(a) Any taxpayer engaged at one location in more than one line of business falling within separate NAICS sector or sub-sectors, for which a business license is or may be required by the municipality in accordance with this chapter, shall take out and pay for a license for each separate NAICS sector or sub-sectors from which the taxpayer derived more than 10 percent of its gross receipts during the preceding license year. Provided, however, that for each business license, the gross receipts which shall be taxed with regard to such license shall, except as provided in subsection (c) and other provisions of Act 2006-586, be only those gross receipts which arise within the line of business which is the subject of the license.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a), a municipality may, in its discretion as evidenced by adoption of an ordinance, increase the 10 percent gross receipts threshold to no more than 35 percent.
(c) Nothing herein shall be construed to exempt the gross receipts derived from one or more additional lines of business of the taxpayer if those gross receipts do not exceed the required threshold for the purchase of a second or multiple business license. Instead, those gross receipts shall be included in the business license for the taxpayer's primary line of business.
(Code 1907, §1346; Code 1923, §2169; Code 1940, T. 37, §756; Act 2006-586, p. 1548, §2.)