such tax sale in the same manner and way as he is required by the provisions of law in regard to state and county taxes to give certificates showing the amount the state and county have received, and thereupon, when said certificate is presented to the mayor or other governing head of the municipality, it shall be the duty of the mayor or other governing head to present such certificate at the next meeting of the council, board of commissioners, or other governing body of the municipality, and the amount so paid to the municipality must be allowed by such council, board of commissioners, or other governing body, and an order shall be made directing the treasurer or acting treasurer to pay the same.
(Acts 1931, No. 300, p. 337; Acts 1939, No. 57, p. 67; Code 1940, T. 37, §728.)