At any time after an assessment sale deed has been recorded in the office of the judge of probate of the county in which the property therein described lies and after expiration of the fixed two-year period of redemption allowed by Section 11-53B-10, any person may apply to the judge of probate for the certificate of warning to redeem, which references the recorded volume and page number of the deed to be recorded in the real estate records, in substantially the following form: "I hereby certify that on or prior to the date of this certificate, I mailed a certified copy of the deed here recorded, together with notice that the same is here recorded, and a warning to redeem to each of the one or more persons other than the grantee in said deed, to whom the property therein described was last finally assessed for ad valorem taxation at the address of each such person as shown by said ad valorem tax assessment records. This ___ day of ____, 2___, Judge of Probate, ___ County, Alabama."
(Act 2002-522, p. 1355, §12.)