Upon demolition and removal of a building or structure, the board shall make a report to the governing body of the cost. The governing body shall adopt a resolution fixing the costs which it finds were reasonably incurred in the demolition and removal and assess the costs against the property. The proceeds of any monies received from the sale of salvaged materials from the building or structure shall be used or applied against the cost of the demolition and removal. Any person, firm, or corporation having an interest in the property may be heard at the meeting concerning any objection he or she may have to the fixing of the costs. The city clerk shall give not less than 15 days' notice of the meeting at which the fixing of the costs are to be considered by publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The fixing of costs by the governing body shall constitute a special assessment against the lot or lots, parcel, or parcels of land upon which the building or structure was located, and shall constitute a lien on the property for the amount of the assessment. The lien shall be superior to all other liens on the property except prior recorded mortgages and other prior recorded security interests and liens for taxes, and shall continue in force until paid. The city clerk shall mail a certified copy of the resolution by registered or certified mail to the person last assessed for ad valorem taxes, and a certified copy of the resolution shall be published in the manner and as prescribed for the publication of municipal ordinances. A certified copy of the resolution shall also be filed in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the city is situated.
(Acts 1992, No. 92-572, p. 1182, §4.)