The following words and phrases used in this article shall, in the absence of clear implication otherwise, be given the following interpretations:
(1) APPLICANT. A natural person who files a written application with the governing body of any municipality in accordance with Section 11-54-173.
(2) AUTHORITY. A public corporation organized pursuant to this article.
(3) AUTHORIZING MUNICIPALITY. Any municipality the governing body of which shall have adopted an authorizing resolution.
(4) AUTHORIZING RESOLUTION. A resolution adopted by the governing body of any municipality in accordance with Section 11-54-173, that authorizes the incorporation of an authority.
(5) BOARD. The board of directors of an authority.
(6) BONDS. Includes bonds, notes, and certificates representing an obligation to pay money.
(7) COUNTY. Any county in the state.
(8) DIRECTOR. A member of the board of an authority.
(9) GOVERNING BODY. With respect to a municipality, its city or town council, board of commissioners, or other like governing body.
(10) INCORPORATORS. The persons forming a public corporation organized pursuant to this article.
(11) MUNICIPALITY. Any incorporated city or town of the state.
(12) PERSON. Unless limited to a natural person by the context in which it is used, includes a public or private corporation, a municipality, a county, or an agency, department, or instrumentality of the state, or of a county or municipality.
(13) PRINCIPAL OFFICE. The place at which the certificate of incorporation and amendments thereto, the bylaws, and the minutes of the proceedings of the board of an authority are kept.
(14) POLLUTION. Any of the following:
a. The placing, whether by emission, discharge, leakage, or other means, of any noxious or deleterious noise or substance into any air or water of, in, or adjacent to the State of Alabama.
b. The contaminating of air and water.
c. The affecting of any air or water so as to render or be likely to render the air or water, or the use of either for domestic, industrial, agricultural, or recreational purposes, hazardous, inimical, or harmful to the health, safety, or welfare of human beings, animals, birds, aquatic creatures, or any of them, or to the existence or growth of vegetation.
(15) POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITY. Any land, building, structure, machinery, or equipment having to do with or designed for or the end purpose of which is the control, reduction, abatement, or prevention of air, noise, water, or general environmental pollution, including, but not limited to the following: Any air pollution control facility, noise abatement, or reduction facility, water management facility, water purification facility, waste water collecting system, waste water treatment works, or solid waste disposal facility.
a. Any land and any building or other improvement thereon and all real and personal properties deemed necessary in connection therewith, whether or not now in existence, which shall be suitable for use by the following or by any combination of two or more of the following:
1. Any commercial enterprise engaged in the manufacturing, processing, assembling, storing, warehousing, distributing, or selling of any products of agriculture, mining, or industry.
2. Any enterprise for the purpose of research in connection with:
(i) Any of the foregoing.
(ii) The development of new products or new processes.
(iii) The improvement of existing products or known processes.
(iv) The development of facilities for the exploration of outer space or promotion of the national defense.
3. Any commercial enterprise engaged in selling, servicing, providing, or handling any policies of insurance or any financial services.
b. Any land and any building or other improvement thereon and all real and personal property deemed necessary in connection therewith, whether or not now in existence, which shall be suitable for use as all or any part of the following:
1. A ship canal, port or port facility, off-street parking facility, dock or dock facility, harbor facility, railroad, monorail or tramway, railway terminal or railway belt line and switch.
2. An office building or buildings.
3. A planetarium or museum.
4. A pollution control facility.
5. A hotel, including parking facilities, facilities for meetings, and facilities suitable for rental to persons engaged in any business, trade, profession, occupation, or activity.
6. A shopping center or similar facility suitable for use by two or more commercial enterprises engaged in any business, trade, profession, occupation, or activity, provided, that a project shall not include facilities, other than office buildings or other buildings suitable for use as corporate headquarters, designed for the sale or distribution to the public of electricity, gas, water, or telephone, or other services commonly classified as public utilities.
(17) STATE. The State of Alabama.
(Acts 1980, No. 80-648, p. 1235, §2; Acts 1981, No. 81-729, p. 1251, §3; Acts 1994, No. 94-323, §1.)