(a) Any county and any incorporated city and town may transfer and convey to its county or municipal medical clinic board, as the case may be, that is duly incorporated pursuant to this chapter, any property that may, immediately preceding the conveyance, have been owned by the county or municipality, including medical clinics and clinical facilities, hospitals and hospital facilities, and assets and any land used or useable for medical clinic or hospital purposes, whether or not the property is necessary for the conduct of the governmental or other public functions of the county or municipality. A transfer or conveyance of property shall have prior authorization by resolution duly adopted by the governing body of the county, respecting county medical clinics, or the municipality. The resolution shall have been published one time, at least five days before a transfer or conveyance is consummated, in a newspaper published in the county, respecting county medical clinics, or the municipality, regarding municipal medical clinics. If no newspaper is published in the municipality, the resolution shall be published in a newspaper published or circulated in the county the municipality is located. A transfer or conveyance may be made with or without the payment of monetary or other consideration therefor.
(b) The foregoing authorization shall apply to any hospital, hospital assets, or other property, tangible or intangible, received by an incorporated city or town upon the dissolution of any hospital building authority incorporated under Sections 22-21-130 through 22-21-155.
(Acts 1973, No. 1225, p. 2072; Acts 1994, No. 94-642, p. 1203, §1.)